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Independent City of Lynchburg

Located in Campbell County. The town takes its name from John Lynch, the owner of the town site at the time of its founding in 1786. Nineteen years later, in 1805, Lynchburg was formally incorporated as a town, and it became a city in 1852. In 1976 large annexations from both Campbell and Bedford Counties increased its size to more than fifty square miles. Lynchburg began to maintain its own records upon its founding as a town in 1805. For earlier records, see Campbell County.

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CAMPBELL CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 2013, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 29 pages, illustrations, map, full name index. This is the first surviving census for Campbell, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. The transcription is in the order in which the enumerator took his census. Thus, neighbors appear together and this will assist the genealogist. Campbell was an important and populous county at the western edge of Virginia's Piedmont with a heavy slave population [5,300+].

This and other 1810 censuses are transcribed by the author from the original images, and while many of Virginia's censuses are available online, they oftentimes are replete with misreadings.Caveat emptor!
The Campbell census includes the town of Lynchburg:
Family names included in the 1810 Campbell census are listed below:

Acres; Adams; Akers; Akin; Akins; Alexander; Almond; Anderson; Anthoney; Armistead; Armstrong; Arnold; Arrington; Arther; Arthur; Asher; Askew; Austin; Bailey; Barber; Barley; Barnett; Barrack; Barrock; Barton; Baugh; Bell; Bellamy; Benaugh; Bennet; Bennett; Biby; Bird; Black; Blankenship; Blunt; Boatwright; Bobson; Boiss; Bolling; Bosher; Bowe; Bowers; Bowling; Bows; Bracken; Bradford; Bradley; Briant; Bridgeland; Brooke; Brooks; Brown; Bullock; Bundrum; Burch; Burgess; Burton; Butler; Butterworth; Cabel; Cabell; Cabler; Cadwallader; Caldwell; Callaham; Callaway; Callehan; Calloway; Campbell; Cannafax; Carson; Carwiles; Cassada; Chapman; Charleson; Chasser; Cheatham; Chennault; Childress; Chilton; Christian; Christie; Clark; Clarkson; Clay; Clement; Clements; Cobb; Cobble; Cobbs; Cock; Cockrum; Cohen; Coleman; Collingham; Connell; Conner; Cook; Cooper; Couch; Coupland; Craddock; Crafford; Crawley; Crews; Cruson; Cumby; Cunningham; Curle; Dabney; Dangerfield; Daniel; Daugherty; Davenport; Davidson; Davis; Dawson; Deering; Dehaven; Denny; Dickey; Dickson; Dievor; Dinwidie; Dobson; Doss; Douglas; Dougless; Dowel; Driskell; Driskill; Drisskill; Dudley; Dudly; Duffel; Dupriest; Duvall; Dyer; Earley; Easter; Edds; Edenfield; Edge; Edmondson; Eidson; Ellett; Elliot; Ellis; Elmore; Elum; Ennis; Epperson; Essex; Evans; Farley; Farris; Farthing; Field; Finch; Fisher; Fitch; Fleming; Flowers; Fore; Fosdick; Fowler; Fox; Fraizer; Franklin; Frear; Freeman; Gaddy; Garrett; George; Gibbs; Gilbert; Gilchrist; Gilliam; Glass; Goggins; Goodman; Gordon; Graham; Graves; Gray; Gregory; Gresham; Griffin; Grigsby; Gulliam; Guthrie; Guy; Hacket; Haden; Haias; Hall; Hamlet; Hancock; Haney; Hanks; Hardaway; Hardwick; Harraway; Harris; Harrison; Harvey; Hax; Hays; Heath; Helm; Hendick; Hendrick; Henry; Herndon; Heston; Hicks; Higginbothem; Hight; Hill; Hodges; Holcombe; Holley; Holt; Howard; Howerton; Hoyle; Hubbard; Hudson; Hughes; Hughs; Humphries; Hundley; Hunter; Hurt; Hutcherson; Hutson; Irvine; Jackson; Jacobs; James; Jenkins; Jennings; Johns; Johnson; Joiner; Jones; Jordan; Jordon; Jude; Kelley; Kennet; Kent; Kesee; Key; Kidd; King; Kline; Lamb; Lambeth; Lampet; Landers; Lasley; Lawton; Lea; Lee; Leeson; Leonard; Lester; Lewallen; Lewellen; Lewis; Litchford; Livingston; Lockie; Logan; Long; Luck; Luckett; Lucus; Lynch; Lyndsay; Malory; Mann; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Maston; Mathews; Maxey; Maynard; Mays; McAllester; McCargo; McCarter; McCleland; McCraw; McDaniel; McGwire; McHenery; McHenry; McIver; McKenney; McKinney; McRennolds; Mead; Mercherson; Merit; Merkle; Miller; Mitchell; Monroe; Moore; Moorman; Morgan; Morris; Morriss; Mosby; Mosley; Moss; Mossley; Murrell; Nash; Nigan; Norvel; Norvell; Oglesbey; Oglesby; Oliver; Olves; Organ; Overby; Owens; Page; Pamplet; Pamplin; Pannill; Patterson; Patton; Paulet; Payne; Pemberton; Penn; Perdue; Perkins; Perrow; Perry; Pew; Philip; Philips; Pidgeon; Pleasant; Pleasants; Plummer; Plunket; Poindexter; Pointer; Pollard; Porter; Powel; Prathor; Preble; Preston; Prewet; Price; Priddy; Pugh; Pulliam; Quarles; Quigg; Quishenberry; Radford; Ramsey; Rathkin; Rattekin; Ray; Read; Reaveley; Reece; Reed; Rees; Reid; Rennolds; Rice; Richardson; Rickerson; Roach; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Rohr; Ronald; Rose; Ross; Rosser; Rous; Rowling; Roy; Ruff; Russel; Rust; Sales; Saunders; Schoolfield; Scott; Seay; See; Serster; Sevant; Shannon; Shaver; Shearer; Sims; Slaughter; Smart; Smith; Smithson; Snead; Snody; Snow; Speece; Spiece; Statam; Statom; Steel; Stein; Step; Steptoe; Stern; Stewart; Still; Stone; Storer; Stovall; Strange; Stratten; Stratton; Strong; Sublet; Suster; Swinney; Syrus; Tailor; Talbert; Talbott; Taliferro; Tanner; Tardy; Tart; Tate; Taylor; Teas; Terrell; Thompson; Thornton; Thurman; Timberlick; Tims; Toel; Tompkins; Toney; Towl; Townsend; Traylor; Trent; Truket; Turner; Twopence; Tynes; Tyree; Urquart; Valentine; Vermilion; Villenor; Waldron; Walker; Ward; Warriner; Warwick; Watkins; Watts; Weathers; Weaver; Webb; Webber; West; Wheeler; White; Whitecar; Whitlow; Wiatt; Williams; Williamson; Williard; Willis; Willow; Winfree; Winston; Withrow; Wood; Woodall; Woodrow; Woodson; Wooldridge; Word; Wray; Wright; Yancey;and Young.

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