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Essex County Virginia

Map of Va: Essex CountyEssex County was created in 1692 by an act of the General Assembly when Old Rappahannock County was divided and abolished. It was provided: That the aforesaid county of Rappahannoc be divided into two distinct counties, soe that Rappahannoc river divide the same, and that that part which is now on the north side thereof be called and known by the name of Richmond county, and that that part which is now on the south side thereof be called and known by the name of Essex county;... And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid and it is hereby enacted, that the records belonging to the county court of Rappahannoc before this division be kept in Essex County, that belonging wholly to their majesties, and the other to the proprietors of the Northern Neck. The new county took its name from Essex County, England. In 1720 Spotsylvania was taken from Essex's holdings, and in 1728 the northern portion of Caroline County was also taken from Essex's lands. At that time Essex County attained its present boundaries. Land probate, and court records for the county begin in 1692. The earliest marriage records date from 1804. There is also an index of the records of Old Rappahannock County, 1654-92.

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ESSEX CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 2011, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 20 pages, maps, index. This is the first surviving census for Essex, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. The manuscript is transcribed in its original form with all beginning and ending notations included. The manuscript is in average condition, with several of the pages extremely faded. This census should be a complement to the fine work of Roger Ward (below) on land taxes in the county.

Family names included in the 1810 Essex census are listed below:

Adams; Alexander; Allen; Andrews; Anthoney; Armstrong; Artkinson; Atkins; Atkinson; Ayres; Ball; Banks; Barnes; Barnett; Barton; Basket; Baylor; Baynham; Beale; Beazley; Belfield; Berry; Bird; Black; Blackburn; Blake; Bland; Boazley; Bohannon; Booker; Boughan; Boughton; Boulware; Breedlove; Brian; Bridges; Brizendine; Brizindine; Brockenbr.h; Brockenbrough; Broocke; Broockes; Broocks; Brooke; Brooks; Brown; Bunday; Burke; Burnett; Bush; Byrd; Callis; Campbell; Carlton; Carter; Cauthon; Cavanaugh; Chandler; Charity; Clarke; Clarkson; Clemants; Clements; Cloudass; Coates; Coghill; Cole; Coleman; Collins; Conoley; Cooper; Covington; Cox; Creedland; Crewdson; Crisey; Crittendon; Crossfield; Crow; Croxton; Crutchfield; Curry; Daingerfield; Daniel; Davis; Day; Deale; Dennett; Dickenson; Dishman; Dix; Dobbins; Doggins; Dollins; Donnison; Donohoe; Dowling; Downey; Driver; Dunn; Durham; Dyke; Edwards; Elliott; Emanuel; Estate; Evans; Farmer; Faucett; Faulconer; Fenton; Fergerson; Ferrel; Fidler; Fisher; Fogg; Fortune; Foster; FourAcres; Fowler; Fuller; F–ier; Gaines; Garnett; Garrett; Gatewood; Gayle; Gibson; Gordon; Gouldin; Goulding; Gouldman; Graves; Gray; Green; Greenstreet; Greenwood; Griffin; Griggs; Haile; Halbert; Hardy; Harles; Harper; Harris; Hawes; Hayes; Haynes; Haystalk; Heath; Henley; Hester; Hill; Hipkins; Hodges; Holinger; Hollinger; Howard; Howerton; Hudgen; Hudson; Hundley; Hunter; Ingram; Janey; Jarvis; Jeffries; Johnson; Jones; Judah; Kay; Keesee; Kidd; Lambeth; Latane; Latham; Lee; Lewis; Longest; Low; Loyal; Loyde; Lumpkin; Mahunney; Man; Mann; Manner; Marlow; Marshall; Mason; Matthews; McFarlin; McGay; McGivan; McGuy; Mchan; Meador; Micou; Miller; Miner; Minter; Mitchel; Monroe; Montague; Moody; Mullins; Munday; Muse; Newall; Newbill; Nickins; Noel; Olivar; Olover; Parker; Perry; Philips; Pickles; Pitts; Post; Potts; Prosser; Purkins; Quarles; Ramsey; Ranno; Rennolds; Rich; Richards; Richardson; Ritchie; Rollins; Rose; Rouse; Rouzee; Roy; Ryland; Sadler; Sale; Sam.l; Samuel; Satterwhite; Saunders; Schools; Shackelford; Shadock; Shearwood; Shepard; Sherwood; Ship; Short; Simcoe; Simmons; Smether; Smith; Smither; Soleleather; Somervail; Sowel; Spindle; St.John; Steward; Stewart; Stokes; Street; Sullivan; Taff; Taylor; Temple; Thomas; Toombs; Townley; Trible; Tucker; Tune; Tureman; Turner; Upshaw; Ussery; Vawter; Wagoner; Walden; Walker; Ward; Ware; Waring; Watkins; Watson; Wayde; Webb; Weir; Welch; Whitlock; Williams; Williamson; Wood; Woodward; Woody; Wright; Yarrington; Young; and Younger.

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[ESSX10] $9.95     (printed version)

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[EESSX10] $7.00     (electronic version)

Essex Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 19 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see: Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

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[Vd24] $7.00

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
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[EVd24] $4.50     (electronic version)

Essex Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 31 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see: Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Essx
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[Pc20] $6.00     (printed version)

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:

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[EPc20] $4.00     (electronic version)

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