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Iberian Publishing Company's On-Line Catalog: Independent City of Hopewell
Located in Prince George County. The site was an early community first established by Sir Thomas Dale in 1613 and called Charles City Point. The current name derives from the adjoining Hopewell Farm first patented by Francis Eppes in 1635 (the farm in turn is probably named for the ship which brought Eppes and his colonists to America). The area continued to be known as City Point until just before the First World War, and it remained unincorporated until that time. When the Dupont family erected a munitions factory in the area and purchased Hopewell Farm, the community was incorporated as a city in 1916. City Point itself was annexed to Hopewell in 1923, and further annexations of land from Prince George County in 1952 and 1969 increased the city's size to more than eleven square miles.
Hopewell's municipal records date from 1916. For earlier records, see Prince George County.
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