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York County Virginia

Map of Va: York CountyYork County was one of the original shires established in 1634. It was first known as Charles River County until 1642/43 when the name was changed to York. Territory was taken from York to form Gloucester County in 1651 and again in 1654 for the creation of New Kent County. In 1769 a small parcel of land on which the James City County court house was due to be built was transferred to that county from York. in 1852 land was added from York County to the city of Williamsburg and its vicinity. The records of York County are almost complete, despite the heavy fighting in the area during the Civil War. The records were transferred from the courthouse to a boat and hidden in the upper reaches of the Pamunkey River until the fighting subsided.

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  • Charles Parish, York Co., Va, History and Registers: Births, 1648-1789; Deaths, 1665-1787
  • York Co., Va 1810 Census
  • York Co., Va Marriages, vol.1: Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1769-1853
  • York Co., Va Records, 1665-1672
  • York Co., Va Records, 1659-1662
  • York Co., Va Records, 1672-1676

  • Charles Parish, York Co., Va, History and Registers: Births, 1648-1789; Deaths, 1665-1787 by Landon C. Bell. Published 1932; reprinted 2011, 6 x 9, xii, 285 pages.

    This volume, first printed in 1932, is a transcription of the Register of Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, and it contains the earliest entries of any Virginia church record book in existence. For easy reference, the author reorganized the contents of the original register into two separate alphabetical lists, one for births (3,500+) and the other for deaths (c. 2,000). Births usually give the child's name, the names of the parents, the date of birth and, sometimes, the date of baptism. The death records indicate the decedent's full name and date of death, and, sometimes, the given name of a spouse or parent. Chapters are also included on a narrative history of the formation of Charles Parish and its relationship to York County. The historical narrative discusses the origins of the parish, controversies arising out of the election of parish vestrymen and the arrival of parish ministers and their families. A complete index of every name found in the history and among the birth and death records is provided.

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    [CPHR] $27.00     (printed version)

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    [ECPHR] $18.00     (electronic version)

    YORK CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 2010, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, xii, 23 pages, illustrations, maps, in the original rough alphabetic order by letter. This is the first surviving census for York, which has the distinction of being one of the oldest counties in the nation. Its location astride the Virginia Peninsula, with its fine harbors and close proximity to the Virginia colonial capital of Williamsburg, attracted merchants, politicians, and artisans. Although the tide of settlement had long passed by the time of the 1810 census, many of the families who had moved on westward remained with collateral descendants in York. In addition, the enumerator of the census identified those persons residing in York Town [where Cornwallis had surrendered to end the American Revolution] as well as the environs of Williamsburg.

    Surnames found in the 1810 York census:
    Allen; Alvis; Anderson; Apperson; Archer; Armfeild; Armistead; Ash; Ashby; Austin; Bailey; Banks; Baptist; Barnett; Bart; Bartlet; Bates; Bell; Belvin; Berry; Blassingham; Block; Blow; Bohanon; Bollett; Booth; Boutwell; Bowen; Bowser; Brackin; Bridget; Briggs; Bright; Brooks; Broughton; Brown; Bryan; Bullifant; Burcher; Burt; Burwell; Campbell; Cardwell; Cary; Chabot; Challis; Chambers; Chapman; Charles; Charlton; Chisman; Christopher; Coke; Cole; Coleman; Combs; Cook; Cooper; Corbin; Cosby; Cowles; Cox; Craig; Crapper; Crenshaw; Crittendon; Crocket; Curtis; Cuttillo; Dagnal; Davenport; Davis; Dawson; Dixon; Drakes; Drewry; Eaton; Edwards; Elliott; Ellis; Esther; Fitzhugh; Fletcher; Foster; Fox; Francis; Freeman; Garrett; Garrow; Gault; Germain; Gibbons; Gibbs; Giddens; Gillet; Gilliam; Godfrey; Goodall; Goodwin; Goosley; Grass; Graves; Griffin; Grimes; Gun; Guy; Hailey; Haily; Hankins; Hansford; Harris; Harrison; Hays; Hazlewood; Henderson; Hill; Hobday; Hogg; Holloway; Hopkins; Hopson; Howard; Hubberd; Hughes; Hunt; Huson; Inge; Insley; Jackson; James; Jarvis; Jasper; Jennings; Jestice; Johns; Johnson; Jones; Jordan; Kerr; King; Kirby; Lang; Larke; Lawson; Leavil; Leber; Lee; Lightfoot; Lindsay; Lively; Lyons; Macaulay; Macklin; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Matthews; McCrosky; Meads; Melson; Mennis; Messick; Monnet; Moore; Moreland; Morgan; Morris; Moss; Muller; Nelson; Newman; Newstep; Nicolson; Notts; Orrell; Paradise; Parsons; Patrick; Patterson; Peachy; Peerman; Pescud; Peters; Phillips; Pigg; Poe; Potts; Powell; Power; Presson; Provoo; Purdie; Ratcliffe; Redcross; Repiton; Reynolds; Richards; Rider; Roan; Roberts; Robinson; Rode; Rogers; Rollins; Roundtree; Rowe; Royce; Russell; Salter; Sands; Saunders; Scott; Seawell; Selater; Semple; Shackleford; Sheild; Skipwith; Slaughter; Smith; Southall; Speed; Spencer; Stakes; Stedman; Stevens; Stokes; Stroud; Tabb; Taylor; Tazewell; Teagle; Tennis; Tensor; Teterel; Thomas; Throckmorton; Timpson; Tinny; Tompkins; Toppin; Traverse; Tucker; Turner; Tyler; Valentine; Verges; Wade; Walker; Wallace; Waller; Walters; Warburton; Washer; Watkins; Weathers; Webb; White; Whitfeild; Williams; Wills; Wilsford; Wilson; Wise; Wiseright; Wood; Wright; Wyatt; Wynne; and Young.

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    [EYORK10] $6.00     (electronic version)

    YORK COUNTY, VIRGINIA MARRIAGES, VOL.1: BONDS & MINISTERS' RETURNS, 1769-1853 compiled & annotated by Michael Pollock. 1994, viii, 166 pages, index. The author adds a valuable set of annotations and comments to this valuable collection of marriage records. York was an original county, and while no marriage records exist for its first 140+ years, those records beginning about 1769 represent descendants of many of the original families who settled in the area during the seventeenth century.

    To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-York
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    [York] $20.00     (printed version)

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    [EYORK] $12.00     (electronic version)

    YORK COUNTY, VA RECORDS, 1659-1662 by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, 1989. 188 pages, index. This is similar to the abstracts noted above, but for an earlier period.
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    [Ykr1] $22.00     (printed version)

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    [EYKR1] $15.00     (electronic version)

    YORK COUNTY, VA RECORDS, 1665-1672 by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, 1987. 281 pages, index. Abstracts of Record Book #4 containing wills, deeds, orders, depositions, etc., are transcribed in this volume.

    To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Ykr2
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    [Ykr2] $27.00     (printed version)

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    [EYKR2] $18.00     (electronic version)

    YORK COUNTY, VA RECORDS, 1672-1676 by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, 1991. 216 pages, index. This continues abstracts as above of Record Book #5 for this period.
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    [Ykr3] $24.00     (printed version)

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    transcribed & edited by John Vogt. 2004, 8x10, xiv, 119 pages, index. Paperback; printed on acid-free stock.

    the parish register which survives covers the years 1662, twelve years before the formation of Bruton Parish (these records are those of the earlier Middleton Parish) up past the American Revolution to the mid 1790s. It records life events for both the great men of society as well as artisans, children, servants, slaves, bastard children, and reflects a cross-section of the Williamsburg community during its heyday when it served as the capital of the colony. More than 3,400 entries list either births, baptisms, deaths, or burials. There are no marriage records.

    The editor has provided a meticulous transcription of the register, using his training in colonial paleography to correct many of the previous mis-readings. A full index is included as well as an extensive introduction. This will provide valuable information for anyone with family in the York/James City/Williamsburg area during the eighteenth century.

    Dating from 1715, Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg is the third in a series of Anglican houses of worship that began in 1658. The first, which may have been at or near the 18th-century site, was built, probably of wood, in the Old Fields at Middle Plantation, Williamsburg's name until the 66-year-old community was incorporated in 1699.

    Formed from Middletown and Marston Parishes in 1674, Bruton Parish was about 10 miles square. It is named for Bruton, Somersetshire, in England, the home of then-Governor William Berkeley and Virginia secretary Thomas Ludwell. As late as 1724, the parish contained only 110 families.

    The church stood near the center of Williamsburg's original survey map drawn 15 years later. Its location suggested the church's importance to the colonial community's life. Virginia governors, from the time of Alexander Spotswood, were provided with a canopied chair on a platform inside the rail opposite the raised pulpit with its overhanging sounding board. Parishioners sat in boxed pews, their walls providing privacy and protection from drafts. In the early years the sexes sat apart. A vestry book entry for January 9, 1716, says: Ordered that the Men sitt on the North side of the church, and the women on the left.

    Among the Williamsburg notables buried beneath the marble flagstones inside the church was Governor Francis Fauquier, one of the best loved of the colonial governors, who died in 1768. The same year an English organ was installed. Gaolkeeper Peter Pelham was hired to play it and he brought to church with him a prisoner from the Gaol, whose job it was to pump the instrument.

    Among the men of the Revolution who attended Bruton Parish Church were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Richard Henry Lee, George Wythe, Patrick Henry, and George Mason.
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    York Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 12 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
    For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see: Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

    Surnames in this county directory:
    Abrams; Allen; Ambler; Andrews; Apperson; Archer; Armstead; Bailey; Banks; Baptist; Barker; Bates; Bennett; Berry; Boatwell; Bohannon; Booker; Booth; Boothe; Bright; Bristor; Brooks; Brown; Bryan; Buckner; Bullifant; Burt; Burwell; Campbell; Carter; Cary; Chambers; Chapman; Charles; Chisman;; Christian; Collier; Commines; Cook; Cooper; Corbin; Cox; Craig; Crockett; Crump; Curtis; Cuttillo; Davis; Dawson; Denos; Derazaroe; Devenport; Dixon; Dunn; Edden; Elliott; Ellis; Fisher; Fletcher; Foster; Fox; Garrett; Gayle; Gibbons; Gibbs; Gidden; Giddens; Goodwin; Goosley; Grant; Graves; Griffin; Guy; Hankins; Hansford; Harris; Harrison; Harwood; Hay; Hewitt; Hill; Hogg; Holland; Hollier; Holloway; Holt; Hopson; Howard; Hubberd; Hudgin; Hunt; Jarvis; Jones; Jordan; Kemp; King; Kirby; Lang; Lee; Leviles; Lewis; Lightfoot; Lively; Lowry; Lyons; MaCauley; MacCloud; Macerskey; Manson; McClary; McIntosh; Meade; Meades; Messick; Miles; Minson; Monnet; Moody; Moore; Moreland; Morgan; Morris; Moss; Mosse; Muller; Musgrove; Nelson; Newman; Nicolson; Orrill; Parsons; Patrick; Peachey; Peerman; Pescud; Peters; Phillips; Piotts; Potter; Powell; Presson; Proby; Provoo; Purdie; Ratcliff; Reade; Richart; Roberts; Robinson; Rogers; Rollins; Rowsey; Russell; Sands; Seburn; Selater; Sheild; Sheilds; Skipwith; Smith; Sneed; Southall; Southgate; Stedman; Stroud; Tabb; Tayler; Tazewell; Tennis; Timpson; Tinney; Tompkins; Toomer; Tyler; Valentine; Vaughan; Walker; Waller; Washer; Weathers; Whitaker; Williams; Wilson; Wise; Wood; Woods; Wright; and Wynne.
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    [Vd106] $5.00     (printed version)

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    [EVd106] $4.00     (electronic version)

    York Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 27 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
    To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-York
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    For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see:
    Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series
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    [Pc69] $6.00     (printed version)

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    [EPc69] $3.50     (electronic version)

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