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Caroline County Virginia

Map of Va: Caroline CountyCaroline County was established in 1728 from the upper portions of Essex, King and Queen, and King William counties. Its name honored Caroline of Anspach, consort of King George II. Some further territory from King and Queen County was added in 1742 and 1762. There have been no further boundary changes since then. Adjoining Caroline is Spotsylvania to the northwest, King George on the northeast, Hanover to the southwest, and King William, King and Queen, and Essex to the southeast. The earliest settlers to the region came in the 1650s, attracted by the cheap land and access to the deepwater wharves of the Rappahannock River. Its population increased rapidly, and throughout the eighteenth century, Caroline county was one of the most populated counties in all of Virginia. Like many counties in Virginia during the Civil War, a number of court and official records were burned or lost during the conflict. The irony is that only a complete set of Court Order books have survived. These were not sent to Richmond for "safe-keeping" by Confederate authorities and consequently were not among the great mass of Virginia county archives which went up in flames during the retreat from Richmond in April, 1865.

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DOZENS OF DILLARDS: THE DILLARDS OF CAROLINE COUNTY, VA. AND WHERE THEY WENT by Kimberly Campbell. 2017, vi, 8"x11" format, 226 pages, index.

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[Dlrd] $34.95    

Iberian Publishing announces a series of land records for Caroline County.

To view a digital copy of the explanatory preface to the series, visit Caroline Land Books Preface
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CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1782-1795: Volume One; District A (St. Mary's Parish & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2019, vi, 8"x11" format, 334 pages, index.

       As the Revolutionary War was winding down and peace negotiations were being held in Paris, the states began to look at their economic prospects and the results of the war. Colonial buying power had dropped by half since 1775 and specie was in extremely short supply. Virginia, like its sister states, was casting in search of permanent sources of revenue for the operation of government.

       In 1782 the General Assembly of Virginia enacted a major revision of the tax laws of the commonwealth. The act provided for statewide enumeration on the county level of land and certain personal property. The early land tax law required the tax commissioner in each district to record in “a fair alphabetical list” the names of persons owning land or town lots, the quantity of land owned, the value of the land or lots, and the amount of tax owed. Each tract or lot owned by an individual was to be entered separately.

       During the American Revolution, the Committee of Safety for Caroline County divided the county into two districts for defense purposes. District One or A was the area northeast of the Mattapony River (St. Mary’s Parish, formerly Essex County) & Drysdale Parish, (formerly King & Queen County). Additionally, St Asaph’s Parish was created from the upper end of Drysdale in the year, 1781. District Two or B was the area southwest of the Mattapony River (St. Margaret’s Parish, previously King William County, which was a part of King & Queen before its formation). After the American Revolution, the tax rolls for the county carry these designations.

       Apparently, the early Commissioners of the Revenue were primarily interested in the total amount of property held, the assessed value and the amount of tax which was due. When additional property was obtained, the Commissioner listed that in a section called the Alterations, which would appear in the year after the transfer occurred. The new acreage was simply added to the old to obtain a total of the proprietor’s holdings. No effort was made to identify the properties in relation to each other. They may have been adjacent to each other, near each other or even miles apart as long as they were in the same district. The author has identified the source for each parcel. His notations carry each parcel individually numbered with a notation as to who sold the parcel (grantor) to the land holder (grantee) as well as the year in which it was sold. When acreage was sold by the land holder, he has subtracted the amount from the total and noted to whom it was sold. Sometimes parcels are sold which contain the same acreage as a tract which was obtained and although it is tempting to assume the acreage is the identical property, there is no way to definitively prove this without some further corroboration. Additional to tracking each parcel, the author has alphabetized the land holders as best available due to the lack of standardized spellings. A sample from a portion of page 60is presented here to illustrate the format and comprehensiveness:

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[Clb1] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1782-1795: Volume 2; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2019, vi, 8"x11" format, 226 pages, index.

A continuation of Volume One, covering the remainder of the county (St. Margaret's Parish).
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[Clb2] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1796-1804: Volume 3; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's Parishes) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2019, vi, 8"x11" format, 236 pages, index.

A continuation of Volumes One and Two , covering both St. Mary's Parish and St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish.
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[Clb3] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1796-1804: Volume 4; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2019, vi, 8"x11" format, 305 pages, index.

See descriptions above
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CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1805-1812: Volume 5; District A (St. Mary's Parish & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2019, vi, 8"x11" format, 363 pages, index. This continues the author's comprehensive treatment of land transactions in Caroline. Odd-numbered volumes cover District A, while even-numbered volumes treat District B in chronological order (see above).

See descriptions above
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[Clb5] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1805-1812: Volume 6; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2020, vi, 8"x11" format, 331 pages, index.

See descriptions above
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[Clb6] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1813-1815: Volume 7; District A (St. Mary's Parish & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2020, x, 11x8" (landscape) format, 316 pages, index.

Beginning with this period the General Assembly required additional information on the land tax records. Below is a summary from the author's introduction:
This series was compiled from the microfilm records at the Library of Virginia, Archives Division. Some of the films are of poor quality and others are fine. The original script is fine in some instances and very difficult to decipher in others. Lists of the land owners were made in the following format:
1) The proprietor (owner’s) name has been listed as best as can be determined by the author. Additional notes are sometimes present in brackets [ ] to hopefully clarify points of confusion. Place names are also listed and may be updated in future editions as this work progresses.
2) The year that appears on the original record.
3) Place of residence of the land owner.
4) The type of estate held: Fee simple (owned outright without encumbrances); Life estate (the individual had rights for her or his lifetime and title to the property would pass to another owner upon death of the holder of the life estate); Dower (under English Common Law, the widow of a man who died would receive a life estate in one third of all his property and at her death the property would pass to the dead man’s children in fee simple); Curtsey (under English Common Law, the husband acquired rights to the wife’s property upon the birth of a child capable of inheriting the property; the husband could mortgage or sell the property to satisfy his debts).
5) Number of town lots held.
6) Name of town PR for Port Royal in District A but Oxford was practically defunct by 1813.
[this column was used to insert parcel numbers 1}, 2} for acres received and A}, B}, for acres sold. It was wasted space for all parcels except those in the Town of Port Royal, which could easily share the column.]
7) Acres acquired or sold in a single transaction.
8) To whom property was sold or from whom property was purchased.
9) Description of the buyer or seller of the acres listed in the transaction.
10) Distance and direction from the Court House (From at least 1813 forward the current location of the Circuit Court in the Town of Bowling Green). [Distances and direction vary in some cases. The eight cardinal points of the compass (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) were the only directions used. No allowance was made for minor directional points (NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW, NNW) therefore the researcher may find multiple parcels with the same direction and same distance, but actually be quite some distance apart.]
11) Comments for year property was acquired and connection to a previous owner [added by author] “adjoining or near” from original record.
12) None of the taxation amounts were transcribed. This information, while available, is of little value historically or genealogically. Any statistical historians are welcome to perform continued research in this field."

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[Clb7] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1813-1815: Volume 8; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2020, vi, 8"x11" format, 344 pages, index.

See descriptions above
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[Clb8] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1816-1818: Volume 9; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2021, x, 8"x11" format, 366 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb9
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[Clb9] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1816-1818: Volume 10; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2021, x, 8"x11" format, 390 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb10
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[Clb10] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1819-1821: Volume 11; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2021, x, 8"x11" format, 390 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb11
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[Clb11] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1819-1821: Volume 12; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2021, x, 8"x11" format, 355 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb12
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[Clb12] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1822-1824: Volume 13; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2022, x, 8"x11" format, 346 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb13
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[Clb13] $34.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1822-1824: Volume 14; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2022, x, 8"x11" format, 384 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb14
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[Clb14] $36.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1825-1827: Volume 15; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2022, x, 8"x11" format, 399 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb15
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[Clb15] $36.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1825-1827: Volume 16; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2022, x, 8"x11" format, 401 pages, index.

See descriptions above
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[Clb16] $36.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1828-1830: Volume 17; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2023, x, 8"x11" format, 431 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb17
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[Clb17] $36.95     (printed version)

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1828-1830: Volume 18; District B (St. Margaret's Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2024, x, 8"x11" format, 425 pages, index.

See descriptions above
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Clb18
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CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND BOOKS, 1831-1833: Volume 19; District A (St. Mary's & St. Asaph's [Drysdale] Parish) Compiled & abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2025, x, 8"x11" format, 478 pages, index.

See descriptions above
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[Clb19] $40.00     (printed version)

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CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA FREE BLACK COMMUNITY, 1733-1874 Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 2018, 8"x11" format, 239 pages, index.

Table of Contents:
Caroline County Personal Property Tax List-           1
1850 U. S. Federal Census-                                     46
1860 U. S. Federal Census-                                     92
Caroline County Marriage Bonds, 1777-1853-     142
Caroline County Marriage Records, 1854-1868-  146
Caroline County Birth Records, 1853-1865-         154
Caroline County Death Records, 1853-1865-       163
Information from Other Sources-                          168
Index-                                                                     201

From the Preface:
        One evening, having finished indexing a manuscript about the lost wills for Caroline County, my curiosity led me to examine the 1850 through 1870 Federal Census records. Having always been careful to record any information on the enslaved community, I had recently seen a register for another county of its free black residents which was the catalyst for my curiosity. No such register is known to exist for this county, so I went through page after page of the census records looking for Caroline’s free black residents.
        What a surprise! I expected to find a few isolated individuals, but there existed a large number of people all across the county. This led to more searching in many other records and I knew exactly what my next book would be!
        The documents revealed two lawyers, a woman who owned and ran her own house of private entertainment, [which is a place to eat, drink, play cards, billiards or other legal games of entertainment], a gentleman who was a steamship captain, who ran the ferry at Port Royal, along with owning a store and having a freight hauling company. There were blacksmiths, brick masons, shoemakers, carpenters along with the farmers, laborers and ditchers. This does not mean to say that these were not hard and difficult times, they were. It gave me so much hope, until I started searching the 1870 Federal Census. Whether you were a long time free individual or newly freed, the majority of the county residents were in difficult circumstances. The aftermath of the war leveled everything for everyone and occupations were for the most part farmer or laborer for all.
        I can only imagine the courage, determination and perseverance it took to continue into the future. Continue they did, with the election and appointment of the first African-American county officials. Eventually many descendants spread to all sections of the country.
        It is my hope that many who are looking for their African-American families will find them with the help of this work. Some of the records notated if an individual was a free black, but many did not. Working with the records I eventually came to recognize the free individuals and gathered anything that obviously was related to them. If you do find your family line here please look for additional records as I am confident more information will be found in the future.
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[Ccfb] $30.00     (printed version)

At a Meeting of Christ's Church at County Line: Minutes of County Line Baptist Church, Caroliine Co., VA, Sep. 1829 - May 1856 8 1/2" x 11" format, xii, 195 pages, index. Transcribed and edited by Ray Campbell, 2016.

This book is an interesting look at how one small church functioned in the early to mid1800's. A Constitution was written as well as Rules of Decorum and a List of Members (both Caucasian and African-American) was compiled and notations made as to their inclusion in or exclusion from the church. This church did not function in the same way that most churches operate today. At the present time, if you don't want to go to church, you just don't go to church. You may encounter a "Where were you last Sunday?", but that is about it. Back in the 1800's, if you were absent more than three Sundays, this church appointed a committee from the male members of the church to inquire as to your reason for being absent. A committee would also be appointed to investigate other matters which came before the church such as getting drunk, attendance at a barbecue, dancing or allowing fiddling and dancing at your home, attending communion with the Campbellites (Christian Church) as well as more traditional infractions such as stealing, assault, marital conflict and strife, fornication with its sometime predictable results and "base conduct" (whatever that was). Once the matter was investigated, the person or people investigated were required to attend church and provide an explanation to the congregation. In most cases, an admission of guilt accompanied by a declaration of repentance would allow the "sinner" to full restoration of all rights as a member of the church. Legal conflicts were also mediated by the church and filing a suit in court was prohibited unless permission from the church was granted.
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[CCCL] $20.00

Caroline County, Virginia Colonial Census, 1650-1773 [St. Mary's District, 1650-1770; Drysdale District, 1655-1773; St. Margaret's District, 1673-1770 8 1/2" x 11" format, viii, 315 pages. Abstracted by Ray Campbell, 2016.
This work is based on other secondary sources. These sources are primarily the Cavaliers & Pioneers series of abstracts of Virginia Land Patents by Nell M. Nugent and the Virginia Genealogical Society and Colonial Caroline by T.E. Campbell.

...No one canvassed Caroline County in the seventeenth century with a clipboard and questionnaire containing queries such as “What is your median income and how many individuals are in the household?” In fact, no census was taken in Virginia until the year, 1790. This “constructed” census is my best guess as to who most probably would have arrived in the area to become Caroline County in a particular year. This book attempts to list those individuals who received a land grant (patentees) and those individuals who were arriving in Virginia (transported). No death records have survived for the early period and the mortality must be presumed to be high.

Caroline was formed from three parent counties: Essex, King & Queen and King William. Essex was formed from Old Rappahannock County and included everything in the watershed of the Rappahannock River. King William County was formed from King & Queen, which previously had been formed from New Kent County. Each county contained at least one established Parish of the Church of England (Anglican). Thus there were three parishes in the area to become Caroline prior to the establishment of the county in 1727/8: St. Mary’s (Essex), Drysdale (King & Queen) and St.Margaret’s (King William). The ancient parish registers for all three of these parishes are missing and presumed destroyed.

...Through his representatives, the King of England gave fifty acres of land to every person who immigrated into the Colony of Virginia. These “head-rights” could be bought and sold between parties. The enforcement seems to be a bit slack, in my opinion. For instance, you often see two people of the same or similar names claiming a headright in two different locations on the same date or within a short period of time. The probability of two distinct individuals having an extremely unusual name and appearing in close proximity at practically the same time approaches the realm of impossibility. As the population increased over time, the Crown came to accept cash payments for land grants as well as transportation of an immigrant. If a grant lists a monetary consideration but has no acreage listed, then it is possible to calculate the acreage from the sales price by examining grants that give both consideration as well as acreage.

...I have tried to insert my notes on the geography, family names and place names in this work as well as some references to adjacent land owners. These notes are placed in brackets [ ] while the notes and edits of the authors of the source materials are placed in parentheses ( )....

Finally, this work is not intended as the only possible list of inhabitants who resided Caroline in any particular year. There may have been and most probably were other people who settled in Caroline without receiving a land grant or obtaining a head-right. Some hearty individuals such as Howell Powell may have just come into the county and hacked a homestead out of wilderness without bothering to obtain a headright or file any claim. Times were both good and bad and Caroline had both good and bad people. Additionally, things were always on the move as people came and went. This area was just as “wild and woolly” as any place in the Old West. It takes an especially hearty person to face the hardships of the frontier and it takes that same determination to face new challenges once the old frontier has vanished and new horizons appear.

Sample [Pages 17-18]

Barrow, Jno. 600 ac On freshes of Rappahannock River;
September 25, 1665 on S.W. side of Powmansend [Peumansend] Creek; next
[to] Clement Herbert's land & running to a white
oak that parts this from the land of Jno. Prosier
near said creek.

Due for transportation of 12 persons:
       Barrow, Ann
       Godale, Willim
       Hues, Mary
       Jenkins, Alexander
       Jones, Mary
       Nicholls, Henry
       Smith, Arthur
       Toms, Mary
       Watts, Stephen
       Williams, Jonathan
       Wood, James
       Young, Anthony

              Cavaliers & Pioneers Vol. I page 526
              Patent Book 5 page 407 (468).
       [Ann Barrow listed as imported and thus may be related to Patentee.]

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[Crcn] $41.95

Caroline County, Virginia 'Lost' Wills, 1727-1852 and Related Records from other Sources: Volume One 8 1/2" x 11" format, xv, 332 pages. Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 2012. This volume contains the earliest extant wills for Caroline County. This series will try to fill in the records gap that exists by using a variety of original sources.
Caroline County was formed in 1727, from King and Queen, King William and Essex Counties. Many of the early records have been destroyed. Surviving records often leave more questions than answers. The Order Books are substantially intact from circa 1732, and show where a Will was presented and proved in Court. These Court records are poorly indexed, if at all, and generally give only one line of information. One history of the county, Colonial Caroline, by T. E. Campbell, lists probate records from the Order Books through 1781, which give only the scant information listed in this secondary source. Extensive research is generally required to obtain a copy of the particular line in the appropriate Order Book. [That is, someone must read the orders from the appropriate period and be able to recognize one name written in old script.] Only a few "loose wills" and Will Book #19, November 1814 to July 1818 have survived prior to 1853. This book, and future volumes, is an attempt to relocate Caroline Counties "lost wills" from other sources and localities.
The exact causes of the "records gap" are unknown. Early Clerk's offices were not environmentally controlled as they are today. Pest control was yet another problem. Add to this fire, flood, war and we are fortunate to have what remains. William L. Hopkins book Caroline County Court Records and Marriages, 1787 1810, at page 196, Elizabeth Saunders states she and her husband were married "in 1792 prior to the burning of the clerk's office in 1800". In Marshall Wingfield's, A History of Caroline County, Virginia, at page 273, Robert Hudgin is quoted as to the deplorable condition of the records in 1827 and he received a "vote of thanks" from the justices of the court for his efforts to organize and preserve them. One Will for Daniel DeJarnette, recorded in Will Book 32, contains an affidavit of the executor at page 503, stating that the original will and Will Book were destroyed in April, 1865. There was also a letter written by a Union soldier around 1900, and mentioned in the local paper, The Caroline Progress, in an article written during World War II, stating there were court papers loose in the street during April 1864, when the Union army passed through Caroline County.
To compound the problem, three of the source counties for Caroline records have also had their court records destroyed. This destruction occurred during the Civil War and was almost entirely complete for King & Queen County [Drysdale or St Asaph's Parish], King William County [St. Margaret's Parish] and New Kent County [the parent county for both King & Queen and King William Counties.]
Additionally, the parish registers and vestry books for each of the three colonial churches are lost and presumed destroyed. The parish registers would provide genealogical data in the form of marriage dates, birth dates, baptism dates as well as death records. These records have not been mentioned in any history [Wingfield's or Campbell's], nor have they surfaced in the Library of Virginia, the Virginia Historical Society or any similar collection, public or private in over two hundred years.
Abraham, William F., 1 Nov 1842/26 Dec 1842
Acres, Richard, 27 Jan 1821/3 Nov 1823 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Alsop, Benjamin, /13 Jul 1786
Anderson, John, 1 Oct 1813/11 Oct 1813
Andrews, James, 8 Jan 1817/14 Jul 1817
Armistead, John, 25 Jun 1788/21 Jul 1788 [Pennsylvania], 16 July 1790 [Virginia]
Armistead, Robert, 19 Jul 1766/12 Mar 1767
Armistead, William, 30 Dec 1755/26 Apr 1756 [Gloucester Co. Will]
Bankhead, William, 1 Mar 1788/Jun 1788 [Westmoreland Co. Will]
Battaile, John, 20 Jan 1707/8/10 Feb 1707/8 [Essex Co. Will]
Baughn, Benjamin, 11 Feb 1837/11 Apr 1831
Bayles, Salley, 18 May 1822/14 Mar 1825
Baylor, George, 6 May 1783/14 Apr 1785
Baylor, John, 19 Feb 1770/16 May 1772 [New Market]
Baylor, John, 13 Oct 1807/14 Mar 1808 [New Market]
Baylor, Maria, 24 Aug 1849/17 Oct 1850 [New Market]
Beazley, Adam, [died before 1824, family recreated from suit, no will]
Beazley, Philip, [died 15 Sep 1840, family recreated from suit, no will]
Bell, Moore, [abstract from indenture dated 16 Dec 1799, no will]
Beverley, Robert, 13 May 1733/5 Jun 1733 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Booker, Ann, 10 May 1774/18 Dec 1775 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Booker, Richard, 21 Apr 1743/16 May 1743 [York Co. Will]
Boulware, Mark, 19 Jun 1754/16 Jul 1754 [Essex Co. Will
Boulware, Mark L, [died intestate 18__, family recreated from suit]
Bowie, James, 1 Mar 1787/
Broaddus, Rebecca, 19 Jul 1829/14 Jan 1833
Broaddus, Thomas, 3 May 1787/Jun 1787
Brock, Henry, 24 Jul 1762/4 Jul 1763 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Brunskill, John (Rev.), 10 Mar 1761/11 Mar 1762
Brunskill, William, 5 Jan 1770/May 1771
Buckner, George, 13 Mar 1807/8 Dec 1828 [Braynefield]
Buckner, Horace, 13 Mar 1820/21 Aug 1820 [Culpeper Co. Will]
Buckner, John, 27 Apr 1748/12 Jul 1748 [York Co. Will]
Buckner, Richard, 28 Jul 1797/10 Apr 1798
Buckner, William A, 6 May 1827/8 Mar 1830
Buckner, William, 5 Mar 1783/Feb 1788
Burke, Henry, 5 Apr 1777/10 Jul 1777
Burke, John, 25 May 1787/Feb 1790
Burke, Thomas Henry, 23 Dec 1828/8 Jun 1829
Burruss, Elizabeth, 16 Oct 1855/ 14 Aug 1856 [Fredericksburg Will]
Burruss, Frances, 25 Jan 1816/Jan 1817 [Kentucky, Christian Co. Will]
Burruss, Jacob, 20 Mar 1742/
Burruss, Jennings, 6 Jan 1790/Jan 1794
Burruss, Sina, 17 May 1800/14 Oct 1800
Burrus, Thomas, 7 Mar 1824/12 Apr 1824
Burruss, William C, 1 Feb 1845/14 Apr 1845
Butler, John, 7 Apr 1810/9 Jul 1810
Butler, Isaac, 9 Apr 1875/18 Jul 1877 [Hanover Co. Will]
Camm, John, 20 Feb 1767/ [King & Queen Co. Will]
Campbell, Joseph, [died intestate 1794, family recreated from suit]
Campbell, Joseph, Jr., [deceased 1809, family recreated from suit, no will]
Care, William R, 2 Nov 1840/9 Nov 1840
Carlton, John, 29 Jun 1835/12 Oct 1835 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Carter, John, 9 May 1778/18 Dec 1783 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Carter, John, 2 Jan 1834/9 Jun 1834 [the Trap]
Carter, William, 18 Jul 1804/16 Nov 1864 [North Wales]
Catlett, John (1), /1670 [no will, recreated from several references in other records]
Catlett, John (2), 18 Nov 1724/ [Essex Co. Will]
Catlett, John (3), 14 Jun 1738/3 Jun 1739
Catlett, John (4), 8 Nov 1744/28 Mar 1745 [Orange Co. Will]
Cason, Thomas, /Spring 1836 [family recreated from suit, no will]
Chandler, Robert, 1802/13 Sep 1803
Chandler, William, 28 Jul 1815/[nonprobated earlier will]
Chandler, William, 31 Dec 1821/31 Dec 1821
Chapman, Robert, 6 Sep 1811/9 Oct 1815
Chiles, John, 3 Apr 1816/10 Feb 1817
Clarke, Edmund, 7 Apr 1847/14 Jun 1847
Coleman, Daniel, 6 Oct 1815/12 Aug 1816
Coleman, Francis, 20 Jul 1771/14 Nov 1771
Coleman, Maria, 31 Dec 1838 [Appr. & Div. of slaves, family recreated from suit]
Collins, Josiah, 2 Nov 1817/7 Jul 1823 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Collins, Thomas, 6 Feb 1781/8 Apr 1781
Conner, George, 26 Sep 1813/13 Aug 1844
Conway, Thomas, 17 Mar 1823/12 Mar 1827
Corbin, Alice, 1791/13 Feb 1792 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Corbin, Francis, 11 Sep 1817/11 Jun 1821 [The Reeds]
Corbin, Gawin, 1 Nov 1739/12 Feb 1744 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Corbin, John Tayloe, 2 Feb 1799/27 Jan 1800 [Middlesex Co. Will]
Corbin, John Tayloe, 16 Feb 1792/15 Apr 1794 [Laneville] [King & Queen Co. Will]
Corbin, Maria, 1794/1797 [Laneville] [King & Queen Co. Will]
Corbin, Richard, 12 Mar 1790/15 Sep 1790 [Laneville] [King & Queen Co. Will]
Crutcher, Thomas, 11 Jan 1782/Jul 1786
Dabney, Elizabeth, 9 Mar 1827/13 Aug 1827
Davis, Richard, 16 Jun 176_/Nov 1761
Dejarnett, Joseph E., /8 Sep 1828
Dickinson, David, 23 Apr 1812/14 Sep 1812
Dickinson, George W., 13 Dec 1825/17 Sep 1826
Dickinson, Thomas, 6 Mar 1826/14 Aug 1826
Dickinson, William, 23 Sep 1822/15 Oct 1823
Dickinson, William W, 13 May 1851/
Dillard, John, /9 Dec 1800 [The Sycamores]
Downer, William, 5 Nov 1808/12 Dec 1808
Dudley, Anna, 10 Feb 1809/ [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Dunlop, Ellen Bankhead, 24 Jul 1849/Sep 1849 [Fredericksburg Will]
Dunn, Andrew, 4 Jul 1818/
Durrett, George, 3 Jun 1811/20 May 1812
Durrett, Henry, 15 Feb 1841/12 Jul 1841
Edge, Samuel, 2 Sep 1785/10 Jan 1788
Ellis, William, 6 Feb 1779/13 Mar 1809
Estes, Abraham, 10 Aug 1757/8 Feb 1759
Ferrell, Augustine, Jr., 6 Mar 1807/6 Feb 1812
Ferrell, Edward L, /[died intestate 1845, family recreated from suit]
Fitzhugh, Winney, 16 Jul 1841/14 Feb 1842 [free Negro]
Garnett, Reuben, /[died intestate 18__, family recreated from suit]
Gatewood, Benjamin, 10 Apr 1780/12 Oct 1780
Gatewood, James, 30 Nov 1778/12 Sep 1783
Gatewood, James, /[division of Estate 1808, family recreated from suit]
George, John, 7 Feb 1784/May 1784
George, Reuben, 16 May 1799/10 Dec 1799
Gouldin, Sally, /died intestate 1844, family recreated from suit]
Grafton, William, 21 Feb 1813/
Graham, Sarah, 20 Sep 1832/13 Mar 1838
Gray, John, 3 Feb 1807/10 Mar 1807
Gray, Phoebe, 24 Oct 1818/14 Mar 1831
Gray, William, 9 Jul 1798/1 May 1799
Gray, William Fauntleroy, 1 Aug 1792/Dec 1792
Hampton, John, 9 Apr 1801/12 Jul 1803
Harrison, William, Jr., 2 Mar 1840/1841
Harrison, William H, 7 Jan 1842/11 Sep 1843
Hawkins, John, 16 Feb 1725/6/21 Jun 1726 [Essex Co. Will]
Hawkins, John, 1755/
Hay, Ann (Robinson), 22 May 1751/8 Mar 1753 [Haymount]
Hipkins, Elizabeth, 15 Jan 1827/9 Nov 1829 [Gaymont]
Holloway, John, [no dates] [Essex Co. Will]
Hoomes, Benjamin, 15 Jul 1811/13 Jul 1812 [Point of View]
Hoomes, John (Col.), Oct 1804/16 Jan 1806 [the Bowling Green]
Hoomes, Thomas Claiborne, 28 Jan 1821/12 Mar 1821 [Melrose] [K & Q Co. Will]
Hord, Ambrose, 1 Apr 1780/May 1781
Hord, John, 3 Oct 1806/10 Mar 1807
Hord, Peter, 21 Sep 1787/10 Dec 1787 [Stafford Co. Will]
Houston, Robert, 1827/12 Mar 1834
Hundley, Matthew, 15 Dec 1828/9 Mar 1829
Hundley, (Matthew) Richard, /13 Sep 1830
Hurt, Benjamin, 19 Jan 1781/Feb 1781
Hurt, Benjamin, Senior, 8 Mar 1835/14 Sep 1835
James, Susannah, 26 Sep 1829/13 Jun 1831
Jeter, Samuel, 1 Apr 1842 [date for division of land, no will]
Johnston, Aquilla, 5 Feb 1784/1788 [Spotsylvania Co. Will]
Johnston, John, 15 Oct 1785/9 Feb 1786
Johnston, William, 24 Apr 1769/12 Oct 1769
Jones, Edmund, 1801/6 Apr 1801
Jones, Fanny, 2 Mar 1804/9 Oct 1804
Jones, Hannah, 28 Dec 1822/12 Jul 1824
Jones, James, 23 Oct 1795/Jan 1802
Jones, John, /[died intestate 1779, family recreated from suit]
Jones, Sally, 12 Sep 1786/ [Spring Garden] [Hanover Co. Will]
Jones, Thomas, 13 Oct 1788/11 Jun 1789
Jones, William, 25 Mar 1818/11 May 1818
Kay, James, 25 Apr 1768/20 Feb 1767?
Kelley, Elijah, 19 Nov 1833/10 Mar 1834
Kidd, Willis, 7 Jan 1843/13 Feb 1843
Lindsay, James, 9 Jan 1782/13 Apr 1782
Lomax, Thomas, 26 Apr 1790/12 Nov 1811
Madison, Ambrose, 31 Jul 1732/6 Feb 1732
Madison, James (Captain), 21 Jan 1820/11 Jan 1830
Mallory, Pamela H, /1859 [family recreated from suit, no will]
Marshall, Benjamin, /[died before 1 Jan 1836, family recreated from suit, no will]
Marshall, John (Captain), /10 Jan 1782, family recreated from suits, no will]
Marshall, Thomas, /31 May 1704 [Westmoreland Co. Will]
Mason, David, /Oct 1802 [family recreated from suit, no will]
Mason, John, /[deceased before 7 Feb 1813, family recreated from suit, no will]
Meaux, James, 10 Nov 1822/10 Mar 1823
Miller, James, 3 Oct 1807/4 Mar 1808 [Westerton]
Miller, Robert, 1 Sep 1812/1813
Miller, William, 8 Jul 1809/12 Feb 1810
Mills, Thompson, 1 May 1808/12 Sep 1808
Minor, Elizabeth, 17 Jun 1809/10 Feb 1812 [Topping Castle]
Minor, John, 27 Feb 1800/13 May 1800 [Topping Castle]
Mitchell, John, 10 Aug 1807/Mar 1809
Monroe, John, 6 Oct 1802/14 Dec 1802
Moore, Edward J, 13 Mar 1849/9 Apr 1849
Motley, Edwin, 5 Oct 1808/3 May 1809 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Motley, Elizabeth, 5 Jul 1837/12 Aug 1839
Newton, Edmund, 9 Dec 1851/12 Jan 1852
Newton, Polly, 25 Nov 1839/14 Nov 1842
Noel, James, [Admin. qualified 11 Aug 1839, family recreated from suit, no will]
Norment, Samuel, 28 Jun 1810/10 Sep 1810
Page, John, /1841
Page, Robert E, /1846
Parker, James, 14 Dec 1815/19 May 1817
Peatross, Matthew, 11 Jan 1768/11 Aug 1768
Peatross, William, 15 Feb 1808/12 Dec 1808
Pendleton, Edmund, 19 May 1799/13 Dec 1803 [Edmundsbury]
Pettis, James, 5 Oct 1822/
Piccadate, Maurice, /[died before Nov 1834, family recreated from suit, no will]
Pickett, William, 10 Oct 1743/20 Dec 1743 [Essex Co. Will]
Pitts, James (the elder), 26 Jul 1777/9 Sep 1800
Prewet, Eliza, 13 Sep 1844/
Pruett, Thadeus, 1 Jan 1838/12 Feb 1838
Puller, John, 4 Mar 1818/16 Mar 1818 [Culpeper Co. Will]
Purks, William, 16 Nov 1849/11 Mar 1850
Quarles, Wilson, 13 May 1850/12 Aug 1850 [Moss Side]
Rawlings, Albin, /10 Mar 1807
Rawlings, Jeremiah, 10 May1804/13 May 1806
Redd, William, 28 Oct 1801/Oct 1802
Richerson, Thomas, 1815/1 Nov 1815
Roane, Alexander, 9 Jan 1788/8 Apr 1790
Roane, Thomas, 27 Jan 1799/8 Apr 1799 [King & Queen Co. Will]
Robb, James, 30 Oct 1804/14 May 1805
Rogers, George, 13 Sep 1799/11 May 1802
Sale, Robert, 17 Dec 1816/12 May 1817
Samuel, George Washington, 6 May 1822/14 Oct 1822
Samuel, James, 28 Apr 1809/12 Jun 1809
Samuel, Phebe, 1 Mar 1821/0 Jul 1821
Samuel, William, 21 Sep 1818/Nov 1818
Saunders, Elizabeth, 21 Jan 1833/14 Jul 1833
Scott, Thomas, 3 Nov 1772/
Seay, Flurry, 29 Jul 1828/9 Feb 1829
Shaddock, James, 16 Mar 1843/12 Jun 1843
Ship, Lemuel, 13 Apr 1787/July 1788
Skelton, Merewether, 13 Mar 1778/7 Feb 1782 [Hanover Co. Will]
Skinker, Elizabeth, 21 Jul 1823/3 Jan 1828
Sneed, Israel, 27 Nov 1787/Oct 1788
Southworth, Elizabeth, /1821 [died intestate, family recreated from suit]
Stern, David, 12 Apr 1796/13 Jun 1797
Stern, Peyton, 9 Apr 1799/14 Oct 1800
Stevens, John, 15 Jan 1753/8 Mar 1753
Stevens, John, 17 Apr 1817/8 Sep 1817
Stuart, Henry, Senr., 24 Jan 1795/13 Jan 1801
Sutton, James, 25 Sep 1794/8 Dec 1795
Sutton, John C, 28 Mar 1847/
Sutton, Joseph, 19 Nov 1818/15 Apr 1823
Sutton, Susannah Frances, 17 Jul 1835/14 Mar 1837
Sutton, William, 18 Apr 1796/12 Apr 1797
Swan, Jonathan, 18 Apr 1786/Sep 1786 [Higginbottom]
Swan, Joshua, 25 Oct 1820/10 May 1824
Taliaferro, Bartholomew, 18 Sep 1601/3 May 1602 [London, England]
Taliaferro, Charles C, 10 Oct 1831/13 Feb 1832
Taliaferro, Christopher, 8 Nov 1782/20 Jan 1785 [King William Co. Will]
Taliaferro, Philip, 3 Apr 1838/3 Jul 1848 [Gloucester Co. Will]
Taliaferro, Thomas, 25 Jun 1839/12 Aug 1839
Taliaferro, Walker, 13 Jun 1781/Feb 1782
Taliaferro, William, 10 Nov 1760/ [King & Queen Co. Will]
Taliaferro, William (of Bath), 1814/10 Mar 1817
Taliaferro, William, /[deceased by Mar 1810, intestate] [Blenheim]
Tankersley, George, 6 Nov 1814/
Temburlake, Ann, 2 Apr 1833/9 Sep 1833
Terrell, Elizabeth (Harris), 5 Jul 1848/ [this Will was superseded]
Terrell, Elizabeth (Harris), July 1852/ [Prospect Hill]
Terrell, George F(ox), 5 Dec 1854/
Terrell, Henry, Sr., 26 Mar 1760
Terrell, James, 18 Oct 1766/11 Feb 1768
Terrell, Jesse, 28 Aug 1834/11 Mar 1839
Terrell, Samuel, 20 Sep 1842/
Thomas, James, Sr., 15 Sep 1846/ [first Will]
Thomas, James, Sr., 11 Aug 1849/ [second Will]
Thomas, James, Sr., [no dates] [third Will]
Thornley, William, 24 Aug 1836/8 May 1837 [Hampstead]
Thornly, George, /[died intestate 1842, family recreated from suit]
Thornton, Reuben, 23 Mar 23 Mar 1768/12 May 1768
Todd, Charles, /[died 1831 intestate, family recreated from suit]
Toler, Benjamin, 4 Jul 1804/23 Dec 1808
Tomas, Catlett, 8 Aug 1843/9 Apr 1849
Turner, George, /[died intestate 1799, family recreated from suit]
Turner, Reuben, 25 Jul 1810/13 Jun 1814 [Moon's Mount]
Vaughan, Cornelius, 6 Nov 1735/
Walden, John, 29 Aug 1793/14 Oct 1794 [Walden's Tower]
Ware, Nathaniel, Feb 1844/May 1848
Washington, Ann E, 21 Mar 1842/23 May 1842 [King William Co. Will]
White, John, 16 Jan 1813/14 Feb 1820
White, Richard B, 13 May 1847/
Whitlock, Euclid, 10 Dec 1780/Aug 1783
Whitton, William, 17 Apr 1729/9 Jul 1730
Wilson, James, 9 Jul 1811/12 Aug 1811
Wilson, Thomas, /[Inv. & Appr. dated 1836, no will]
Winston, Edmund, 13 Oct 1833/9 Dec 1833
Winston, Nathaniel, 1786/1787
Woolfolk, John G(eorge), 28 Aug 1818/10 May 1819 [Mulberry Place]
Wright, Henry, 23 Jun 1840/ [first Will]
Wright, Henry, 24 Oct 1841/ [second Will]
Wright, Henry, [no dates, third Will]
Wright, James, 3 Aug 1807/12 Oct 1807
Yarbrough, Henry, 29 Apr 1784/9 Apr 1793
Young, Lucy, 17 Jun 1853/12 Dec 1853 [Court refused Will]
Young, Richard, 17 Oct 1775/1778

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Caroline County, Virginia 'Lost' Wills, 1676-1855 and Related Records from other Sources: Volume Two 8 1/2" x 11" format, xv, 269 pages. Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 2013. A continuation from Volume One.
WFD = Will and or family information from Deed Records
EFD = Estate and or family information from Deed Records
EFGB = Estate and or family information from Guardian Bonds
Alexander, Robert 1819/1819
Anderson, John B. WFD
Anderson, Sarah B. 1841/1849
Andrews, Sarah B. WFD
Apperson, Mary C. /1830
Armistead, John 1788/1788
Armistead, William 1755/1756
Atkins, Thomas EFD
Atkinson, Charles 1842/1842
Atkinson, John 1828/1828
Atkinson, Nathaniel 1820/1820
Bankhead, Charles L. EFGB
Bankhead, Christian EFD
Bankhead, James 1785/1785
Bastin, Lucy EFD
Bates, unknown EFD
Battaile, Lawrence 1773/1773
Baylor, Frances /1783 Intestate [New Market]
Baylor, Gregory 1782/1785
Beazly, Larkin EFD
Bell, John 1804/1804
Beverley, Harry 1794/1794
Beverley, Maria 1813/1817
Beverley, Robert 1793/1800 [Blanfield]
Beverley, William Col. 1755/1756 [Blanfield]
Boughton, Benjamin 1842/1842
Boulware, Agathy 1829/
Boulware, Elliott 1829/
Boulware, John Lawson /1821 Intestate
Boulware, Mark [family recreated from suit]
Boulware, Mark EFD
Boulware, Muscoe 1843/1843
Boutwell, Adam 1781/1781
Boutwell, Birkenhead 1776/1777
Boutwell, Mary /1784
Boutwell, Samuel 1777/1778
Boutwell, Walter EFD
Bowie, James EFD
Broaddus, John WFD
Bradford, Richard 1756/1757
Bradley, James 1838/
Broaddus, Mordecai W. EFD [Ridge Way]
Broaddus, Mordecai W. /1840 EFD
Broaddus, Reuben WFD
Brooks, James EFD
Brown, James M. WFD
Brown, John /1829 Intestate
Brown, Rene P. /about 1811 Intestate
Bruce, Lucy /1832/3
Bryce, Louisa S. B. [Nuncupative Will]/1823 [Fredericksburg]
Buckner, Elizabeth 1786/1787
Buckner, Frances 1823/1828
Buckner, Francis /1806 Intestate
Buckner, Otway 1831/1831
Buckner, Thomas 1825/1825
Buckner, William S. B. EFD
Burruss, Henry 1836/1840
Burruss, John 1777/1778
Byrd, Leroy WFD
Callawn, William EFD
Campbell, Margarett EFD
Campbell, Matthew WFD
Campbell, Rosa /1842 Intestate
Campbell, William EFD
Carlton, C. Ambrose EFD
Carlton, John H. EFD
Carneal, Patrick WFD
Carr, Charles EFD
Carr, Mary 1746/1748 [Topping Castle]
Carr, Thomas 1735/1738 [Topping Castle]
Carr, Thomas 1753/ [Topping Castle]
Carter, Elizabeth EFD
Carter, Edward [family recreated from the Court Orders]
Carter, George 1789/1799
Carter, John 1778/1783
Carter, James /before Jan 1809 [family recreated from Court Orders & suit]
Carter, Presley /181_ Intestate
Catlett, Reuben 1794/1794
Chandler, Ann “Nancy” EFD
Chandler, Rufus 1832/
Chandler, Timothy 1757/1758
Cheadle, Jacob /1802 Intestate
Chiles, John /1795/96 Intestate
Chiles, Pleasant 1825/1825
Cleere, George /1818 Intestate [Cleere’s]
Cobbs, Lewis EFD
Cobbs, Rhoda WFD
Coleman, Clayton WFD
Coleman, John W. EFD
Coleman, Richard 1784/1788
Coleman, Thomas EFD
Coleman, Thomas B. EFD
Collins, Phoebe /1806 Intestate
Compton, John /1796
Corbin, Henry 1675/1676
Coutts, Jane WFD
Crawford, Dorathea WFD
Daniel, Harrison 1813/1814
Davenport, Richard /1825 Intestate
Dew, William 1854/1855 [King & Queen Co.] [Providence]
Dick, Archibald WFD
Dickinson, Festus EFD
Dickinson, Henry H. EFD
Dickinson, John EFD [Moon’s Mount]
Dickinson, Thomas [Will in Volume I of Lost Will series – Additional Information]
Dickinson, William W. [Will in Vol. I of Lost Will series – Additional Information]
Dillard, Madison EFD
Dillard, Thomas 1774/1774 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Dillard, Thomas [Jr.] 1821/1822 [Spotsylvania Co.] [owned Meadow Hill]
Dismukes, James 1769/1770
Donahoe, Thomas EFD
Doswell, Benjamin F. 1828/1828 [Newfound Mills]
Downing, Rufus EFD
Dudley, William /1822 Intestate
Dunn, William 1836/1839
Durrett, Elizabeth EFD
Durrett, Richard 1767/1768 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Elliott, Caleb 1789/1796 [Essex Co.]
Elliott, Caleb /1786
Estes, John 1778/1778
Estes, John EFD
Estes, Susannah H. S. WFD
Eubank, John EFD
Farish, George B. 1837/1846
Farish, Robert /1783 [family recreated from Court Orders & suit]
Farish, Stevens WFD [North Point] [family recreated from suit]
Fitzhugh, Philip /1836
Fitzhugh, William 1789/1791 [King George Co.] [Marmion]
Fleet, Christopher B. WFD [Will was recorded in King & Queen Co.]
Garnett, James 1775/1776
Garnett, Thomas EFD
Gatchell, Casandra 1843/
Gatewood, Bartlett EFD
Gatewood, Frances “Fanny” EFD
Gatewood, John Sr. [family recreated from suit]
Gatewood, William EFD
George, Lewis WFD
Goode, Edward 1763/1763
Goodwin, Elizabeth D. EFD [Oakley]
Goodwin, Peter /1793 [Oakley] [family recreated from Bible Records]
Gouge, James /1781
Gouldin, Jane EFD
Gravatt, Ellis EFD
Gray, Isabella Bowie 1819/ [Scotland]
Gray, William 1756/ [Merchant of Glasgow] [Scotland]
Gray, William EFD [family recreated from suit]
Graves, Joseph 1824/1827 WFD
Green, George 1850/1852
Grymes, Susan 1844/1844
Hackett, Garrett /1774 [family recreated from Court Orders & suit]
Hackett, Garrett /1848 WFD
Hackney, Durrett EFD
Harris, John [no date for Will]
Harris, Lucy WFD
Harris, Thomas L. EFD
Hawes, Richard EFD
Henshaw, Philip 1812/1814
Hewlett, John EFD
Hill, John 1843/1849
Hodges, Henry WFD
Holladay, John 1742/1742 [King William Co.]
Hoomes, Richard /1823 Intestate
Hoomes, Richard EFD
Houston, Mordecai EFD
Hundley, Matthew 1828/1829
Hutcheson, John 1812/
Hutcheson, Thomas WFD
Isbell, Daniel 1767/
Johnston, Jane 1808/1815
Jones, Bennet 1834/1834
Jones, James EFD
Landrum, Thomas 1764/1771 [King George Co.]
Long, Reuben EFD
Lucas, Samuel EFD [family recreated from suit]
Luck, Elizabeth EFD
Luck, John M. EFD
Luck, Molly EFD
Madison, Henry W. EFD
Magruder, Elizabeth 1849/1849 [Albermarle Co.] [owned Aberfoyle in Caroline]
Martin, James /1822 Intestate
Martin, John 1783/1783
Martin, John Senr. EFD
Mason, Joel 1841/1842
Mason, John [family recreated from Court Orders]
Mason, John EFD
Mason, Willis EFD
McLaughlin, John [family recreated from Court Orders & suit]
Merryman, Presley EFD
Mickleborough, Robert /1788 [Inventory & Appraisement]
Micou, Hay EFD
Middlebrook, John EFD
Miller, William WFD
Mills, Matthew 1753/1753
Minor, Vivion 1791/1791
Moore, Edward I. WFD [land information only]
Moore, Augustine 1742/17__ [King William Co.]
Morris, Charles Dabney /1842 EFD [The Meadow]
Motley, Catharine “Caty” /1796 Intestate
Murdock, Joseph 1769/1770 [King George Co.]
Murray, David 1733/1733/34 WFD
Murray, George W. EFD [Bell Hill]
Napier, William P. WFD
Newton, Edmund [Will in Volume I of Lost Will series – Additional Information]
Newton, Jesse /1816 Intestate
Page, Mann 1730/1731 [Roseville]
Page, Robert 1766/ [Hanover Co.] [Broadneck]
Parke, John T. 1828/1832
Peatross, Matthew [Will in Vol. I of Lost Will series – Corrected & Additional Info].147
Pendleton, Ann EFD
Pendleton, Edmund 1824/1827 [White Plains]
Pettis, Mary “Molly” /181_ Intestate
Pickett, John, the elder 1765/1766
Pickett, William 1766/1766 [Fauquier Co.]
Pitts, Henry /1807 Intestate
Rains, Henry 1766/1767
Redd, Samuel Sr. EFD
Reynolds, Thomas 1807/1807
Richards, William 1811/1817 [Culpeper Co.]
Rogers, Mary 1787/1802
Rootes, Philip 1756/1756 [King & Queen Co.] [Rosewall]
Ross, Edward 1787/
Row, Clack 1803/1804
Roy, Dorothy /1746
Sale, William Jr. 1822/1822
Samuel, Philip 1837/1843
Samuel, Thomas 1770/1771
Saunders, John Sr. WFD.
Saunders, Nancy C. EFD
Saunders, Reuben Sr. [Cherry Grove] [Will abstracted in suit]
Schooler, Samuel 1815/1815 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Schooler, Thomas 1755/1755 [King George Co.]
Scott, Robert WFD
Seal, Bennett WFD
Seal, David 1818/1820
Sears, Albin 1787/1789
Shaddock, Edward M. EFD
Ship, Richard /1777
Smith, Francis EFD
Smith, James /1831 Intestate [Spotsylvania Co.] [family recreated from suit]
Smith, Robert /1744 [The beginning of the town of Port Royal]
Southworth, Thomas EFD
Southworth, William /died Intestate bef. 26 Aug 1802] [family recreated from suit]
Stevens, John [Will in Volume I of Lost Will series – Additional Information]
Stewart, Billy WFD [a free man of color]
Swinton, George 1789/1798 [King & Queen Co.]
Taliaferro, Charles 1734/1735
Taliaferro, Charles EFD
Taliaferro, Richard 1815/1815
Taliaferro, Thomas EFD
Taliaferro, William W. WFD
Taliaferro, Zachariah /1831 EFD
Taliaferro, Zachary WFD
Taylor, John 1824/1824 [Hazelwood & Hayfield]
Taylor, John 1853/1853 [Liberty Hill]
Tennent, George W. Dr. EFD
Tennent, John Dr. /1815 or 1816 Intestate
Tennent, John Sr. 1790/1795
Terrell, Christopher WFD
Terrell, David Sr. 1751/1759
Terrell, Jesse WFD
Terrell, Jonathan EFD [Oakton]
Terrell, Mary /1837
Terrell, Pleasant /1804 [Information from Court Orders]
Terrell, Samuel WFD
Terrell, Thomas /1794 [family recreated from Cedar Creek Meeting records]
Thomas, James Catlett EFD
Thompson, Frances EFD
Thornley, William [Will in Volume I of Lost Will series – Additional Information]
Thornton, John [Fairfield]
Thornton, Peter WFD
Thornton, Rowland 1741/1741 [King George Co.] [Crow’s]
Thornton, William 1742/1742/3 [King George Co.]
Thornton, William Jr. 1743/1743/4 [King George Co.]
Tod, Charles 1814/1817
Tompkins, Bailey 1842/
Tompkins, Robert 1794/1796
Tucker, William 1844/1844
Tupman, Thomas [the elder] 1806/1806
Turner, Harry [Major] 1751/1752 [King George Co.] [Smith’s Mount]
Tutt, Richard 1728/1728/9 [King George Co.]
Tyler, Richard 1777/1802
Tyler, William, the elder /1794
Vaughan, Elizabeth 1775/1778 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Vaughan, Martin /1765
Vawter, Benjamin EFD [family recreated from suit]
Watkins, William 1778/1780
Watkins, William [Jr.] 1807/1815
White, Ambrose [family recreated from suit]
White, James J. EFD [Edge Hill]
Whitlock, John Sr. /1758 [family recreated from Court Orders]
Willis, Henry 1740/
Wilson, Zachariah 1811/1825
Woodford, William C. 1820/1820 [White Hall]
Woolfolk, Achillis EFD
Woolfolk, Charles /1803 Intestate
Woolfolk, Spilsbe WFD
Wright, John Sr. /1784
Yarbrough, Agnes WFD
Yarbrough, Benjamin 1795/1800

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Caroline County, Virginia 'Lost' Wills, 1676-1855 and Related Records from other Sources: Volume Three 8 1/2" x 11" format, xv, 187 pages. Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 2016. A continuation from Volume two.
WFD = Will and or family information from Deed Records
EFD = Estate and or family information from Deed Records
EFGB = Estate and or family information from Guardian Bonds

Alsop, George
Anderson, Nathiel, Jr. (family recreated from suit)
Anderson, Charles (additional information, Will in Vol. II)
Baber, George (family recreated from suit)
Baylor, Robert WFD
Beazley, George W. WFD
Beazley, John (family recreated from suit)
Beazley, Cornelius (family recreated from suit)
Beazley, William A. WFD
Bernard, William 1834/1844 [Spotsylvania Co., “Mannsfield”]
Billups, John 1779/1781
Blackburn, Christopher (family recreated from suit)
Boulware, Mark WFD
Boulware, Reuben (family recreated from suit)
Boutwell, John 1781/ [related wills in Vol. II]
Bowers, William E. (family recreated from suit)
Brame, John (family recreated from suit)
Brame, Joseph (family recreated from suit)
Bridges, Ann WFD
Broaddus, Edward (family recreated from suit)
Broaddus, John WFD
Brockenbrough, Champe WFD [Port Royal, “Brockenbrough House”]
Brockenbrough, Sarah [Port Royal, “Brockenbrough House”]
Brown, Thomas (family recreated from suit)
Bullard, Ambrose 1754/1756 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Bullock, Catharine W. WFD [“Locust Hill”]
Burke, John M. WFD
Burke, Thomas /1807
Burruss, Henry [additional information, Will Vol. II]
Burruss, Margaret WFD
Butler, Thomas WFD
Byrd, Ann 1806/1813 [Caroline Co. will, Mrs. Byrd died in Spotsy. Co.]
Catlett, John Gibson, IV, WFD [“Catlett’s Hill”]
Catlett, Thomas WFD [“Locust Hill”]
Chandler, Timothy 1825/1831
Chenault, Presley WFD
Chiles, Dabney (family recreated from suit)
Coghill, Atwell 1823/1823
Coleman, Benjamin 8 Sep [no year]
Coleman, Clayton 1848/1867 [a lost will re-recorded after the war]
Coleman, Hawes 1830/183_
Collins, James (family recreated from Court records)
Conduit, Daniel (family recreated from suit)
Conner, James /1790 (no Will, family recreated from suit)
Cooper, John (family recreated from suit, Port Royal ( Lot #6]
Corbin, Gawin WFD
Courts [Coates], John, Dr. /1803 [lived Caroline Co., later in MD]
Daniel, Thomas /1771 (no Will, family recreated from suit)
Davis, James (family recreated from suit)
Durrett, Henry WFD
Elliott, Morton WFD [his father Caleb Elliott, Vol. II]
Estes, Philip (family recreated from suit) [father Abraham Estes, Vol. I]
Evans, Robert (family recreated from suit)
Fletcher, Benjamin (family recreated from suit)
Foster, Joseph WFD
Foster, William 1768/1768
Garnett, Ann 1787/1789 [Essex Co.]
Garnett, James J WFD
Gatewood, James WFD
Gatewood, John WFD [“The Sycamores”]
George, Jane 1774/1775 [Spotsylvania Co.]
George, John 1784/1784 [additional information, Will Vol. I]
Goodloe, Henry 1748/1749 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Goodwin, Peter D. WFD
Gouldin, John (family recreated from suit)
Graves, Daingerfield (family recreated from suit)
Gray, John /1748 [Stafford Co., “Travelers Rest”]
Gray, John Morgan WFD [father’s Will, Vol. I]
Gray, Martha 1802/1802 [Essex Co.]
Hackett, Garrett /1774 [additional information, Will Vol. II]
Hackett, Garrett /1848 [corrected & see Vol. II]
Hackett, John WFD
Hampton, John [additional information, Will Vol. I]
Harris, Catharine WFD
Harris, John (family recreated from suit)
Harris, Sarah 1780/1780
Harris, Sarah WFD
Harris, Thomas T. WFD [correction, see Vol. I]
Harrison, Margaret /unknown WFD
Hawkins, John 1725-6/1726 [Essex Co., “Jack’s Hill”]
Henshaw, Ann S. 1854/1860 [Spotsylvania Co.]
Hewlett, William (family recreated from suit)
Holloway, John WFD
Holloway, Robert G. WFD
Hundley, William (family recreated from suit)
Jerrell, James 1802/ (no Will, family recreated from suit)
Jeter, Horatio /1814
Johnson, Benjamin (family recreated from suit)
Johnson, Reuben WFD
Johnston, Robert 1780/1780
Jones, Ellen WFD
Jones, John WFD
Jones, Stanfield /1844 (no Will, family recreated from suit)
Keeble, Elizabeth (family recreated from suit)
Kidd, Joel (family recreated from suit)
Kidd, Thomas /1804 (family recreated from court records)
Kidd, William 1801/1802 [rejected will]
Landrum, Nelly (family recreated from suit)
Laughlin, Thomas /1802 (no Will, family recre. from suit & ct. records)
Lefoe, Nicholas (family recreated from suit)
Lewis, Lucius F. WFD
Lucas, John (family recreated from suit)
Lumpkin, Isaac 1807/ (family recreated from suit)
Madison, George WFD
Madison, George W. 1855/1855
Mason, John 1780/1782
Mason, John WFD
Merryman, Adam (family recreated from suit)
Mickleburrough, Robert 1788/1788
Micou, Richard 1804/1804
Miller, John P. WFD
Minor, Rebecca WFD
Minor, Thomas 1776/1776
Moore, John 1758/1759 [King George Co.]
Moore, Joseph 1810/1820 (no Will, family recreated from suit)
Moore, Rebecca (Catlett) Conway 1759/1760 [King George Co.]
Moren, Nancy WFD
Murrah, Lodowick (family recreated from suit)
Murrah, Samuel J. WFD
Norment, Samuel /1787
O(Neal, Thomas (family recreated from suit)
Pare, Thomas (family recreated from suit)
Peatross, Agness WFD
Peatross, John (family recreated from suit)
Pemberton, John /1808 (family recreated from suit)
Pendleton, John L., Jr. WFD
Pendleton, Thomas M[agruder] WFD
Phillips, Thomas (family recreated from suit)
Pleasants, unknown WFD
Powers, Catharine L. (family recreated from suit)
Pruett, Thaddeus 1838/1838
Puller, William D. WFD
Quarles, Robert WFD
Quarles, Robert, Jr. /1792 (family recreated from Bible records)
Raines, Ann (family recreated from suit)
Raines, Giles (partial Will, family recreated from suit)
Raines, Isaac WFD
Rennolds, John (family recreated from suit)
Rennolds, Sthreshly 1822/1822 [Essex Co.]
Renolds, John 1755
Reynolds, Jacob WFD
Reynolds, John 1755/1755
Reynolds, Martha WFD
Richeson, Giles /1804 (family recreated from suit)
Roberts, Barwell, Senr. (family recreated from suit)
Robinson, George / probated by or before 1845
Roy, Mungo WFD
Samuel, Philip 1837/1843 [additional information, Will Vol. II]
Samuel, Thomas /died Oct 1794, intestate
Satterwhite, John WFD
Satterwhite, Richard WFD
Saunders, Betsey WFD
Scott, John WFD
Scott, John /died 1822, intestate
Scott, Samuel C. WFD
Seal, Bennett [additional information, see Vol. II]
Sizer, John WFD
Smith, Mary WFD
Sommerson, Gawin /died 1808 (family recreated from suit)
Sommerson, Richard /died before 9 Apr 1816 (family recreated from suit)
Sorrell, Sarah 1815/1815
Stevens, Mary Beverley (Carter) 1848/1848
Stone, Eusebius 1784/1786
Streshley, Thomas 1825/1825 [“Beverley Plain”]
Sutton, John, Jr. WFD
Swann, Joshua [additional information, Will Vol. I]
Taliaferro, Francis 1756/1758
Taliaferro, John 1804/1805 [“Dissington”]
Tankersley, Reuben unknown/dates
Terrell, George B. WFD [additional info., Will Vol. I]
Terrell, James (had a will, family recreated from suit)
Terrell, Robert WFD
Thomas, Catlett [additional info, see James Catlett Thomas, Vol. II]
Thornton, Anthony, Sr. /1783 (Ormesby family recreated from Court and Bible records)
Thornton, Jane 1840/1844 [“Fairfield”]
Thornton, John 1840/1844 WFD [“Fairfield”, additional info., Will in Vol. II]
Thornton, Thomas Griffin /died 12 June 1830 (family recreated from Bible records)
Timberlake, Ann 1833/1833
Timberlake, Joseph /died 1799 intestate
Timberlake, William WFD [“Woodley Grove”]
Turner, Catherine A. WFD
Turner, John (family recreated from suit)
Upshaw, Martha WFD
Walden, Charles /died 28 Sep 1777 (family recreated from suit)
Walden, William L. /died 1824 intestate
Ware, Nathaniel [additional info, Will Vol. I]
Washinton, George 1813/1815 [“Pine Forest” & “Woodpecker”]
Watts, John 1755/1776
White, John WFD
White, William S. (family recreated from suit)
Winston, Judith (Harris) /died 6 Apr 1842 WFD
Woolfolk, Robert, Sr. /1817 (List of Heirs)
Woolfolk, Samuel 1791/
Wright, Frances WFD
Wright, William WFD
Young, Frances W. /died before 11 Oct 1853, intestate
Young, Nathaniel 1781/

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Caroline County, Virginia 'Lost' Wills, 1667-1853 and Related Records from other Sources: Volume Four 8 1/2" x 11" format, xii, 257 pages. Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 2017. A continuation from Volume three.
WFD = Will and or family information from Deed Records
EFD = Estate and or family information from Deed Records
EFGB = Estate and or family information from Guardian Bonds

George Allen, /d. bef. 28 Dec 1836, EFD
James Allen, Senr., 25 Jun 1798/11 May 1799, Fredericksburg
George Baber, /d. intestate 1798, (additional info., original in Vol. III)
James Baber, /d. 1804
Thomas Barlow, /d. intestate 1800
Nancy Bates, /d. bef. 25 Oct 1847, EFD
Lawrence Battaile, [“Bell Park”] /d. bef. 20 Sep 1848
John Bell, 10 Mar 1804/11 Dec 1804, (additional info., Will Vol. II)
John Lawson Boulware, /d. intestate 1821
Mark Boulware, /d. bef. 11 Jun 1819, had Will (add. info., orig. Vol. II & III)
Mark Boulware, /d. bef. 8 Feb 1853, EFD
Reuben Broaddus, /d. bef. 31 Oct 1839, EFD, (add. info., orig. in Vol. II.
Richard H. Buckner, /d. bef. Jun 1797
Thomas Buckner, /1805
Samuel Burruss, /d. bef. 9 Jun 1848, EFD
Thomas Butler, /d. intestate 1820
Joseph Campbell, /d. intestate 1794, (correction, original in Vol. I)
Matthew Campbell, /d. bef. 10 Sep 1838, EFD
Col. William Campbell, /d. 23 Oct 1823, King & Queen & Orange Co.’s.
William Campbell, /d. bef. 10 Sep 1839, EFD
John Carter, /d. testate 1827
Joseph Carter, /d. intestate bef. Mar 1808
John Catlett, /d. testate 1789
Rufus Chandler, /d. 1837
Thomas & Judith Cheadle, /estate ordered divided 10 Nov 1801
Miles Clift, /d. intestate 1818, King George Co
Lewis Cobbs, /d. bef. 9 Aug 1847, (add. info., correction, original in Vol. I)+
Clayton Coleman, 1848/1867, (will rerecorded after the Civil War, add. info., original info. Vol. II & III)
Thomas Coleman, /d. testate 1794
John Collins, /d. by Nov 1797
Francis Conway, [“Mt. Sion”], /d. 1732
Francis Conway, /d. testate 1794
Patrick Coutts, [Port Royal, later “Belvideire” in Richmond]
Richard Croshaw, last of Jul 1667/24 May 1669, York Co
Thomas Daniel, /d. testate 1771, (add. info., original in Vol. III
Jane Davenport, /d. about 1765
Thomas Dickinson, /d. bef. 25 Feb 1850, EFD
Peter Dudley, /1827
William Dudley, /d. intestate Oct 1822, (add. info., original in Vol. II
Achilles Duling, 27 May 1835/1835
John Durrett, /1809
Pheba [Phebe] Elliott, 3 Feb 1847/17 Apr 1847
William Elliott, /d. intestate 1792
Christopher B. Fleet, /d. between 19 Oct 1844 & 2 Sep 1846, WFD
Benjamin Fletcher, /d. bef. Aug 1814
Robert Foster, /d. Feb 1792
Hannah Fox, 31 Oct 1708/10 Oct 1709, Lancaster Co
Joseph Fogg, 11 Sep 1781/19 Jun 1786, Essex Co.
John Gayle [Sr.], /believe he died in the 1830’s
John George, 1784/1784, (add. info. Slave Inventory, Will in Vol. I)
Reuben George, 16 May 1799/10 Dec 1799, (add. info., Will in Vol. I)
German Goodloe, /d. bef. 3 Jul 1837, EFD
Margaret Gouldman, /d. bef. 26 Jan 1839, EFD
Robert Graham, /d. intestate 17__
William Grymes, /[no date], had Will
John Hackett, /d. intestate bef. 26 Dec 1856
Garrett Hackett, /1848, (add. info., original in Vol. II & III, EFD
Stephen Haley, 11 Sep 1820/2 Oct 1820, Henrico Co
Samuel Hargrave, /d. testate bef. Nov 1811
Sarah (Dumas) Harris, 7 Jul 1780/7 Sep 1780, (add. info., Will in Vol. III)
Thomas L. T. Harris, /d. bef. 21 Feb 1846, (add. info., original in Vol. II)
Elisha Herndon, 30 Jun 1826/8 Aug 1826, Logan Co., Kentucky
James Herndon, 2 Jun 1809/20 Feb 1815, Logan Co., Kentucky
William Herndon, 21 Dec 1758/8 Nov 1759
John Hewlett, /d. bef. 25 Mar 1846, (correction, original in Vol. II)
Henry Hill, /d. bef. 13 Jul 1859, WFD
Henry Hodges, /d. bef. 11 Oct 1851, WFD
Robert G. Holloway, /d. bef. 1 Oct 1850, (add. info., original in Vol. III
William [Allen] Hoomes, /d. Feb 1819
Robert Houston, 1827/12 Mar 1834, (add. info., Will in Vol. I), EFD
Benjamin Hurt, 8 Mar 1835/14 Sep 1835, (add. info., Will in Vol. I), EFD
John [Ambrose] Hutcheson, /d. bef. 25 Jan 1837, (add. info., Will, Vol. I), EFD
Catharine Ingraham, /d. bef. 16 Sep 1844
Mary Jesse, /d. bef. 28 Dec 1839, EFD
Elizabeth Jeter, /d. bef. 23 Aug 1851, EFD
Horatio Jeter, /d. testate Nov 1814, (add. info., Will in Vol. III)
Benjamin Johnson, /d. bef. Nov 1806, (add. info., original in Vol. III)
Millicent Jones, /d. bef. 17 Aug 1836, EFD
Thomas Jones, /d. bef. 10 Jan 1838, EFD
John Kay, /d. bef. 1802
Sally Kidd, /d. bef. 29 Jul 1859, EFD
John B. Littlepage, /d. bef. 11 Dec 1846
Churchill Loven, /d. bef. 23 Dec 1848, EFD
Josiah Loven, /d. bef. 26 Feb 1848, EFD
Isaac Lumpkin, 14 Jul 1807/d. bef. Jan 1813, (add. info., original Vol. I)
Jane W. Marable, 3 Sep 1835
[Captain] John Marshall, /10 Jan 1782, (add. info., original in Vol. I)
Anne Martin, /d. 7 Oct 1794
John Martin, [the elder], 29 Oct 1818/13 Dec 1819
Robert Martin, /d. bef. 1 Jan 1850, EFD
John Mason, 11 Jul 1780
John Mason, /d. bef. 12 Jan 1818, (add. info., original in Vol. I)
Mary M. Mason, /d. bef. 29 Oct 1846, EFD
Catharine Micou, 11 Aug 1798/2 Mar 1814, Essex Co
James Micou, 7 Oct 1779/9 Aug 1781
Paul Micou, 15 Jul 1796/18 Feb 1799, Essex Co
Richard Micou, 19 Oct 1804/Dec 1804, (add. info., Will in Vol. III)
Robert Micou, /d. bef. 13 May 1844, EFD
Charles Minor, /d. bef. Jan 1812
Joseph Minor, /d. bef. 1 Oct 1838, EFD
Joseph Moore, 20 Jul 1808/12 Sep 1808
Henry Motley, /1817
Joseph Murdock, 11 Oct 1769/1 Mar 1770, King George Co., (add. info., Will in Vol. II)
Lodiwick Murray, /d. testate bef. Dec 1799, (add. info., original in Vol. III)
Edmund Noel, 14 Aug 1804/19 Sep 1808, Essex Co
Polly Noel, /13 Feb 1826
Samuel Norment, 6 Dec [illeg.]/11 Jan 1787
William Oliver, /d. bef. Mar 1788
James R. Parnell, /d. bef. 5 Feb 1837, EFD
John Peatross, /d. in or bef. 1806, (add. info., original in Vol. III)
Henry Pitts, /d. 1807, (add. info., original in Vol. II)
David Powers, /d. bef. Jan 1820
[Nancy] Ann Puller, 25 Feb 1839/13 May 1839
James Redd, /d. bef. 14 Sep 1818, had Will
Samuel Redd [Sr.], /d. bef. 30 Sep 1854, (add. info., original in Vol. II)
Cornelius Rennolds, /d. bef. Apr 1800
Jacob Reynolds, /d. bef. 20 Aug 1838, (add. info., original in Vol. III), EFD
John Richardson, /d. in or bef. 1802
John Rogers, /d. intestate bef. Oct 1796
Martha H. Rothrock, /d. bef. 11 Dec 1838, EFD
John Beverley Roy, /d. bef. 11 Aug 1801, EFD
Thomas Royston, /d. bef. 11 Nov 1816
John Sale, /d. 180_
Reuben Samuel, /d. bef. Sep 1807
Sarah Saunders, /d. bef. 1 Jan 1844, EFD
Seth Saunders, /d. between 6 Feb 1844 – 13 Sep 1847, EFD
Nancy C. “Ann” (Burruss) Saunders, /d. bef. 25 Aug 1853, EFD
William Saunders, /d. testate 11 May 1819
Samuel C. Scott, 30 Aug 1846/d. bef. Mar 1849, WFD
Samuel Shackleford, /d. intestate 18__
Richard Sorrell, /d. bef. Jan 1809
John Southworth, /d. testate bef. Aug 1811
Isaac St. John, /d. bef. 13 Oct [1802]
Charles Stuart, /d. intestate 1799
Henry Stuart, the younger, /d. testate Dec 1802
Humphrey Stuart, /d. bef. Dec 1809
James Sutton, 25 Sep 1794/8 Dec 1795, (add. info., Will in Vol. I)
Francis Taliaferro, 15 Sep 1814/9 Mar 1815, Fredericksburg
William Taliaferro [of Bath], 1814/10 Mar 1817, (add. info., Will Vol. I)
William Taliaferro, [“Blenheim”], /d. intestate bef. Mar 1810, (add. source of info., original in Vol. I)
Zachariah Taliaferro, /d. bef. 12 Jan 1839, EFD
Betsy Taylor, /d. bef. 25 Dec 1846, EFD
James Taylor, /d. bef. Jun 1814
George Taylor, 23 Feb 1801/d. bef. Jan 1803 [out of order]
Maria Temple, /d. intestate Dec 1804
Anna S. Tennent, 19 May 1844/14 Sep 1848, Fredericksburg
William Thomas, /d. bef. Oct 1844
George F. Thornton, /d. bef. 7 Oct 1852, EFD
Jane Thornton, [“Fairfield”], 23 Aug 1821/d. bef. 24 May 1839, EFD
Peter Thornton, [“Hunters Hill”], /d. bef. Feb 1837, EFD, (add. info., original Vol. II)
Bennet Tompkins, /d.bef. Sep 1813
Robert Tompkins, /d. testate 1794 [incorrect in suit, correct year 1796]
George Turner, /d. testate 1799, (add. info., Slave division, original Vol. I)
Mary Turner, /d. intestate bef. 10 Sep 1821
William Twisdale, /d. bef. 25 Mar 1846, EFD
James Upshaw, 3 Aug [1806?]/16 Feb 1807, Essex Co
Barsheba Vaughan, /d. bef. 13 Jan 1817
George Washington, [“Woodpecker” & “Pine Forest”], 9 Aug 1813/13 Mar 1815, Division of Slaves, (add. info., Will in Vol. III)
Sarah West, /d. bef. 14 Aug 1837, EFD
Richard Baylor White, /d. 3 Nov 1857, age 70, EFD
Thomas Wilson, /d. bef. 19 Jul 1836, (add. info., original in Vol. I), EFD
Judith (Harris) Winston & Mary Harris, /d. bef. 19 Feb 1848, EFD
Achillis Woolfolk, /d. bef. 30 Dec 1848, (correction, add. info., orig. Vol. II)
Nancy Woolfolk, 10 May 1796/ , Orange Co., now Fredericksburg
Robert Woolfolk, Sr., /in or bef. 1817
Samuel Woolfolk, /d. 1799
Ann Wright, /13 Oct 1845, WFD
Bennet Wright, /d. bef. 29 Aug 1850
Frances Wright, /d. bef. 31 Oct 1853, EFD
Harry Wright, 1 Dec 1822/10 Mar 1823, EFD
John Wright, the elder, /d. 1784, (add. info., Will in Vol. II)
Reuben Wright, /d. bef. 14 Dec 1838, EFD
Richard Wright, /d. bef. 2 Oct 1847, EFD
Robert Wright, /d. intestate bef. Nov 1807
Sarah Wright, /d. intestate 1821
William Wright, /d. bef. 16 Mar 1839, EFD
Henry G. Yates, /d. intestate 1819
John Yates, 10 Sep 1812/14 Dec 1812
Marshall Yates, /d. intestate bef. Oct 1809
William Yates, /d. intestate 5 Oct 1806
Nathaniel Young, 16 Feb 1781
William Young, /d. intestate 1815

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SOME WILLS FROM THE BURNED COUNTIES OF VIRGINIA compiled by William Lindsay Hopkins. 6x9 format. Wills from circa 1670-1830. Brunswick, Buckingham, Caroline, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, Nansemond, New Kent, Prince George, Prince William, Stafford, and Warwick Counties, Va.

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[Swbc] $32.00

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[ESwbc] $20.00     (electronic version)

CAROLINE CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 25 pages, illustrations, maps. This is the first surviving census for Caroline, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. The manuscript is transcribed in its original rough alphabetic form. Caroline was an important county with a heavy slave population, and the census record covers 1154 households. The county's settlement dates from the mid-seventeenth century before the official county formation in 1728, and many of the early families later migrated westward into the Piedmont and Shenandoah Valley area. This document should be a complement to the fine work of Roger Ward (below) on land taxes in the county.
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[CARO10] $9.95     (printed version)

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[ECARO10] $7.00     (electronic version)

Caroline County, Virginia Court Records: Will Book 1793-1897, Will & Plat Book 1742-1840; Will Book 19, 1814-1818 8 1/2" x 11" format 71 pages. Abstracted by Kimberly Curtis Campbell 1998. This volume contains the earliest extant wills for Caroline County bound in book form and located in the courthouse. T. E. Campbell's Colonial Caroline, A History of Caroline County, Virginia, abstracted the will information from year 1732 through October 1781. The forthcoming second volume of this series will try to fill in therecords gap that exists by using the Court Order Books from 1781 to 1854. During this time only Will Book 19 is extant, and it is included in this first volume. The original Will Books start again with number 29, beginning with the year 1853. It is the author's intent to eventually have all of the Will Books abstracted through the year 1925.
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[Cacr] $22.00

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA COURT RECORDS PROBATE AND OTHER RECORDS FROM THE COURT ORDER AND MINUTE BOOKS 1781 - 1799 transcribed by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, 8 1/2" x 11" format, index, 285 pages, 1999.
This second volume will try to fill in the "records gap" by using the Court Order and Minute Books from 1781 through 1799. Did your ancestor serve in the Militia? Check out the County Militia section. There are also Chapters on Civil matters, Guardian Bonds, Manumissions, the Tobacco Warehouses, the Courthouse and Prison upkeep, Processioning, Overseers of the Poor, Overseers of the Road, Sheriffs and other Officers, the Justices and more. Includes Transcriptions of the following:

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[Crw2] $34.00

Caroline County, Virginia Court Records Probate and other Records from the Court Order and Minute Books 1800 - 1804 Volume III by Kimberly Curtis Campbell, Copyright 2003, vi, 146, complete every-name index. This third volume will try to fill in the þrecords gapþ by using the Court Order and Minute Books from 1800 through 1804. Names of people and places are transcribed exactly as they appear in the record. No attempt has been made to correct any spelling or grammatical errors, so try variant spellings as you search the every-name index.

Look for your ancestor in the Probate Chapter, then follow the records from the Will or Administration Bond through the final Order to settle the Estate. You may also find several Chancery Suits which may be of help.

Did your ancestor serve in the Militia? Check out the County Militia section. There are also Chapters on Civil matters, Guardian Bonds, Manumissions, the Tobacco Warehouses, the Courthouse and Prison upkeep, Processioning, Overseers of the Poor, Overseers of the Road, Sheriffs and other Officers, the Justices and more.

Surname list
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[Crw3] $30.00

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1850 CENSUS, transcribed by Mark Anderson Sprouse. 1997, iv, 182 pages, index.
Caroline County Virginia was formed in 1727 from parts of Essex, King and Queen and King William Counties. It is a strategic county for geneologists because of its location. Many colonial Virginia ancestors settled or "passed through" Caroline. The 1850 Caroline County Census was enumerated by Thomas T. Chandler. Mr. Chandler's work has numerous legibility and spelling "problems," as well as what appears to be a few bonifide errors. Mr. Chandler must be forgiven. How was he to know that as he traveled the roads of 1850 Caroline, that every letter he put down would be under extreme scrutiny by future researchers. Chandler's writing is often difficult to discern as t's are uncrossed confusing them with unlooped l's, a's are not closed and might be u's, i's are often not dotted and can't be distinguished from unlooped e's and similar problems. Even more frustrating for me were the names that were clear but didn't really make sense; as letters seem to be excluded or extra ones added. An example of this would be the several families that have different spelling within the household such as # 897 with "Bird" and "Byrd" or # 1014 with "Garnet" and "Garnett". In the case of the few names that really didn't fit, the transcriber entered it as it appears in the census unless he could find the spelling for that specific name in at least two other sources. Readers are reminded that the burden of proof remains on the researcher and therefore consult the original record when in doubt.

  1. Dwelling houses numbered in the order of visitation (Not shown in this book)
  2. Families numbered in the order of visitation
  3. The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June 1850, was in this family.
  4. Age
  5. Sex
  6. Color (White, black, or mulatto)
  7. Profession, Occupation or Trade of each Male Person over 15 years of age.
  8. Value of Real Estate
  9. Place of birth, naming the state, territory, or country.
  10. Married within the year, attended school within the year, persons over 20 years of age who cannot read or write.
  11. Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, or pauper.

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[Cr50] $24.95

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[ECr50] $18.00     (electronic version)

CAROLINE COUNTY COURT RECORDS, 1742-1833 AND MARRIAGES, 1782-1810 by William Lindsay Hopkins. vi, 219 pages, index. A valuable collection considering the great loss of documentation suffered by this county. Caroline County was established in 1728 from the upper portions of Essex, King and Queen, and King William counties. Some further territory from King and Queen County was added in 1742 and 1762. There have been no further boundary changes. since then.

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[Carr] $37.00     (printed version)

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[ECARR] $25.00     (electronic version)

Caroline Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 26 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners
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[Vd16] $8.00

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[EVd16] $5.50     (electronic version)

Caroline Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 100 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see:
Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series

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[Pc12] $15.00     (printed version)

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BURNED COUNTY DATA, 1809-1848 (AS FOUND IN THE VIRGINIA CONTESTED ELECTION FILES) by Benjamin B. Weisiger,III, 1986. 100 pages, index. The author has examined a previously unexplored source of information for valuable genealogical information regarding "burned counties." The bulk of the data consists of depositions regarding qualifications of the voter (e.g., land ownership, age, length of residence in the county, etc.) as well as data gleaned from a number of attached wills, deeds, and even a Bible register.

From the author’s introduction-

Genealogical research in the burned record counties of Virginia poses a real challenge. Any data that can add to our store of knowledge in this area is always helpful. An unexplored source of information is in the State Contested Election Files. These are found in boxes dating from 1790 to 1950. Data of a genealogical nature is found in the depositions regarding land ownership, age and length of residence in the county, as well as in a number of attached wills, deeds and even a Bible register.

The General Assembly in 1818 updated the election laws in regard to voter qualification. White male landowners had always been the only voters. The law of 1818 spelled out qualifications as follows:

"Every male citizen of the Commonwealth, aged twenty-one years (other than free negroes or mulattoes, or such as have refused to give assurance of fidelity to the Commonwealth), being possessed or, whose tenant for years at will or sufferance is possessed of twenty-five acres of land, with house, the superficial content of the foundation of which is twelve feet square, or equal to that quantity, and a plantation thereon, or fifty acres of unimproved land, or a lot or part of a lot in a city or town by act of General Assembly with a house thereon of the like superficial quantity, having in such land an estate of freehold at least, and unless the title shall have come to him by descent, devise, marriage or marriage settlement, having been so possessed for 6 months; and no other person shall be qualified to vote for delegates to serve in General Assembly for the county, city or borough respectively in which the land lieth. If the fifty acres of land, being one entire parcel, lie in several counties, the holder shall vote in the county where the greater part of the land lieth only; and if the twenty-five acres, being one entire parcel, be in several counties, the holder shall vote only in the county wherein the house standeth. In the right of land holden by parceners, joint tenants or tenants in common, but one vote shall be given by all the holders capable of voting, who may be present and agree to vote for the same candidate, or candidates, unless the quantity of land in case partition had been made thereof, be sufficient to entitle every holder to vote separately, or unless some one or more of the holders may lawfully vote in right of another estate or estates in the same county; in which case the others may vote, if holding solely they might have voted; provided nevertheless that no person inhabiting the District of Columbia or elsewhere not within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth shall be entitled to exercise the right of suffrage therein, except citizens thereof employed abroad in the service of the United States or of this Commonwealth, and whose foreign residence is occasioned by such service."

The procedure in contested elections was also specified in the law. There was no secret ballot, so that the contestants knew who voted for and against them.

The following counties and elections are included in the current volume: Hanover (1825); Buckingham (1809, 1840, 1848); Charles City (1821, 1838); Gloucester (1827); New Kent (1838); James City (1845); and Caroline (1843).
In the preparation of this book only the burned record counties were surveyed, up to 1850.

The reader is advised to go to the original if he or she finds data of interest here.

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[EBurn] $10.00     (electronic version)

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