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Mathews County Virginia

Map of Va: Mathews CountyMathews County was formed in 1791 from the eastern portion of Gloucester County. It was named for Colonel Thomas Mathews, a Revolutionary soldier and the Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates when the county was formed. Mathews's boundaries have remained stable since its creation. The earliest settlements in the county's area date from the first half of the seventeenth century, and it was the growth of population which spurred the General Assembly to divide Gloucester County into two more "convenient" counties for the inhabitants. Unfortunately, most of Mathews early records were lost during the April, 1865 fire in the Confederate evacuation of Richmond.

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MATHEWS CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt & Elizabeth Vogt. 2009,8 x 10, x, 13 pages, illustrations, maps, full name index.
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[MT10] $6.00     (printed version)

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[EMT10] $3.50     (electronic version)

MATHEWS COUNTY, VIRGINIA RECORDS, including Executors' Bonds, 1795-1825, Guardian Bonds, Book B, 1806-1822, Marriages (1827-50) performed by Rev. William A. Billups, Marriage (1817-70) & Death (1807-90) Announcements from Virginia Newspapers by Jane B. Goodsell. 2000, iv, 104 pp., index.
Mathews County, Virginia, prior to 1791, was known as Kingston Parish, a part of Gloucester County, founded in 1651. Gloucester County once consisted of four parishes; Petsworth, Ware, Abingdon and Kingston. In 1791, Kingston Parish separated from Gloucester County and became an independent county named for Major Thomas Mathews, of Norfolk, Virginia, a speaker in the Virginia House of Delegates. Almost all of the early colonial court records have been destroyed by court house fires or during the final days of the Civil War in 1865, at the fall of Richmond, where they were taken for safe keeping. For that reason, Mathews County is known to genealogists as a "burned out county" as far as surviving court records are concerned. One of the most important books to survive is the "Land Tax Records, 1791 - 1863". Without an early will book, you can follow your ancestors ownership of land and at their death can, in most cases, see who heired the property. Another book of importance is the "Fee Book, 1795 - 1858" (County Court Records). Any legal matter, submitted to the court, the fees involved were recorded in this book.
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[Mtw1] $21.95

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[EMTW1] $15.00     (electronic version)

Mathews Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 15 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

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[Vd64] $6.00

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[EVd64] $4.00     (electronic version)

MATHEWS COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEATH REGISTER 1853-1896 by Jane B. Goodsell. 2001, 8.5" x 11" format iv, 146 pp., fully indexed. Residents who died in Mathews County, Virginia between 1866 and 1874 are transcribed along with the name of the decedent, date of death and the name of the Slave Owner, when applicable.

There are a few missing years in the beginning of the death records and also during the years of the Civil War. The years, 1866-1874, are missing from the Mathews County Death Records, Virginia State Library reel from which this book was transcribed.

Unfortunately, there were no instances where parents were listed. This is why the "parents category" is omitted until 1864. However, all individuals are listed together as either (white) or (colored) to indicate race. In the back of this book. The book also contains an index of causes of deaths, and their definitions from these early death records. A Researcher who is seeking out earlier death records, should see Ms. Goodsell's first Mathews County book (see above), Mathews County Records, 1795-1890 where one will find, Executors Bonds, 1795-1825, Guardians Bonds, 1806-1822, Marriages 1827-1850 performed by Reverend William A. Billups, and Mathews County Marriages 1817-1870 and Mathews County Deaths 1807-1890. However, the names have been copied just as the county clerk wrote them to the best of the transcriber's ability. In some cases, the transcriber refered to the Mathews County Census Records, 1850-1860. Other times she refered to the book, Tombstones of Mathews County, Virginia, published by the Mathews County Historical Society, 1988. Slave names and their owners are listed together at the start of each new year. Be sure to try variant spellings when searching the book and the index. The book contains a complete every-name index. The surnames only have been taken from the index to help shoppers decide if this book contains their ancestors.

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Mtdr
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[Mtdr] $30.00

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[EMTDR] $20.00     (electronic version)

SOME WILLS FROM THE BURNED COUNTIES OF VIRGINIA compiled by William Lindsay Hopkins. 6x9 format. Wills from circa 1670-1830 for the counties of Brunswick, Buckingham, Caroline, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, Nansemond, New Kent, Prince George, Prince William, Stafford, and Warwick Counties, Va.

To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Swbc
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[Swbc] $32.00     (printed version)

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[ESwbc] $20.00     (electronic version)

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