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Washington County Virginia

Map of Va: Washington CountyWashington County was formed in 1777 from part of Fincastle when the latter was abolished. It is the first locality in the United States known to have been named for George Washington. Within six months of its creation, the eastern boundary was altered for better convenience of those settlers living in the area. Russell County was cut off in 1787, another part of Washington was taken to form Scott County in 1815, and finally a part was cut off in the formation of Smyth County in 1832. In 1974, nine square miles of Washington's territory was annexed to the independent city of Bristol. A fire set by Union troops burned the county courthouse on 15 December 1864. Lost were the county court minute books, 1786-1819, and 1821-1832. Also destroyed were the chancery records for 1777-1835.

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Washington County Will Books
Washington County Deed Books
Washington County Marriage Records
Washington County Censuses
Washington County Death Records
Washington County Minute Books
Washington County Personal Property Tax Lists
Washington County Miscellaneous Records
Washington County Court Order Books


WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 1, 1777-1792, With Annotations Abstracted and indexed by Jack Hockett & Don Helton, 2016. 8x10, xiii, 169 pages.

The Introduction to this work is provided below:
This Will Book (WB) 1 begins with the inventory of the estate of Henry Carswell [Cresswell], decd., which was recorded at Washington County Virginia (WCV) court, 26 Aug 1777, and ends 188 pages later (two pages being numbered 148 (148A) and 149 (149A) with the Power of Attorney from Joseph Martin of Henry Co VA to General James Robertson of Davidson Co (now TN) to sell land in Davidson Co to William Edmiston (Edmondson), recorded at WCV court, 21 June 1792. This WCV WB 1 was restored in 1936 through the efforts of the DAR and contains, at the beginning of the WB film, 5 pages in addition to the 188 pages of the WB itself. Four pages are barely legible and illegible in parts but have been transcribed as nearly as possible and placed at the end of this WB. Two of the pages appear to be the beginning of a petition for states or commonwealths east of the Allegheny Mountains to relinquish their western claims in order that new states could be formed to join the confederation.
As "mother" of early WCV, and source of the greatest number of its early inhabitants, the Dutch (03 Jun 1631), Swedish (1638) and eventually English Colony claimed 12 Mar 1664 through a grant from King Charles II and on 28 Feb 1681 chartered to William Penn, known today as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has no close competition. Immigration from Wm. Penn's colony flowed down the Valley from Carlisle to present day Bristol in successive waves, often stopping and occasionally dwelling a generation in such areas as Orange, Frederick/Berkeley, Augusta (and daughter counties of Rockbridge and Botetourt) and also via Western NC into SW VA. The Pennsylvanians were of Ulsterite, Scottish, English, and German (primarily Pfaltz/Palatinate) stock principally. Other areas also contributed to a lesser degree to the population of early WCV. From DE and MD came many, often via the National Road to briefly dwell in (present day) Berkeley Co (W)VA/Frederick Co VA before beginning their decent down the Valley. While in the Frederick/Berkeley area they mixed with colonists from the North, principally PA, NJ and NY. From the Northern Neck of VA, migration generally often followed an arc form through present day Stafford, Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun and into the Valley, thence to what became first Fincastle, then, WCV. Migration from the Middle Peninsula produced somewhat fewer early colonists to WCV, often entering the central Piedmont counties of the Commonwealth, and thence to WCV via one of the few water gaps. The areas of St. Clair and Hazel Spring were among those populated by New Englanders, often having first lived a period in the State of NY. Migrations into the area from the South were very light and often consisted of persons with Eastern Virginia roots whose ancestors had migrated Southward only relatively recently.

The WB 1 contains the following types of documents which have been fully transcribed:

LWT: Last Will and Testament: Varying in size and details (from a few lines to more extensive documents, these almost always provide the name of the testator, the date the will was written and date proved (enrolled; probated; proved at court), to whom and what the testator has left his estate (occasionally and sadly containing only wording such as "to all my children"… "to my dearly beloved wife", etc.), and frequently the executor or executrix and witnesses, followed by the proving (enrolling; probating) of the LWT in court by oaths of the witnesses, and the subsequent granting of the letters of administration by the court after (usually; unless otherwise requested in the LWT) the posting of bond; and, finally, the admission of the LWT to court record by the Court Clerk. In this WB, dates are sometimes omitted and clauses of exhibition and admission of record of the LWT were not inscribed into the WB. Generally speaking, a good idea of the death period of the testator or others is usually provided by the date of probate of the LWT, usually within 1-3 months after the decease of the testator.

Inventory and Appraisement of Estate (Real and Personal) of the Deceased: This contains an enumeration of articles belonging to the estate and the appraised value of each article, usually set by three appraisers (selected from a pool of 4 or 5 persons appointed by the court) who have taken an oath administered by the county court. Although the estate inventories very greatly in size, the contents of each are usually comprised of household and kitchen items, farm animals, farm and trade implements and slaves. Very frequently there is no grand total of the inventory. Interpretation of handwriting and definition of some of the articles (sometimes written in dialect) is sometimes more than a challenge (as well, occasionally, as how the clerk arrived at a particular line total!)
Sale Bill of the Estate of the Deceased: These are far less numerous in this WB1 than succeeding WBs, and contain the list of the items which were sold at auction (generally repetitive of the inventory and appraisal of the estate, with some variations), the name of the purchaser and the price they paid for the item[s].

Power of Attorney: From one person, usually not an inhabitant of the county or commonwealth, to another authorizing him to serve as their legal representative (frequently to sell land located in WCV) in legal matters.

Binding Out as Apprentice: Children, most particularly from less affluent families, were often bound to a person who was obligated to feed, cloth, provide rudimentary education and teach them a trade, giving them a small payment and suit of clothes upon the completion of their contract. This contract was binding upon both the master and the person bound out.

This work has been annotated, primarily using information from our own publications (Hockett, Helton) as well as those of Mr. Tom Colley, and others from private contributors (see bibliography included with this work), and other sources, as cited. The following have been prepared to assist with the reading of this WB: (a) a bibliography of the principal sources of the annotations; (b) a dictionary of terms (especially drawn from the inventories); (c) appears directly below; and a list of abbreviations used frequently in the annotations as well as credits to the many kind individual contributors are also included.

The WB 1 contains the typical "locator index" which has also been transcribed. As well, an every name index has been prepared by Mr. Donald Helton who, in order to assist the reader, has also indicated by "**" the person whose LWT is being presented.

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 2, 1791-1806 (revised edition) Jack Hockett. 2019 (original edition 165 pp. 2005), 8x10, iv, 276 pages. From the author's Introduction to the new edition:
"We are pleased to present this second effort (the first being complete/published 01 Aug 2002) total transcription and annotation of Washington County Virginia Will Book 2: 1791-1806, for the furthering of research efforts in the Washington County Virginia area. This 549 page Washington County Will Book 2 has been transcribed in total, excepting only a few parts (consisting usually of a few individual illegible words and, more frequently, figures - generally blackened from antique filming technique) where the filming is so imperfect (dark) so as to not allow for transcription or does so only for "best guess". This generally occurs in the first half of the film on every other page. Copies of these pages, should interest strike anyone, can be secured from the Washington County Courthouse in Abingdon. The use of "-" or "?" has been used for unreadable figures/dates.

Will Book (WB) 2 consists principally of last will and testaments, administration of estates, estate inventories, estate sales, manumissions, powers of attorney, ad quod damnums, deeds of trust, deeds of sale, deeds of gift, settlements of estate, statement/oaths of importation of slaves into the commonwealth, oaths of military offices, articles of agreement, assessment of new road routes, partition of estates, apprenticeships, passports, and examination of suspicious conduct. The deeds bearing mention of those from the cluster of French persons in Abingdon are of special interest: Le Chartier, de Tubeuf, Lefevre, Delaplanche & Despada as well as deeds or wills mentioning other states or commonwealths (e.g., TN, KY, PA, SC), Ireland and wills written first in German and then translated into English. There is a plethora of information on slaves - names, ages, ownership, et al. Prices of items inventoried and sold are given sometimes in pounds, shillings and pence and other times in dollars and cents and sometimes translated from pounds to dollars (sometimes separated by "/" and at other times by "."). The formula (and sometimes the addition) of how a total was arrived at is frequently mysterious to the transcriber despite the figures being clear and without any problem to transcribe! "
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 3, 1806-1812 Revised edition with full transcription, internal & every-name index Jack Hockett & Donald Helton 2019 (original ediion, 2005), 8x10, ii, 153 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 4, 1812-1820 Revised edition with full transcription, internal & every-name index Jack Hockett. 2020 (original ediion, 2005), 8x10, iv, 265 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 5, 1820-1827 (REVISED EDITION) Jack Hockett. 2020, 8x10, iv, 213 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 6, 1827-1834 (REVISED EDITION) Jack Hockett & Don Helton. 2020, 8x10, iv, 249 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 7, 1834-1838 (REVISED EDITION) Jack Hockett. 2005, 2020. 8x10, iv, 253 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 8, 1838-1841 (REVISED EDITION) Jack Hockett. 2006, 2020. 8x10, iv, 174 pages.
From the Introduction:
We are pleased to present this work, Washington County Virginia Will Book 8 1838-1841 (273 pages in the original), for the furthering of research efforts in the Washington County Virginia area. This work is primarily a transcription with some abstractions. It is an every-name work with the Last Wills and Testaments transcribed completely and the inventories and sales with complete listings of purchasers, items and prices. Will Book 8 consists principally of Last Will and Testaments (LWT), administration of estates, estate inventories, estate sales, manumissions (most often via LWT), powers of attorney, ad quod damnums, etc. This work includes many appraisements, inventories and sales of estates of larger proportions such as those of Tobias Smyth, Francis W. Irby, James L. White, James Farnsworth, Zachariah Shugart, John McCulloch, Samuel Knott, Claiborne Gumm, James Cummings, Jacob G. Stoffle (Stophel) and many others.
The abbreviations of the recording clerks have been retained as well as the punctuation; liberties have been taken by the transcriber for ease of reading by use of the colon(:). If the senior/editing clerk found an error in the recording, he most frequently underlined the whole word; the transcriber has underlined only the applicable part in instances where an error has been found.
The recordings basically follow the format followed in the abstractions in WBs 4, 5 6, & 7. My additions (not direct from text) are most frequently in italics. WB 8 is being presented with the original (albeit crude) Internal index as well as an every-name index.
In addition to the approximation of death dates, listings of families and such, it is interesting to compare the number of implied marriages with the actual records now available to the public in Washington County, realizing that many were out-of-county marriages, but also recognizing that there seem to also be some missing records within the county marriages during this period, thus causing one to revert to such works as this for implied marriages. A good number of annotations have been included in this work from published WCV and related areas works as well as from, find a grave and contributions of private individuals proficient in the subject family/families, as indicated in this work.
It is not a perfect work, there are many thousands of places to strike a wrong key or otherwise and a check of the original is always advised. But it is believed that this work is a vast improvement over the original publication (2001) which was taken from faulty film, the present film being superior; hence, many errors in the original have been corrected. Follow the golden rule when you are in doubt of something: Don't fret; go to the original!. This WB was copied by two separate persons in the year 1890 and certified; one person writing in backhand fashion.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 9, 1841-1845 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2020, 8x10, iv, 278 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 10, 1845-1848 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2020, 8x10, iv, 331 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 11, 1848-1850 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2020, 8x10, iv, 229 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 12, 1850-1853 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2021, 8x10, iv, 260 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 13, 1853-1856 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2021, 8x10, iv, 323 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 14, May 1856-1859 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2021, 8x10, iv, 340 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 15, Jan.1860- July 1863 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2021, 8x10, iv, 288 pages. From the Introduction-
We are pleased to present this work, WCV WB 15, for the furthering of research efforts in the Washington County Virginia (WCV) area. A more abridged transcription of this WB was released about 14 Feb 2003. The work now presented is an almost total transcription of WB 15 with expanded annotations and an every name index. This WB begins with an entry of 23 Jan 1860 (admission to record of the Last Will and Testament (LWT) of James R. Pepper and ends 480 pages later on 23 Feb 1863 with the admission to record of the LWT of James S. Glenn. Will Book 15 consists principally of last wills and testaments, administration of estates, estate inventories and appraisements, estate sales, renunciations, etc.
Several clerks were employed for the entries and inconsistencies of spelling, abbreviation, etc. abound as well as bad or no punctuation; however, this but should not detract from the central focus of the intended message of the recording. Certain clerks' handwriting do not always allow to distinguish between I and J and L and S, especially. Additionally, the film used for the 2003 publication was far too light, making for much guesswork; by contrast, the film used in this 2020 work is online and is sometimes too dark, not allowing for the upper right hand corner page numbers to be seen or the every-other-page lower right hand corner last digits or two to be seen. These are sometimes obscured on every-other-page and listed as such or if faint image allows, some guesswork has been effected. For those that need the missing details (usually figures), the original may be consulted in Abingdon, VA or the film the Library of VA, Richmond.
The Internal Index which accompanies this work in the courthouse of WCV and on films, has been transcribed and an every name index has also been prepared by Mr. Donald Helton and included in this work.
In addition to the approximation of death dates, listings of families and such, one may occasionally find records of implied marriages (especially those not listed in the present registers). Rarely, an unknown female surname is revealed or implied by entry.
This WB is rich in information on slaves, frequently giving in addition to the name of the master, the age (as well as value) of the slave. Some information on FPCs 'free persons of colour' is also included. There are sometimes 'hidden bonuses' in the works such as the death of Catherine, a slave, 08 March 1860 (p. 267 of original), the death of James S. Asbury, CSA,15 Nov 1862 (p. 450) and the death of Col. John Shawhan, CSA, 03 Oct 1862 (p. 449).
By the end of this work, the Civil War was raging and there are several recorded wills of soldiers and information referencing the war.. even a rare mention or two of The Confederacy. By January 1863, it seems that inflation begun to take hold as noted in rise of prices.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 16, 1863- 1866 revised edition with full transcription and every-name index Jack Hockett. 2006, 8x10, iv, 242 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 17, 1858- 1871 Jack Hockett. 2015, 8x10, iv, 219 pages.
From the author's Introduction:
This WB roughly covers the period 1858 through most of 1871, but references to and actual transactions of an earlier period are sometimes contained in this WB as well. It is especially important for WCV in the registering of details of some of the legal events in the county immediately before, during and immediately after the Civil War.
The WB contains the following types of documents:
1. LWT: Last Will and Testament: Varying in size and details, these always provide the name of the testator, the date the will was written and date proved (enrolled), to whom and what the testator has left his estate (sometimes sadly containing only wording such as "to all my children"… "to my dearly beloved wife", etc.), and the witnesses, followed by the proving (enrolling) of the LWT in court by oaths of the witnesses, and the subsequent granting of the letters of administration by the court after (usually) the posting of bond; and, finally, the admission of the LWT to court record. Some of these wills were written before or during the Civil War and contain given names of slaves. As well, the LWTs and associated documents sometimes reveal the geographic region of those legatees who have left the commonwealth. As well, generally a good idea of the death period of the testator or others is provided by the date of probate of the LWT, generally within 1-3 months after the decease of the testator.
2. Administration of Estate/Settlement of Estate: An estate administrator appointed by the court (as per letters of administration in 1., above) who keeps track of the debits and credits of the estate; sometimes this occurs years after the death of the testator and also can stretch out of a long period, requiring several court entries until the final Settlement of the Estate which is verified by the court, accepted and admitted to record. Fortunately, these sometimes contain the names of the legatees of the estate. Also, these entries are tedious to record but have been transcribed as is as they frequently contain many names of those from whom funds were received or paid out, etc. Among the many interesting details one can observe in these Administration of Estates is the rate at which the Confederate money over time is translated against USA currency. Naturally, the appraisal and sale prices sometimes fluctuate wildly especially after the beginning of the Civil War and immediately thereafter.
3. Inventory and Appraisement of Estate of the Deceased: This contains an enumeration of articles belonging to the estate and the appraised value of each article. These lists are sometimes exhaustive and have not been transcribed in toto, but only the name of the appraisers, the administrator, the general size of the estate (number of columns, lines), etc. The appraisal amounts, and the info hitherto referred to have not been transcribed, as this would make this transcription prohibitive in terms of size of publication, and, this is a summary and abstract work. These are easily and readily accessible for anyone wanting to study the contents of a particular estate. Almost exclusively, the items consist of household items, farming utensils, farm animals and the like. Some few examples have been transcribed in order to give the reader an idea of what is available (film, or original). The inventories of the merchants' estates are especially lengthy. Very frequently there is no grand total; however, this info can sometimes be found later in an entry in the Administration of Estate/Settlement of Estate.
4. Sale Bill of the Estate of the Deceased: This contains the list of the items which were sold at auction, the name of the purchaser, and the price they paid for the item. Only the names of the purchasers have been transcribed here; once again, this can be a very drawn out section for the estate and the info is readily available on film or the original.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 18, 1863- 1875 Jack Hockett. 2015, 8x10, iv, 219 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 19, 1875- 1878 Jack Hockett. 2015, 8x10, iv, 190 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 20, 1878- 1881 Jack Hockett. 2015, 8x10, iv, 199 pages. See description above.
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Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, iv, 145 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 22, 1884- 1887 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, iv, 157 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 23, 1887- 1890 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, iv, 191 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 24, 1890- 1894 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, iv, 183 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 25, 1894- 1897 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, vi, 213 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 26, 1897- 1901 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, vi, 231 pages. See description above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA WILL BOOK 27, 1901- 1905 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2016, 8x10, vi, 231 pages. See description above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsw27
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[WSW27] $30.00     (printed version)

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[EWSW27] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK 29, 1904- 1908 Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2017, 8x10, vi, 190 pages. See description above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsw29
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[WSW29] $30.00     (printed version)

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[EWSW29] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA CIRCUIT COURT WILL BOOK, 1840- 1903 Jack Hockett. 2006, 8x10, iv, 70 pages. See description above. Although the original Circuit Court Will Book did not contain an index, the author has provided one similar to the other Will Book volumes in his works.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wccw
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[WCCW] $22.00     (printed version)

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[EWCCW] $15.00     (electronic version)


WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 1, 1778-1797 Restored and transcribed by Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2012, vi, 329 pages, index. Drawing upon numerous resources to obtain a legible copy, Jack Hockett has restored to the genealogical community the very first deed book for Washington County, Virginia. The importance of this work cannot be over-emphasized. For at least a brief few years this deed book was vital to establishing residents not only in Washington county itself,but also outside the confines of today's reduced Washington County, including Russell, Lee, Scott, Wise, and Tazewell Counties. It includes numerous references to early migration to Tennessee and Kentucky. Also from the new work comes references which demonstrate that no more than twenty percent of the earliest settlers in the region were from direct migration westward by pioneers from the eastern English counties; the greater majority were scattered among areas like the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc) as well as numerous settler from North Carolina. This is a very important work for documenting the earliest land deeds in southwestern Virginia.Hockett has examined not only the deficient 1953 film of the book, but he has elicited numerous reputable sources to fil in the blanks as well as confirming much material from the fragile original copy in Abingdon.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb1
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[WDB1] $37.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB1] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 2, 1797-1802 Transcribed by Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2013, vi, 322 pages, index.

From the Introduction:
The WCV (Washington Co VA) DB (Deed Book) 2 begins with a deed of 15 Aug 1797 and ends 552 pages later (two page numbers (23 & 24) are used twice) with a deed of 23 Sep 1802. The arrangement of the deeds is usually, although not always, chronological. Deeds are not witnessed in probably over ˝ of the instances, the required joining of the spouse to the act of indenture and the relinquishment of dower, etc. seem to also be oft casually ignored - but sometimes acted upon years later. Most deeds contain a warrant clause to protect against any other possible claims, but this is not always the case; both pounds and dollars are used in this DB as payment with the former being the most common currency employed. The spelling is mostly in Oxonian English - used in WCV by clerks long after the Revolution.

The metes and bounds (coordinates) for this DB have also been transcribed despite a multitude of difficulties to include working principally off a deficient 1953 film for the subject DB, the handwriting of multiple clerks and assistant clerks and a plethora of other problems. I am indebted to Mr. Robert "Bob" Ford/Ms. Donna Jean Ray Ford (CA), for their great help to provide proofreading for the entirety of the DB, using actual deed copies or the film itself to which they have access - all requiring an inordinate amount of time and detail, especially the proofreading of Robert Ford, WCV land expert. As well, the FHS of LDS at Newark, DE site are acknowledged for their kind patience and help and for providing a "best copy available" of the DB 2. Nevertheless, particularly as concerns the metes and bounds, a host of discrepancies can sometimes be found among the deed (the interpretation of the numerals and written figures aside), the survey, the land grant, and the patent, so anyone wanting to achieve "true perfection" (if such could be reached) in this area might well need to consult multiple documents, to include minute books in which contain info regarding the ordering of resurveys (corrective surveys) - an arduous and difficult path, indeed!

It is hoped that this work will also assist, along with DB 1, in pinpointing the principal areas from which early WCV inhabitants migrated, assisting therewith to understand the early cultural roots of the first settlers.

A few brief, "take or leave" annotations have been made to this DB using primarily records I have collected over the years supplemented with info from ancestry and rootsweb, etc. and, as well the dozens of WCV records I have abstracted over the years (as well abstracted by J. & R. Niemann, S. Ireson, V. Cuddy, et al). Two other works were consulted numerous times: (1) Brown, D. E. The Marriages of WCV 1781-1853...(Hist Soc WCV). 1993 and (2) Colley, Thomas. WCV Surveys & Commrs.' Certificates 1781-1797,New Papyrus Publishing Co. 1999.

The original work (WCV DB 2) included a "locator index", which has only partially survived; on most films it is nearly all unreadable (but can be read at the Library of VA). It is not transcribed here as perhaps over ˝ the letters are missing and would add little to the work. Mr. Donald Helton has provided the every-name index.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb2
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[WDB2] $37.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB2] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 3, OCT.1802-JAN.1808 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 143 pages, index. One can locate considerable information on the county's history and genealogy by referencing its deed books, containing not only deeds (Indentures of Bargain & Sale) but relinquishment of dower, powers of attorney and Deeds of Gift, Deeds of Trust, etc. This includes the all-important location of female surnames and also valuable clues to the misconstrued and translated (Anglicized) German and Swiss German names. This is a faithful transcription with the original deed book index provided.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb3
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[WDB3] $27.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB3] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 4, JAN.1808-NOV.1811 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 121 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb4
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[WDB4] $27.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB4] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 5, NOV.1811-NOV.1814 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 124 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb5
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[WDB5] $27.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB5] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 6, NOV.1814-NOV.1818 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 199 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb6
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[WDB6] $32.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB6] $20.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 7, 1818-1822 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 161 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb7
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[WDB7] $29.50     (printed version)

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[EWDB7] $19.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 8, 1822-1825 Jack Hockett. 2004, ii, 179 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb8
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 9, 1825-1829 Jack Hockett. 2005, iv, 231 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the court clerk) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb9
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 10, 1829-1831 Jack Hockett. 2005, iv, 184 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb10
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 11, 1831-1834 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 184 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb11
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 12, 1834-1837 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 181 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb12
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 13, 1837-1839 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 161 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb13
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[WDB13] $29.50     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 14, 1839-1841 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 167 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb14
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 15, March, 1841- October, 1842 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 158 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb15
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 16, 1842-1844 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 145 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb16
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 17, 1844-1846 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 153 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb17
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 18, 1846- August 1848 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 167 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb18
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 19, August 1848- May 1850 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 142 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb19
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 20, May 1850- February 1852 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 159 pages, original internal index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the internal (i.e., original as listed by the original court clerk, not an every-name index) index to this book, visit Index-Wdb20
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 21, February 1852- December 1853 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 182 pages, original internal index. As described above.
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[WDB21] $29.50

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 22, December 1853- March 1856 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 198 pages, original internal index. As described above.
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[WDB22] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 23, March 1856- January 1858 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 221 pages, original internal index. As described above.
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[WDB23] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 24, January 1858- March 1860 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 204 pages, original internal index. As described above.
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[WDB24] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 25, March 1860- April 1863 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 247 pages, index. As described above.
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[WDB25] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 26, April 1863- December 1866 Jack Hockett. 2006, iv, 216 pages, index. As described above.
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[WDB26] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 27, 1867 - January 1870 Jack Hockett. 2013, ii, 334 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb27
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[WDB27] $34.50

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 28, October 1869- April 1871 Jack Hockett. 2013, iv, 251 pages, index. As described above.
The WCV (Washington Co VA) DB (Deed Book) 28 begins with a deed of 27 Oct 1869 and ends 480 pages later with a deed of 22 Apr 1871. These dates are, however, a little misleading as there are many references to deeds stretching back as far as 1842, numerous references and a few deeds from the 1850s and rather numerous deeds from the 1860s (especially post-Civil War era) included in this deed book. The Indentures (as well, Powers of Attorney and other documents regularly included in the DBs) are only loosely chronological. The devastation and ruin of personal fortunes, a very unpleasant legacy of the Civil War, is quickly evident in this DB with the continued high number of bankruptcy filings, the deeds of trust (mortgage), vendor's liens, as well as evidenced migratory outflow of, undoubtedly, some of the county's more industrious citizens. This DB marks the beginning of the Homestead Exemption deeds. The original manuscript (WCV DB 28) did not include even a "locator index" and likely for this reason, its contents have been less explored than some other WCV DBs. Mr. Donald Helton has prepared an every-name index to this work. It is hoped that this transcription/index for DB 28, WCV, will serve to promote even more enthusiastic exploration into the history of this county, especially with a view toward the effect of the Civil War.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb28
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[WDB28] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 29, 25 April 1871 - 22 May 1872 Jack Hockett. 2013, iv, 255 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb29
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[WDB29] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 30, 6 February 1871 - 5 February 1874 (primarily 1872-1873) Jack Hockett. 2013, iv, 276 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb30
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[WDB30] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 31, 13 December 1873 - 18 June 1875 (primarily 1874-1875) Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2013, iv, 334 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb31
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[WDB31] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 32, 9 December 1874 - 20 January 1877 (primarily 1875-1876) Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2013, iv, 351 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb32
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[WDB32] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 33, 21 February 1876 - 19 April 1878 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014, vi, 332 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb33
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[WDB33] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 34, 1 June 1876 - 9 December 1879 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014, vi, 356 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb34
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[WDB34] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 35, 8 November 1879 - 3 February 1881 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014, vi, 350 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb35
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[WDB35] $32.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 36, 1881 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014, vi, 329 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb36
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[WDB36] $35.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 37, 23 OCT.1880- 12 OCT.1882 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014, vi, 349 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb37
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[WDB37] $35.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 38, OCTOBER 1882 - DECEMBER 1883 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2015, vi, 389 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb38
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[WDB38] $35.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 39, DECEMBER 1883 - DECEMBER 1884 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2015, vi, 321 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb39
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[WDB39] $35.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 40, DECEMBER 1884 - DECEMBER 1885 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2015, vi, 324 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb40
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[WDB40] $35.00

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 41, DECEMBER 1885 - DECEMBER 1886 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2015, vi, 342 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb41
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[WDB41] $35.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB41] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DEED BOOK 42, DECEMBER 1886 - AUGUST 1887 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2015, vi, 365 pages, index. As described above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wdb42
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[WDB42] $35.00     (printed version)

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[EWDB42] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DISTRICT COURT DEED BOOK A, 1789-1801 Transcribed by Tom Colley & Jane Fleenor Colley. 2004, iv, 183 pages, index. The Judicial District Court was held at Montgomery County Courthouse prior to 1792 and at Washington County Courthouse after 1792; it heard cases originating in Montgomery, Russell, and Washington Counties. The record here contains the abstracted transcript of this region. It includes indentures, trust deeds, powers of attorney, wills, and transfers of real property.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsda
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[Wsda] $37.00     (printed version)

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[EWSDA] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DISTRICT COURT DEED BOOK B, 1801-1840 Transcribed by Tom Colley & Jane Fleenor Colley. 2004, iv, 266 pages, index. Continuation of Deed Book A above.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsdb
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[Wsdb] $37.00     (printed version)

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[EWSDB] $25.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON COUNTY, VA MARRIAGES: MINISTERS' RETURNS, 1776-1855 by Marty Hiatt & Craig Roberts Scott. 1995, 315 pages, index. Washington County was formed in 1777 from part of Fincastle when the latter was abolished. In 1787 Russell County was cut off, with Scott County following in 1815, and part was taken to form Smyth County in 1832. The information is extracted from the sole surviving early marriage register (No. 1).
To view a digital copy of the index to this e book, visit Index-Wash
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[Wash] $27.00     (printed version)

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format: NB: The e book has been reformatted from the original with a larger type face; therefore the index provided above is valid only for the e book version
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[EWASH] $16.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON COUNTY, VA MARRIAGES, 1853-1880 by Thomas Colley. 1997, 511 pages, index. The author abstracts all of the data found in the Bureau of Vital Statistics forms for Virginia marriages, which was begun in 1853. A wealth of information, including ages, occupation, parents' names, etc. can be gleaned from these marriage records. Arranged alphabetically and contains both a bride and parent index of names.

To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsh2
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[Wsh2] $32.00     (printed version)

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[EWsh2] $22.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA DESIGNATED "COLORED" MARRIAGES, 1853-1881 Originally published by Thomas Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt, 2002; reprint, 2007. 8x10, iv, 82 pages. A careful transcription of the original records drawn from the Washington County marriage records. A complete 17-page index of all names is included
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[WSCM] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EWSCM] $10.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VA MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1881-1890 by William R. Wheeler. Originally published by the author, 2001, reprinted by Iberian Publishing 2012. viii, 197 pages, alphabetic by groom's name with parent name index. 8x10, paperback.
From the Introduction:
I started this project in early January, 2001 for the Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia. This book completes the ten-year gap between Tom Colley 's Washington County Marriages 1853 to 1880 and Jack Hockett & Shelia Hunt's 1891-1902 Marriages. Washington County, Virginia. I soon realized that the microfilms used by Tom and Jack did not agree with the information I was finding in the courthouse files. I started comparing the actual marriage licenses with the information in the marriage registers and the indexes.
I have developed a classification system for all the 1881-1900 marriage licenses:
Code 1: There is a marriage register record but no license.
Code 2: The license and the marriage register agree.
Code 3: there is a license but it is not recorded in the marriage register or the record does not reflect the data on the license.
This book of marriage licenses has all the spouses listed in alphabetical order. Just look in the list for the last name. There is a separate index of parents listing all parents by last name.
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WASHINGTON CO. VA UNRECORDED MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1850-1902 by William R. Wheeler. Originally published by the author, 2003, reprinted by Iberian Publishing 2012. iv, 123 pages, alphabetic by groom's name with parent name index. 8x10, paperback.
From the Introduction:
I volunteered to complete the 1881-90 gap in the marriage records of Washington County, Virginia for the Historical Society of Washington County. Mr. D. E. Brown, Deputy Clerk of the Washington County Clerk's Office was very generous and showed me the original licenses and the old marriage registers not available to the public. I discovered that there were numerous marriages that had never been recorded in the marriage registers or the marriage indexes. Also, many errors had been made transcribing from one book to another and a lot of times the names in the indexes were not the names on the marriage license.
There are over 2,800 names in this collection that were left out, or incorrectly recorded. I estimate that 85% of the marriage dates are incorrect. The court clerks recorded the date of issue as the marriage date. Only a few people got married on the date of issue. Most are off from a few days to a period of a month or a year.
This book is a supplement to previously published books that were based on microfilm of the Virginia State Library and the LDS Society.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MARRIAGES, 1891-1902 Originally published by Thomas Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt, 1999; reprint, 2007. 8x10, iv, 154 pages. If stated in the register, the record includes the following information for each marriage: Surname and Given name of Bride & Groom; Age; Race; Birthplace; Present Residence; Marital Status; Parents; Occupation; and Date of Marriage & Officiating Party. Transcribed from the original marriage register. For earlier Washington County marriages, see listings below
To view a digital copy of the cross index by surname of bride to this book, visit Index-Wsh3
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SELECTED DEATH RECORDS OF SOUTHWEST VIRGINIANS WHO DIED IN MISSOURI (OR WERE RELATED TO THOSE WHO DIED IN MISSOURI (with additions from Iowa and Sullivan County/East Tennessee) Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett; Abstracted & compiled by by Donald W. Helton. iv,220pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). These deaths are taken from a variety of sources and methods employed, including "hunt and seek", census, on-line sources at Rootsweb, Ancestry, IGI, Family Genealogy Forums, censuses, etc. and the very valuable Missouri Death Certificates 1912-1958 which are generously available online. These deaths of mid and extreme SW VA people in MO during the subject time likely represent only a fraction of the deaths which could be ferreted out with difficulty employing 2-4 sources (in conjunction) in conjunction. The work represents considerable labor (not to mention eye-strain) and it is hoped it will bolster further the efforts to document the migration of SW VA persons".

During the process of abstracting and compiling the death records listed herein, instances of conflict occurred between the certificate and additional information found on-line. The information is entered as found. Any such conflicts are left to the discretion of the reader to reconcile.
Table of contents

      Washington County       page 1
      Wythe Co., Va       page 43
      Russell Co., Va       page 56
      Grayson/Carroll Cos., VA       page 80
      Smyth Co., Va       page 85
      Tazewell Co., Va       page 101
      Lee Co., Va       page 118
      Scott Co., Va       page 138
      Dickenson Co., Va       page 151
      Buchanan Co., Va       page 154
      Miscellaneous Deaths from southwest Va.       page 181
      Iowa Deaths from Southwest Virginia               page 193
      Alphabetical Index      page 202
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. SELECTED DEATH RECORDS WITH ANNOTATIONS Abstracted by Donald Helton. iv,482pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The author has gathered together more than four thousand death records from Washington and surrounding counties, primarily from 1912 to the present. In addition, most of the records carry annotations drawn from a myriad of sources. To best explain how the volume was conceived and grew, we have reproduced the text of the author's foreword below;
Some years back, I became acquainted, thru the wonders of the Internet, with Thomas Jack Hockett. Our ancestors were from the same general area of southwest Virginia. I knew of his folks and he knew of mine. We corresponded via email for several years, asked and answered questions about family history and exchanged information. Then came the death records, more death records, even more death records. I printed them out as they came in and put them in a big notebook. Soon, they were too much for any notebook, eventually numbering more than a thousand pages. Every time I needed a death date.….where did I see it? I knew it was in that pile of records somewhere, but exactly where! These records needed to be put in some kind of order. Thus began the tedious work of sorting, compiling and entering all this information into a word processor. Over a period of several winters, it finally came together, all in one place, sorted by years, listed in alphabetical order, and I even had a index…. Much better! But, many of the records were missing information vital to a researcher. Names of parents, husbands and wives, places of birth, etc. were either not included or could not be read from the microfilm of the death certificate. Quite often, the informant was a neighbor, or someone not of the family volunteering to report the death. Not knowing the answers to questions posed by the recorder, this important information was lost.
Enter Mr. Tom Colley…. Jack and Tom were working together on another project, unrelated to what I was doing, but requiring much of the same information. Jack asked Tom if he might be able to fill in some of the missing data. That question produced a preponderance of information!
Together, we decided it would be very useful to include Tom's comments along with Jack's census information in this work. It would be remiss of me not to express my appreciation to all those who contributed to this effort, and especially to Jack and Tom and their assistance in helping bring together a valuable, and I may say, somewhat unique research tool.
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. SELECTED DEATH RECORDS, VOLUME TWO (PLUS SELECTED CONFEDERATE CIVIL WAR FATALITIES) Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2010, iv,471pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The authors have continued to research and record the Washington County death records with this new annotated volume, and they also have included the information available on Confederate casualties of men of Washington County
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. SELECTED DEATH RECORDS, ANNOTATED, VOLUME THREE, JUNE 1915 - APRIL 1926 Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2012, iv,504pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The authors have continued to research and record the Washington County death records with this new annotated volume, carrying their research up through 1926. Included are the large number of Washingtonians wo perished in the great 'Spanish Flu' or influenza epidemic which struck the United States in 1918 and following the First World War.
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. SELECTED DEATH RECORDS, ANNOTATED, VOLUME FOUR, MAY 1926 - JANUARY 1935 Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2013, vi,454pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The authors have continued to research and record the Washington County death records with this new annotated volume, carrying their research up through 1935.
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. SELECTED DEATH RECORDS, ANNOTATED, VOLUME FIVE, JANUARY 1935 - DECEMBER 1939 and Selected Death Records of southwest Virginians who died outside the Commonwealth (Illinos, Kentucky, Missouri, N. Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and W. Va) Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett, compiled by Donald Helton. 2014, vi,447pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). This volumes concludes a research project which began more than a decade and a half ago, and now includes five volumes on Washington Co., plus two volumes on Russell Co.
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[WCDR5] $46.95

WASHINGTON CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 2011, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 46 pages, maps, index. One of the southwestern counties from which a number of adjacent counties were created (Russell, Scott, Smyth, Bristol City). Washington possessed a very young population which became the ancestors of many settlers moving westward at this time into the KY-TN- Ohio Valley area.
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1870 CENSUS OF WASHINGTON CO. VA Transcribed by Jack Hockett, 147 pages plus introduction and every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The first census following the Civil War, this census presents significant and detailed information on every member of the household. A thorough and meticulous transcription taken from two microfilms [Population Schedules of the Ninth Census of the United States 18790, Roll 1681, VA, Vol 28 (1-312) Film #0553180 [LDS/FHC] and Microfilm Copy M593, in order to circumvent the visual problems from one and the other.
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1880 CENSUS OF WASHINGTON CO. VA Transcribed, annotated & edited by Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt, vi, 267 pages, every-name surname index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The second census following the Civil War, this census presents significant and detailed information on every member of the household. A thorough and meticulous transcription, with copious annotations for many families. A list of contributors and bibliography is included at the end of the volume. this is a work which will be used by the genealogist over and over for its rich detail.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 1, January 1777 - August 1784 transcribed by Jack Hockett, indexed by Donald Helton. 2012, 8x10, vi, 231 pages, every name index.
This volume is the initial minute book for Washington county; within its pages are the earliest references to individuals in this sprawling southwestern Virginia County. References abound to Revolutionary soldiers, Tories, lands in Kentucky, early roads, bastardy, criminals, as well as the voluminous court cases between residents.
This volume completes the transcription/abstraction of all the surviving minutes books for Washington County from its inception through 1866 and the end of the War Between the States

From the introduction:Minute Book 1 of Washington County, Virginia contains such entries as: Names of court appointees & admin. of oaths, as needed (overseers of roads , constables, for purposes of estate settlements and other business such as relating to ad quod damnums), jurors, etc.; guardian bonds; acknowledgements of deeds/indentures of bargain & sale, settlement of estates, inventories & appraisements, releases, mortgages, renunciation of dower rights, etc.; payments due from county; granting of certificates of probate; excuses from county levies & poor rates for infirmity; various legal causes/cases: In Debt, In Chancery, Motion on Forthcoming Bonds, In Detiner/Detinue; Covenant, Attachments; appointments to view & appraise estates; fees for ordinary & house of entertainment licenses; recognizance bonds; assignments of dower; attestations of military service, warrants related thereto, reimbursements (French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Cherokee Expedition); dismissal of causes/cases; cases designated for arbitration, appeals; certifications of ordination to perform marriage ceremonies, to practice as attorney in WCV, court opinions on criminal indictments (whether to dismiss or send to the General Court in Williamsburg), Grand Jury indictments, occasional depositions and other interesting information.

This book has been transcribed "as is" with italics being the opinion of the transcriber. As it was constructed by several court clerks, the spelling, grammar, capitalization, and so forth vary immensely. I have taken the liberty of adding (especially) commas to some of the work to facilitate reading and understanding. Be aware that the original work used commas sparingly and sometimes in the wrong places (retained)! Of course, the apostrophe was rarely used in the earliest years and has not been placed by me where it should be. Otherwise, this Minute Book has been transcribed "as is", with many "variations" of the clerk signaled by underline. There is a great gap between approx. Aug 1784 through 1818 in the WCV minute books (and again 1822-1836). The "classical version" I have heard is that they were burned when the courthouse was burned in 1864; if this be the case, it is very fortunate that for some providential reason MB "2" (which was likely about MB 6 or 7 or so) detailing the years 1819-1821 survived. In order to supplement the valuable material lost in these lost or destroyed minute books, one can consult the execution books and the fee books and also newspapers such as The Political Prospect into which notices of causes in chancery were frequently published. The transcription or abstraction of these works is a very important effort remaining lacking in the work to be done on WCV records. After the MB 2 (1819-1821), there is a missing gap until 1837 when MB 3 picks up.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 2, 2 January 1819 - 1821 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2012, 8x10, vi, 221 pages, every name index.
From the introduction: Minute Book 2 of Washington Co., VA contains such entries as: Names of court appointees & admin. of oaths, as needed (overseers of roads and schools, constables, for purposes of estate settlements and other business such as relating to ad quod damnums), jurors, etc.; guardian bonds; acknowledgements of deeds of emancipation, indentures of bargain & sale, indentures of trust, settlement of estates, inventories & appraisements, releases, mortgages, renunciation of dower rights, etc.; payments due from county; granting of certificates of probate; excuses from county levies & poor rates for infirmity; various legal causes/cases: In Debt, In Chancery, Motion on Forthcoming Bonds, In Detiner; Covenant, Attachments; appointments to view & appraise estates; fees for ordinary & house of entertainment licenses; recognizance bonds; assignments of dower; attestations relating to Revolutionary War and War of 1812 veterans; registration of FPCs (Free Persons of Colour), dismissal of causes/cases; cases designated for arbitration, appeals; certifications of ordination to perform marriage ceremonies, to practise as attorney in WCV, court opinions on criminal indictments (whether to dismiss or send to Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery), Grand Jury indictments, occasional depositions and other interesting information. There is a great gap between approx. 1788 through 1818 in the Washington County minute books (and again 1822-1836). The "classical version" I have heard is that they were burned when the courthouse was burned in 1864; if this be the case, it is very fortunate that for some providential reason MB "2" (which was likely about MB 6 or 7 or so) detailing the years 1819-1821 survived. In order to supplement the valuable material lost in these lost or destroyed minute books, one can consult the execution books and the fee books and also newspapers such as The Political Prospect into which notices of causes in chancery were frequently published. The transcription or abstraction of these works is a very important effort remaining lacking in the work to be done on Washington County records.
Note: Every name mentioned in this minute book has been transcribed; in many instances the transcription is almost verbatim with some summaries, a few liberties for punctuation and capitalization, etc.

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 3, May 1837- April 1839 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2012, 8x10, viii, 230 pages, every name index.Minute Book (MB) 3 of Washington County, Virginia (WCV) contains such entries as: Names of court appointees & admin. of oaths, as needed (overseers of roads and schools, constables, for purposes of estate settlements and other business such as relating to ad quod damnums), jurors, etc.; guardian bonds; acknowledgements of deeds of emancipation, indentures of bargain & sale, indentures of trust, settlement of estates, inventories & appraisements, releases, mortgages, renunciation of dower rights, etc.; payments due from county; granting of certificates of probate; excuses from county levies & poor rates for infirmity; various legal causes/cases: In Debt, In Chancery, Motion on Forthcoming Bonds, In Detiner; Covenant, Attachments; appointments to view & appraise estates; fees for ordinary & house of entertainment licenses; recognizance bonds; assignments of dower; attestations relating to Revolutionary War veterans; registration of FPCs (Free Persons of Colour), dismissal of causes/cases; cases designated for arbitration, appeals; certifications of ordination to perform marriage ceremonies, to practise as attorney in WCV, court opinions on criminal indictments (whether to dismiss or send to Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery), etc. Note: Every name mentioned in this minute book has been transcribed; in many instances the transcription is almost verbatim with some summaries, a few liberties for punctuation and capitalization, etc.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 4, April 1839- January 1841 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2012, 8x10, v1, 251 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 5, January 1841- October 1842 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 132 pages. Minute books are good sources for genealogical research, but they are often overlooked. Minute books contain the clerk's rough notes of court proceedings, which were later transcribed into an order book. Court order books were usually indexed and neat in appearance, while minute books were not. The author has provided a complete index for this and successive minute books in this series to afford easy access.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOKS 6 & 7, October 1842- October 1846 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 179 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 8, October 1846- March 1849 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 108 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 9, April 1849 - February 1851 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 117 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 10, February 1851- April 1853 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 149 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 11, May 1853- February 1855 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 144 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 12, March 1855- January 1857 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 144 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 13, January 1857- November 1858 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 177 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 14, December 1858- October 1860 Jack Hockett. 2007, 8x10, iv, 155 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 15, September 1860- March 1863 (revised edition, with full transcription, internal and every-name index) Jack Hockett & Don Helton. 2021, 8x10, viii, 284 pages.
Excerpts from the authors' introduction:
The present work is essentially a nearly full (98-99%) transcription of Washington County, VA Minute Book 15:1860-1863, covering those crucial years immediately before and after the beginning of the Civil War. This work represents an improvement upon the original publication of 17 May 2007. It should be especially valuable to historians who can somewhat assess local attitudes to the war and the effect of the war on the local population from this work. The situation in WCV grew worse with time from the beginning of the war to the end of this MB (March 1863) with numerous shortages of food, cotton, corn, yarn, salt and other staples, the outbreak of epidemics and other great troubles brought on by the war. Moreover, especially with the inception of the Civil War, the county became host to many itinerant persons which also contributed to the increase in crime as the years progressed. The county became increasingly plagued with a shortage of money, necessitating the issuance of various notes which, in turn, plunged the county deeper in debt.
This minute book begins at court on 24 Sept 1860 with a listing of the numerous deeds which were admitted to record in WCV since the last term of court which were certified to be entered upon the minutes, and ends 383 pages later on 25 March 1863 with the appointment of Mongle Dickenson and Madison Beattie as Overseers of the Road.

This MB is particularly rich in details from:
LWTs (Last Will and Testament) - The LWTs of the following persons which were exhibited in court and proved by the designated witnesses, include those of: Dr. Abner Crump, Caleb Logan, Wm. Buchanan, Jacob Grubb, Peter E. B. C. Henritze, James McCroskey, Christian Catron, George W. Hopkins; Pleasant Carmack, Samuel W. Robinson, William Stevens, William G. Clark, George Lindamood, Thomas McConnell, Catherine Hanby, Andrew J. Sproles, Jonathan Richmond Jr., Christopher Vanhuss, Micajah Burk, Joanna(h) Buchanan, Albert L. Booker, James S. Lyon, Ellen G. Schoolfield, Andrew Edmondson, Joyce R. Tompkins, George McDaniel, Humberson Miller, John Worley, John Burch, John Maiden, John Galliher, Andrew Patterson, Sarah B. Preston, John D. M. Trigg, Samuel V. Fulkerson, Thomas Sweet, Abraham Gobble, Russel B. Rogers, John Moore, William Debusk, Jacob L. Fields, James S. Glenn, Austin M. Appling, and James Sproles.

Administration of Estates: Letters of Administration granted on the (full or hitherto unadministered part of) estates - one may note the great acceleration of deaths beginning with the inception of the Civil War: Bartholomew Woodward, Wm. Buchanan, Frances Jane Forkner, Robert McElroy, Thomas J. King, Lucinda Cunningham, Nelson Ransom, Ann L. Paris, John D. Mitchell, Francis S. Campbell, Jacob Teeter, Mordicai Garner, Elizabeth Fudge, Joseph Murdock, Joseph Sutherland, Martin H. Grubb, James A. K. Nye, Wm. Hawthorn, Wm. A. Clark, Wm. B. Clark, Robert N. Oney, Wm. L. Carson, Joseph F. Brooks, John H. Roberts, James S. Claiborne, Henry H. Ireson, Valentine Copenhaver, John A. Vance, Jonathan King, James M. Woods, Nathaniel Haden, Alfred Carr, Abram B. F. Leonard, Wm. H. Childers, Geo. L. Worley, Jacob Ketchem, Samuel Buchanan Jr., Samuel Robinson, Mary T. Trigg, Richard P. Merritt, Andrew J. Sproles, Wm. R. Clark, Hugh C. Hawthorn, Wm. F. P. Clark, John Counts, James C. Black, Walter Johnson, John D. Buskell, John W. Anderson, John Minnick, Timothy Aven, Nancy E. Williams, Joseph McClure, John Roe Sr., Robert P. Fleenor, Nash L. Garrett, James M. Snodgrass, Sidney J. Hampton, Jacob Lynch, James McKee, Joseph M. Rhea, Ballard P. Smith, Thos. B. Belomy, Preston Deakin, Adam L. Shankle, Reuben Thomas, Adam Hickman, Peter E. B. C. Henritze, Jacob Campbell, Wm. A. Preston, Robt. B. Edmondson, James A. White, Thomas A. Shepard, Russell R. Shoemaker, Wm. Patrick, Churchwell Lyon, Samuel Wilson, Wm. Warram, Thos. C. Fleenor, Thos. C. Denton, Elisha Pitts, Lewis C. Fleenor, Wm. W. Stickley, Jane Clark, John L. Hudson, Alexr. W. Huffman, Samuel Fulcher, John V. Larimer, Geo. W. Pippin, Samuel P. Pippin, Jos. H. Pippin, Wm. McCall, Joseph R. Mays, Basil L. Horne, James Smith, Aaron H. Hayter, Robert Denton, Pleasant L. Bondurant, Wm. Perry, John Counts, Susannah Worley, Margaret Hawthorn, Thos. J. Catron, Abner N. Cornutt, Campbell Scott, John V. Duff, Patterson F. Shankle, Wm. L. Vanhook, Isaac Rosenbalm, Granville Craig McChesney, Alfred McDaniel, Robt. Campbell, John A. Kestner, Arthur McNew, Joseph M. McNew, Burrell Sorah, Thomas Reed, Alexr. S. Rutherford, Abraham Gobble, Wm. McDaniel, John Shawhan, James S. Asbury, Wm. Scifers, Saml. Hensley, Andrew Cole, Wm. B. Hilliard, Wm. Fields, Thos. C. Davidson, Jacob L. Fields, Elijah Ringley, Sophia Catron, James Clark, Samuel McClure, Wm. F. Duff, John A. Rhea, James S. Glenn, Gideon M. Barb, James R. Denton, Mathew G. Aven, Thomas Mays, Frederick Roody, Wiley L. Talbert, Wm. McReynolds, Daniel Baltzell, Joseph McCracken, Samuel Stills, Thomas H. Featherston and Joseph Stras. Those estates lingering three months or more past the death of the subject were turned over to the sheriff for administration.

Certification of Ministers of Gospel to perform marriages: The Methodist Church continued to have the lions' share of new ministers in WCV. (a) Methodist Episcopal Church South: James K. Stringfield, Wm. Munsey, James Keys, Tobias F. Smyth, and Richard Price; (b) Methodist Episcopal Church: Abraham D. Stewart; (c) Christian Church: Samuel P. Metcalfe and (d) Missionary Baptist Church: Mortin B. Wharton.

Orphans, Nomination of (under age 14) or Choice of (14 and over) Guardian, Settlement of Guardian Accounts: This MB is rich with this information; among orphans mentioned (some multiple times) are: Nancy Jane Montgomery, James R. Meek, Wm. L. Snodgrass, Mary Josephine, Wallace E., Licinius T. Smyth, Margaret R. E. Wright, James Corry, Newton W. Fleenor, Obediah S. Crawford, John A. P. Baker, Jestiana V. Meek, Wm. C. Hanby, Mason W. Hanby, Mary, John, Andrew, James & Gardner Catron, Priscilla and James Rosenbalm, Margaret Ann Cawood, Beverly J. Henritze, Wm. L. Rhea, Mary L., Elizabeth H., Patterson F. & Caroline T. Grubb, Mary Jane Snodgrass, Wm. L. & Mary J. McChesney, Thos. Preston Henderson, Samuel T. & James D. Oney, Mary B., Isabella W. & Susan C. Oney, Nancy Ann, Wm., Samuel, Mary Jane, Florence Virginia & Robert Bailey, Lavinia P. Carson, Martha J. Patterson, Samuel Meek Jr., Joseph Meek, Narcisses A. Orr, Samuel McCall, Elizabeth E., Rosannah & Mary Ann Montgomery; Mary M. Zimerman, Nancy B. Zimerman, James A. & Nathan L. Worley, Jackson B., George L., Nancy B. & Charles Worley; Jonathan S., Wm. T. & John F. Gray, Mary Louisa McConnell, Peter Humberson Miller, John D. Mitchell, Wm. H., Daniel T. & Mary C. Mitchell, Neal L. Maiden, James V., Andrew B. & Sarah E. McKee, Moses S., Wm. R. S. & Samuel G. T. McKee, Idress E. Wiseley, Alfred Preston, Catherine E. Smith, Wm. L. Smith, Catherine G., Wm. L. Smith, Sallie & Louisa J. B. Taylor, Moses L., Thomas M., Jas. O. K., Minerva Alice & Julia Ann Craig McChesney, Mary F., Sarah E., Rosa D., Walter W. & Margaret P. Stickley, Samuel P. Edmondson, Rosanna M., Andrew F. & Martha Jane Edmondson (repeat), Margaret F. Wright, Jacob A. Wright, Nancy A. & Charles C. Wright, Wm. Fields, Jas. W. Fields, Alice C. Fields, Thos. E. B. Fields, John D. Fields, Geo. B. McDaniel, Jos. G. R. McDaniel, Susan S. D. McDaniel, Jas. B. Worley, Sophia V. Loyd, Thos. C. Loyd, Sallie J. Baltzell and Abram B. Statzer

Deeds Certified to be entered upon the minutes: All deeds of this period are listed in brief abstract: Seller to Buyer, amount of land, location, and date admitted to record. This information serves as an additional Deed Index. Land trading was brisk right through 1862 into early 1863, with Goodson (Bristol) and Abingdon especially being "hotspots".

Indictments for Felonies: Among the more serious crimes committed and prosecuted were: Richard Dye - barn burning; A. G. Parker - obtain via false pretense; David Colley - wounding David Worley with rock; Edmond (slave) - theft; Elias (slave) and Henry (Slave) and Archibald Lethco & Daniel Lethco - attempt to incite insurrection; Ned Thomas, alias Ned Hubbard, FPC - express adherence to enemies of Commonwealth; Wm. Ball "carnally know" (rape of) Elizabeth Bowman; Peter Stout -?; Samuel Houston - shoot Adronium Brammell; Andres J. Hawks (rape), Mary & Catherine Hooker - murder of Amy Catherine Hooker; John Collin - attempted murder of D. A. P. Campbell, Andrew R. Humes & Benjamin C. Clark - recruiters for CSA; Michael Felty - ?; Slaves Jim, Jack & Jerry - kill Wm. McDaniel Jr.; Richard Clark - FPC - horse stealing; Samuel Houston - wound Joseph Jaques; James Kelly - theft; C. McDevitt - attempted murder of Wm. K. Heiskell; Geo. Walker - obtain via false pretense; Jos. Cook - horse stealing. For those found guilty of a felony, sentences were usually delved out in terms of 2, 5, or 10 years in the jail and penitentiary; "not guilty" verdicts were common.

Other Indictments: The Grand Jury handed down indictments each term - the most common of which were for assault, not keeping road in repair, unlawful distilling, and retailing liquor without a license. The Bastardy cases (Emily McNew vs Stephen T.(Trigg) Cawood; Nancy Hoover vs Elbert Jones and Elizabeth Sproles vs George Leonard) were continued over and over. Cases were frequently prosecuted by the Attorney for the Commonwealth as plaintiff and were often dismissed or continued, causing extensive listing of cases in this work to include trover, trespass, forthcoming bond, debt, "In Case", contempt of court et al.

Appointments of Court for Patrolling, Overseers of Poor, Overseer of Road, Per District for purpose of supplying families of indigent families were documented and ordered to be paid from the county levy.

Petitions/Contracts: To His Excellency to relieve WCV of supplying slaves to work on fortifications around Richmond (apparently falling on deaf ears); for supply of salt, pork and cotton yarn and other supplies to assist families of soldiers in the CSA whose families were in indigent circumstances. Individuals also sought relief from being unjustly taxed. Bond was required to be posted by newly elected officials and bond sometimes increased at the request of those persons legally liable who deemed themselves "in danger of suffering thereby".

Payments from the County and Commonwealth: Each year these payments are recorded and comprise very extensive lists for services such as serving as (grand) jurors, clerks at election, digging graves for paupers, providing medical services for prisoners, courthouse and jail cleaning, whitewashing and supplying wood and candles, defense of indigent prisoners, bell ringing, clock repair, fox and wolf hides, team, lumber, etc. for working of on the road, blasting rock, coroner's inquests, provisions for indigent families of volunteers, and other services. Additionally, county officials were paid for the yearly registration of births, deaths, and marriages.

Persons Exempt from County Levies et al.: Mongle Dickenson was excused from working on the road (bodily infirmities) and the following persons excused from county levies and poor rates because of being old, poor and infirm: Elisha Franklin, Thomas Musick, Isaac Holt, and Edward J. Price. Mahala Crawford was paid for the care of George Ruley, a poor person.

Dower: Laying off of: The court ordered that the following persons' dower be laid off in the land of their deceased husband: Elizabeth, widow of Solomon Fleenor; Eliza F., widow of John D. Mitchell; Mary Logan, widow of Caleb Logan; Catherine E. Miller, widow of Humberson Miller (She renounced provisions made for her in the LWT of her husband and claimed her dower); Louisa Poston, alias Morgan, widow of Wm. King; Sarah, widow of Andrew McKee; Amanda, widow of Micajah Burk; Elizabeth R., widow of Wm. A. Preston; Martha L., widow of Ballard P. Smith; Elizabeth, widow of Lewis C. Fleenor; Mary, widow of Jacob Lynch; Sally, widow of Samuel Shaffer; and Elizabeth, widow of G. Craig McChesney.

Naturalizations: The imminent war might have greatly slowed naturalizations which numbered only 2 in this MB: Jacob Stockberger of Baden, GE and John W. Lundgren of Oskarshamn, Sweden. Oaths of various types were frequently given to elected officials, and to certain court designated persons as well as to those naturalized.

Formation of Washington County Mounted Rifles: This MB gives a limited history of this group's formation which was well in advance of Virginia's admission to the CSA, 07 May 1861.

Binding out: The court/Overseers of the Poor continued to bind out certain persons from poor families albeit at a rate slower than in previous times; among those bound out in this MB were Eliza Jane (13y), d/o Thomas Wallace; Henry Smith (4) and Samuel Smith (1y 6m), FPCs and sons of Sally Smith (to James Crow) and (blank) Hardin d/o (blank) Hardin (10) to "some suitable master or mistress…"; George Mitchell, son of Elizabeth Mitchell to Gabriel Stickley.

Merchants' License Transfers: Samuel Vance to J. C. Fowler & Co.; Abram F. Bradley to Richard W. Littleford; William Page to Wm. F. Moon; Samuel Merchant to Wm. W. Vaughan; Benjamin F. Frye to Wm. G. Lindsey; Edward Longley - transfer to do business from Washington Springs to Glade Spring Depot; George W. Mantz to John W. Lundgren and Noble I. McGinnis to Thomas Brooks.

Houses of Private Entertainment and Ordinaries Licenses granted: (1) Ordinaries: Licenses granted to: Cyrus L. Parker who transferred to Chas. P. Stanley; W. J. Aker; John N. Bosang (to court for possible revocation); Wm. H. Trammell; John M. Shankle; Benjamin Frye (transferred from Wm. G. Lindsey); A. S. Jones; Samuel Houston & Samuel Salsburg; and Isaac M. Benham (transferred to Womack & Nickols); (2) Houses of Private Entertainment: License granted to each: Abram Mongle; Russell B. Rogers; Walter Johnson; David Baltzell; Mahlon S. Susong & John W. Worley; Calvin M. McCarthy; Campbell Galliher; Thos. D. Walthall; Womack & Nickles (Transferred to Riley White & Co.); Thomas Findlay; Mahlon S. Susong & Abram Mongle (again); and Edward Longley; (3) License to sell ardent spirits granted to each of: A. Phibbs (transferred to John A. Kessee; Samuel Carnahan; Job K. Droke (eventually revoked); Lewark & Holstein; H. Guggenheimer Co. & R. W. & W. L. Littleford.

Attorneys, Permission to Practice Law in WCV Courts Granted: To: Rees B. Edmondson; Jonathan Richmond Jr.; Albert L. Booker; Joseph B. Palmer and Charles R. Vance.

Care of Lunatics: Frequently persons deemed a "lunatic" were jailed and the sheriff presented an account against the county for their keep - such was the case with James McCarthy and Martha Hopkins. They were sometimes sent to the Asylum in Staunton, as was Granville A. O. Galliher, son of John Galliher.

Ad Quod Damnums: Right to dam waterways for the purpose of running a grist mill were sometimes granted after an inquest was made as to what damages such may cause, and if so, what compensation would be offered to those affected. Those affected in this MB were few, e.g. John Phillips (approved); Absalom & Madison Beattie (inquest; approved) and Edmond Longley (ordered inquest be made).

Free Persons of Colour and Slaves: This work is very rich in details of such persons, especially FPCs. In 1793, Virginia prohibited the importation of free blacks into the Commonwealth and required those FPCs ("free persons of colour") to register with local authorities each 3 years with such registrations being recorded into the appropriate minute books and a copy known as "free papers" given to the registrant. This MB contains the following registration mentions of FPCs: Henry, Alias Henry Wilson, Susan Smith, Mary Smith, Charles Wright Jr., Catherine Crockett, Fannie Broddy, Emily Broddy, Charles Broddy & Thomas Broddy, Patsey Broddy, Polly Dick, alias Polly Clark & Richard Clark, Robert R. Evans, Mitchell Clark, Thomas Clark & Richard Clark, David Craig, John Logan, James Trent, Claiborne, John Bunch & Simon Pool, Charles Pool and Amanda Jane Pool. In 1693 the Colony of Virginia decreed that freed slaves had to leave the Colony within 6 months of obtaining their freedom; in 1723, it was decreed that no manumissions could be given except for meritorious service which was to be at the discretion of the governor and council; in 1782 manumissions were again more freely permitted with the proviso that the former master would be, if necessary, responsible for the upkeep of slaves aged 45 and above; and finally, in 1806 the Virginia backtracked somewhat on its law, requiring that upon manumission the former slave was required by leave the commonwealth within a prescribed time unless a petition for remaining in the concerned locale was approved by the court. In Washington County, this 1806 law slowed considerably the manumissions which had been fueled especially by the ardor of the Methodist Church and many persons seem to have been freed and remained within the county without bother of any legal restraints. This MB contains a case of a person brought to court for remaining within the commonwealth without approval of the court and seems to have been dug up from many years past - person acquitted.

This transcription has been accomplished using the original punctuation of the clerks which is very inconsistent - unless it became necessary to correct for the sake of meaning. The filming is sometimes very light and the writing of some of the clerks very small, making for occasional difficulties.

The original, "Internal Index" has been transcribed; this is the index accompanying the MB in the original form. Mr. Donald Helton has also prepared an every-name index which accompanies this work. More than a few annotations have been made to some of the entries in this MB.

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 16, April 1863- September 1866 (revised edition, with full transcription, internal and every-name index) Jack Hockett & Don Helton. 2021, 8x10, iv, 323 pages.
Excerpts from the authors' introduction:
The original publication, a more abridged abstracted version of WCV MB 16 with only the "internal index" was submitted for publication 21 September 2007. This is a full (at least 99.9%) transcription of the Washington County, VA Minute Book 16:1863-1866, covering those crucial years of the middle and late Civil War period and the first year and a half of Reconstruction. It should be particularly valuable to historians to obtain a truer, more authentic picture of the events of the county during that time-frame and those responsible for the deprivations extant in the county at that time (not always by the Federal troops!). Some annotations have been made to this work.

This 323-page-book opens at court 27 April 1863 with the certification and admission to the minutes of over 40 deeds which had been admitted to record since the last court session (March 1863). This reiteration, generally occurring each monthly court session can serve as a double-check index of deeds admitted to record (oft times the deed is older by some years than the year admitted to record). During this period, the land sales were especially brisk in Goodson (Bristol) and Abingdon. The book ends at court Sept 1866 with the settlement of the guardian account of Arthur C. Cummings with his wards, the under age children of Samuel W. Montgomery deceased. No court was held, hence no extant minute book records exist, for the approximate 3 month period between 22 May 1865 and 28 August 1865. Upon resumption of court proceedings September 1865, the tone and timber of the minute book switched rapidly to the pre-war preoccupation with road orders, poor orders, election of officials, last wills and testament, guardian bond and the like.

The period covered by this minutes book was a most troubling and difficult time for Washington County Virginia with inflation, rampant crime both from civilians and quartered military, originating outside or within the county, gross depredations committed upon the county citizens by the over billeting of CSA soldiers on its soil, the increasing bands of renegades roaming the county in search of plunder, the occasional raids by Federal forces, the deprivations of agricultural labor caused by conscription, the great poverty wrought upon the county, especially among the widows and orphans, and to top it off, the outbreak of contagious pestilences in the county during the period which had brought the county to the brink of starvation.

Repeated pleas were made by the county to His Excellency John Letcher and later, His Excellency Wm. Smith, the Governors of the Commonwealth for dispensations for the levy of slaves to work on the Saltville fortifications, for relief from the over-billeting of CSA soldiers on WCV soil which "had picked the county clean of provisions" and for relief of the poor, specifically children and widows of CSA Soldiers. Rationing became in force with such items as salt and supplies of yarn and cotton cloth were requisitioned from outside the county to provide to the poor. Many children were orphaned, primarily resultant of the war and efforts were made to provide for their care. ...

This MB is very rich in information relating to the admission to record of Indentures of Bargain and Sale, Deeds of Trust, Bills of Sale, Assignments of Dower, Inventories and Appraisements; Lists of Sales, Last Wills and Testaments (a few of which were of deceased soldiers), Overseers of the Poor, Overseers of the Road, Powers of Attorney, Settlement of Estates, Binding out of children, the Election and certification of county officials, and county charges for services rendered the county or commonwealth. The very end of this work involves many office judgments - court cases were frequently held over for long periods of time, causing a backlog which was difficult to handle by the courts. Also included in MB 16 are details relating to the burning of the WCV CH and the jail and plans for their reconstruction; licenses granted to keep house of public entertainment and for ordinaries, licenses granted to ministers to perform rites of marriage, details on the maintenance of lunatics and payments for digging graves of paupers, excuses from county levy and poor rates due to bodily infirmity, and ad quod damnums. Migrations can be identified by causes/cases brought to court in which the plaintiff or defendant is stated to be "out of commonwealth" (though not stated where). As well, the work is rich in details of jury trials (and non-jury trials) as well as Grand Jury indictments. Slaves continued to be identified as such until the very end of the War. ...

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 17, 1866-1869 Jack Hockett. 2017, 8x10, vi, 253 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 18, 1869-1870 Jack Hockett. 2017, 8x10, vi, 260 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 19, Dec. 1870- May 1872 Jack Hockett. 2017, 8x10, viii, 248 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 20, May 1872- Dec. 1874 Jack Hockett. 2017, 8x10, viii, 242 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 21, Jan. 1875- June 1877 Jack Hockett. 2018, 8x10, v, 247 pages. Continuaton of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 22, Jan. 1875- Oct. 1879 Jack Hockett. 2018, 8x10, v, 237 pages. From the Introduction
Washington County Virginia (WCV) Minute Book (MB) 22 begins at court 26 Jun 1877 with indictments of Russell Stroup for keeping a house of ill fame, John Hurt for assault, and G. W. Snodgrass for failing to keep the road in repair, and ends 512 pages later with an entry of 28 Oct 1878: Louvenia Findlay, Pltf vs E. M. Wills and I. F. Jones: Removal from justice. This MB is particularly valuable in that minute books or order books in general frequently provide accounts of persons not otherwise captured in DBs, WBs and other major court books. And most particularly, and again, in view of the very deficient 1870 census for Washington County, VA. MB 22, as usual, sometimes leaves one with a great yearning for more details on a particular case entry; these would likely be found, if preserved, in loose court papers. Some annotations have been made to this work, principally to identify selected individuals. Refer to the key for abbreviations and credits. The contents of this MB are comprised chiefly of:

(a) General: Owing to difficulties during and immediately after the Civil War, as with MB 19 and 20, there continued to be a (an albeit less than previous MBs) backlog of cases, sometimes stretching back to the late 1850s, many especially involving debts, and forthcoming bonds. By the time of MB 22, the backlog had been mostly cleared although some debts and deeds date back well beyond the period covered by this MB. Cases were frequently continued with the Pltf posting recognizance bond, causing multiple entries for the same case. The information given includes: Plaintiffs vs Defendant, often the commonwealth serving as the plaintiff, the plea entered and the disposition of the case (e.g., continued, judged in favor of the pltff or deft and, in case of fines, specifying the amount of the fine, etc. The details in these cases except the name of the defendant and plaintiff and reason for the suit, are most often quite limited; some reasons for the cases include: Appeal; on motion on forthcoming bond; on attachment; detinue; case, in debt, covenant, in Chancery, perceived endangerment for serving as security (request for counter-security), settlement of guardian accounts, selection of guardian(s), notice, office judgments, partitioning of land among heirs, assignment of dower; administration of estates (including bond postings); posting of bonds by elected officials, unlawful detainer, judgment appeal, removal from (a) Justice, on injunction, attachments, appointment of appraisers of estate. Some matters were ordered removed to the circuit court for deliberation and judgment and a high number of cases were dismissed at the request of the plaintiff with assent of the Commonwealth's Attorney and the court.
(b) Criminal: Grand jury indictments during the period covered a range of crimes, such as horse stealing, house breaking, passing counterfeit money, forgery, larceny (petit or grand), assault, assault & battery, assaulting an officer, nuisance, lewdness, lewd & lascivious cohabitation, trespass, failure to keep road in order, perjury, carrying concealed weapon(s), disturbing religious worship, selling liquor without a license, unlawful detainer and murder. Many cases were dropped as the attorney for the commonwealth declined to prosecute or the case, with assent of the court, was dismissed. As well as more serious crimes, to include: murder, malicious shooting, and rape (one instance: John G. Highley). I would venture to say the crime rate remained considerably higher than pre-Civil War during the period this and the previous immediate MBs, cover. With reference to the more serious crimes or murder (Jasper, alias Jeff Sullens & George L. McClintock) or Shooting, assault, or cutting with intent to kill (R. E. Moore, Alfred Luttreal, Robert Stuart, David A. Wheeler, Wm. Ryan, Samuel Luttrell, Joseph Nowlin, Wm. P. Davis. Richard H. Henritze, Thomas Miller, George w. Ward Jr., and Alexr. Findley Horne) there seems to be an increase in these crimes of bodily endangerment from the previous MB.
(c) Grievances: There are quite a few cases from individual taxpayers or organizations citing errors in the tax books of the assessors for state (commonwealth), county, school, or township taxes; these were usually resolved in favor of the complainant.

(a) Some binding out of young persons or orphans are included in this work;
(b) Deaths: one may make a rough estimate of many deaths by judging from the multiple entries of estates from individuals dead for at least 3 months, turned over to the sheriff for administration as well as cases implemented by persons then deemed to have died since the event (often the suit is implemented in the name of another person);
(c) Civil War: A number of WCV persons wounded during the Civil War applied for artificial limbs (or, if not able to use such, compensation) for limbs lost (or other involved infirmities) during the war (e.g.: James Wilson, James Wright, A. F. Barrow; Wm. R. Buchanan, Henry F. Love; James H. Wright; John W. Edmondson; N. M. Dettor...);
(d) presentment at court and confirmation of admission to record of Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Agreements, Mechanics Liens, et al. during past court terms. The Homestead Act had been implemented and a number of Homestead claims, protecting certain property from serving as an attachment in the event Bankruptcy, are also recorded in this MB;
(e) extensive entries involving "road orders" - many viewers selected to view routes for new roads, alternative routes, etc.; occasional enumerations of titheables to work on roads given etc.; ad quod damnums...
(f) removal of lunatics to the Western Lunatic Asylum at Staunton or return of wards or lunatics to their native areas;
(g) charges involving the new courthouse and jail, including cleaning and fuel for such;
(h) payments of the county or commonwealth to jurors, venire men (potential jurors selected), for recording births, deaths and marriages, conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, to county officials (sheriff, deputy sheriffs, coroner and other charges;
(i) granting of exemption from taxation or working on roads granted because of old age or bodily infirmity;
(j) granting of licenses to persons operating houses of entertainment, ordinaries, eating houses, or to liquor merchants;
(k) granting of permission to licensed ministers to perform the rite of matrimony;
(l) granting of permission for attorney(s) to practice in WCV court as well as Courts of the Commonwealth;
(m) administration of required oaths to county/court officials, and filling of vacancies of such, as required; and, admittedly, more!
(n) Lists of conveyances, Powers of Attorney, Homesteads, etc. admitted to record since last court term - should be checked against the appropriate deed book as there may be some deeds listed which were not finally recorded.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 23, Oct. 1879- Feb. 1882 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2018, 8x10, vi, 240 pages. From the Introduction:
... The MB covers primarily 1880 and 1881, the years of Rutherford B. Hayes (and later, James Garfield) as President. President Hayes' wife, "Lemonade Lucy" (Lucy Ware Webb, alias, Hayes) would have been pleased with the stepped up "moral bleaching and scrubbing" given WCV in those years with numerous prosecutions for running houses of ill fame, adultery, fornication, seduction, lewdness, and lewd and lascivious cohabitation, but she would have likely been disgruntled at the seemingly liberal allowances of liquor and bar room licenses accorded in the same period by the WCV Court! These were, as usual, exciting years: On the 31 Mar 1880, Wabash, IN became the first city in the world entirely lighted with electricity; in 1881 President James Garfield was assassinated (02 Jul and died 19 Sep); and in 1882, 29 Mar, the Knights of Columbus organization was incorporated and the outlaw, Jesse James was shot in the back of the head on 03 Apr 1882 by none other than Robert Ford! The book leaves us in early 1882 the year a depression descended upon the USA, lasting until 1885.
This MB is particularly valuable in that minute books or order books in general frequently provide accounts of persons not otherwise captured in DBs, WBs and other major court books. MB 23, as usual, sometimes leaves one with a great yearning for more details on a particular case entry; these would likely be found, if preserved, in loose court papers or one may consult the Chancery Order Books sometimes for more details... .
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[WSM23] $37.00     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 24, Feb. 1882- Dec. 1883 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2018, 8x10, vi, 280 pages.
This MB is particularly valuable in that minute books or order books in general frequently provide accounts of persons not otherwise captured in DBs, WBs and other major court books. MB 24, as usual, sometimes leaves one with a great yearning for more details on a particular case entry; these would likely be found, if preserved, in loose court papers or one may consult the Chancery Order Books sometimes for more details... .
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[WSM24] $37.00     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 25, Dec. 1883- Sep. 1885 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2018, 8x10, vi, 252 pages.
This MB is particularly valuable in that minute books or order books in general frequently provide accounts of persons not otherwise captured in DBs, WBs and other major court books. MB 24, as usual, sometimes leaves one with a great yearning for more details on a particular case entry; these would likely be found, if preserved, in loose court papers or one may consult the Chancery Order Books sometimes for more details... .
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 26, Sep. 1885- Mar. 1887 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2018, 8x10, vi, 242 pages.
The contents of this MB are comprised chiefly of:
(a): General: Court cases or "causes" were frequently continued with the Pltff posting recognizance bond, resulting in multiple entries for the same case, to the point where one can be led to wonder if the postponement of cases led to a protraction that tired the court into dismissal or, at least, more tendency toward leniency. The information given includes: Plaintiffs vs Defendant, often the commonwealth serving as the plaintiff, the plea entered and the disposition of the case (e.g., continued, judged in favor of the pltff or deft and, in case of fines, specifying the amount of the fine, dismissed, etc.); hung juries were not uncommon. The details in these cases except the name of the defendant and plaintiff and reason for the suit, are most often quite limited; some reasons for the cases include: Appeal; on motion on forthcoming bond; on attachment; detinue; case, in debt, covenant, in Chancery, perceived endangerment for serving as security (request for counter-security), settlement of guardian accounts, selection of guardian(s), notice, office judgments, partitioning of land among heirs, assignment of dower; administration of estates (including bond postings); posting of bonds by elected officials, unlawful detainer, judgment appeal, removal from a Justice; contestation of decision of appointed arbitrators, on injunction, attachments, appointment of appraisers of estate or on a summons. Some matters were ordered removed to the circuit court for deliberation and judgment and a high number of cases were dismissed at the request of the plaintiff with assent of the Commonwealth's Attorney and the court. Jury trials were sometimes waived; in case of jury trial, the members and verdict of the jury is specified (the most common dispositions of cases tried by jury are: acquittal, continuations, fines, imprisonment (in the Commonwealth's Penitentiary in Richmond or in the county jail), etc. Some cases were sent to designated arbitrators for deliberation with agreement of the court and those involved.
(b) Criminal: Grand jury indictments during the period covered a range of crimes, such as horse stealing, house breaking, passing counterfeit money, forgery, larceny (petit or grand), assault, assault & battery, assaulting an officer, nuisance, lewdness, lewd & lascivious cohabitation, fornication, conducting house of ill fame, trespass, killing fish with dynamite, failure to keep road in order, perjury, carrying concealed weapon(s), disturbing religious worship, selling liquor without a license, unlawful detainer, killing a horse, assault and murder. Many cases were dropped as the attorney for the commonwealth declined to prosecute or the case, with assent of the court, was dismissed. As well, there are the more serious crimes, to include: murder or accessory to, assault, malicious assault, cutting, etc., all with intent to kill (e.g., Martha Dickenson (infanticide); William alias Bill Daniels (kill Morgan Thomas); David Brewer (Wiley Litz); John I. Slaughter & Harriet Davidson (Nannie Fleenor); Daniel Moorefield (John Galliher); James L. Bott (Thos. Stout); Wm. White, D. T. Campbell, N. G. White (Judge Geo. W. Ward Jr. - long, drawn out case); E. Stanley (Bertie Wells); Frank Dillard (Morriss Sanders); Elkanah Denton (K. H. Stevens); Margaret Warden (not specified); George Wolf & Marcellus Wolf (not specified); Michael Widener (not specified; no prosecution); Richard Montegue (not specified); & John H. Everett (not specified). A considerable amount of crime seems to have been committed by those "passing through" (or from neighboring counties) who are very difficult to identify in other records or who might have been on the margins of society and missed in the 1880c. Those sentenced to the Penitentiary of the commonwealth (usually for property - breaking and entering or horse thievery) or personal (…"with intent to kill") or forgery include (# years of sentence in parentheses): Joel Widener (2 yrs; 3 yrs); Daniel Moorefield (1 yr); John O'Dell (2 yrs); Chas. Scott (2 yrs; Jas. L. Bott (1 yr), Henry Collins (2 yrs); James Kite (3 yrs), J. H Ratliff (5 yrs); John Hale (3 yrs); Rufus Martin (2 yrs) and J. M. Johnson alias Buck Echols (2 yrs).
(c) Grievances: There are quite a few cases from individual taxpayers or organizations citing errors in the tax books of the assessors for state (commonwealth), county, school, or township taxes; these were usually resolved in favor of the complainant.
(a) Apprenticeships (binding out) of youth seems to have disappeared or nearly disappeared by this time;
(b) Deaths: one may sometimes make a rough estimate of many deaths by judging from the multiple entries of estates from individuals dead for at least 3 months (occasionally one month), turned over to the sheriff for administration as well as cases implemented by persons then deemed to have died since the event (often the suit is implemented in the name of another person);
(c) Civil War: A number of WCV persons who received under acts of Feb 1884 & Feb 1886, disabling wounds during the Civil War applied for artificial limbs (or, if not able to use such, compensation/commutation) for limbs lost (or other involved infirmities) during the war (e.g., John W. Edmondson, Carey Spriggs, A. G. Musick, A. E. Buchanan, L. S. Sherman, N. M. Dettor, John . Terry, Capt. A. J. Cunningham, Marion G. Fleenor and Henry E. Hill)
(d) presentment at court and confirmation of admission to record of Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Agreements, Releases, Mechanics Liens, Lis Pendens, Partitions of estate, et al. during past court terms. The Homestead Act had been implemented and a number of Homestead claims, protecting certain property from serving as an attachment in the event Bankruptcy, are also recorded in this MB; the admission of deeds to record also serves as a sort of confirmatory index for the WCV Deed Books, but with realization that there are differences! Note: Lists of conveyances, Powers of Attorney, Homesteads, Liens, Agreements, Mechanics Liens, Lis Pendens, Partitions, etc. admitted to record since last court term - should be checked against the appropriate deed book as there may be some deeds listed which were seemingly not finally recorded; the listing here serves as a double-check index for WCV deeds.
(e) extensive entries involving "road orders" - many viewers selected to view routes for new roads, alternative routes, etc.; ad quod damnums...; compensation was sometimes awarded to landowners for property taken, etc.
(f) removal of lunatics (references frequently remain unnamed, but Wm. Arnett and Jas. A. Hagy are specifically mentioned) to the Western Lunatic Asylum at Staunton or return of wards or lunatics to their native areas; also appointment of Committees for lunatics and payments for medical services to lunatics;
(g) charges involving the courthouse and jail, including cleaning and fuel for such not observed in this MB;
(h) payments of the county or commonwealth to jurors, venire men (potential jurors selected), for recording births, deaths and marriages, conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, to county officials (sheriff, deputy sheriffs, coroner and other charges brought against the commonwealth or WCV by individuals;
(i) granting of exemption from taxation or working on roads granted because of old age or bodily infirmity, e.g., J. W. Berkley & Geo. W. Riffey;
(j) granting of licenses to persons operating houses of entertainment, ordinaries, eating houses, or to liquor and bar room merchants;
(k) granting of permission to licensed ministers to perform the rite of matrimony, e.g., J. T. Morrow (Methodist Episcopal Zion Church); W. H. Henderson (Methodist Episcopal Church South); Samuel S. Wright (Church of Christ); Lewis Carter (Baptist); Isaac N. Todd (Methodist Episcopal Church); J. c. Richardson (Angle Baptist Church) and J. E. Kilgore (Methodist Episcopal Zion Church). Religious censuses of 1870-1880 era confirm the numerical domination of the various Methodist churches in WCV;
(l) granting of permission for attorney(s) to practice in WCV court as well as Courts of the commonwealth (e.g.: Arthur English, H. H. Hamilton, Samuel V. Fulkerson & W. T. Hudgins);
(m) administration of required oaths to county/court officials, and filling of vacancies of such, as required.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 27, Mar. 1887- Mar. 1889 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2019, 8x10, vi, 270 pages.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 28, Mar. 1889- Aug. 1891 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2019, 8x10, vi, 273 pages.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA MINUTE BOOK 29, July 1891- March 1894 Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2019, 8x10, vi, 272 pages.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME ONE: 1782-1786, 1788-1790 Jack Hockett. 2005, x, 201 pages. The author has transcribed (with occasional annotations) the personal property tax lists for this southwestern county. A complete series is planned, and the current volume covers what is perhaps the most difficult lists to read. Property taxes offer a glimpse into the social status of a county resident, as well as offering possiblities of father-son relationships as young men reach the age of military service (16) and their majority (21) and the tax reporting changes from father to son. This is the first volume of a major reference collection for Washington County, Virginia
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME TWO: 1791-1799 Jack Hockett. 2005, x, 263 pages. Continuation of the series described above
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME THREE: 1800-1807, 1809-1810 Jack Hockett. 2005, x, 290 pages. Continuation of the series described above. NOTE: No taxes were collected in Virginia for the year 1808
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME FOUR: 1811-1820 Jack Hockett. 2005, x, 336 pages. Continuation of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME FIVE: 1821-1830 Jack Hockett. 2006, x, 374 pages. Continuation of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME SIX: 1831-1840 Jack Hockett. 2006, x, 295 pages. Continuation of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME SEVEN: 1841-1850 Jack Hockett. 2006, x, 394 pages. Continuation of the series described above.
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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME EIGHT: 1851-1870 (UPPER DISTRICT ONLY) Jack Hockett. 2007, iv, 148 pages. Continuation of the series described above.This is a collection of transcriptions (some accomplished with great rapidity!) from the UPPER DISTRICT (only) of Washington County Virginia over several years. There are several lists - especially those around the time of the Civil War which I suspect are somewhat deficient in terms of names of those who should have been taxed.
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[WPT8] $34.50     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, VOLUME NINE: 1871-1879 (ALL TOWNSHIPS/ALL DISTRICTS) Jack Hockett. 2017, iv, 214 pages. Continuation of the series described above
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WASHINGTON CO. VA 1890 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2012. ii, 71 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback. On January 10, 1921 a fire of unknown origin in the basement of the Department of commerce building destroyed all but 1% of the 1890 census. For more than a century historians and genealogists alike have sought to find ways to replace or at least regather some of this lost data. One of the most valuable sources which have survived are the state personal property tax lists which provide a summary of each household.
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[WSHL90] $14.95     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA SURVEYS AND COMMISSIONERS; CERTIFICATES, 1781-1797 Tom Colley. 1999, iv, 405 pages, index. Washington County was created in 1777 from Fincastle County. At the time of its creation, Washington contained the territory for the later counties of Russell (1786), Lee (1793), Scott (1814), Smyth (1832), Wise (1856), and a portion of Dickenson County (1880). The author has carefully abstracted the first surviving land book for this important county, and included all of the significant genealogical and land references. Eighteenth century survey records are quite rare, and this record should add to the sources for genealogical research in southwestern Virginia.
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Washington Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 38 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

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WASHINGTON CO. VIRGINIA SURVEY BOOK 2 (1791-1836) & SURVEY BOOK 3 (1836-1890) Abstracted and annotated by Robert E. & Donna Jean Ray Ford (nd), reprinted, 2021. Indexed by Donald Helton. Books are printed with individual numbering and indices: vol.2- vi, 162 pp; vol.3-vi, 48 pp.

   In 1999 Iberian Publishing Company published Mr. Thomas Colley's WASHINGTON COUNTY VIRGINIA SURVEYS & COMMISSIONERS’ CERTIFICATES 1781-1797. This valuable work contains surveys on record in Virginia Land Grant Books in Richmond, sourced from Certificates from the District of Washington and Montgomery, Virginia Land Office preemption Warrants, Virginia Land Office Treasury Warrants, etc. and contain such information such as the person for whom the survey was made, the acreage, the location of the survey, the date and number of the warrant and more valuable information. Note: Some of these records have also been online in five parts submitted by Ms. Rhonda Robertson (copyrighted) to USGenWeb Archives. These valuable record are supplemented by Deed Books for the specified time-periods.
   The present work by Robert and Donna R. Ford, with the every name index prepared by Mr. Donald Helton, continue with Survey Books 2 and 3, covering the period 1791-1836, 1836-1890; annotation are frequently made referring to the Virginia Land Grant Book in which the metes and bounds of the survey is located.
To view a digital copy of the index to the Volume two book, visit Index-Wcsb-volume 2
To view a digital copy of the index to the Volume three book, visit
Index-Wcsb-volume 3
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WASHINGTON CO., VA CHANCERY ORDER BOOK A, 1831-1847 abstracted by Tom Colley. 2012, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, iv, 171 pages, index. In the record room of any courthouse there are often two types of records of proceedings of court cases. The first of these are common law records, dealing with cases in which someone has been accused of breaking the law. The person charged with breaking the law must face either a judge, or a judge and jury. The second type are chancery records, involving cases in which one person or persons bring suit against another person or persons to settle differences between them. These civil matters can include such things as disagreement over a business arrangement, nonpayment for services rendered, differences among family members over the settlement of an estate, etc. In the colonial period, both common law and chancery records were kept by the clerk in the same order book. Occasionally the clerk might refer to the proceedings of a particular day, stating that the court that day was "on the chancery side," i.e., they were hearing only chancery cases that day.
The Order Book contains the essential information regarding the plaintiff and defendant; it is not the entire chancery record (oftetimes a single case can run through dozens or even hundreds of pages); rather the order book is the court's guide to the process. It is invaluable to genealogical research in that it allows a quick search of decades of chancery causes within a given county. In the case of Washington county, where chancery records of this period were destroyed by Union vandalism, it is the only record we have of the court process.
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WASHINGTON CO., VA CHANCERY ORDER BOOK B, 1847-1859 abstracted by Jack Hockett & Donald Helton. 2021, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, iv, 262 pages, index. From the Introduction:
Washington County VA Chancery Order Books A, C, and D having already been previously published, WCV Chancery Order Book B, transcribed from film no. 008153318, is now presented for publication. The book begins at a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, Monday, 11 October 1847 in a chancery cause involving Isaac Thomas, Pltf. vs Jacob Barb & others (withdrawal of papers) and ends 413 pages later on Saturday, 23 April 1859 with a case involving James S. Glenn & c., Pltfs. vs W. Y. C. White & c. Defts. (cause set for hearing), or, in other words, almost to the eve of the Civil War. Although most cases involve the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held at Abingdon, there are also causes which were tried at the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Virginia (held at Wythe Court House) as well as the Supreme Court of Appeals held at Lewisburg, VA (now WV). Most of the cases are "in chancery" (suit pending in court of equity) or "on injunction" (court order wherein an individual is required to perform or restrained from performing a particular act). Many of them involve long-standing causes which deal with the resolution of debts or the partitioning of land; hence, a considerable amount of genealogical information can be found in this Circuit Court Book B. The stacked up cases appear over and over and periodically. There is a limited amount of information on slaves.

The book is especially rich in the estimation (or sometimes the exact) date of death of many individuals, often with the wording as to their decease, "since the last term of this court". Among individuals mentioned as being deceased are: Sarah G. Preston; John Jamison; Christopher Haynes; Elizabeth Crockett; Lewis Smith; Nancy Talbert; Sally Campbell Preston; Rhoda (McNew) Hurst; John S. Berry; Joseph Miller; Lilburn H. Trigg; Samuel Meek; Aaron Bowman; John M. Cunningham; Solomon Fleenor; James Beaty; James White; W. M. Gray; Abraham Zimmerman; Wm. R. Buchanan; James Brooks; Sally Berry; William R. Buchanan; Samuel Logan; John P. Mathews; Chas. C. Gibson; and Samuel Meek.

Divorces mentioned include: John Clark from Nancy A. (Grubb) – Nancy's right to remarry later restored; Addison Wyatt from Sally (Bailey); Carey Spriggs from Elizabeth (Hurst); Abram Snodgrass from Elizabeth Snodgrass; James Ross from Charlotte (Vernon); Stark Jett from Sarah Jett; Richard H. Massingill from Harriett Massingill; Malinda (Kennedy) from Hugh Ingram; and Calvin T. Cunningham from Mary G. (Buchanan).

Further, tracing migrations to a degree is also useful from information given in this work; examples of non-residents of the commonwealth include: William, Anderson and Fairman P. Bryan; Polly (Mary McNew) Bradley; William McNew; Christopher, Adam, Jacob & Samuel Fudge & Christina Trough; Wm. A. Dunn & Gorge E. Naff; John & John C. Shaffer; John G. Pearson, John Lambeth, Walter A. Wilbein; Charles A. Clark; Roger C. Luckett; William Lee; William Hensley & wife.

The chancery causes involving the partitioning of land are especially rich in genealogical material; examples are estates of the following or persons involved in such estates (some entries providing metes and bounds of the lands partitioned), i.e., James Meek; Milbourn Land; James White; Edward Jamison; Ann Snodgrass; Elisha McNew Sr. estate; Hogue Land; James L. White's widow; James White (Wm. King estate); Wood's land; A. Conn's heirs; Robt. L. Bradley/Morrison land; Roberts Tract; Jacob Baker's heirs; Dr. Daniel Trigg; McChesney land; Keller land; heirs of Samuel Snodgrass; Statzer Land; Benjamin Reid and; Solomon Fleenor; McChesney/Gray Land; Polly Branham; Aker/Cunningham)

Many of the cases have roots and references going back to the early and mid-1800s and not infrequently various plaintiffs or defendants die before the resolution of the suit. Suit "dismissions" were common due to non-residents and others not paying the proper court fees.

The punctuation of the clerks is "wild"; some has been retained and others corrected for the ease of reading. There is great difficulty sometimes distinguishing between I. and J., T. and F., etc. Some annotations have been made with credits to the Michele Epps, "Mary Marble (Blevins)"; Robert Sherwood and Diana Powell and others as named. General works such as Marriage Books of WCV, Censuses of WCV,, and other works are the sources of many of the annotations.

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WASHINGTON CO., VA CHANCERY ORDER BOOK C, 1859-1870 abstracted by Jack Hockett & Donald Helton. 2020, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, iv, 194 pages, index. From the Introduction:
Washington County VA (WCV) Chancery Order Book C begins at court 12 Sep 1859 and ends 388 pages later on 13 May 1870. This books is quite important in that it covers the period immediately before the Civil War as well as the Civil War Period itself (however, court was not held after 20 Sep 1864 until 02 Apr 1866, p. 171) and the period immediately thereafter. At one point it mentions that the judge was away on CSA Army duty. In addition to the cases under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court, this book also contains some few cases heard by the District Court of Appeals for the 7th District.

Most of the cases are 'in chancery' (suit pending in court of equity) or 'on injunction' (court order wherein an individual is required to perform or restrained from performing a particular act). Many of them involve long-standing causes which deal with the resolution of debts or the partitioning of land; hence, a considerable amount of genealogical information can be found in this Circuit Court Book C. An example is the extensive information given on the heirs to the proceeds of Kings Saltworks.

The Circuit Court also handled divorce cases; in this work: Mary McPhatridge vs Alfred F. McPhatridge; Grandison Roberts ags Elizabeth J. Roberts; Nathaniel Schott ags Mary Schott; Cassandra Hodgins ags Jerden Hodgins; Wm. H. Henderson ags Nancy Henderson; Alfred N. Crowell ags Mary M. Crowell; James Dowell vs Ellen Dowell; Peter S. Haynes vs Attizary (Alonzery) Haynes; John L. Taylor ags Helen Q. Taylor; Chapman Roberts ags Mary Roberts; Maria (Poston) Akers ags Roland Akers; Henry Hays vs Flora Hays and Wm. Howard vs Lydia Ann Howard.

Many of the cases have roots and references going back to the early and mid-1800s and not infrequently various plaintiffs or defts die before the resolution of the suit
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WASHINGTON CO., VA CHANCERY ORDER BOOK D, 1870-1874 abstracted by Jack Hockett & Donald Helton. 2020, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, iv, 277 pages, index. Washington County VA (WCV) Chancery Order Book D begins at court 11 July 1870 and ends 524 pages later on 17 October 1874.
Fior a description of the nature of Chancery order books, see description for Chancery Book C (above)
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WASHINGTON CO. VA. BOND BOOKS (ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, GUARDIANS, ETC.), 1870-1901 abstracted by Jack Hockett & Donald Helton. 2022, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, X, 275 pages, index.

These bond books contain the following types of bonds (varying per book with some of the bonds): Guardians, Administrators, Executors, Powers of Attorney, Tavern Keepers, Retail Liquor Dealers; Barroom Liquor Dealers, County Officials (elected, appointed, or to fill a vacancy), i.e., Notary Public, Supervisors, Overseers of the Poor, Commissioners of Roads, Town Sargeant, Constables, Commissioners of Revenue; Sheriff, Treasurer, Superintendent of the Poor (Alms House), Clerk of the Court, Examiner of Records; as well, Ministers’ rights to perform marriages; Committees for persons of unsound mind (lunatics).

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[WCBD] $39.00     (printed version)

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[EWcbd] $27.00     (electronic version)

WASHINGTON CO. VA. EXECUTION BOOK 1 (1782-1787); JUDGMENT BOOK 1 (1782-1786) Transcribed by Ms. Shelby Ireson Edwards,[originally published 1983, reprinted 2007]. iv, 18 pp.[Executions]; 28pp. [Judgments], every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback).Executions are an important genealogical tool. They have nothing to do as records of capital punishment. Instead, Executiuons list cases sued out or pending in the sheriff's office. They show notices of process, names of the parties, amount of the judgment, date of execution, return date, and sheriff's return. A Judgment docket, on the other hand lists judgments and other liens entered in all courts. It is a register of liens on all owners of property. By comparing the two documents, a great deal of genealogical information can often be obtained. And the period covered by both books is a time when Virginia was in a great transition from wartime to peacetime, and from colonial rule to a new governing system.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wsej
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[WSEJ] $22.00     (printed version)

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WASHINGTON COUNTY, VA MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR, 1826-1863 by Jack Hockett. 1997, 151 pages, index. The author abstracts all of the data found in the records of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, an organization which supplanted the Anglican Church's duties following the disestablishment of the church. These records are especially important because of the paucity of records currently published on Washington County. surviving deed and will books tend not to contain mention of less affluent citizens of the county.

To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Wcvm
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[Wcvm] $27.00     (printed version)

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[EWcvm] $18.00     (electronic version)

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