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Rockingham County, VA: Surname Lists
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Surnames from Rockingham Co., 1810 Census:,
Abrey; Adams; Aere; Ailer; Airbough; Airey; Airhart; Airley; Airman; Airy; Akins; Alay; Alford; Algier; Allbeart; Allbright; Alldaffer; Allder; Allen; Allison; Ammond; Anderson; Andes; Andrews; Anghis; Angst; Argabright; Armantrout; Armstrong; Arnold; Artrip; Ashefelter; Ashwood; Auker; Austin;
Back; Baher; Baker; Baleman; Balthazer; Barclay; Barhahizer; Barley; Barnhart; Barns; Barrick; Barricks; Baugher; Baxter; Bazzle; Beale; Bealer; Beam; Bear; Beard; Beatty; Beaver; Beeland; Beery; Beesley; Berry; Best; Bevard; Bible; Bickerton; Bierer; Billhimer; Bingham; Bish; Black; Blain; Blazer; Blose; Blosser; Boady; Boar; Bolinger; Boon; Boston; Boulton; Bower; Bowers; Bowlin; Bowman; Boyer; Boyers; Boze; Brackney; Branaman; Branner; Breeding; Breedlove; Breedwell; Brenner; Brew; Bridges; Bright; Brill; Brillhart; Brinker; Britton; Broadhurst; Brock; Brookhart; Brooks; Browne; Broyles; Brumfield; Brunk; Bryan; Bryan ; Buck; Burgess; Burk; Burkholder; Burner; Burns; Burnsides; Burton; Bush; Butcher; Butt; Butte; Byrd;
Caldwell; Caler; Campbell; Caplinger; Carbaugh; Carns; Carpenter; Carr; Carrier; Carthrae; Carthrea; Carting; Cave; Caylor; Chandler; Chaplin; Chasteen; Cherryholmes; Chrisman; City; Clarke; Claybough; Clemmer; Click; Clifton; Cline; Cochran; Coffman; Cohenour; Cokely; Cole; Colley; Collins; Comer; Compton; Conley; Conner; Conrod; Coogler; Cook; Cooke; Cool; Cooper; Copelin; Correll; Cotter; Cowan; Craig; Cravens; Crawford; Creckabarger; Creekbarger; Crobarger; Croft; Cromer; Crookshanks; Cross; Crouse; Culp; Cummins; Curry; Custer; Cutler; Cypher;
Dashner; Davidson; Davies; Davis; Day; Deal; Dean; Dearman; Deck; Deeds; Dehart; Delimore; Denton; Depoy; Deshler; Detimore; Dever; Devers; Deviers; Dick; Dickey; Dofflemire; Doherty; Doubt; Douglas; Douglass; Dovall; Dove; Drawbono; Driver; Duff; Dundoor; Dunkeson; Dunlap; Dunn; Dunnan; Dunnavan; Durrer; Durry;
Eaton; Eaton ; Eckert; Eevy; Egeman; Elinger; Elright; Embry; Emmet; English; Eppert; Eversole; Evilsizer; Ewin;
Fadely; Fagaly; Fager; Falls; Fansler; Fault; Fawcett; Fawley; Fawver; Feaster; Feezle; Ferguson; Ferrell; Fidler; Fifer; Finnerty; Firebaugh; Fisher; Fitzwater; Flack; Fletcher; Flick; Flook; Florey; Flowers; Floyd; Fogall; Fogus; Foland; Foley; Foster; Fowler; Fox; Frane; Frazier; Freehold; Freeze; French; Fridley; Frisinger; Fritts; Fry; Fulk; Fulkenson; Fulse; Funk; Furr; Furrey; Fye;
Gains; Gaither; Gambell; Gangware; Garber; Garrett; Gay; Gibbs; Gilmore; Gladden; Gladwell; Glass; Glynn; Good; Goodridge; Gordon; Gowl; Grady; Graham; Grandle; Grattan; Graves; Gray; Green; Gregory; Grider; Grier; Griffin; Grove; Grubb; Grumlie; Gunnel;
Hackley; Haga; Haines; Hall; Hamilton; Hammer; Hammon; Hammond; Hanna; Hansbarger; Harner; Harness; Harper; Harpole; Harrison; Harrod; Harry; Harshman; Hartman; Harvie; Hashbarger; Hatfield; Hatter; Hause; Hawk; Hawke; Hawkins; Hazle; Head; Heater; Heed; Heetwole; Heistant; Helbert; Helfry; Hemphill; Henning; Henry; Hensley; Henton; Herdman; Herring; Heterick; Hicks; Hidecker; Higgens; Higgs; High; Hill; Hilliard; Hinchey; Hiney; Hinton; Hippert; Hite; Hizey; Hoard; Hoke; Holeman; Holesinger; Homan; Homon; Hood; Hoof; Hoofman; Hooke; Hooper; Hoopman; Hoops; Hoover; Hopkins; Hotinger; Hotsepillar; Hotts; Houdeshell; Houff; Houk; Houston; Howard; Howatt; Howell; Hoy; Huddle; Hudlow; Hughes; Hughland; Hulvey; Hummel; Hupp; Hurley; Huston;
Ilinger; Immal; Ireland; Irick; Irion; Irvine; Isick;
Jackson; Jenkins; Jennet; Jewel; Johnson; Jones; Jordan; Joseph;
Keeland; Keeler; Keezle; Keifer; Keller; Kelley; Kephart; Kepler; Keriko; Kersh; Kessler; Kettner; Ketts; Kiblinger; Kindle; King; Kinney; Kinsley; Kinzer; Kipling; Kirtley; Kite; Kline; Knipple; Knup; Koontz; Kratzer; Krim; Kring; Krist; Kyger; Kyle; Kyzer;
Lackson; Laffley; Lair; Laird; Lamb; Lambert; Lanah; Lantz; Lapp; Larrick; Lawson; Layton; Leary; Lee; Leedy; Leib; Lemon; Lenahan; Leonard; Lewis; Ligget; Light; Lightner; Like; Lilley; Lincoln; Lingle; Linn; Linville; Lloyd; Loah; Loar; Lock; Locksman; Loffland; Logan; Lokey; Long; Losh; Loudermilk; Lowry; Lucas; Luidwick; Luntzford; Lyneweaver; Lyon;
Mace; Mack; Mackey; Maganet; Maggert; Magill; Mahony; Maiden; Mallory; Mallow; Malone; March; Markee; Marshal; Martin; Mason; Matheny; Matthews; Maurice; Mauzey; Mauzy; May; Maycal; Mayers; Mayo; McAtee; McCall; McCausland; McClelland; McCollister; McCoy; McCullock; McDonald; McGahey; McGuire; McKay; McKinzie; McLoughland; McMahan; McMahon; McVeigh; McWilliams; Meadows; Means; Meelisa; Mefford; Melcher; Meren; Merikey; Messerly; Messick; Metter; Meyers; Michael; Miley; Miller; Mines; Minick; Mitchell; Mittabarger; Mobbs; Moffett; Montgomery; Moody; Moore; Moss; Mowry; Moyer; Moyers; Mumford; Munder; Mungar; Muntz; Murphey; Murphy; Murray; Murry;
Nance; Nave; Neer; Neff; Nemric; Newland; Newman; Nible; Nicely; Nicewander; Nicewanger; Nicholas; Nigh; Noland; Norford; Null;
Oarbaugh; Oarbough; Oess; Oiler; Olebaugh; Overholtz; Overly;
Paine; Painter; Paisley; Parrott; Parsons; Paul; Pence; Peoples; Peterfish; Peters; Philips; Philpot; Pickering; Pierson; Pifer; Pike; Pirkey; Pitts; Plaher; Plumb; Poindexter; Polcel; Porter; Potram; Powel; Price; Profit; Propts; Protsman; Pumfrey; Purkepile;
Quick; Quinn;
Race; Rader; Rador; Ragin; Rains; Rankin; Ratchford; Rawley; Rawls; Ray; Redifer; Reed; Rees; Reeves; Regmal; Rice; Richart; Richwine; Rife; Riggleman; Rinecker; Rinehart; Ritchie; Ritter; Roache; Roadcap; Roads; Roarer; Roark; Roberts; Robinson; Rodman; Rogers; Rohr; Roler; Rolstone; Romine; Roof; Rootes; Rose; Ross, 38; Roudebush; Rowhoof; Royer; Ruddle; Runkle; Runnion; Rush; Rust; Rutherford; Rutledge; Ryan;
Sager; Saigh; Sala; Salvage; Samples; Samuels; Sandy; Sanger; Saylor; Scantling; Scott; Seachrist; Seck; Seekfut; Seever; Seevily; Seevy; Self; Sellars; Serrick; Severns; Shackleford; Shank; Shanklin; Shaver; Sheets; Sheetz; Shell; Sheltman; Shep; Shepherd; Sheridan; Sheriyah; Shick; Shifflett; Shipman; Shirey; Shoemake; Shoemaker; Short; Shoub; Shoulderman; Shouman; Shover; Showalter; Shrekengost; Shroyer; Shrum; Shular; Shultz; Siggler; Silfoos; Sipe; Sites; Slater; Slusher; Smalts; Smelser; Smiley; Smith; Snapp; Snell; Snider; Snodden; Snyder; Solomon; Somerville; Sonafrank; Sourbeer; Sourwine; Southard; Spader; Spangler; Spealman; Speck; Spilkey; Spitzer; Spraker; Sprinkle; Stalp; Stanton; Steffey; Stephens; Stigletter; Stitzer; Stoneburner; Stoner; Stoop; Stooter; Stoutemire; Strickler; Strine; Strock; Strole; Stroop; Stultz; Stumbaugh; Sufferance; Sullenbarger; Sullivan; Sulser; Summers; Swaney; Swank; Swanson; Swatts; Swingland; Switezer; Swoope;
Tafflinger; Tallbert; Tallman; Tappy; Tate; Taylor; Taylor ; Teeny; Tellcart; Tellman; Terry; Tharman; Tharp; Thomas; Thompson; Thornhill; Thornkill; Thornton; Thorp; Tinder; Tingley; Tinkle; Tinsley; Tomah; Toppin; Trissell; Trobaugh; Trout; Trumbo; Trump; Turley; Turner; Tussinger; Tutweiler; Twitchett;
Urner; Utes; Utezler;
Vance; Vanpelt; Verble; Vickars; Vigar;
Wade; Waggie; Waggoner; Walden; Wallace; Ward; Warely; Waren; Warkin; Washington; Wasson; Waterman; Watson; Weakly; Weaver; Webb; Weller; Welsh; Welshhauntz; West; Westfall; Wetzal; Wheelbarger; Wheeler; Whisler; Whissleman; White; Whitehurst; Whitmore; Wice; Widick; Wilcher; Will; Williams; Williamson; Willoby; Wills; Wilson; Wine; Winegord; Wines; Winger; Wirts; Witezal; Witezel; Witzal; Wolfe; Wooden; Woodford; Woodley; Woods; Wright; Wyan;
Yager; Yakle; Yancey; Yancy; Yates; Yost; Young; Yount;
Zanes; Zerkle; Zimmerman; Zimmers; and Zirkle.
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Surnames from Rockingham Co., VA Public Claims
Alderson; Andis; Archibald; Argabright; Argabrite; Armantrout; Armstrong;
Bage; Bages; Bagley; Bags; Baird; Baker; Baxter; Bear; Beard; Beesley; Bell; Berry; Beverly; Bible; Bird; Blain; Bletcher; Blizard; Blunt; Boon; Bossell; Boswell; Bowman; Boyd; Boyer; Branam; Brannam; Brannum; Bright; Brown; Brownlee; Brumley; Bruster; Bryant; Bullet; Burchaneel; Burk; Burns; Butt; Byrd;
Cahoon; Calahan; Care; Carn; Carnes; Carns; Carpenter; Carrol; Carroll; Carsh; Cathea; Chemut; Chrisman; Circle; Coager; Coagler; Coffman; Cofman; Coger; Cogger; Collick; Colser; Conroad; Coofman; Coofmans; Cook; Coonrod; Counce; Coyl; Coylie; Craig; Cravens; Cravers; Crawford; Crider; Cring; Crow; Cuningham; Curry; Curtner; Custard;
Davidson; Davie; Davies; Davis; Davison; Dawson; Deck; Deiver; Deniston; Denninston; Denniston; Devier; Dice; Dicktom; Dimisston; Donafan; Donahry; Dove; Drake; Dun; Dunaphan; Dunbar; Dunckle; Duneraphan; Dunlap; Dunlass; Dunlop; Dunmore; Dunn; Dyer; Dyers;
Eberman; Eddy; Elliot; Elsworth; Erwin; Evans; Eve; Eveack; Evick; Ewin;
Field; Fifer; Finks; Fisher; Fitzwater; Fought; Fowland; Frazer; Friend; Fry; Fudge;
Garrin; Gartner; Gilbert; Gillespie; Gilmore; Good; Gordon; Grace; Gragg; Grattan; Guilie; Guin; Gum;
Hagins; Hamer; Hamilton; Hammer; Hammon; Hannah; Hansberger; Hardman; Harman; Harmantrout; Harmon; Harnet; Harper; Harpole; Harrison; Harshman; Hart; Harter; Hashman; Hatwell; Havener; Haynes; Hedman; Hemphill; Henderick; Henderson; Henkle; Henton; Herdman; Hermont; Herring; Hewit; Hinckle; Hinton; Hoard; Hog; Hook; Hooks; Hoover; Hopkins; Howard; Hudlow; Hulvah; Humble; Hunter; Huston; Hyde;
Johnson; Johnston; Jones;
Karr; Keiler; Keiller; Keisle; Keisol; Keister; Keizle; Kersh; Kiplinger; Kisie; Kitner; Kize;
Lair; Laird; Lambard; Lambert; Lamert; Lamone; Laughlin; Leigh; Lemon; Leobard; Lewis; Lingal; Lingle; Lockey; Lofties; Long; Love;
Maggot; Magill; Mallow; March; Mark; Mars; Marshal; Marshall; Mathews; Mauck; McClain; McClure; McCoy; McDowel; McDowell; McDugall; McGill; McGlaughlin; McVey; McWilliams; Meador; Miller; Mills; Miltiberger; Minis; Monger; Monkla; Moor; Moore; Moors; More; Morrel; Morrison; Moyer; Moyers;
Nall; Naul; Neigley; Neilson; Nelson; Nicholas; Norrisson;
Page; Painter; Parke; Pasture; Pattan; Patton; Peirey; Pence; Percie; Perkey; Peters; Petro; Pettyjohn; Pharies; Phillips; Price; Pross;
Ragon; Ralson; Ralston; Randon; Reador; Reed; Reeves; Regan; Rhinehart; Rice; Ried; Rife; Rigs; Rinehart; Roalman; Rob; Robinson; Root; Rorick; Ruddle; Ruddles; Rudle; Runckle; Runkle; Rush; Rutherford;
Samples; Sellars; Sellers; Seth; Shank; Shanklin; Shankling; Shepman; Shipman; Shomaker; Shool; Sights; Simmerman; Skidmore; Slaughter; Smith; Snider; Snodding; Snodon; Snooding; Spears; Stephens; Stephenson; Steward; Stewart; Stolp; Stolph; Stone; Strickler; Stump; Swadley; Sword;
Teeter; Tetor; Thomas; Tice;
Vance; Vanimon; Voyd;
Wade; Waggoner; Warpole; Warren; Warrick; Warrin; Warshman; Weaver; Weir; West; Wheton; Whisler; White; Williams; Wood; Woodly; Wordman;
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