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Iberian Publishing Company's On-Line Catalog: The Growth of Virginia, 1634-1895: 1781-1790
During the 1780s seventeen new counties were added to the growing Virginia scene. Six of these were in the far west, where agitation for an entirely new state had been growing. Even before the Revolution, Williamsburg politicians had recognized that effective control of the distant lands beyond the Alleghenies was not feasible.
In 1783 the General Assembly, now seated in Richmond, ceded all claims to lands north of the Ohio River in favor of Congress, which happily began to sell them off to finance the cost of government and to repay debts assumed during the Revolution. Virginia had also decided to abandon attempts to control the Bluegrass counties, and in 1789, Kentucky began its move toward statehood in 1792
1781 Greensville - (Brunswick)
1782 - Campbell (Bedford)
1784 - Harrison (Monongalia)
1785 - Nelson (Jefferson)
1786 - Franklin (Bedford, Henry)
1786 - Hardy (Hampshire)
1786 - Madison (Lincoln)
1786 - Mercer (Lincoln)
1786 - Bourbon (Fayette)
1786 - Russell (Washington)
1787 - Randolph (Harrison)
1788 - Pendleton (Augusta, Hardy, Rockingham)
1789 - Mason (Bourbon)
1789 - Woodford (Fayette)
1789 - Kanawha (Greenbrier, Montgomery)
1789 - Nottoway (Amelia)
1790 - Wythe (Montgomery
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[adapted from Michael Doran, Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895], available under General References
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