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Richmond County Virginia
Richmond County was formed in 1692 upon the abolition of (Old) Rappahannock County. The new county comprised the territory east of the Rappahannock River and was named either for the borough of Richmond, Surrey, England, or for the late-seventeenth-century Duke of Richmond. In 1721 King George County was cut off from the northern part of Richmond. Most of Richmond's records are extant, with the exception of its marriage records, which are very irregular until 1853.
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RICHMOND CO., VA DEED BOOK 15, 1779-1788
Abstracted, annotated and compiled by Craig M. Kilby. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 137 pages, 2015.
From the Introduction:
People Move—Land Doesn’t
Land records are an often under-utilized group of records by genealogists. I suppose the reason is that people generally do not understand them, or think they are boring and could not possibly contain any useful information. But people have to live somewhere. And while people move, land is in a permanently fixed place. When one considers that deeds often serve in lieu of wills, and often recite generations of family history that cannot be found elsewhere, the importance of using and understanding land records becomes obvious.
Richmond County Deed Book 15 covers an interesting period of time in both Virginia and American history. It begins while the Revolutionary War is raging, and takes us through the period of the Confederation and into the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Those things by themselves do not mean much in terms of land ownership, but they mean a lot in terms of where people were living and the value of money.
The Northern Neck of Virginia was in a major stage of transition during this period. Once a bedrock of the Tidewater aristocracy, it was quickly ushered into a period of major out-migration and chronic stagnation. Still, the land did not move, and people still owned it and people still lived on it. This of course includes tenant farmers, slaves and free blacks. In addition to deeds and leases, this book also contains records of other types, such as apprenticeships, bonds, bills of sale, deeds of gift and tithable lists. There is a letter from Havannah informing the owners of the schooner Rappahannock that it had been salvaged and could be returned in good condition if they wanted to pay the cost. In another case, one young woman makes a public apology to another young woman for saying unkind things about her.
...There are five major components to this book:
First, a general index to grantors and grantees, to enable the reader to quickly find a specific deed if one of the parties is already known or suspected.
Second, the main body of the deed book itself. If mentioned in the deed, previous conveyances from other record books, either by deed or by will, have usually been noted and often annotated.
Third, a comprehensive index to names.
Fourth, an index of plantations, streams, places, warehouses, roads and waterways.
Last is a listing of names and residences of people during this period who were not living in Richmond County at all.
[RCHD15] $24.95
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ERCHD15] $16.00
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RICHMOND CO., VA DEED BOOK 16, 1788-1793
Abstracted, annotated and compiled by Craig M. Kilby. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, vi, 114 pages, 2015.
The New Normal
This deed book covers the period from 1788 to 1793. George Washington is President, the Revolutionary War is receding into history, primogeniture has been repealed, and the U.S. Constitution has been ratified. The only thing still unsettled is a national currency. It is not surprising that this deed book reflects a general “winding down” and settling up of affairs. Estates are settled, out-of-area heirs are ending their ties to their home counties, and properties are being consolidated. Old families are dying out, and a new group of landowners is taking shape.
To be sure, the old-line families are still represented here. The marriage contract between Robert Beverley, Jr. of Essex County and Jane Tayloe is a good example, though Beverley’s father’s contribution to the marriage is the 1,000 acre Ewehill Plantation in far-off Culpeper county and 60 slaves. Jane Tayloe’s contribution is her “fortune” as the daughter of the extremely wealthy Col. John Tayloe, under the care of her old-guard guardians. The Carters are still represented, but rarely in the role of acquiring new land, and more often are settling up previous issues. The Lees make their appearance as well, again in a “winding down” of affairs.
The new landowners are not really new. They had been there all along. But we gather some of them are moving up a notch, and slowly assuming duties once reserved to the former elites. On the other hand, a number of them are moving down a notch, as evidenced by the number of recorded mortgages of land and personal property. In essence, the water is leveling out, and becoming the “new normal.”
At the end of the day, of course, land never moves. Only people do. This deed book is but a chronicle in time of the people who passed over it.
This book is arranged in five sections. First, a general index to principal parties to enable the reader to quickly identify a specific deed or transaction. Second is the main body of the deed book itself, annotated with previous deeds of conveyances and wills devising land. Considerable genealogical material is presented in this section. Third is a comprehensive name index, followed by two appendices: one for places, streams, mills, warehouses and plantations and the other for out-of-county residents.
[RCHD16] $35.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ERCHD16] $25.00
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transcribed by John Vogt. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 17 pages, maps, illus.. full name index. This is the first surviving census for Richmond County, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. The transcription is in its sequential original order as the enumerator traveled from home to home recording the statistics. Richmond was one of the early settlements in the Northern Neck in the late seventeenth century and it has been the scene of numerous historic events.
[RICH10] $9.95
    (printed version)
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[ERICH10] $7.00
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by Peggy Shomo Joyner. 1987, xv, 225 pp. Published as the fourth and last volume in a series of Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys, this collection has become a standard reference work for researchers in the period of colonial Virginia history.
Hampshire, 1750-1784 (pp. 1-78); Berkeley (1734), 1750-1781 (pp. 79-96); Loudoun, (1729), 1744-1779 (pp. 97-104); Fairfax, (1697), 1739-1779 (pp. 105-120); King George, (1667), 1722-1770 (pp. 121-127); Westmoreland, (1650), 1722-1778 (pp. 129-134); Richmond, (1662), 1697-1778 (pp. 135-140); Northumberland, (1653), 1719-1750 (pp. 141-142); Lancaster, (1664), 1723-1756 (p. 143); Guy Broadwater Surveys, 1749 (pp. 145-150); Miscellaneous Wills from Land Office Records, 1656-1840 (pp. 151-160); Jonathan Clark Notebook (Improvements in the Northern Neck), 1786 (pp. 161-186); Placename index, name index.
The Northern Neck Proprietary, also called the Fairfax Proprietary, or Fairfax Grant, was a land grant first created by the exiled English King Charles II in 1649 and encompassing all the lands bounded by the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers in colonial Virginia. This constituted up to 5,200,000 acres of Virginia's Northern Neck and a vast area northwest of it.
The grant became actual in 1660 when Charles was restored to the English throne. By 1719, these lands had been inherited by Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron (1693-1781). By that time the question of the boundaries of the designated lands had also become highly contentious. It was decided in 1746 that a line between the sources of the North Branch of the Potomac and the Rappahannock River (the "Fairfax Line") would constitute the western limit of Lord Fairfax's lands. The early 17th century decade was witnessing a wave of pioneer settlement throughout the region.
To obtain land a person purchased a warrant from the proprietor's agent specifying the precise location of the desired land. The warrant was then given to a surveyor, who surveyed the land. The plat, warrant, and any related papers were returned to the proprietor's office, and if the title was clear, a grant was recorded and then issued. At any point after the warrant was purchased the land could be assigned (sold) to another person, and years could elapse between the purchase of the warrant and the issuance of a grant.
The volume is arranged first by county, then alphabetic by grantee. Please note: The index provided at the end of the volume contains only those persons whose reference occurs outside the alphabetic listing in the volume. It is NOT a complete index of names or places.
[Nnw4] $27.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[ENNW4] $20.00
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Richmond Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners
by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 14 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners
[Vd88] $6.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[EVd88] $4.00
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Richmond Co. Revolutionary Public Claims
transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 20 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see:
Revolutionary "Publick" Claims
To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit
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[Pc58] $6.00
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[EPc58] $3.50
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For records pertaining to
King George County
Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812
Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties
Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895
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