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Isle of Wight County, VA:
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Surnames from Isle of Wight Co., VA 1810 Census

Adderson; Almond; Ames; Andrews; Anthony; Applewhaite; Askew; Atkinson;

Babb; Backhurst; Bagnal; Baker; Ballard; Barber; Barlow; Barrott; Battin; Beal; Beatman; Benn; Bennett; Bidgood; Blair; Blunt; Bonas; Bonus; Bowcock; Bowden; Bowen; Bowls; Bownd; Bowyer; Boykin; Braces; Bracey; Bradley; Bradshaw; Branbey; Branch; Brantley; Braswell; Brewer; Bridger; Britt; Broadfields; Brock; Browne; Bryant; Bullock; Bunchley; Busby; Butler; Butt; Byrd;

Campbell; Caretaphen; Carr; Carrol; Carroll; Carson; Casey; Cawson; Chambers; Channel; Chapman; Clark; Clayton; Clements; Cocke; Cofer; Coffield; Coggin; Cooke; Copeland; Corbell; Corbett; Cornwell; Cosby; Council; Councill; Counsel; Cowper; Cox; Crocker; Crump; Crumpler; Cruse; Cunningham; Cutchins;

Daniel; Darby; Darden; Daughtrey; Davis; Day; Delauney; Delk; Denson; Derring; Dews; Dick; Dixon; Dobbs; Downing; Driver; Duck; Duggin; Dunstan;

Easson; Edwards; Eley; Elliot; Ellis; Elsbury; Everitt;

Fiveash; Flake; Fletcher; Flood; Footit; Fowler; Fry; Fullgham; Fullghan;

Gale; Gaskins; Gay; Geddy; Gibbs; Gilchrist; Giles; Glover; Godwin; Goodrich; Goodson; Goodwin; Gordon; Gray; Green; Griffin; Groce; Groes; Gwaltney;

Hadsden; Hall; Hamlin; Hampton; Hancock; Hardey; Hardin; Hardy; Hargrave; Harris; Harriss; Harrisson; Hatchwell; Hatton; Hawkins; Haywood; Heath; Herring; Hicks; Hill; Holden; Holladay; Holland; Hollawell; Holliman; Holsford; Hubard; Hudson; Hunt; Hunter; Hynes;


Jameson; Jarden; Jefferson; Jinkins; John; Johnson; Johnstone; Jolliff; Jolly; Jones; Jordan; Joyner; Judkins;

Kimbral; King;

Lankford; Lattimer; Lawrence; Layler; Leister; Lightfoot; Little;

Maddrey; Mahone; Mallory; Marshall; Matthene; Matthews; McClenny; McCoy; McWilliams; Meador; Mears; Mercer; Milby; Mills; Mintey; Minton; Montford; Montgomery; Moodey; Morriss; Morrisson; Mountford; Murphrey; Murry;

Narsworthy; Nelms; Nelson; Neman; Nevell; Newbey; Newbi; Newman; Nicholson;

Outland; Owen;

Parker; Parkerson; Parnal; Parr; Pastures; Payne; Pedin; Peirce; Perkins; Perry; Phillips; Pike; Pinhorne; Pinner; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Ponsonby; Poole; Pope; Powell; Pressey; Prettow; Proctor; Provins; Pruden; Purdie;

Randolph; Reade; Revell; Reynolds; Rhodes; Ripley; Roberts; Robinson; Rose;

Saunders; Scott; Seagar; Seeds; Shepherd; Shivers; Sikes; Sinclair; Smelly; Smith; Southall; Spencer; Spivey; Spratley; Stallings; Stamp; Stephens; Stephenson; Stott; Stringfield; Sumner;

Tallough; Taylor; Thomas; Todd; Tomlin; Turner; Tynes;

Underwood; Urqwhart;

Vaughan; Vellines;

Wade; Wail; Waltham; Ward; Waterfield; Watkins; Webb; Welch; West; Weston; Westray; Weyzel; Wheadon; White; Whitehead; Whitfield; Whitley; William; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wills; Wilson; Womble; Woodley; Wootten; Wrench; Wrenn; Wright; Wyzel; Wyzell;

Return to Isle of Wight 1810 Census

Surnames from Isle of Wight Co., VA Deeds, 1647-1719, Court Orders, 1693-1695, and Guardian Accounts, 1740-1767

Aaron; Abbington; Achell; Acock; Adams; Adchison; Adkins; Adkinson; Agnew; Albusson; Aldred; Aldrod; Alexander; Allan; Allen; Alleson; Allin; Allinn; Allison; Allmand; Alsebury; Altman; Alverson; Amos; Anderson; Andrews; Andrewson; Andros; Anthony; Appelwaite; Appelwhaite; Applewait; Applewaite; Applewhaite; Applewhatie; Archer; Arinton; Armour; Aron; Aronn; Arrenton; Arrigton; Arrington; Ashburn; Ashelley; Ashlely; Ashley; Askew; Askue; Asting; Atkins; Atkinson; Atkison; Atkisson; Avery; Axum; Ayves;

Babb; Backinoe; Bacon; Baffen; Bagget; Baggett; Bagnal; Bagnale; Bagnall; Bagnell; Bailey; Baillie; Baires; Baker; Baldwin; Baldwyn; Ballard; Ballard; Balmer; Baly; Baradell; Baran; Barbados; Barcly; Barden; Bardin; Barecroft; Barefoot; Baren; Barescroft; Baret; Barker; Barloe; Barlow; Barnard; Barnes; Barnfield; Baron; Barr; Barran; Barrens; Barrett; Barrfield; Barritt; Barrott; Barry; Barswell; Bartley; Barton; Basden; Bass; Batchelor; Bateman; Batt; Batte; Batten; Battin; Batton; Bay; Bayley; Baylor; Bayly; Baynton; Baytor; Beal; Beale; Bealle; Beasley; Beatman; Beaverdam; Beazlies; Bechinor; Beckett; Beckinoe; Beckinor; Bedford; Bedgood; Bedingfield; Beel; Bell; Bellenge; Bellonge; Benbrey; Benbridge; Benn; Bennet; Bennett; Bennett; Benns; Benson; Bermuda; Bernard; Berrew; Berryman; Berwick; Best; Bethonge; Betton; Betts; Bevan; Beverley; Bevill; Biban; Bickinoe; Bidgood; Biggs; Bighton; Billingsley; Binam; Binns; Bird; Birk; Birkhead; Birnam; Bithyseed; Blackwater; Blagne; Blake; Blow; Blunt; Bly; Boazman; Boddie; Boddy; Body; Bolling; Bolter; Bombe; Bombridge; Bond; Bonfill; Bonn; Bonner; Boon; Boone; Booth; Boothe; Boozman; Boseman; Bosman; Boswell; Bottust; Boucher; Bouck; Boulger; Bourne; Boush; Boutcher; Bowen; Bower; Bowin; Bowing; Bowne; Boyd; Boyer; Boykin; Bozeman; Bozman; Bozor; Brace; Bracewell; Bracey; Brachaw; Bracy; Bradby; Braddey; Braddy; Bradford; Bradle; Bradley; Bradly; Bradshaw; Bradys; Bragg; Bralah; Branch; Branches; Brandwood; Brant; Brantle; Brantley; Brantly; Braocke; Brarwell; Brasell; Brasewell; Brasey; Brashun; Brasie; Brassee; Brasseur; Brasswell; Braswell; Bratwell; Brawler; Bread; Brekeley; Bresse; Bressey; Bressie; Bressy; Brett; Bretten; Brewer; Brian; Briant; Brice; Bridge; Bridger; Bridgers; Bridges; Bridle; Brigges; Briggs; Brinkley; Bristol; Britt; Brock; Brocke; Bromfield; Bronsden; Brook; Brookehouse; Broose; Browar; Browm; Brown; Browne; Browning; Bruce; Brunt; Brwdshaw; Bryan; Bryant; Bryon; Bryuer; Bryum; Buckland; Buckle; Bucknell; Buffkin; Buighton; Bull; Bullard; Bullibant; Bullock; Bulls; Bun; Bunely; Bunkley; Burdnett; Burgess; Burk; Burkley; Burnell; Burnett; Burns; Burrell; Burrow; Burton; Burwell; Buryman; Bush; Busskin; Butcher; Butler; Buttler; Byhan; Byran; Byreabant; Byton;

Cahan; Cahoon; Cahoone; Cain; Caine; Caker; Calaway; Calcote; Calecott; Callaway; Calloway; Cambell; Camerin; Camoll; Campbell; Canaday; Canady; Cane; Canidy; Cannaday; Cannon; Carey; Carlolina; Carolina; Carr; Carrell; Carril; Carrol; Carroll; Carrowaugh; Carry; Carter; Carver; Cary; Casey; Casie; Casy; Caufield; Cavalier; Cavenue; Celly; Chambers; Chamins; Champion; Chapman; Chapmen; Chappell; Charles; Cheney; Chesnut; Chester; Chetly; Chichelesy; Chilton; Chisnut; Chittee; Chitty; Chives; Chowan; Chuckatuck; Chuckatucke; Clapham; Clark; Clarke; Clay; Clayton; Cleghorn; Clement; Clerk; Clerke; Clinch; Cloather; Clother; Coalman; Coarkman; Cob; Cobb; Cobbs; Cock; Cocke; Cocklin; Cockrell; Codin; Cofer; Cofey; Coffer; Coffy; Cofield; Cogan; Coggan; Cogins; Cohoon; Cohoone; Cole; Coleman; Collier; Collings; Collins; Collman; Collson; Colman; Colson; Colter; Colvill; Cook; Cooke; Cookes; Cooper; Copeland; Copher; Corbell; Corbet; Corbett; Corbill; Corbit; Corbitt; Cordwent; Coren; Corlee; Corleeo; Corley; Cornell; Corowock; Corrawaugh; Corsey; Cosby; Cotler; Cotten; Cotton; Coult; Councell; Council; Councill; Counsell; Coursey; Cowling; Cox; Coxe; Crafford; Craford; Crafts; Craine; Cramporne; Crane; Cranidge; Crawford; Creek; Creeks; Crewes; Crews; Cripps; Crocker; Crompler; Crumpler; Cryes; Culley; Cummings; Curawaok; Curle; Curlee; Curley; Currawaugh; Curtis; Curtiss; Cutchan; Cutchin; Cutchins;

Daay; Daile; Dalglesh; Dam; Daniel; Daniell; Danisson; Darden; Darnel; Darson; Daughter; Daughtery; Daughtry; Davenport; Davidson; Davis; Dawes; Dawson; Dawtry; Day; Deane; Deano; Deberry; Delbridge; Delk; Deloach; Deloch; Delony; Demaris; Denbigh; Denby; Dennett; Denson; Dering; Derring; Dewell; Dickinson; Dickson; Dinford; Dinon; Dirham; Dixon; Dodson; Dole; Doles; Dolittle; Doll; Donaldson; Dorch; Dorman; Dosson; Doughtie; Doughtree; Douglas; Dowles; Downes; Doyell; Drake; Drew; Drewe; Drewitt; Driver; Drivers; Druett; Dryue; Ducher; Duck; Ducke; Duke; Dukes; Dulle; Dunkley; Dunkly; Dunlap; Dunn; Dunstan; Dunster; Dupre; Dupree; Durden; Durdon; Durham; Durrim; Dwes;

Eadoine; Eales; Ealle; Eally; Easone; Eassom; Easson; Eaton; Eatone; Edmonds; Edmondson; Edmonson; Edmunds; Edwards; Edwrds; Eelbank; Egleston; Eilbank; Eldridge; Elemes; Elesbery; Eley; Elixon; Ellerbee; Ellinger; Ellis; Ellison; Elly; Elmes; Ely; Emesley; Emit; Endritt; England; English; Essell; Evan; Evans; Everard; Everett; Everitt; Everrard; Exum; Ezell;

Faircloth; Fairfax; Fall; Falladay; Farecloth; Fauden; Faukner; Fawdon; FDay; Feares; February; Femery; Feneryear; Fenn; Ferment; Feuryear; Feveryear; Fibbott; Fichpatrick; Field; Filleps; Firabant; Firth; Fish; Fisher; Fissell; Fitzgerald; Fiveash; Flack; Flake; Fleare; Flint; Flinton; Floid; Flood; Flowers; Floyd; Fly; Flye; Fones; Forbes; Forbis; Ford; Forment; Forster; Fort; Foster; Fowler; France; Franco; Franklin; Frankling; Franklyn; Frezell; Frisbant; Frissell; Frizell; Frizzel; Frizzell; Fry; Fulgam; Fulgeham; Fulgem; Fulgham; Fulgum; Fuller; Fullerton; Fullgham; Fullyeham; Fullyham; Fulyeham; Fulyham; Furechoulk;

Gadsbey; Gaile; Gainer; Gaines; Gainey; Gale; Gales; Gany; Gardener; Gardens; Gardiner; Gardner; Garke; Garlan; Garland; Garlland; Garner; Garnes; Garrett; Garris; Garwood; Gary; Gaultney; Gawen; Gawler; Gay; Gayland; Gayner; Gent; George; Gibbs; Gilbert; Giles; Gill; Gillam; Gladhill; Gladston; Gladstone; Glebe; Glinn; Glover; Goddin; Godsley; Godwin; Godwyn; Gold; Goldham; Goldsborough; Golightly; Goling; Gooch; Goodin; Gooding; Goodman; Goodrich; Goodson; Goodwin; Goodwith; Goring; Goringe; Goseling; Gough; Gouldenborough; Gouldesborough; Gouldsborough; Grame; Graves; Gray; Graye; Greaves; Green; Greene; Greenwood; Greese; Gregory; Grey; Grice; Grieves; Griffen; Griffin; Griffith; Grimes; Grimmer; Griswood; Groodrich; Grose; Gross; Grosse; Grover; Gryce; Gurdley; Gurley; Gurly; Gutteridge; Gwaltmey; Gwaltney; Gwin; Gyar; Gyles;

Hadder; Hadley; Hadlwy; Hadly; Haelton; Hail; Haile; Haines; Haisty; Hale; Haley; Hall; Halleman; Hallemon; Halley; Hallley; Halloman; Halsey; Halso; Ham; Hamilton; Hamlinton; Hammond; Hampton; Hamton; Hanield; Hanley; Hanscomes; Hansford; Harden; Harding; Hardy; Hardyman; Hargrove; Harris; Harrison; Harsbottle; Hart; Hartwell; Harty; Harvey; Harvy; Hastow; Hasty; Haswell; Hatch; Hatchell; Hatt; Haveild; Haveile; Haveils; Havell; Havett; Havild; Havill; Haward; Hawken; Hawkins; Hawley; Hawly; Hawood; Hawsell; Hawthorn; Hay; Hayes; Haynes; Hays; Hearnd; Hearne; Heathfield; Henson; Hereing; Hern; Herne; Herring; Hesson; Hewit; Hichins; Hickes; Hickman; Hicks; Hickson; Higgens; Higndman; Hill; Hillaird; Hilliard; Hillmot; Hillmote; Hillmoth; Hills; Hillyard; Hinson; Hirstt; Hobbs; Hobby; Hobson; Hocke; Hodge; Hodges; Hodsden; Hodson; Hoell; Hoff; Hogan; Hogard; Hoggard; Hogges; Hogin; Holden; Holder; Hole; Holeham; Holiday; Holladay; Hollady; Holland; Hollday; Holleman; Hollemon; Hollerday; Hollern; Holliday; Hollman; Holloman; Holloway; Hollowell; Hollyday; Hollyman; Holmes; Holt; Holyman; Homes; Hoof; Hook; Hooke; Hooker; Hookes; Hooks; Horneing; Horner; Horsbey; Horsonell; Hough; House; Howard; Howel; Howell; Howly; Huberd; Huchings; Hudson; Huff; Hukman; Hulet; Hull; Hunnicutt; Hunt; Hunter; Hurst; Hutchings; Hutchins; Hyington; Hyndman;

Ingland; Ingles; Inglish; Ingram; Innes; Innis; Irby; Iserd; Island; Isle; Ison; Ivy; Izard;

Jackman; Jackson; Jakins; Janson; Jarell; Jarrell; Jarrett; Jarroll; Jeffryes; Jeffrys; Jeffyres; Jelks; Jenings; Jenkins; Jennings; Jerle; Jerrard; Jlaise; Johnson; Johnstan; Johnston; Johston; Joiner; Jolife; Jolley; Jollie; Jolliff; Jolly; Jonay; Jones; Jonson; Jordan; Jorden; Jordon; Joyner; Juell;

Kae; Kar; Kare; Kasy; Kea; Keable; Keane; Kearne; Kearney; Keebell; Keebles; Keell; Keerke; Keighley; Kellley; Kello; Kenady; Kensie; Kent; Kerby; Kereby; Kerle; Keyghley; Kilbee; Kinchen; Kinchin; Kinchon; Kinder; Kindred; King; Kingsaile; Kingsale; Kinsey; Kirby; Kitchen; Kitchin; Knight; Knott; Knowles; Kyighley;

Lacey; Lacy; Lambert; Lancaster; Landing; Lane; Langhorn; Lanier; Laurence; Lawer; Lawrence; Lawson; Lawton; Lear; Leare; Leath; Lee; Lees; Leigh; Lenter; Leonard; Lewend; Lewes; Lewis; Lewter; Lewton; Leyy; Lightfoot; Limecott; Limscott; Line; Linke; Linkin; Linseoth; Little; Littleberry; Littlebey; Lloyd; Lobb; Lochorne; Lockhart; Lockwood; Loftis; London; Long; Louet; Louett; Loveday; Lovegrave; Lovegrove; Lovett; Lovitt; Lowes; Lowry; Lowter; Lowton; Loy; Loybran; Lucas; Lucast; Luce; Luck; Lucke; Luckes; Lucus; Ludwell; Lugg; Lugo; Luke; Lundy; Luper; Lupo; Lupoe; Lupos; Lush; Luten; Luther; Lux; Lyncoat; Lysewell;

Maccoddin; Maccodin; Maceddin; Maceone; Macfadden; Macfaddin; Mackcone; Mackdowell; Mackeeding; Mackene; Mackenie; Mackennie; Mackhimill; Mackie; Mackime; Mackine; Mackinihill; Mackinne; Mackinney; Mackinnie; Mackintosh; Mackiny; Macklane; Mackloud; Mackmehill; Mackmiall; Mackmiell; Mackmihill; Mackquinney; Mackquinny; Mackristoe; Mackwilliams; Macleney; Macleny; Macmiall; Macoddin; Macodine; Maddera; Maddison; Maicone; Maine; Make; Makill; Mallory; Man; Manden; Mandeu; Mandew; Mandews; Mandue; Mandues; Mandus; Mangum; Manings; Mann; Manning; Manst; Mareddin; Mariball; Markes; Marks; Marley; Marsh; Marshall; Marten; Martin; Martyn; Maryland; Mashborne; Mason; Massey; Mather; Mathews; Mathis; Matthews; Mauone; Mayes; Mayo; Mayoe; Mays; Mbore; McConnell; McHenrie; McKoy; Mckquinny; Meacham; Meacom; Meader; Meador; Meadow; Meakon; Meccarty; Meeker; Meherin; Melvin; Mercer; Merecer; Meredeth; Meredith; Merredith; Merrick; Merrideth; Merridith; Merritt; Merser; Mesheck; Mesick; Mestyn; Mice; Mickmichall; Middleton; Miles; Mill; Miller; Mills; Milner; Minard; Minerd; Minge; Mints; Mirack; Mirick; Miricke; Moinqur; Molym; Monford; Monger; Monges; Monro; Moody; Moograw; Moon; Moor; Moore; More; Morell; Morland; Morre; Morrell; Morris; Morse; Moscrop; Moscross; Moselely; Moseley; Mosely; Moserop; Moss; Mosscross; Mostyn; Motley; Moungur; Mountford; Mountgomery; Movat; Muerhead; Muirhead; Mumford; Munger; Murey; Murfery; Murfey; Murfree; Murfrey; Murfry; Murie; Murphey; Murphry; Murphy; Murprey; Murray; Murre; Murrey; Murry; Muscrop; Musselwhite; Musser; Myles; Myrick; Myrriak;

Nail; Nale; Nash; Neauill; Neavil; Neavill; Nebill; Neck; Nelms; Neuell; Neuill; Neurll; Nevill; Newberry; Newell; Newman; Newsam; Newsham; Newsom; Newsum; Newton; Neyall; Niblett; Nicholas; Nichols; Nicholson; Nickson; Nobeboy; Noboboy; Noleboy; Noliboy; Nolleyboy; Nolliboy; Nordworthy; Norris; Norsworthy; North; Norwood; Norworthy; Nosworthy; Notteboy; Nowlin; Noyell; Numan;

Obrian; Obryon; Oddis; Offe; Ogan; Ogborne; Ogburn; Ogburne; Oglethorp; Oglethorpe; Oisser; Oldes; Oldis; Oldiss; Oldland; Oliver; Oltham; Oltman; Oneale; Osheal; Oudeland; Oudland; Oudlant; Outland; Outlaw; Overmuch; Owen; Owin; Ozburn;

Page; Paige; Paish; Pallmer; Palmer; Pardoe; Pardue; Parham; Park; Parke; Parker; Parkes; Parks; Parnal; Parnall; Parnell; Parom; Parran; Parson; Parsons; Partin; Partridge; Pary; Pasefered; Pasfell; Path; Pawley; Payne; Pearce; Pearse; Pedden; Peerce; Peime; Peirce; Pell; Penenton; Peneral; Penne; Penny; Permento; Pernell; Perry; Persey; Person; Peters; Peterson; Pettefer; Peugh; Philips; Phillips; Piddington; Piden; Pidin; Pierce; Piersell; Pierson; Piertie; Piland; Pilkington; Pilkinton; Pitman; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Plantation; Plaw; Plumpton; Plumton; Point; Polgreen; Pollintime; Pollongi; Pond; Ponds; Ponsenby; Pontis; Pool; Poole; Pooll; Poopes; Poor; Pope; Porteous; Portis; Potter; Powel; Powell; Powers; Powre; Prance; Precint; Prell; Prentis; Prescott; Presson; Preston; Pretlow; Price; Prichard; Prime; Prince; Pritchard; Prockter; Procter; Proctor; Pryme; Puddinatt; Pugh; Purcell; Purdie; Purky; Purnell; Pursell; Pursely; Pursill; Purvis; Pyland; Pym;


Raeford; Raford; Ragan; Ragdale; Raiford; Ramsay; Rand; Randall; Randolph; Ranis; Ransom; Ransome; Ranson; Raphard; Rasbury; Raspberry; Ratcliff; Ratcliffe; Ratliffe; Rattcliff; Rattliff; Rawles; Rawlings; Rawlins; Rayford; Raynard; Rayner; Read; Reakes; Reaves; Reavill; Reddick; Reed; Reekes; Reeks; Reeve; Reeves; Regan; Reging; Regon; Reid; Reives; Renald; Revell; Revill; Reyford; Reynold; Reynolds; Rice; Richards; Richardson; Richerdson; Riches; Richmaid; Rickard; Rickes; Ricks; Riddick; Ridge; Ridley; Rigan; Rigane; Riggs; Right; Rigins; Rivers; Rives; Rixe; Rndyard; Road; Roades; Roads; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Robison; Rocke; Rockford; Rodes; Rogawes; Rogers; Rooke; Rookes; Root; Rose; Roshe; Rosser; Rounald; Rowsom; Rowsum; Royall; Ruck; Rudgard; Rudyard; Ruffen; Ruffer; Ruffin; Run; Runn; Runnelds; Runnels; Runnulds; Runsell; Rush; Rusher; Rushing; Ruskin; Ruskins; Rutter; Ryland;

Sabin; Sabine; Sagg; Salmon; Salter; Sampson; Samson; Sanborne; Sanders; Sanderson; Sanford; Saunders; Savage; Savidge; Saweer; Sawyer; Sayon; Saywell; Scamell; Scammell; Scherrer; School; Scot; Scott; Scrues; Seagram; Seagrave; Seagraves; Seaman; Sebrell; Segrave; Selden; Seldon; Sellaway; Seller; Sellers; Sellway; Senior; Seolighty; Sessons; Sesum; Sever; Seward; Sharp; Sharpe; Shaw; Shearer; Shedden; Sheddens; Sheddin; Shedens; Shelden; Shelley; Shello; Shelly; Sheppard; Sherdy; Sherer; Sherewell; Sherley; Sherrer; Sherwood; Shevers; Shewell; Shewll; Shipley; Shirer; Shirley; Shivers; Shoemaker; Showell; Shumack; Shumackr; Sickes; Sikes; Silleway; Simes; Simmonds; Simmons; Simonds; Simons; Simpson; Simson; Skelton; Skinner; Skruse; Skynner; Slaughter; Smarley; Smelley; Smellies; Smelly; Smith; Smyth; Snellock; Snellocke; Snowden; Sojourner; Somerlin; Sommerell; Southerland; Sowerby; Sowersby; Spackman; Spann; Sparkes; Sparks; Speight; Spier; Spilkinber; Spiltimber; Spivey; Spring; Stag; Stagg; Stallings; Stamp; Stanton; Staples; Steevens; Stephens; Stephenson; Stephes; Stevens; Stevenson; Stewart; Stocker; Stone; Stork; Story; Stott; Street; Streeter; Stricklan; Strickland; Stricklin; Stringfield; Stuckey; Sturdivant; Sturdy; Styles; Sulevan; Sumersoll; Summerell; Summerill; Summerlin; Summerrell; Summerrill; Summervill; Sumner; Surbey; Surbie; Surby; Surey; Surjournor; Surley; Sutherland; Swan; Swann; Sweet; Sykes; Symes; Symon; Symonds; Sympson;

Tabberrer; Taberer; Tabirir; Taborer; Tallagh; Tallaugh; Taller; Tallock; Tann; Tansen; Tapley; Tarleton; Tarlton; Tayler; Taylor; Teacher; Teasley; Teather; Tenn; Ternills; Terrell; Teswell; Thacher; Thacker; Tharp; Thomas; Thompson; Thomson; Thorneton; Thornhill; Thornton; Thorpe; Thorpp; Throp; Thropp; Thweat; Thweatt; Tibher; Tickinors; Tiner; Tinnes; Tombling; Tomlin; Took; Tooke; Tooker; Tookes; Tourner; Towle; Town; Towne; Townsin; Troloder; Tucker; Tullach; Tullagh; Tullaugh; Tulloch; Tullough; Turley; Turly; Turner; Tyler; Tyner; Tynes; Tyrrell;

Uffkin; Underwood; Upton; Urvin; Ussell; Uzzell;

Valentine; Vallentine; Vance; Vanclorres; Vaser; Vasser; Vellines; Verline; Verlines; Very; Vesser; Vicars; Vick; Vicke; Vickers; Vickes; Voughon;

Wade; Waide; Wainright; Wakefield; Wakly; Walaker; Walker; Wall; Waller; Walliford; Walls; Wallton; Walter; Walters; Walton; Ward; Wardroper; Warehouse; Warner; Warnge; Warrell; Warren; Warrener; Warriner; Warwickqueak; Warwicksguyoake; Warwisksqueake; Washbourne; Washburn; Washington; Waters; Watkins; Wats; Watson; Watter; Watters; Wattes; Wattkins; Watts; Wattson; Way; Weatherall; Weatherly; Weaver; Webb; Webes; Weblin; Webling; Weeks; Welch; Wellman; Wells; Wentworth; Wesson; West; Westay; Westborey; Westbrook; Wester; Weston; Westra; Westray; Westwary; Westwra; Westwray; Wetherell; Wetteman; Wharton; Wheadon; Wheatley; Wheatly; Whedon; Wheeler; Wheler; Whetley; Whetstone; Whillney; Whilty; Whitacar; Whitaker; Whitby; White; Whiteaker; Whitehead; Whitely; Whitfield; Whithead; Whitle; Whitley; Whitly; Whitney; Whitny; Whittington; Whittly; Whood; Wichins; Wickins; Wiggs; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Wilkison; Wille; Willet; Williams; Williamson; Williford; Willis; Willison; Williston; Wills; Willson; Wilmot; Wilson; Winchell; Winckles; Windom; Wingfield; Winn; Wintworth; Wise; Witte; Wombell; Womble; Wombol; Wombwell; Wood; Woodard; Woodlay; Woodley; Woodly; Woodnot; Woodrose; Woodward; Woodyard; Woof; Woole; Wooley; Woolly; Wools; Woory; Wooten; WootenWit; Wooton; Worden; Worrel; Worrell; Woullf; Wraford; Wrayford; Wren; Wrench; Wrenn; Wright; Wyatt; Wynn; Wythe;

Yarmouth; Yarret; Yarrett; Young
Return to Isle of Wight Deeds, Court Orders, and Guardian Accounts

Surnames from Isle of Wight Co., VA Deeds, 1750-1782

Abbot; Abbott; Abraham; Acrill; Adams; Adderson; Addison; Adley; Allen; Alley; Alling; Allman; Allmand; Allmond; Almand; Almond; Almons; Alston; Amis; Amus; Anderson; Andrews; Andrewson; Applewahite; Applewhaite; Applewhatie; Archer; Armstrong; Arthur; Ashburn; Ashley; Askew; Atkins; Atkinson; Avera; Avery; Axsom;

Babb; Bacon; Bagg; Bagnal; Bagnall; Bagnell; Bailey; Baker; Baldwin; Ball; Ballard; Bamy; Barker; Barkley; Barkly; Barlow; Barnet; Barrared; Barrett; Barry; Bates; Baton; Batt; Batten; Battin; Batting; Batts; Bay; Bayley; Beal; Beale; Beaton; Bedgood; Beel; Bell; Bellow; Bells; Benn; Bennet; Bennett; Bennit; Bennitt; Best; Betts; Bevan; Beverley; Bgnall; Bidgood; Bird; Birdsong; Black; Blackburn; Blackwater; Blair; Blake; Blunt; Bocock; Bococke; Boddie; Boddy; Bodies; Body; Booker; Boon; Boone; Booth; Bootha; Boseman; Bottom; Boulkley; Bowden; Bowen; Boykin; Boykins; Bozeman; Bracey; Brachan; Bracon; Bracy; Braddy; Bradley; Bradshaw; Bragg; Branch; Brantley; Brantly; Braon; Braown; Brasey; Brasswell; Braswel; Braswell; Brawler; Bray; Bressie; Bretten; Brewer; Bricknell; Brider; Bridge; Bridger; Bridgers; Briggs; Brink; Brit; Britain; Britin; Britt; Brittain; Britten; Brittin; Broadfield; Broadwater; Brock; Brow; Brown; Browne; Bryan; Bryant; Buchanan; Buck; Buckley; Bullard; Bullock; Bulluck; Bunkley; Burgess; Burk; Burks; Burnett; Burns; Burough; Burrough; Burt; Burtin; Burwell; Busbye; Busskin; Butler;

Calcoat; Calcote; Call; Camp; Campbell; Car; Carey; Carr; Carrell; Carrol; Carroll; Carter; Carver; Cary; Casey; Casson; Causway; Cawl; Chalmer; Chanell; Channell; Chapman; Charles; Chasenut; Chasnut; Chesnut; Chesnutt; Chevillette; Childs; Chiles; Clark; Clarke; Clayton; Cleany; Clenny; Clerk; Clinch; Cobb; Coblen; Cocke; Cofer; Coffer; Coffield; Cogan; Cogen; Coggan; Coggin; Cohoon; Cole; Coleman; Collier; Collings; Collins; Conner; Conyer; Conyers; Cook; Cooke; Cooker; Cooper; Copeland; Copher; Cophera; Cophir; Corbell; Corbet; Corbett; Corbin; Corbit; Corbitt; Corner; Cornwal; Cornwell; Coulding; Council; Councill; Count; Coupland; Cowles; Cowling; Craft; Crew; Crips; Crocker; Croft; Crooks; Crooms; Crumpler; Cunes; Cunyers; Curle; Cutchen; Cutchin; Cutchings; Cutchins;

Dalyell; Dam; Daniel; Daniels; Darden; Dardon; Daren; Darley; Darwin; Daughtery; Daughtrey; Daughtry; David; Davidson; Davis; Day; Deberry; Deferd; Deford; Deforest; Degge; Degges; Delbridge; Delk; Deloach; Deloache; Denson; Dering; Derring; Dew; Dews; Dickenson; Dickinson; Digge; Digges; Diggs; Dillan; Dinson; Dinwiddie; Diver; Dixon; Dobbs; Doles; Dorman; Doughtrey; Doughtry; Douglass; Downey; Doyle; Dreeke; Drew; Driver; Duck; Ducke; Dues; Duke; Dukes; Dunlop; Dunn; Dunston; Durden; Durk; Durley; Duskee;

Ealy; Eason; Easson; Eaton; Edmans; Edmonds; Edmunds; Edwards; Elay; Eley; Ellis; Elmsey; Elmsley; Elsbuary; Elsbudry; Ely; English; Erason; Evans; Everet; Everett; Everit; Everitt; Exum;

Farmer; Farraw; Fearn; Fearne; Felwell; Fern; Fierier; Firm; Fisher; Fitchett; Fiveash; Flake; Flakes; Fleamery; Fleaming; Fleatcher; Fleming; Flemming; Fletcher; Floyad; Floyd; Fly; Fones; Forbes; Foster; Fouryeer; Fowler; Frasur; Frazier; French; Fry; Fulgham; Fuller; Fullgham; Fulllgham;

Gail; Gaines; Gale; Gallin; Galting; Gardner; Garland; Garner; Garnes; Garton; Garway; Gates; Gatlin; Gatling; Gay; Gemmill; George; Gham; Gibbs; Gilbert; Giles; Givin; Glasgow; Glebe; Glover; Godfrey; Godwin; Goldman; Goodgrich; Goodman; Goodrich; Goodrick; Goodson; Goodwin; Grace; Graham; Gray; Green; Gregory; Gremmer; Griffen; Griffin; Grooms; Grose; Gross; Gulledge; Gurton; Gut; Guthrie; Gutrey; Gutrie; Gutt; Gwaltmey; Gwaltney; Gwan; Gwin;

Haddley; Hadley; Hagpeth; Hail; Haile; Hailes; Haines; Hale; Hall; Halliday; Hamilton; Hampton; Hamton; Hancock; Hanson; Hardie; Hardy; Hardyman; Hargrove; Harmanson; Harris; Harrison; Hart; Hartwell; Harvy; Hase; Hatchall; Hatchel; Hatchell; Hatchett; Hatton; Hawkins; Hay; Hayes; Hayndman; Haynes; Hays; Hayse; Haywood; Hearing; Heath; Hedgepeth; Hedgpath; Hedgpeth; Heedgpath; Herbert; Herring; Herrring; Hews; Hickman; Hicks; Hill; Hills; Hindman; Hodesden; Hodges; Hodsden; Hodsdon; Hodson; Hogard; Hole; Holford; Holladay; Hollaman; Hollan; Holland; Hollaway; Hollday; Holleday; Holleman; Hollemon; Holliday; Holliman; Holloday; Hollomon; Hollowell; Hollyman; Holoman; Holt; Hoof; Horn; Horning; Hough; House; Howard; Howell; Howlett; Htchell; Huchins; Hughes; Humphrey; Hunnicutt; Hunt; Hunter; Hurst; Hutchens; Hutchins; Hyndman; Hynnicutt;

Ingland; Ingles; Inglis; Inglish; Ingram; Inman; Irwin;

Jackson; Jamerson; James; Jameson; Jankins; Jarrell; Jeankins; Jemison; Jenkins; Jinkins; Johnson; Johnston; Joiner; Jolliff; Jolliss; Jolly; Jones; Jordan; Jordon; Joy; Joyner; Joyns;

Kea; Keen; Kella; Kelley; Kello; Kelly; Kemp; Kerby; Kerry; Ketchen; King; Kingsail; Kingsland;

Lacy; Laine; Lake; Lambard; Lambert; Lambeth; Lancaaster; Lancaster; Land; Landing; Lane; Lang; Lankfkord; Lankford; Lattimore; Laurence; Lawrence; Lawrey; Lee; Leigh; Lewis; Liddell; Lightfoot; Liles; Little; Lloyd; Long; Lott; Lucas; Luke; Lupo; Lupoo; Lupoos; Luther; Lux; Lyncoat;

Maccoy; Mackee; Mackey; Mackie; Mackinis; Mackinney; Mackleney; Macleney; Maddera; Maddra; Madera; Maderio; Major; Mallicoat; Mallon; Mallory; Manggum; Mangum; Mann; Marchall; Markes; Marley; Marlow; Marsh; Marshall; Marthis; Martin; Mason; Mathews; Mathies; Mathis; Matthews; Mattis; May; Maycock; Mayo; Mays; McCane; McCave; McCavis; McClarin; McClary; McConnell; McCoy; McKinne; McMiall; McNiel; McWilliams; Meaccom; Meacom; Meacum; Meadow; Mecum; Mercer; Meredith; Merideth; Meridith; Messer; Miall; Michall; Miles; Mill; Miller; Millerl; Milley; Milner; Minton; Mints; Mintz; Mitchell; Monro; Montfort; Montgomery; Montgumery; Moody; Moor; Moore; Moreland; Moreson; Morgan; Morisson; Morrell; Morris; Morrison; Moseley; Mosely; Moss; Mountford; Muffree; Mufphry; Mumford; Mumpford; Munford; Munro; Murfrey; Murhead; Murphey; Murphrey; Murphry; Murray; Murrell; Murry;

Neavill; Neck; Nelemons; Nellum; Nellums; Nelm; Nelmes; Nelmons; Nelms; Nelson; Neslon; Nevel; Nevell; Nevil; Newby; Newill; Newman; Newton; Nichols; Nollaboy; Nolleboy; Nolley; Nollyboy; Nonsey; Norsworth; Norsworthy; Norzey; Noyal;

O'Neal; O'Neil; Oberry; Obery; Oneal; Orr; Oughterson; Ounty; Outland; Oweing; Owen; Owin; Owing;

Paarish; Page; Palmer; Paree; Park; Parke; Parker; Parkison; Parnal; Parnall; Parnalld; Parnell; Parnold; Parr; Pass; Pasteur; Patesfield; Path; Patterson; Pearce; Peden; Pedin; Peeden; Peirce; Penner; Penny; Pernal; Perry; Person; Peter; Phillips; Piece; Pierce; Pines; Pinhorn; Pinner; Pirdie; Pisnes; Pitman; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Pleasants; Pledger; Pollard; Pond; Ponsonby; Pool; Poole; Pope; Portice; Portis; Portlock; Potter; Povan; Powel; Powell; Pretlow; Pridham; Pritchard; Pritlow; Procter; Proctor; Provan; Provary; Pryor; Purdie; Purnall; Pynes; Pyrer;

Raiford; Ramphen; Ramphon; Ramphorn; Rand; Rande; Randolph; Rands; Ransom; Ransome; Ranson; Ratcliff; Ratliff; Rawlings; Rawls; Rayford; Read; Reaves; Reed; Rees; Regiment; Reid; Rench; Renn; Rew; Reynolds; Richard; Richards; Richardson; Ricks; Riddick; Ridge; Ridley; Ried; Riggin; Right; Roane; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Robison; Rodway; Roe; Rogers; Rolandson; Ronaldson; Roscow; Rose; Rossen; Rosser; Roundtree; Rownly; Royall; Ruffin; Russell; Russwarn; Russwurm; Ruter;

Salisbury; Salter; Sanders; Saunders; Sawer; Saylor; Scammell; Scott; Scutchins; Seagraves; Seawell; Sebrell; Segraves; Seleway; Sellaway; Selleway; Sello; Serson; Seward; Sheavers; Shedden; Shelley; Shelly; Sheriff; Shield; Shields; Shilley; Shivers; Shukey; Sikes; Sim; Simmons; Simon; Simons; Simpson; Sims; Simson; Sinclair; Skinner; Skinow; Smelley; Smelly; Smith; Snoughden; Society; Span; Speed; Speight; Spencer; Spike; Spivey; Spotswood; Spratt; Spring; Stagg; Stallings; Stamford; Staples; Steaphenson; Steele; Stephens; Stephenson; Steuart; Stevens; Stevenson; Stewart; Stith; Strait; Street; Strickey; Strickland; Stringfield; Stroud; Stuart; Stubbin; Stubbs; Stuckey; Summerell; Sumner; Suter; Swaamp; Swamp; Sykes; Sym; Symn; Syms;

Tallough; Tallow; Tarlton; Tassie; Tax; Tayloe; Taylor; Teasley; Teasly; Tewell; Tharp; Thomas; Thompson; Thornton; Thropp; Thurston; Tilbs; Tobacco; Todd; Tokis; Tollar; Toller; Tomlin; Tomling; Tommas; Tomson; Tooke; Tookes; Towart; Towm; Tree; Turner; Tynes;

Underwood; Urguhart; Urquhart; Ussell; Uzzell; Uzzill;

Valines; Vance; Vanefur; Vasser; Vaughan; Vaughn; Velline; Vellines; Velllines; Verell; Verline; Verlines; Vestry; Vick; Vickers; Villines;

Waddrop; Wade; Wail; Waile; Wainwright; Wakefield; Waldrop; Wale; Walker; Walkinshaw; Wall; Wallace; Walls; Walton; Ward; Ware; Warehouse; Warf; Warren; Washington; Watkins; Watson; Waugh; Webb; Webster; Weeks; Weir; Welch; Wenn; Wentworth; West; Wester; Weston; Westray; Westry; Wheadon; Whealer; Wheaton; Wheeler; Wheler; White; Whitehead; Whitfield; Whiting; Whitley; Whitney; Wiggins; Wiggs; Wiles; Wilkenson; Wilkerson; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willet; Willett; Williams; Williamson; Williford; Willis; Willot; Willott; Wills; Willson; Wilson; Winborn; Winn; Wister; Woddrop; Womble; Wombwell; Woodard; Woodhouse; Woodley; Woodrop; Woodside; Woodson; Woodward; Woolten; Wooten; Worddrope; Wordrope; Wormeley; Worrell; Wren; Wrench; Wrenn; Wright; Wylee; Wylie;

Yarot; Yarret; Young
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Allmond; Andrews; Applewhaite; Askew; Atkinson; Babb; Bagnal; Baker; Ballard; Barlow; Barrand; Barrett; Battin; Beal; Benn; Blunt; Boon; Bowden; Boykin; Bradshaw; Brantley; Braswell; Bridger; Briggs; Britty; Brown; Brugess; Bullock; Butler; Carr; Carroll; Cary; Chalmer; Channell; Chapman; Coggin; Cook; Copher; Cosby; Council; Counsil; Cowlding; Cowling; Cutchin; Daniel; Darden; Dardon; Davey; Davis; Davis & Marshall; Deford; Denson; Dering; Dickinson; Dixon; Dobbs; Doles; Doughtry; Driver; Droughtry; Duck; Dunston; Edmonds; Edwards; Eley; Everitt; Fearn; Flemying; Fletcher; Fowler; Fulgham; Gale; Garner; Gay; Gibbons; Gibbs; Girton; Glover; Godfrey; Godwin; Goodrich; Goodson; Goodwin; Green; Groce; Hall; Hansford; Hardy; Hardy & Co.; Harisford; Harmanson; Harmonson; Harris; Harrison; Hatton; Hawkins; Haynes; Herring; Hill; Hodsden; Hodson; Holland; Holliday; House; Hunt; Hutchings; Inglish; James; Johnson; Joiner; Jones; Jordan; Jordoan; Jordon; Joyner; King; Lankford; Lawrance; Lawrence; Lightfoot; Little; Mallory; Mangam; Marshall; McCoy; Mills; Milner; Moody; Morris; Morrison; Morriss; Mumford; Murphey; Nelms; Nevill; Newman; Norsworthy; Norworthy; Outland; Owen; Parker; Parker & Wills; Parnal; Partlow; Pasteire; Peirce & Wilson; Philips; Pierce; Pitt; Pitts; Pope; Powell; Pretlow; Pruden; Purdie; Randolph; Reynolds; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Saunders; Scott; Shelly; Shivers; Simmons; Smelly; Smith; Stallings; Stevens; Strickling; Sykes; Tallough; Thomas; Tingley; Todd; Tomlin; Travis; Turner; Tynes; Underwood; Uzzell; Vaughan; Vellines; Wail; Waile; Walden; Ward; Watkins; Webb; Wells; West; Weston; Westray; Whardon; Wheadon; Whitfield; Whitley; Williams; Wills; Willson; Wilson; Winn; Womble; Wood; Woodley; Woodward; Wrench; Wrenn; Wright; Young.
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Abbot; Adams; Adkins; Adkinson; Adkisson; Adley; Adson; Agnew; Aldman; Aldmond; Alleburton; Allen; Allman; Allmand; Allmond; Alman; Almand; Almon; Almond; Anderson; Andrews; Applewaght; Applewaite; Applewhaite; Applewhite; Applewight; Applewright; Arrinton; Askew; Askey; Aswell; Atkinson; Atkison; Averidge; Avis; Axum; Aykison;

Bacon; Bagget; Bagnal; Bagnall; Bagnell; Bagnol; Bailey; Baker; Baldwin; Baley; Balmer; Bamer; Barber; Barker; Barkley; Barlo; Barlow; Barmer; Barnes; Barns; Barr; Barrow; Barrows; Barry; Bartbus; Barten; Barton; Bascom; Bass; Batt; Batten; Battes; Battin; Batts; Baulding; Bavid; Bayles; Bayley; Bayly; Baylyes; Beal; Beale; Beaman; Beamon; Beasor; Bedgood; Beech; Beel; Beghn; Beigs; Bell; Bemus; Benard; Benn; Bennet; Bennett; Bennit; Bennom; Benns; Beogler; Berry; Besner; Best; Bevans; Bidgood; Biggs; Binnes; Birkill; Blacknall; Blair; Blake; Bland; Block; Blow; Blunt; Boanltey; Bocock; Bolton; Bond; Boon; Boswell; Bourden; Bowen; Bowers; Bowin; Bowyer; Bowzer; Boykin; Brace; Brachew; Brachey; Braci; Bracy; Braddy; Bradley; Bradshaw; Brady; Brag; Brahtly; Brall; Bramer; Branch; Branltey; Brantley; Brantly; Brasey; Brasie; Brasswell; Braswell; Brawler; Brayley; Bressey; Bressie; Brett; Bretton; Brewer; Brickel; Brickell; Bricket; Brickill; Bridger; Bridgers; Bridges; Bridly; Briggs; Brigs; Briley; Brinkley; Britt; Britten; Britts; Broadfield; Broch; Brock; Brown; Bruer; Brumagam; Brummajar; Brummayan; Brumyam; Bryan; Bryant; Buckanan; Bulard; Bullard; Bullock; Bumagam; Bunckley; Bundy; Bunkley; Bunn; Burch; Burges; Burgess; Burk; Burket; Burkley; Burrele; Burrell; Burt; Burwell; Bushop; Bushup; Buskin; Bussey; Bussken; Butler; Buttkin; Buxton;

Cain; Calcoale; Calcoat; Calcot; Calcote; Caleat; Calecote; Calect; Camm; Campbell; Cannel; Car; Carden; Cardin; Carel; Carey; Carr; Carrel; Carrell; Carrol; Carter; Cary; Casey; Catfield; Cersey; Chaisnet; Chaistnut; Chambers; Chanel; Channel; Channell; Chapman; Charls; Chasnut; Chesnut; Chestnut; Childs; Chiradeck; Churchwell; Chustnut; Clark; Clarke; Clayton; Clements; Clerk; Clreak; Coapland; Cobb; Cofer; Coffe; Coffer; Coffield; Cogan; Coggan; Coggin; Coggins; Cohoon; Colbey; Colcot; Cole; Colliers; Conaway; Conner; Connoway; Conoway; Conway; Cook; Cooper; Copeland; Copher; Corbell; Corbert; Corbet; Corbett; Cordan; Corden; Cording; Cordwin; Cosser; Cotton; Couling; Coulson; Councell; Council; Councill; Counesles; Counsel; Counsill; Coupland; Cowling; Cowlson; Cowper; Craft; Crafts; Crassey; Creech; Croaker; Crock; Crocker; Crosby; Crumpler; Crutcher; Cutchens; Cutchin; Cutchins;

Danel; Daniel; Daniell; Dannell; Darby; Darden; Dardon; Darley; Darvin; Dashie; Daughtery; Daughtry; Davis; Dawell; Dawson; Day; Daye; Deane; Deans; Deford; Delatch; Delbridge; Delk; Deloach; Denbey; Denby; Denison; Denson; Dering; Derring; Deshey; Devsey; Dick; Dickason; Dickenson; Dickerson; Dickinson; Dickson; Dillion; Dishey; Dixon; Doles; Doorch; Dorch; Dorman; Dortch; Doss; Dowcey; Dowls; Downer; Dowsey; Drake; Dressr; Drew; Driser; Driver; Duck; Dunekley; Dunkley; Dunkly; Durdan; Durden; Durdin; Durley; Durshey; Dushop; Dutchy;

Ealbanck; Ealbanks; Ealey; Easson; Edward; Edwards; Eley; Elis; Elke; Elks; Ely; Emmerson; Emms; Emons; English; Epriam; Evans; Eve; Everage; Everet; Everett; Everidge; Everit; Everitt; Evert; Evins; Evirt; Exum;

Faheval; Fallough; Fallow; Fanning; Faraby; Fareby; Farrow; Farwell; Fastin; Feraby; Ferby; Fereby; Feriby; Ferreby; Ferrel; Ferriby; Filer; Fivash; Fiveach; Fiveash; Flies; Floyd; Fly; Forbes; Forbis; Foreby; Forsith; Foster; Fouler; Fountain; Foweller; Fowler; Frareby; Frisel; Frisell; Friselle; Frissell; Frizell; Frizzel; Frizzell; Fry; Fulgam; Fulgham; Fullgham; Fulllgham; Fweash;

Gail; Gainer; Gale; Gammill; Ganer; Gardiner; Gardner; Garlane; Garner; Garnes; Garns; Garrettey; Garretty; Gaulfs; Gay; Gayner; Gemmil; Gemmill; Gibb; Gibbs; Gibson; Giles; Gilles; Ginkins; Gladwill; Gledbill; Glover; Goddrich; Godwin; Goff; Gola; Gooch; Gooding; Goodman; Goodrich; Goodrick; Goodson; Goodspeed; Goodwin; Gordan; Goswin; Graham; Granberry; Granbery; Granbury; Graves; Gray; Green; Gregorie; Gregory; Grice; Griffin; Griggory; Griggsby; Grimes; Grims; Grisby; Groce; Groom; Groos; Gross; Grosse; Groves; Grymes; Guardiner; Guiny; Gumbey; Gumley; Gummerly; Gwinn;

Hadley; Hadly; Hail; Haile; Haire; Haldford; Hale; Hall; Halleyburton; Halliburton; Halyam; Hammond; Hampton; Handcock; Hanks; Hardin; Harding; Hardy; Hardyn; Hare; Hargave; Hargrave; Hargrove; Hargroves; Harlavin; Harlston; Harris; Harrison; Harriss; Hars; Hart; Hartgrove; Hartgroves; Harvey; Harvy; Hatchell; Hatikel; Hawkins; Hawsey; Hayes; Hayl; Hayles; Haynes; Hays; Hedgpeth; Heeley; Heferton; Hefferton; Heffeton; Hensey; Hering; Herrin; Herring; Hersell; Hevson; Hewet; Hewling; Hicks; Hilaburton; Hill; Hilliard; Hills; Hinchin; Hinnient; Hobby; Hodg; Hodges; Hodgpeth; Hodsden; Hodsdon; Hoel; Hoffler; Hofler; Hoid; Hole; Holeford; Holl; Holladay; Holland; Holleman; Holliday; Holliman; Holloman; Holloway; Hollowell; Hollowman; Holly; Holston; Holt; Holyday; Horsey; Horton; House; How; Howard; Howel; Howell; Hudnal; Hudnall; Hudnel; Hudnold; Hudnolds; Hufler; Hugh; Huland; Hulston; Hundnal; Hunt; Hunter; Hurlson; Hurlston; Hutchenes; Hutching; Hutchings; Hutchins; Hyndman;

Inggram; Ingles; Inglesh; Inglish; Ingram; Ingrem; Isleiy; Ivy;

Jackson; Jarvis; Jenkens; Jenkins; Jervis; Jinkins; John; Johns; Johnson; Johnston; Joiner; Jolley; Jolliff; Jolly; Jones; Jonson; Jonston; Jordan; Josey; Joyner; Jufley; Jusley;

Karlavin; Kea; Keeley; Keely; Kelley; Kelly; Kemp; Kennock; Kensey; Kenzie; Kerby; Kersey; Keyley; Kidd; Kieley; Kilbey; Kilbie; Kimmer; Kinchin; King; Kinseel; Kinsey; Kinzie; Kirby; Knott; Kosey;

Lacey; Lacy; Lain; Laine; Lanckford; Land; Lane; Langford; Lankford; Lape; Laurance; Laurence; Lawrence; Lawson; Lee; Leforte; Lefountain; Leporte; Letart; Leteort; Letorte; Leweis; Lewes; Lewis; Lightfoot; Lillow; Little; Littlepage; Lloyd; Locker; Lockhart; Lockheart; Lodge; Lokort; Long; Lowel; Lowrey; Lowry; Lundy; Lupo; Luss; Lyon;

Machelenye; Machie; Machinnick; Mackenzie; Mackie; Mackiny; Madaries; Madary; Maddra; Maddrie; Madera; Madery; Madrey; Makenzie; Mallary; Mallory; Mangam; Mangom; Mangum; Mansfield; Marliel; Marlow; Marshal; Marshall; Marshel; Marshole; Martiel; Martin; Mason; Mathews; Mathis; Matthews; Matthis; Maynard; Mcakay; Mcanrow; McCleney; Mcera; McGrigory; McNiel; Meacom; Mechelenye; Mecom; Mecum; Meed; Mellory; Melton; Mercer; Merrick; Merry; Merser; Mesick; Mesik; Messer; Messick; Miars; Miers; Miles; Miller; Milner; Milton; Mingain; Minnard; Minnied; Minond; Minton; Minyard; Minyars; Mires; Mirick; Misseck; Misset; Missett; Missitt; Misuk; Mitchason; Mithenson; Mofrey; Monro; Monroe; Monrow; Monson; Montgomery; Moody; Moon; Mooney; Moore; Mor; More; Moreland; Morgan; Morgin; Morland; Morris; Morrison; Morriss; Morton; Mosley; Muckleny; Mullin; Mumow; Mungo; Munrow; Muray; Murdaugh; Murdugh; Murphey; Murphy; Murrey; Murry; Mynard; Myrick; Mysick;

Nail; Naile; Nale; Nales; Nanny; Nash; Nayler; Naylor; Nazaworth; Neal; Neaval; Neavels; Neiman; Nelms; Nevel; Nevill; Newell; Newman; Newsom; Newsome; Newson; Newton; Neyall; Niall; Nicholas; Nichols; Nolde; Nolleboy; Nolley; Nolleyboy; Norsworth; Norsworthy; Noseworthy; Nosworthy; Noyal; Noyall; Nurton; Nuton;

Ofheal; Oilwood; Olywood; Oneal; Osheat; Osteens; Oswald; Outland; Owen; Owens; Owin; Owins;

Page; Palmer; Par; Parcks; Parham; Parke; Parker; Parkerson; Parks; Parnale; Parnall; Parnell; Parnold; Parr; Parrell; Parriot; Parrom; Parrum; Parson; Parsone; Parsons; Pass; Passens; Payton; Peals; Pedin; Peelle; Peirce; Peland; Pell; Pelus; Pendleton; Penny; Perce; Perione; Permenter; Pernal; Perry; Persel; Person; Persone; Persons; Peter; Peterson; Pettney; Peyton; Phager; Pheadger; Pierce; Piland; Pilane; Pilkinton; Pinlot; Pinner; Pinson; Pitman; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Pledger; Polk; Pollard; Ponsonby; Pool; Pope; Porock; Portis; Portlock; Potter; Powel; Powell; Powers; Prescot; Prettaw; Price; Prime; Procter; Proctor; Protris; Pugh; Puling; Purdie; Purdy; Purnals; Pursell; Pursley; Pusell; Pusley;


Radwel; Radwell; Raepherd; Raford; Raiford; Ramsey; Rand; Randal; Randolph; Rankin; Rascow; Ratlif; Ratliff; Rattlive; Rawsor; Rayfield; Rayford; Rayperd; Rayphed; Raypherd; Read; Reanes; Reddick; Reddock; Reed; Reid; Rend; Rennolds; Reynolds; Rice; Richards; Ricks; Riddick; Ridick; Ridley; Rigins; Roberson; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Rodway; Rose; Roser; Ross; Row; Royal; Royall; Ruffin; Rumbo; Rumley; Russwarm; Ruswarm;

Salaway; Salter; Salway; Sampson; Samson; Sanders; Saunders; Sawyer; Scarbro; Scelton; Scott; Screws; Seagram; Seagrave; Seagraves; Seagrove; Seers; Sellaway; Setterway; Seuckins; Seuling; Seward; Sexton; Sheaerar; Shearre; Shearrod; Sheets; Shelley; Shepard; Shepherd; Shepperd; Sherley; Shields; Shiley; Shirley; Shiver; Shivers; Shurley; Sibrell; Sikes; Silaway; Sillaway; Simmons; Simons; Skelton; Slatter; Slatters; Slaughter; Slaven; Slavin; Small; Smelley; Smelly; Smith; Sojorner; Span; Sparling; Speight; Spence; Spencer; Spievy; Spights; Spivey; Spivi; Spivie; Stafford; Stamp; Stamps; Statnce; Steking; Stephens; Stephenson; Stevens; Stevenson; Stocdale; Stockdale; Stone; Story; Streater; Streator; Streeter; Stricklin; Strickling; Stringfield; Stroud; Stuckey; Stucky; Studevant; Sullivant; Summerell; Summeriliss; Summerill; Summerills; Summerlin; Summerrell; Summervil; Summervill; Summerwell; Surles; Swann; Sweeny; Sweet;

Tailer; Tallon; Tallone; Tallough; Tallow; Tann; Tarbe; Tark; Tarlton; Tart; Tatem; Tatton; Taylor; Teasley; Telfare; Telsare; Tembly; Terller; Tew; Tharp; Tharpe; Thomas; Thompson; Tiesley; Toffler; Tomas; Tomblin; Tomer; Tomerlin; Tomlin; Tort; Tounsend; Tracy; Trembly; Trotter; Truwren; Turner; Turnner; Turnow; Twet; Tyne; Tynes; Tyre;

Underwood; Urzel; Uzzel; Uzzele; Uzzell;

Vance; Vaughan; Vaughn; Vaugten; Vauned; Vesey; Vickers; Voss;

Wail; Wails; Wall; Walls; Walters; Walton; Ward; Warnour; Warren; Warter; Warters; Washington; Waters; Watkins; Watsin; Watson; Watts; Waymough; Waymouth; Wazare; Weatherall; Weatherly; Weavel; Web; Webb; Weeb; Welch; Welsh; Welton; Wentworth; Weskins; Weson; West; Weston; Westra; Westrae; Westray; Westree; Westry; Weymouth; Wheaden; Whipel; White; Whitely; Whitfiel; Whitfield; Whitley; Whitney; Whittley; Whomalk; Wieadon; Wigge; Wiggins; Wiggs; Wilder; Wilders; Wilkenson; Wilkerson; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willes; Willet; Willey; Willford; William; Williams; Williamson; Williford; Willis; Wills; Willson; Wilner; Wilson; Wimmer; Winard; Wingfield; Wise; Wishart; Wistree; Womble; Wood; Woodard; Woodley; Woodly; Woodward; Woodwards; Wooten; Wornble; Worren; Wren; Wrenn; Wright; Write;

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