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Smyth County Virginia
Smyth County was formed in 1832 from portions of Washington and Wythe counties. The county's name honored Alexander Smyth, a former congressman from Virginia who had died in 1830 while seeking to create the new county. The earliest settlement of the region dates from 1745. The county's records are virtually complete, despite Federal forces having set fire to the wagon transporting them to safety in 1864. The fire was extinguished by a neighbor, Elizabeth Catherine Killinger, and returned to the courthouse. Another small fire of an unknown date destroyed a few court records.
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Smyth County Marriage Records
Smyth County Will Books
Smyth County Deed Books
Smnyth County Court Order Books
Smyth County Tax Lists
Smyth County Death Records
Smyth County Census Records
Smyth County Miscellaneous Records
Records Prior to County Formation (pre-1832)
John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr. 1984, viii, 89 pages, indices, figure, map. A total of 831 marriage records are abstracted in this volume and they are taken from the county clerk's register. Accompanying data includes minister's name, date of marriage and/or return to clerk.
[Smyt] $11.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmyt] $6.00
    (electronic version)
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt. 2007) viii, 213 pages, separate surname indices. 8x10, paperback. A thorough and meticulous transcription. The census is carefully done from difficult-to-read pencilled census records.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the marriage surname index to this book, visit
Index-Smy2 Marriages surnames index
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To view a digital copy (pdf) of the census surname index to this book, visit
Index-Smy2 Census surnames index
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[Smy2] $31.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmy2] $20.00
    (electronic version)
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt. 2000 (reprinted and reformatted, 2007) vi, 188 pages, bride cross-reference index. 8x10, paperback. Includes names of groom & bride, ages, marital status, parents of each, birthplaces, groom's occupation, date of marriages, person performing the ceremony, and place of marriage where given. A thorough and meticulous transcription, with copious annotations added..
[Smy3] $27.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmy3] $18.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA WILL BOOK A, 1832-1844; WILL BOOK No. 1, 1838-1898
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 157 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
This will book consists primarily of:
(a) Last Will and Testaments: These give everything from full details of families to mere "hints" of the size and composition of families (wife, husband, children, et al). They are generally an excellent source of genealogical information. More often the LWT is written fairly soon before the death of the testator, but in some cases, quite some years before. Sometimes "bonus" information is captured in the will such as the metes and bounds of land conveyed by the LWT.
(b) Appraisal and Inventory of Estates: This provides some clue as to the wealth (or lack thereof) of the individual concerned, proving articles which are provided to the (usually) three appraisers and the price assigned to each article. These have generally not been transcribed beyond mentioned the size of the estate, the major composition of the estate and the total, if given (frequently no total is given). For those interested in the size and wealth of their subject's estate, the information is readily available to transcribe and is frequently, in the case of large estates, exhaustive.
(c) Sale Bill of Estate: The Sale Bill generally follows pretty closely the Inventory/Appraisement of Estate. In the case of these sales, I have recorded the names of purchasers, but attempting to only make one mention of each name or form of name (some repeats). Prices paid have not been transcribed but are easily available to the researcher. In the case of slaves, the name of the slave and the price at sale are transcribed and a few other interesting articles sometimes mentioned.
(d) Settlement of Estates: These entries contain the "bookkeeping" of the estate administrator and lists the debits and credits of the estate; proper names are recorded (usually "received from" or "paid to". These entries can also sometimes be exhaustive and are difficult to sometimes make sense of even in full transcription. These settlements sometimes contain valuable information regarding the heirs to include their names and the amount to be distributed to each heir (at times being more specific regarding the heirs than the LWT itself.).
(e) Assignment of Dower: By law of the commonwealth, a widow was entitled to 1/3 of the estate of her husband; these assignments of dower are listed in this LWT and are frequently good sources of the location, metes and bounds of the land assigned.
(f) Renunciation of Dower: Not infrequently the husband of a widow would leave specific amounts to his widow in his will, instead of dower, but the widow had the right to renounce the provisions made for her in the LWT and in such cases, request her dower.
(g) Other:
Slaves: Information on slaves can be found in several areas, including LWTs, Estate Sales, Inventories, and sometimes other places. They having generally, at that time, no surnames, their given name is always capitalized in this transcription.
Names/Forms: The English speaking clerk (who was wary of most punctuation, by the way), frequently butchered the German [and Swiss German/Alsatian German] names, especially; in a few instances, the German name itself has been translated into English. This segment of the early population was very numerous and extremely important in and for Smyth County.
The bulk of the early settlers came especially from Pennsylvania (with Chester County being especially prominent as a place of origin); for this reason I call Philadelphia (port of arrival) "The Jamestown of Smyth County"; some Germans and Scottish/Ulsterite and also English (rarely mentioned but numerous) came also from Pennsylvania, sometimes stopping for a generation or more in Frederick, Shenandoah, and especially Augusta/Botetourt/Rockbridge County. It should here be pointed out that a great number of the early inhabitants listing "NC" as place of birth were short-term persons of NC background, coming primarily also from PA to NC and thence to Smyth; a fairly rare, small group of persons coming from the counties in or bordering the Piedmont of NC may have come there from the E. of NC or from VA. Lastly, the minority of persons who crossed the water gaps, deemed frequently "Eastern Virginia English" trickled into Smyth, mainly from the Piedmont Counties of Louisa, Amelia, Powhatan, Buckingham, Cumberland et al. Finally, particularly in the St. Clair District, the "New England Colony" were a strong and fairly numerous contingent, originating in MA, CT and RI, frequently stopping in Ulster and Westchester Cos. NY and thence to (now) Smyth County. This "colony" had a small spillover into neighboring Washington County; many of them were former tenants of the patroons in NY. This latter group makes Smyth County unique in Virginia in having a sizeable contingent of (originally) New England people.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB1] $24.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb1] $18.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA WILL BOOK 2, 1844-1854
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 155 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB2] $24.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb2] $18.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA WILL BOOK 3, 1854-1863
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 128 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB3] $24.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb3] $18.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA WILL BOOK 4, 1864-1873
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 162 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB4] $24.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb4] $18.00
    (electronic version)
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 74 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB5] $19.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb5] $14.00
    (electronic version)
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 71 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB6] $19.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb6] $14.00
    (electronic version)
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. iv, 89 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SWB7] $19.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESwb7] $14.00
    (electronic version)
Thomas & Jane Ann Colley. 2004, ii, 219 pages, index. One can locate considerable information on the county’s history and genealogy by referencing its deed books, containing not only deeds (Indentures of Bargain & Sale) but relinquishment of dower, powers of attorney and Deeds of Gift, Deeds of Trust, etc. This includes the all-important location of female surnames and also valuable clues to the misconstrued and translated (Anglicized) German and Swiss German names. This is the first deed book for this new county, and the index will list many of the early settlers in the region as well as the influx of new landowners. A very valuable addition to southwestern Virginia history.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[SDB1] $32.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESDB1] $20.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOKS 1 (1832-33) & 2 (1833-35)
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2023. vi, 308 pages [two volumes in one, with individual pagination and indices].
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to these volumes, visit
Index-Smob1 [Order Book 1]
Index-Smob2 [Order Book 2]
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[SMOB1] $37.50
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob1] $22.00
    (electronic version)
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 184 pages, every-name index.
From the Authors' Introduction-
This book represents an entire (almost every word - a few areas where info has been grouped or consolidated to prevent repetition) transcription of Smyth County Virginia Order Book 3. It is important for the study of the earliest records of this county after formation in 1832 from the Counties of Washington and Wythe, which house the records to which one must refer for information on most individuals contained in this book earlier than the year 1832.
Order Book (OB) 3 begins at Court, Tuesday 19th. January 1836 with a list of conveyances which were admitted to record since the last court term. The book ends on p. 322 at court, Tuesday 17th. Jul 1838 with Abram Naff, orphan of Michael Naff, choosing Peter Naff as his guardian and the court appointing Peter also guardian to Eliza Naff, another orphan of Peter.
Irregularities: The clerks who made the entries usually presented with good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (a very few letters cut off in the right hand margin and a very few smudges or strikeovers which made transcription more difficult). (a) Page 222 is missing from the film - filming error, causing me to go to the Internal Index to locate any entry ascribed to this page. Only two entries (indentures) were located and the Deed Book 2 for Smyth was consulted to supplement information that is on this page; a copy of the page could be secured from the Smyth Co. VA Courthouse in Marion, if needed; (b) The clerk has mistakenly used the number page 264 twice and this has been dealt with by the transcriber by labeling the pages 264A and 264B; (c) The clerk has mistakenly used the number 287 twice and this has been dealt with by the transcriber by labeling the pages 287A and 287B.
In general, the early order books for Smyth County contain such information as Revolutionary War Pension Applications (perhaps one reference in Order Book 3); Road Orders (new, repair of, change of course, discontinuation, et al.); Binding out of orphans and/or poor and free persons of colour by the Overseers of the Poor; Improper tax charges in county levies & poor rates; Permission of manumitted persons to remain within the Commonwealth (Isaac Tate); Division of Estates; Assignments of Dower; Election of county officials; Ad quod damnums; Indentures of Bargain & Sale and of Trust Deeds (proving and admitting to record); Estate Inventories & appraisals; Licensing of lawyers, pedlars (peddlers) et al.; Examination of lunatics; Permission of clergy to perform marriages; Survey of county lines (not in OB 3); Appointment of committees for imbeciles and persons declared non compos mentis; Exceptions from payment of taxes and poor rates for reason of age, poverty and other; Bonding of witnesses; Powers of Attorneys; Grand Jury presentments; Tavern rates; Payments for wolf and fox hides, for guarding prisoners, for dieting prisoners and payment to county officials and for work and teams on the public roads; Payment of charges for building and furnishing the courthouse and jail and other public areas; Laying of the yearly county levy; Licensing of houses of private entertainments and ordinaries; Loans to Smyth County and other information. Many causes/cases are tried for such reasons/types as debt, assumpsit; Habeas corpus, appeals of judgments of justices, murder, counterfeiting, larceny, assault & assault & battery, breach of the peace, trading with a slave, hog stealing, attachments, covenants, and others; Many judgments 'non sum informatus'. Some of the entries give clues to migratory patterns of former Smyth County residents, centering especially on the states of Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri and Indiana for the period in question.
Courts include the regular monthly courts, as well as 'called courts'(extras) and quarterly courts. As well, sitting in Wytheville, the Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery which replaced the Superior Court of Chancery (1802-1831) which itself replaced the High Court of Chancery.
A few annotations 'take or leave' have been made from readily available sources for Smyth County. For the text of both books, the handwriting and filming are generally acceptable with only a few instances of page lines being cut off, handwriting obscured or the usual inabilities to distinguish I and J, T and S and a few other letters. Punctuations (nearly nonexistent for some clerks) have been added where judged necessary for meaning; clerks sometimes used improper punctuation (sometimes retained for 'flavor'). One clerk seemed to habitually leave off the last letter or two of a word. Oxonian spelling was still in vogue with the clerks of this era.
The internal index for this book is available and extensive but, owing to the fact that an every-name index has been prepared, it has not been transcribed and presented here.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB3] $30.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob3] $20.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 4, 1838-1840
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 199 pages, every-name index.
From the Authors' Introduction-
Order Book (OB) 4 begins at Court, Tuesday 21 August 1838 with a list of conveyances which were admitted to record since the last court term, and ends on p. 318, at Court Tuesday 22 Dec. 1840 with the registration of Peter Estill, a free person of colour.
Irregularities: The clerks who made the entries usually presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (a very few letters cut off in the right hand margin and a very few smudges or strikeovers; as well, a very few illegible words, which made transcription more difficult). (a) Page #224 has mistakenly been used twice; hence, these pages are labeled: 224A and 224B.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB4] $30.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob4] $20.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 5, 1841-1843
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 211 pages, every-name index.
From the Authors' Introduction-
Order Book (OB) 5 begins at Court, Tuesday 19 January 1841 with the appointment of Simon Wolf as an overseer of the road and ends on p. 317, at Court 18 July 1843 with the appraisal of the personal estate of Tucker W. Pate and the Certifying of the list of road hands.
Irregularities: The clerks who made the entries usually presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (a very few letters cut off in the right hand margin and a very few smudges or strikeovers; as well, a very few illegible words, which made transcription more difficult). The major irregularity is that the clerk labeled THREE pages No. 81. To correct this, we have labeled the pages “81A”; “81B” and “81C” which makes for a total of 319 pages for this OB (instead of 317).
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB5] $30.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob5] $20.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 6, 1843-1846
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 181 pages, every-name index.
Order Book (OB) 6 begins at Court, Tuesday 22 August 1843 with the Settlement of the administration account of John McCrady (McCready) on the estate of Edward H. Jameson and the granting of a testimonial to Charles Collins a Methodist Episcopal minister, and ends on p. 238, at Court Wednesday 18 Feb 1846 with the suit of Christian Falkie against Wm. Philips (order to partition land in the bill mentioned).
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB6] $30.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob6] $20.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 7, 1846-1849
Complete transcription, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 273 pages, every-name index.
From the Authors' Introduction-
This book OB 7 represents an entire (almost every word – a few areas where info has been grouped or consolidated to prevent repetition) transcription of Smyth County Virginia Order Book 7, 1846-1849. It is important for the study of the earliest records of this county after formation in 1832 from the Counties of Washington and Wythe, which house the records to which one must refer for information on most individuals contained in this book earlier than the year 1832.
Order Book (OB) 7 begins at Court, Tuesday 17 March 1846 with a Court of Quarterly Sessions held for Smyth County. Robert Houston produced a commission from the Lieut. Gov. of the Commonwealth of VA whereby he was commissioned to execute the office of Sheriff for the county; he acknowledged bond and took the oaths of office, and ends 408 pages later at court 29 Sep 1849 with James Wilson in court, confessing judgment for $57.86 and interest, and being released from custody.
Irregularities: The multiple clerks who made the entries usually presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription, the exception being the sometimes difficult penmanship and illegible (in a few words) handwriting of one of the clerks (a very few letters were cut off in the right hand margin and a very few smudges or strikeovers; as well, a very few illegible words, which occasionally made transcription more difficult).
In general, the early (pre-1850) order books for Smyth County contain such information as Revolutionary War or War of 1812 Pension Applications or references thereto (This particular Order Book contains only mentions of persons known to be Rev. War or War of 1812 pensioners.); Road Orders (new, repair of, change of course, discontinuation, compensation for, et al.); Binding (or revocation of binding out) out of orphans and/or poor and "free persons of colour" by the Overseers of the Poor; Contested Improper tax charges in county levies & poor rates; Permission of manumitted persons to remain within the Commonwealth; Division of Estates; Admission to Record of last will and testaments, Assignment of persons to appraise estates, Assignments of Dower [occasional rejection of widow of provisions of LWT in favor of dower]; Election and appointment of county and Commonwealth officials; Ad quod damnums; Indentures of Bargain & Sale, Deeds of Gift and of Trust Deeds (proving and admitting to record-Note: These can serve as a supplemental deed book index!); Estate Inventories & appraisals; Licensing of lawyers, pedlars (peddlers) et al.; Examination of lunatics; Permission of clergy to perform marriages (note the early Latter Day Saints minister's (Absalom M. Young) 2 Oct 1846 application in this OB - p. 62, for a testimonial [granted]); Some surveys; Appointment of committees for imbeciles and persons declared non compos mentis; Exceptions from payment of taxes and poor rates for reason of age, poverty and other; Bonding of witnesses; Powers of Attorneys; Grand Jury presentments and trials resulting therefrom; executions on forthcoming bonds, Setting of Tavern rates; Payments for wolf and fox hides, for guarding prisoners, for dieting prisoners and payment to county officials and for work and teams on the public roads; Payment of charges for building and furnishing the courthouse and jail and other public areas; Laying of the yearly county levy; Licensing of houses of private entertainments and ordinaries; Loans to Smyth County; Various suits involving Debt, Covenant, Assumpsit et al., and other information Many causes/cases are tried in these early OBs for such reasons/types as debt, assumpsit; Habeas corpus, appeals of judgments of justices, and sometimes murder, counterfeiting, larceny, bigamy, assault & assault & battery, breach of the peace, trading with a slave, hog stealing, attachments, covenants, and others; Many judgments "non sum informatus". Some of the entries give clues to migratory patterns of former Smyth County residents, centering especially on the states of Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and Indiana (and occasionally Arkansas and Texas) for the period in question. As well, occasional valuable genealogical information is provided such as list of heirs (estate divisions) and birth and death dates.
Courts include the regular monthly courts, as well as "called courts"(extras) and quarterly courts. Also, sitting in Wytheville, the Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery which replaced the Superior Court of Chancery (1802-1831) which itself replaced the High Court of Chancery.
A few annotations "take or leave" have been made from readily available sources for Smyth County. Although the handwriting and filming are generally of good quality, the usual inabilities to distinguish I and J, T and S and a few other letters still abound. Punctuations (nearly nonexistent for some clerks; wild and misplaced for others) have been added where judged necessary for meaning; clerks sometimes used improper punctuation (sometimes retained for "flavor").
The internal index for this book is available; however, in quickly judging, it appears that after the first 2/3 of the book, the indexer abandoned his job; hence it appears incomplete and has not been here transcribed.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volume, visit
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[SMOB7] $36.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob7] $26.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 8, 1849-1852
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 143 pages, every-name index.
Court Order Book 8 has been abstracted in a manner slightly different from previous volumes 1-7 in that information superfluous to genealogical or historical interest has been abridged; template wording has generally been eliminated (such as "Plea waived and…" and "execution on a forfeited bond" as well as seemingly interminable, and frequently multiply displays of full listings of causes continued). However an effort has been made to retain, sometimes in full transcription any information vital to historical or genealogical interests. This order book takes one past the vital 1850 Census.
Order Book (OB) 8 begins at Court, Tuesday 16 October 1849 with a listing of conveyances/writings admitted to record since the last court, and ends 346 pages later at court 20 April 1852 with the debt case of Sexton & Gibboney for John Gillespie against James Cahill.
Irregularities: The multiple clerks who made the entries in OB 8 usually
presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (some light/dark switching necessary), the exception being the sometimes difficult penmanship and illegible (in a few words) handwriting of one of the court clerks.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB8] $25.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob8] $15.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 9, 1852-1853
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 106 pages, every-name index.
This book OB (Court Order Book) 9 has been abstracted in a manner slightly different from OBs 1-7 in that information superfluous to genealogical interest has been abridged; template wording has generally been eliminated (such as "Plea waived and" and "execution on a forfeited bond" as well as seemingly interminable, and frequently multiply displays of full listings of causes (usually for debt or case) continued). However an effort has been made to retain, sometimes in full transcription any information vital to historical or genealogical interests. This OB 9, along with OB 8, takes one past the vital 1850 Census.
The primary difference in this abstraction (sometimes summary) from the previous "every-word" transcription is the deletion of long lists of continued court causes (which come to trial later), chiefly for debt, case, or other reason. The deletion of the text from numerous causes for "forfeited forthcoming bond" and lengthy reiterations of causes for "debt" in both of the latter mentioned cases, the judgment is always for the plaintiff with interest from specified date and the Costs. For "forfeited bond" causes, the initial amount is usually reduced to about 1/2 the original bond.
Order Book (OB) 9 begins at Court, Tuesday 18th. May 1852 with a listing of Deeds that have been presented at court and ordered to be recorded since the last court and ends 348 pages later at court Wednesday 21 December 1853 with the case of Wm. Y. C. White et al., heirs of Wm. King for John Call against Wm. J. Whitely: unlawful detainer.
Irregularities: The multiple clerks who made the entries in OB 9 usually presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (some light/dark switching necessary), the exception being the sometimes difficult penmanship and illegible (in a few words) handwriting of one of the court clerks.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB9] $25.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob9] $15.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 10, 1854-1856
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2024. iv, 178 pages, every-name index.
Order Book (OB) 10 begins at Court, Thursday, 17 January 1854 with a listing of instruments of writing admitted to record since the last court term, and ends on p. 476, Wednesday, 22 October 1856 with the continuation 0f the administration account of Wyman (Wayman) Seabolt, administrator of Calvin Seabolt - to lie over for exceptions.
Irregularities: The multiple clerks who made the entries in OB 10 usually presented with generally good handwriting and the filming was mostly acceptable for transcription (some light/dark switching necessary), the exception being the sometimes difficult penmanship and illegible (in a few words) handwriting of one of the court clerks.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB10] $27.50
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob10] $16.00
    (electronic version)
SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 11, 1856-1859
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2025. iv, 198 pages, every-name index.
This book OB (Court Order Book) 11 is an important OB in that it details happenings in Smyth Co VA immediately prior to [and almost up to] the Civil War. OB 11 begins at Court 18 --- 1856 with a listing of conveyances and other writings admitted to record during and since the last October Term 1856 and ends on p. 507 [pages #120 and 120 being either skipped by Clerk, not used, or by the filmer!], at Court 29 July 1859 with the Debt Case of Vincent Morgan against Fountain Prater.
In this OB, to skip the more superfluous recordings of a plethora of causes for debt and case in which there is little or no genealogical value (excepting "marking people in time"), these have been listed only with one example per page. As well the causes for "forfeited forthcoming bond" are listed but the body of the text (always a ruling for the plaintiff with reduction of debt plus interest and costs, and finally, the sometime seemingly endless listings of continued court causes for various reasons (sometimes repeated) are only briefly mentioned in terms of numbers and "continued". Although some entries (usually those of template verbiage) are summarized, most of the rest of the OB is recorded fully as written (verbatim or nearly so) or only slightly abridged/summarized.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this volumes, visit
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[SMOB11] $27.50
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ESmob11] $16.00
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SMYTH CO. VA ORDER BOOK 12, 1859-1866
Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2025. iv, 341 pages, every-name index.
from the Introductiion:
This book OB (Court Order Book) 12 is an especially important OB in that it details happenings in Smyth Co VA immediately prior to, during, and for the half year after the Civil War. OB 12 begins at Court 16 August 1859 with a listing of documents presented at Court and admitted to record since the July term (1859) of the court, and ends 560 pages later, at Court, 17 January 1866 with the appointment of Reese A. Gillespie as overseer of Road No. 17 of District 2 of Smyth County.
The first part of this book, up through Summer of 1860, consists of a lot of listings of court cases for debt (rulings for plaintiff with interest from (date) and costs, usually consisting of 6 to 13 causes per page; an example is given for each page; the plaintiffs are either companies or individuals, enumerated frequently over and over), numerous causes for forfeited forthcoming bond wherein the plaintiff is awarded the amount of the bond, plus interest & costs and this is reduced approximately one-half for final payment by the defendant; in these cases, the Plaintiff and Defendant have been transcribed. There is little genealogical information contained in these two type of entries other than marking people in time. Ditto the listing - sometimes protracted-- of causes which have been determined to be continued. The rest of this section of the OB 12 consists of the usual entries. The second part of the book from Summer/End 1860 through January 1866 is seemingly more important with usually the deletion of the long listings of debt and forfeited bond causes and less emphasis on extensive listings of continued causes. In the case of this second part of the OB 12, many entries have been recorded verbatim, with others fully summarized.
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[SMOB12] $38.00
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[ESmob12] $20.00
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SMYTH CO. VA PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LISTS, 1832-1837, 1839-1849, 1852-1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1863
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2014. iv, 323 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback.
From the author's preface:
I believe the county to be unique among counties in the commonwealth in that it received a hearty number of New England and New York settlers – a group perhaps second only to the very numerous PA settlers – primarily of German origin with occasional elements of Swiss-German, but also very likely English, Scottish and a few Ulsterite (Scots-Irish) settlers also from PA. A few examples of this can be found in the histories of such families as the Coles and Wheelers from New England, the Bishops and Sherwoods (the latter family via New Brunswick, CA) from NY (and just across the line in WCV, the Aylesworths (Rhode Island to Saratoga, NY to WCV), Dentons (NY), and Thompsons (stonemasons from CT). The county also harbored a number of persons from MD (such as the Talbot [Talbert], Smallwood, Vermillion, Smallwood, and Poston families [and right across the line in WCV, the McNew, Cawood and Athey families], as well as "Delaware Swedish " (Stalcop/Stolcup). Some German speaking persons might have come via NC such as the Swiss Billetor/Billeter family (Stokes Co NC). But, of course, it was the PA settlers that, by far, dominated the ranks of the early settlers of the county. This likely put the "Eastern Virginia English" into a quite small minority although some few families from the VA Piedmont did appear in early times, such as the Harris, Thompson, and McGhee families (Louisa Co), the Crenshaw family (Amelia, Nottoway Co – originally in St. Martin’s Parish, Hanover Co), and the Ferguson and Lee families (both from Buckingham Co.). In my opinion, the early migration to Smyth Co VA indicates a heavy preponderance of settlers from North of VA, with PA dominance and a unique and fairly sizeable New England and other Middle Atlantic contingents.
In summary, the county was heavily German and Swiss German with a healthy dash of Scottish and some few "Eastern Virginia English" having crossed through the water gaps to join the principally Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New York, and New England early settlers to the county.
[SMYP] $36.95
Abstracted, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett and Donald Helton. 2011. ii, 44 pages, complete name index. 8x10, paperback. The loss of the 1890 census has made for some difficulties for the genealogist. The 1890 Personal Property Tax Lists are extant and they are an excellent source of information and supplement to the missing 1890 census
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[SCTL90] $12.95
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[ESctl90] $7.50
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Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett. ii,21pp.
[SMYTL37] $5.00
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[ESMYTL37] $3.00
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Researched by Thomas Jack Hockett; Abstracted & compiled by by Donald W. Helton. iv,220pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). These deaths are taken from a variety of sources and methods employed, including "hunt and seek", census, on-line sources at Rootsweb, Ancestry, IGI, Family Genealogy Forums, censuses, etc. and the very valuable Missouri Death Certificates 1912-1958 which are generously available online. These deaths of mid and extreme SW VA people in MO during the subject time likely represent only a fraction of the deaths which could be ferreted out with difficulty employing 2-4 sources (in conjunction) in conjunction. The work represents considerable labor (not to mention eye-strain) and it is hoped it will bolster further the efforts to document the migration of SW VA persons".
During the process of abstracting and compiling the death records listed herein, instances of conflict occurred between the certificate and additional information found on-line. The information is entered as found. Any such conflicts are left to the discretion of the reader to reconcile.
Table of contents
Missouri Deaths from
      Washington County       1
      Wythe Co., Va      43
      Russell Co., Va      56
      Grayson/Carroll Cos., VA       80
      Smyth Co., Va      85
      Tazewell Co., Va      101
      Lee Co., Va      118
      Scott Co., Va      138
      Dickenson Co., Va      151
      Buchanan Co., Va      154
      Miscellaneous Deaths from southwest Va.      181
      Iowa Deaths from Southwest Virginia      193
      Alphabetical Index      202
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[SDMO] $31.95
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[ESDMO] $20.00
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Researched and abstracted by Thomas Jack Hockett; compiled by Donald Helton. iv,204pp., every-name index (8.25" x 10.75" paperback). The author has gathered together more than four thousand death records from Smyth and surrounding counties (Grayson, Wythe, Mercer). The majority of the records carry annotations drawn from a myriad of sources. The volume also contains the records of Smyth Countians who died in Mercer County, WV, as well as some Smyth County Migrations (3) and a listing of miscellaneous Smyth County Birth Records. This is an important resource for researchers working in the southwest Virginia area.
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[SCDR] $37.95
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[EScdr] $25.00
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Transcribed, annotated and edited by Jack Hockett & Shelia Steele Hunt. 2007 vi, 99 pages, every-name surname index. 8x10, paperback. The second census following the Civil War, this census presents significant and detailed information on every member of the household. A thorough and meticulous transcription taken from microfilms [Population Schedules of the Tenth Census of the United States].
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[Sm80] $23.00
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[ESM80] $15.00
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by Kathryn B. Greever, Richard Kreiss, and Dee Miller. 2007) iv, 389 pages, all name index. 8x10, paperback. Richard Comer, born in York County, Pennsylvania 1763, was one of the early settlers in southwest Virginia. He died in Smyth Co., Virginia in 1844. The authors have completed a seven-year genealogical search on the male descendants of this pioneer, and a second volume on the female lines is planned. The current volume answers many of the difficult questions on this family line, and its index include more than 13,000 persons who are related either by descent or marriage.
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[Comr] $37.95
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[EComr] $25.00
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see also:
Washington County
Wythe County
Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812
Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties
Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895
Index to the 1810 Virginia Census
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