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Franklin County, VA:
Surname Lists

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Surnames from Franklin Co., VA 1810 Census

          Absheir; Acres; Adams; Adcock; Adney; Agee; Aides; Allin; Altick; Amos; Anderson; Andrews; Angle; Arington; Armstrong; Arthur; Asbury; Aschew; Aschue; Ashinhurst; Ashworth; Austin;

          Bagley; Baley; Ball; Ballard; Barnerd; Barnheart; Barns; Barrett; Bassham; Batz; Bazzel; Beard; Beasley; Becket; Becknor; Behealer; Belcher; Bell; Bennet; Beverly; Bigers; Billips; Binion; Bird; Bishop; Blaekley; Blankenship; Blankinship; Boitnetts; Bond; Booling; Boon; Booth; Bowcock; Bowls; Bowman; Bowsman; Boyd; Bozzel; Bradley; Bradshaw; Bramer; Brewer; Briant; Brizendine; Brizindine; Broady; Brock; Brockman; Brogan; Brooks; Brower; Brown; Bundurant; Burditt; Burges; Burton; Burwell;

          Cabaniss; Calacoal; Calaway; Calaway; Callaway; Camp; Campbell; Carper; Carter; Casels; Chaffers; Chambers; Chandler; Charter; Cheatwood; Chewning; Chice; Childers; Clay; Clayborne; Cleets; Clemmons; Clerk; Clerkson; Clinginpeel; Clowers; Cochran; Cochrum; Cogar; Cole; Coleman; Collins; Conaway; Cook; Coolley; Cooper; Craddick; Craig; Craige; Creaghead; Cron; Crook; Crowl; Crump; Cuff; Culpason; Cuningham; Curtin; Cushman; Custard;

          Dale; Dame; David; Davis; Debow; Deheart; Deheaven; Delaney; Dennis; Dent; Denton; Derweese; Dickenson; Dillon; Dishorn; Divers; Dixon; Dobbins; Dodd; Donahower; Donohower; Doran; Doss; Dow; Dowdy; Dowton; Drake; Dudley; Dunman; Dunn;

          Earley; Early; Edmons; Edwards; Egnew; Elison; Ellis; Ellison; Ellit; English; Estes; Evans;

          Faris; Farmer; Feilds; Fellows; Ferguson; Finney; Fishburn; Fisher; Fitzjarrald; Florow; Flowro; Foalley; Forbes; Fortune; Franklin; Frith; Fuller;

          Gad; Garrett; Gearheart; Geheagan; Gervin; Gibson; Gilbert; Gillasby; Gillenwaters; Glass; Goode; Gosset; Gossnell; Gothard; Graves; Gray; Grayham; Green; Greer; Greggs; Griffeth; Griffith; Grimmet; Guilliams; Guirrand;

          Halcom; Hale; Hall; Hambrick; Hammack; Hamton; Hancock; Handy; Hargar; Harkrider; Harris; Harrison; Harston; Harwood; Haselip; Hatcher; Hawk; Haynes; Hayns; Hearter; Heartsell; Heatwell; Helm; Hemlin; Henry; Herd; Hiatt; Hickerson; Hickman; Higgs; Hill; Hipingstall; Hixon; Hockins; Hodges; Hogwood; Holland; Holloway; Hope; Hopkins; Hosley; Houser; Housman; Howard; Hoy; Hozea; Huff; Hughs; Hundley; Hunt; Hunter; Hurlock; Huston; Hutchenson; Hutson; Hutts; Hyatt; Hyley;

          Ikenbury; Ingram; Innes;

          Jackson; Jakes; James; Janney; Jarrett; Jefferson; Jeffrey; Jimason; Johnson; Jones; Justice;

          Keen; Kelley; Kemplin; Kenady; Kennet; Kersey; Kesler; Key; Keys; Kidd; King; Kingry; Kitchen; Kitterman; Kittirman; Kleet; Knowls; Koon; Kyle;

          Laffoon; Lamb; Lane; Lasey; Lavender; Law; Lee; Leffers; Lemmon; Lemmons; Leszance; Lett; Lewis; Linzey; Litteral; Livesay; Looden; Lovewell; Loyd; Luke; Lumsdel; Luney; Lyon;

          Manefee; Maning; Marcom; Marrs; Martin; Mason; Mastin; Matthews; Mattox; Maxely; Maxey; McCall; McClard; McCollister; McCombs; McCormack; McCraw; Mcdaniel; Mcgehee; McGregary; McGuffin; McGuire; McKinzey; McMullin; McNeal; McNealley; McVey; Meadow; Meese; Melton; Meriman; Miller; Mills; Minnix; Minton; Mishler; Mitchel; Moody; Moor; Morgan; Morris; Moseby; Moss; Mountgomary; Moveter; Muckelwane; Mullins; Murphy; Myers;

          Naper; Nave; New; Newbill; Newbury; Newton; Niblet; Nowel; Nowlin;

          Oneal; Osborne; Osburn; Overfelt; Overholt; Oyler;

          Pagan; Parbury; Parker; Passley; Pate; Patterson; Payne; Pearsey; Pearson; Peirson; Pelter; Pemberton; Penock; Perdue; Perkins; Peters; Phillips; Pickilsimer; Pinkard; Plyborne; Poindexter; Poteet; Potter; Powel; Powell; Pratt; Preston; Price; Prilliman; Prillimin; Prophet; Prothery; Pruddy; Pruit; Prunty; Prupecker; Pucket; Pugh; Purcil; Purgram;


          Radford; Rakes; Ramsey; Reed; Reel; Reeves; Richards; Richardson; Riggs; Rigney; Rineheart; Robenson; Roberts; Robertson; Rogers; Ross; Row; Rubil; Ruff; Rupe; Rutledge;

          Sammons; Sample; Saunders; Scarborough; Scott; Seagler; Seamones; Semones; Sense; Sharricks; Sheirwood; Sherim; Shewmake; Shewmaker; Shiveley; Short; Shrewsbury; Shurewaters; Sigman; Simmons; Sinck; Slone; Smith; Sneed; Snider; Soul; Southerlin; Sowels; Spoon; Spradlin; Staley; Standafer; Standley; Starkey; Starr; Stephens; Stewart; Stockton; Stone; Stover; Street; Sulavan; Swane; Swanson; Swinney;

          Tate; Taylor; Teel; Terrey; Thomason; Thomson; Thornton; Thurman; Tinsley; Toney; Townlin; Trail; Troup; Trout; Turnbull; Turner; Turpin; Tyry;


          Vandeveere; Vanmaples; Vest; Via; Vincin;

          Wade; Walker; Waller; Watson; Watts; Weaver; Web; Webster; Welch; West; White; Whitworth; Wilks; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wimmer; Winfrey; Wingfeild; Wingo; Wood; Woodall; Woodcock; Wooddy; Woods; Word; Worley; Worner; Worrin; Wray; Wrey; Wright; Wyatt; Wyson; Wysong;


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