Wood Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners
by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 25 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners
Surnames in this county directory:
Adams; Albin; Alfin; Allen; Anderson; Anthony; Arnold; Ashford; Athey; Atkinson; Backus; Badgley; Baer; Bailey; Baldwin; Banks; Barnes; Barnett; Barr; Barrett; Bauman; Baun?; Bayley; Bealor; Beaty; Beauchamp; Beckwith; Beebe; Beers; Beeson; Bennett; Berkey; Blair; Bodkin; Boggs; Bogle; Boli; Booth; Bose; Brown; Brubaker; Buckner; Burroughs; Butcher; Butler; Caldwell; Campbell; Cane; Caplinger; Casshill; Chalmers; Chamberlain; Champlin; Chaplin; Chapman; Clark; Clibourn; Click; Cockrell; Coe; Coleman; Collins; Combs; Compton; Conrad; Conwell; Cook; Cooper; Coplin; Corbet; Coult; Cradlepaugh; Craig; Crain; Creel; Crissap; Cryer; Curtiss; Cutright; Davis; Davison; Dawkins; Deacon; DeBartholt; Deem; Dennyberger; Deputy; Dewey; Die; Dils; Dixon; Doddridge; Dotson; Douglass; Drake; Dubois; Dutton; Duvall; Dyar; Dye; Dyer; Eastburn; Eaton; Edelin; Enoch; Eskridge; Felison?; Ferry; Finnamore; Fisher; Foley; Forde; Foster; Foughty; Foulks; Fox; French; Gates; Gibbs; Gibson; Gill; Gillespie; Gilman; Gilman; Glaspy?; Glass; Glaze; Graham; Gray; Griffin; Griffith; Grove; Guard; Gulick; Hall; Hamilton; Hanaman; Hanaway; Hanson; Harris; Harrison; Harter; Hartshorn; Hartung; Harwood; Haymond; Heaton; Heft; Henderson; Hendrickson; Henry; Henshaw; Hervey; Hiatt; Hickman; Hill; Hines; Hodgdon; Holmes; Hopkings; Hopkins; Horst; House; Howdershill; Howell; Huff; Hugh; Hunt; Hunter; Husher; Huston; Hutchinson; Hyatt; Ingles; Irwin; Israel; Jackson; Jacobs; James; Jenkins; Jett; John; Johnson; Jones; Jordan; Keene; Keller; Kendle; Keys; Kimble; King; Kintcheloe; Kite; Lacy; Laidley; Lamb; Lamot; Lane; Langfit; Leach; Leachman; Lee; Lefavre; Lefever; Lennox; Lewellyn?; Lewis; Livingston; Lloyd; Lockhard; Lockhart; Lownes; Lowther; Lyons; Maddox; Madson; Mann; Marsh; Marshall; Martin; Mattsby; Mayberry; Maylor; McCall; McClain; McClelan; McClery; McClure; McCoul; McFarland; McGraw; McIves; McKervan; McKewan; McKinney; McMullen; McRae; Mealey; Melcher; Miller; Milrose; Mitchell; Mitchel; Mittany; Moor; Morehead; Morris; Morrison; Murdough; Naylor; Neale; Newell; Newkirk; Niesly; Norton; O'Finn; Ogden; Ogleby; OHarra; Owens; Owings; Owl; Page; Parrish; Patton; Payne; Pelph; Pennell; Pennybacker; Perine; Petty; Petzer; Phelps; Philips; Pilcher; Pittman; Pleasants; Polk; Post; Powers; Pratt; Preble; Prentiss; Price; Prince; Prindle; Proctor; Province; Pryor; Pugh; Purviance; Quarrier; Quimby; Radcliff; Ralph; Ralston; Randall; Rawson; Redford; Redman; Reede; Reeder; Renick; Renshaw; Richards; Richardson; Rigg; Rightmere; Riley; Ringgold; Robertson; Robinson; Rockhold; Rogers; Rohrer; Roquet; Rose; Rowson; Ruble; Rumney; Rush; Rutherford; Salstonstall; Samuels; Saunders; Saunderson; Savery; Say; Schultz; Scott; Selden; Serjeant; Shanklin; Sharp; Shearman; Shepherd; Simpson; Sims; Six; Skelton; Slate; Slusser; Smith; Snowden; Snyder; Spencer; Stanley; Starr; Steed; Stephens; Stephenson; Stevens; Stewart; Stoats; Stokely; Strobs; Sturgeon; Sutherland; Sweitzer; Switzer; Talbot; Tavener; Terrell; Terry; Thomas; Thornton; Tims; Tingle; Titmus; Tobin; Tomlinson; Topliff; Triplet; Triplett; Tudor; Turley; Turner; Uhl; Ulix; Van Braam; Van Ransselaur; Vandover; Vanmeter; Vanolara; Varden; Vought; Waddington; Walbridge; Waldon; Washbourn?; Washington; Watkins; Watson; Webster; Weld; Wells; West; Westfall; Wheat; Wheaton; White; Whittlesay; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wills; Wilson; Winn; Wiseman; Wood; Woodbridge; Woods; Woodyard; Woolf; Woolfe; Worth; Young; and Zane;
[Vd104] $8.00
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For records pertaining to WOOD COUNTY, VIRGINIA see:
Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties
Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895
Index to the 1810 Virginia Census
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