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Loudoun County Virginia

Map of Va: Loudoun CountyLoudoun County was created on 1 July 1757 from the northwestern portion of Fairfax County lying above Difficult Run. Forty years later, in 1797, a small portion of Loudoun was returned to Fairfax's jurisdiction, and at that time the county reached its present boundaries. The county was named in honor of John Campbell, fourth earl of Loudoun, titular governor of Virginia (1756-1759), and head of the British forces in America, 1756-1758, during the first years of the French and Indian conflict. The new county lay at the intersection of two major early Indian trails which later became the Leesburg Pike and the Carolina Road. On the western edge of the county, Harper's Ferry marked the beginning of the Virginia portion of the Great Valley Road. Consequently, Loudoun County became a waystation for many settlers who later moved south and west into the new lands opening in the eighteenth century.

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LEGENDS OF LOUDOUN: AN ACCOUNT OF THE HISTORY AND HOMES OF A BORDER COUNTY OF VIRGINIA OF VIRGINIA'S NORTHERN NECK by Harrison Williams (original edition: Garrett and Massie [Richmond, Va, 1938]; reprnted, Iberian Publishing, 2017. 8x10, xv, 227 pages. Maps, illustrations, full name index. A class ic work which has endured for nearly a century. Reprinted several times in abbreviated fashion, the current reprint (and e book below) are taken for the original, complete 1938 edition. This work brings into focus aspects of Loudoun's history from earliest times which are not to be found in the formal county and federal records.
Loudoun was an important and populous county (more than 21,000 in 1810) in the Northern Neck and was a gateway westward during the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Lelo
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[LELO] $26.95     (printed version)

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[ELELO] $18.00     (electronic version)

LOUDOUN CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed by John Vogt. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 80 pages. Maps, illustrations, full name index. This is the first surviving census for Loudoun, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. The transcription is in the order of the original document as it was taken by Stephen Roszel, the enumerator. A full name index is procvided for easy reference. Loudoun was an important and populous county (more than 21,000 in 1810) in the Northern Neck and was a gateway westward during the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

N.B.: Numerous queries have asked why bother with printed books when these images are available online for examination. This and other 1810 censuses are transcribed by the author from the original microfilm images, and while many of Virginia's censuses are available online, they oftentimes are replete with misreadings and omissions. For example, a popular genealogical site which reproduces images (albeit very poor quality compared with the originals) has left off the last twelve folios of data from Loudoun! Caveat emptor!
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-1810-Loud
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[LOUD10] $17.00     (printed version)

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[ELOUD10] $12.00     (electronic version)

LOUDOUN COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1760-1850 John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr. 1985, ix, 462 pages, indices, figure, map. Loudoun County was first organized in 1757 from a portion of Fairfax County. The earliest surviving marriage record dates from 1760. A total of 4,524 marriages are abstracted in this volume and a complete index of all names is provided; the records are drawn from a variety of archival sources, including ministers' returns, bonds, consents, permissions, and notes.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Loud
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[Loud] $32.00     (printed version)

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[ELOUD] $20.00     (electronic version)

LOUDOUN COUNTY MILITIA REGISTERS, 1793-1829 by Don Blincoe, Sr. 1993, ix, 495 pages (81/2x11), indices. A careful and exact transcription of the militia registers for this most important county. Contains over 20,000 references to men who served during this period. Extremely valuable, since every able-bodied male over sixteen years was liable for service unless exempted by age or infirmity. Also important for families who moved away, since often in the registers it notes their destinations. The Loudoun County militia journals list the names of hundreds of men who lived there from 1793 until 1824. There are company rosters naming the officers, sergeants, corporals, drummers and clerks. Officers of higher rank and assignment are frequently mentioned. One can also find the names and locations of home and tavern owners who provided space for companies to muster and rooms for boards to convene in. Although there is little family information, some militiamen are further identified by the listing of their fathers' or masters' names beside their own. There are many rosters which include father and son or several brothers, all in the same companies.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Lomp
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[Lomp] $41.95     (printed version)

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[ELOMP] $30.00     (electronic version)

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA TITHABLES, 1758-1786 by Marty Hiatt & Craig Roberts Scott. 1994,2011. 3 volumes, 1568 pages (81/2 x 11), index. A full and faithful transcription of the tithable records of this most important Northern Neck County. A must for any eighteenth-century researcher in the Northern Neck area.
To view a digital copy of the index to volume 1 of this book, visit Index-Ldtt-v1
N.B: each index contains the names of slaveowners, with their slaves' names, followed by a general index
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To view a digital copy of the index to volume 2 of this book, visit Index-Ldtt-v2
N.B: each index contains the names of slaveowners, with their slaves' names, followed by a general index
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To view a digital copy of the index to volume 3 of this book, visit Index-Ldtt-v3
N.B: each index contains the names of slaveowners, with their slaves' names, followed by a general index
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[Ldtt] soft cover, 3v. set, 81/2x11 $56.95     (printed version)

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[ELDTT] $40.00     electronic version

INDEX TO THE LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA CHANCERY SUITS, 1759-1915 by Marty Hiatt & Craig Roberts Scott. 1994, 206 pages (81/2x11). An index of the chancery suits arranged alphabetical both by plaintiff and defendant.
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[Ldcs] $32.00     (printed version)

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[ELDCS] $20.00     electronic version

ABSTRACTS OF VIRGINIA's NORTHERN NECK (LAND) WARRANTS & SURVEYS, 1697-1784 (HAMPSHIRE, BERKELEY, LOUDOUN, FAIRFAX, KING GEORGE, WESTMORELAND, RICHMOND, NORTHUMBERLAND AND LANCASTER COUNTIES) by Peggy Shomo Joyner. 1987, xv, 225 pp. Published as the fourth and last volume in a series of Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys, this collection has become a standard reference work for researchers in the period of colonial Virginia history.
Hampshire, 1750-1784 (pp. 1-78); Berkeley (1734), 1750-1781 (pp. 79-96); Loudoun, (1729), 1744-1779 (pp. 97-104); Fairfax, (1697), 1739-1779 (pp. 105-120); King George, (1667), 1722-1770 (pp. 121-127); Westmoreland, (1650), 1722-1778 (pp. 129-134); Richmond, (1662), 1697-1778 (pp. 135-140); Northumberland, (1653), 1719-1750 (pp. 141-142); Lancaster, (1664), 1723-1756 (p. 143); Guy Broadwater Surveys, 1749 (pp. 145-150); Miscellaneous Wills from Land Office Records, 1656-1840 (pp. 151-160); Jonathan Clark Notebook (Improvements in the Northern Neck), 1786 (pp. 161-186); Placename index, name index.

The Northern Neck Proprietary, also called the Fairfax Proprietary, or Fairfax Grant, was a land grant first created by the exiled English King Charles II in 1649 and encompassing all the lands bounded by the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers in colonial Virginia. This constituted up to 5,200,000 acres of Virginia's Northern Neck and a vast area northwest of it.

The grant became actual in 1660 when Charles was restored to the English throne. By 1719, these lands had been inherited by Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron (1693-1781). By that time the question of the boundaries of the designated lands had also become highly contentious. It was decided in 1746 that a line between the sources of the North Branch of the Potomac and the Rappahannock River (the "Fairfax Line") would constitute the western limit of Lord Fairfax's lands. The early 17th century decade was witnessing a wave of pioneer settlement throughout the region.

To obtain land a person purchased a warrant from the proprietor's agent specifying the precise location of the desired land. The warrant was then given to a surveyor, who surveyed the land. The plat, warrant, and any related papers were returned to the proprietor's office, and if the title was clear, a grant was recorded and then issued. At any point after the warrant was purchased the land could be assigned (sold) to another person, and years could elapse between the purchase of the warrant and the issuance of a grant.

The volume is arranged first by county, then alphabetic by grantee. Please note: The index provided at the end of the volume contains only those persons whose reference occurs outside the alphabetic listing in the volume. It is NOT a complete index of names or places.

Surname list

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[Nnw4] $27.00     (printed version)

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[ENNW4] $20.00     (electronic version)

Loudoun Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 47 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners

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[Vd59] $10.00     (printed version)

The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
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[EVd59] $7.00     (electronic version)

Loudoun Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 64 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see:
Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the index to this book, visit Index-Loud
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[Pc40] $8.75     (printed version)

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[EPc40] $6.00     (electronic version)

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