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Lunenburg County Virginia

Map of Va: Lunenburg CountyLunenburg was formed in 1745 from the western portion of Brunswick County. It named reflected one of the titles of King George II, who was also the Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburg in the German states. In 1753 Halifax County was created from the southwestern part of Lunenburg, and the following year, 1753, Bedford County was established from the northwestern portion. Another addition from Lunenburg to Bedford came in 1754, when land west of the mouth of Falling River was given to the latter. In 1764 both Charlotte and Mecklenburg counties were created from Lunenburg land, and in 1777 a part of Charlotte's holdings were returned to Lunenburg. Lunenburg County achieved its present boundaries at that time.

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LUNENBURG CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 38 pages, illustrations, maps. This is the first surviving census for Lunenburg, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. Lunenburg was a populous county in Southside Virginia, with moderate-sized plantations and a significant slave population (60%). In addition to the census, the transcriber has correlated the names on the census with those of the 1815 landowners in Lunenburg. 1815 was the first year in which the owner's land was delineated in relation to its distance and direction from the courthouse. In this manner, groups of settlers may be ascertained and family groups defined.

This and other 1810 censuses are transcribed by the author from the original images, and while many of Virginia's censuses are available online, they oftentimes are replete with misreadings.Caveat emptor!
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[LN10] $11.00     (printed version)

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[ELN10] $7.00     (electronic version)

SOME EARLY LANDOWNERS IN SOUTHERN NOTTOWAY AND NORTHERN LUNENBURG COUNTIES, VIRGINIA AND THE COCKE (COKE) FAMILY WHO ONCE LIVED THERE by Ben H. Coke, 1997. 138 pages, maps, index. Ben Coke provides the reader with the ability to locate eighteenth-century residents of this are in a number of ways: through the tract itself, where the tract, year, grantor, grantee, acreage, and source are listed; through an alphabetic listing of grantees with the same essential information; and a listing of grantors; In addition, there are a number of topographic maps, plus name and plat indices at the end. Anyone with early landowning colonial family in the region will welcome this study.
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Slsn
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[Slsn] $27.00

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[ESLSN] $18.00     (electronic version)

LUNENBURG COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1750-1853 John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr. 1988, xii, 174 pages, appendices, figure, chart, map. Lunenburg County was created in 1746 from a portion of Brunswick County. 2,435 marriage records are reflected in the current volume. They are drawn from a variety of primary sources, including copies of typed bonds in the county court house (the original bonds are missing), scattered ministers' returns in will and deed books, and microfilm records in the Virginia State Library, Archives Division. Two appendices provide a date frequency and a listing of all ministers reporting returns.
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[Lune] $22.00

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[ELUNE] $15.00     (electronic version)

Lunenburg Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 25 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

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[Vd61] $8.00

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
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[EVd61] $6.00     (electronic version)

Lunenburg Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 27 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see:
Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Lunenburg
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[Pc42] $6.00     (printed version)

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:

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[EPc42] $3.50     (electronic version)

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