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Surnames from Caroline County, Virginia Colonial Census, 1650-1773
Abbott; Abrahall; Abram; Achorn; Ackleston; Adam; Adams; Addams; Addeal; Adkins; Adley; Ager; Akee; Akin; Akleson; Aldree; Aldrich; Aldridge; Alen; Alerdine; Alewood; Alexander; Allamby; Allen; Allerton; Allet; Allgate; Allies; Allison; Alloway; Alsop; Aludge; Ambleton; Ambrey; Ambrose; Ames; Amkett; Amoir; Amye; Anderson; Anderton; Andrews; Antrobus; Aplin; Appleberry; Arch; Archer; Argo; Armistead; Armore; Armstead; Armstronge; Arnall; Arnold; Arsley; Arundell; Arutcklie; Ash; Ashby; Ashecum; Ashford; Ashington; Ashley; Ashmore; Ashton; Aston; Atchinson; Atherton; Atkins; Atkinson; Aubrey; Audrey; Austin; Awberry; Awrkon; Axon; Axton; Ayers; Aylett; Aymen; Ayring;
Babb; Babe; Baber; Backer; Bacon; Bagby; Bagess; Baggatt; Baggerley; Bagwell; Bailey; Baily; Baine; Bake; Baker; Baldry; Baldwin; Baley; Ball; Ballad; Ballard; Baly; Banford; Banks; Bannell; Bannister; Banshaw; Barber; Barbinton; Barby; Bardon; Bareford; Bariff; Barker; Barkhurst; Barkhust; Barlow; Barnaby; Barnes; Barnett; Barradell; Barrer; Barrnell; Barrow; Barset; Barthelson; Bartlett; Basford; Bass; Basser; Batem; Bateman; Bates; Bath; Battaile; Battaille; Batten; Batting; Batts; Bawdon; Baxton; Bayley; Baylor; Bayly; Bayman; Baynard; Beacham; Beale; Bean; Beard; Beare; Beavis; Beckley; Bedall; Bedford; Beech; Beecham; Beedell; Beedle; Beesom; Bell; Belson; Bembridge; Benck; Bendall; Bendery; Bendles; Bendry; Benford; Benn; Benner; Bennet; Bennett; Bennot; Bens; Benskin; Benson; Bentley; Bentloe; Benton; Berker; Berkler; Bernard; Bernett; Berry; Bertaign; Bertrand; Best; Bestall; Beston; Betleson; Betters; Bettison; Beverley; Beverly; Bevyns; Bickley; Bicks; Bigger; Biggs; Bilkinson; Billing; Bilston; Binning; Binns; Birch; Bird; Birdloe; Bishop; Bishope; Bishopp; Bissill; Black; Blackbeard; Blackburn; Blacke; Blackey; Blackley; Blackstone; Blackwell; Blades; Blake; Blanchard; Blaney; Blanket; Blanton; Blany; Blasson; Bliss; Blith; Block; Blomfield; Bloomer; Bluebanks; Blundall; Blunt; Blythe; Board; Boboe; Boboes; Bockman; Bodrich; Boite; Bolton; Bonas; Bond; Bone; Bonefield; Booker; Bookes; Booth; Border; Borry; Boss; Bosslingham; Bostock; Bostocke; Boswell; Bough; Boughan; Boulcot; Bourke; Bourne; Bowen; Bower; Bowers; Bowker; Bowler; Bowles; Bowlewar; Bowlis; Bowzee; Boyce; Boyle; Brack; Brackwell; Bracy; Bradberry; Bradborne; Bradbury; Braddick; Bradgett; Bradley; Bradly; Bradshaw; Brady; Bramlyes; Branch; Branon; Brate; Braton; Braxton; Bray; Braybrook; Brazier; Breeding; Breenam; Bremloe; Brenan; Brent; Brenthall; Brewer; Brice; Bridges; Bright; Brim; Brims; Briscoe; Bristow; Britian; Britton; Brock; Bromfield; Brooke; Brookes; Brooks; Broome; Broomfield; Brothers; Broudribb; Broughton; Brown; Browne; Browning; Bruce; Bruckbank; Brumwell; Brunfield; Brunskill; Bruster; Bruton; Bry; Bryan; Bryant; Brydon; Bryer; Buck; Bucker; Buckler; Buckley; Buckner; Budd; Budle; Buffkin; Bugg; Buley; Bulkley; Bullard; Buller; Bullock; Bunce; Bunch; Burd; Burgan; Burgane; Burgess; Burgh; Burkit; Burn; Burne; Burnell; Burnet; Burnham; Burnum; Burr; Burras; Burrell; Burruss; Burten; Burton; Burts; Burwell; Busby; Bush; Bushrodd; Bustoe; Buston; Butcher; Butler; Butlesby; Butter; Buttey; Butting; Button; Byant; Byfield; Byrd; Byrom; Bywater;
Cables; Caine; Calcock; Caldwell; Callan; Calleton; Camel; Camerin; Cammock; Campbell; Campe; Candey; Candler; Candry; Candy; Caneday; Canne; Cantram; Cape; Capel; Carall; Card; Cardenbrook; Carder; Cardwell; Care; Carell; Carian; Carier; Carlest; Carmock; Carne; Carr; Carraday; Carree; Carrington; Carry; Carter; Cartwright; Caruthers; Carve; Carver; Carvile; Cary; Casey; Casseen; Castell; Caster; Catherwood; Catlett; Catman; Catterne; Cattill; Cavalier; Cavano; Cave; Cavenah; Cavernagh; Chaife; Chainey; Chalky; Chamberlain; Chamberlaine; Chambers; Champ; Champe; Champley; Champon; Chandler; Chandlor; Chapfield; Chapman; Charles; Charlesworth; Charlton; Chart; Chartris; Cheadle; Chedle; Cheldy; Chesrim; Chew; Chichester; Chickerley; Chickett; Child; Chiles; Chillingworth; Chipp; Chitty; Chivis; Christie; Christopher; Chub; Churchill; Churnell; Cla; Clapham; Clarbor; Clarfield; Clark; Clarke; Clary; Clate; Claton; Clavator; Clavell; Claxton; Clay; Clayborne; Claybourne; Claybrook; Claymaker; Clayson; Clayton; Clefton; Clegg; Clements; Clence; Clerk; Clerke; Clifford; Clifton; Clompton; Clopton; Cloud; Clowderson; Coale; Cobb; Cobham; Cobley; Cobson; Cochard; Cock; Cocke; Cockerham; Cockin; Coffee; Cofield; Coghill; Colbert; Cole; Coleern; Coleham; Coleman; Colier; Collerell; Collier; Colliford; Collingford; Collins; Collis; Colly; Colston; Colt; Coltis; Colwort; Compter; Conelly; Coner; Coney; Coniers; Conigon; Conley; Conmark; Connadra; Connell; Conner; Conoway; Conritty; Content; Conton; Conway; Coocke; Cook; Cooke; Cooley; Coop; Cooper; Copeland; Copney; Copton; Corbin; Corbyn; Cordell; Cordwell; Core; Corken; Cormue; Cornish; Cornwall; Cornwell; Correll; Corrington; Cortlet; Cosbrook; Cosby; Cosens; Coshera; Cotton; Couch; Coughland; Couran; Coursey; Court; Courte; Courtney; Covington; Cox; Craddock; Cradock; Craff; Crag; Cragget; Crak; Crane; Cranidge; Cranwell; Craske; Creamer; Creed; Creek; Creighton; Crenshaw; Cresley; Cressy; Cripps; Croft; Crofts; Croke; Cromer; Crooke; Crosha; Crosley; Cross; Crosse; Crosst; Crouch; Crow; Crowder; Croxen; Cruise; Crump; Crumshare; Crutchfield; Cuff; Cullen; Culpeper; Cumberford; Cummings; Cumpton; Cumton; Cunningham; Curne; Curtis; Cushin; Cutler;
Dag; Daingerfield; Dainne; Dale; Dallee; Dally; Dalton; Danale; Danalin; Dance; Dane; Dangin; Daniel; Daniell; Danovan; Danyell; Darby; Darcy; Dare; Darkwell; Darrell; Dash; Dashwood; Datrill; Davenport; Davies; Davis; Davison; Davyes; Dawes; Dawkins; Dawson; Day; Dayley; Deadman; Deame; Dean; Deane; Deaton; Deborn; Deferick; Delaroy; Deling; Deliske; Delpha; Delton; Demadgetts; Demetrius; Demsey; Demster; Denby; Dennett; Dennis; Dernam; Deshazo; Desoign; Devereaux; Devisen; Dew; Deynes; Diarfers; Dick; Dickason; Dicke; Dido; Dike; Dillard; Dillimore; Dingley; Dingwell; Direferes; Diston; Diven; Dix; Dixon; Dobbins; Dobler; Dobson; Doby; Docharty; Docker; Dodson; Doglas; Dogues; Dolby; Dolocroas; Domony; Donaway; Donkley; Donn; Donnelson; Donoho; Dorfeild; Dou; Douding; Douger; Doughlty; Doughty; Douglas; Douglass; Dougty; Dove; Dowdy; Dowers; Dowglas; Dowler; Dowling; Dowman; Down; Downer; Downes; Downing; Downman; Downs; Doyle; Dragon; Drake; Draper; Drapier; Drason; Drew; Driver; Drothers; Drugg; Drumond; Drury; Duck; Duckwith; Duddin; Dudley; Due; Duerson; Dues; Duet; Duett; Dugtale; Duke; Dulake; Duling; Dun; Dunbar; Dungate; Dunn; Dunning; Dunston; Durham; Durrant; Durrett; Dust; Dutton; Duty; Duval; Dyall; Dyer; Dynars;
Eagres; Eake; Eale; Earle; Eastham; Eastis; Eastley; Eaton; Eay; Ecale; Echols; Eckholl; Eckolls; Edall; Eddings; Eddleston; Eddy; Eden; Edge; Edmonds; Edwards; Edwardson; Edwin; Egleston; Egres; Eldridge; Elkeson; Elkin; Elliott; Ellis; Ellison; Ells; Elridge; Elrige; Else; Elson; Elton; Emerson; Emett; Emmett; Emory; England; English; Engrum; Ennis; Enscoe; Esmon; Essex; Esto; Eston; Eubanck; Eubank; Eubanks; Eustis; Evans; Exeter; Eye;
Fagan; Fain; Fairchild; Fairwether; Faith; Fallaway; Faqua; Faring; Faris; Farish; Farmar; Farmer; Farrar; Farrell; Farrington; Farthingale; Fasnell; Faulis; Feather; Felton; Fen; Fengam; Fenley; Fenn; Fennell; Fenner; Fenney; Ferguson; Ferrell; Ferrill; Ferris; Feuray; Fidler; Field; Fielding; Filcher; Fillkin; Finch; Finier; Finn; Fish; Fisher; Fitch; Fitchett; Fitts; Fitzee; Fitzgarrett; Fitzgerald; Flaget; Flaherty; Flanagan; Fleet; Fleming; Flemming; Flemmon; Fletcher; Flint; Flippo; Florence; Floring; Flowe; Flower; Floyd; Folks; Foller; Fooks; Foord; Footer; Ford; Foreman; Foreskins; Forrest; Forsan; Forsay; Forsythe; Fortemore; Fosque; Foster; Fowler; Fox; Foxell; Foy; Frampitt; Francis; Franckland; Franey; Frank; Franklin; Franklyn; Frawlin; Frazer; Freeman; Freese; French; Frett; Frissell; Frith; Frizell; Frizzell; Froman; Froth; Frye; Fryer; Fulcher; Fulgham; Fuller; Furnifold; Furrell;
Gale; Gallaway; Galt; Gant; Gantlett; Gardford; Gardin; Gardiner; Gardner; Garland; Garlick; Garlin; Garnett; Garrett; Gates; Gatewood; Gauler; Gayne; Geadwith; Geinkes; Genkins; Geny; George; Gerdees; Gest; Gibbins; Gibbons; Gibbs; Gibson; Gilam; Gilbert; Giles; Gill; Gillen; Gilles; Gillet; Gillett; Gillintine; Gilliott; Gillon; Gillot; Gills; Gilson; Ginhorne; Ginings; Ginnings; Gittes; Glasse; Glover; Goad; Gobett; Godale; Godfrey; Godfry; Godson; Goffe; Gogaghan; Gogin; Gold; Golden; Goldenvale; Goldin; Golding; Goldman; Goldsmith; Good; Goodale; Goodall; Gooding; Goodlad; Goodloe; Goodman; Goodrich; Goodry; Goodston; Goodwin; Goose; Gording; Gordon; Gore; Gores; Goslick; Gosling; Gosnold; Gostrey; Goswell; Goudge; Gouge; Gough; Goulding; Gouldman; Gourden; Gower; Gowldin; Grady; Graham; Grainger; Granger; Grant; Grantum; Granville; Grasty; Grave; Graves; Grawset; Gray; Green; Greenaway; Greene; Greenwood; Greffeth; Grefor; Gregory; Greshy; Grey; Grice; Griffeth; Griffin; Griffith; Griffiths; Griffs; Grigg; Griggs; Grill; Grimes; Grimson; Grimstead; Grindon; Groine; Grome; Groom; Grouch; Groves; Grymes; Guard; Gundry; Gunston; Gunter; Gurnett; Gustavas; Gustavus; Gutton; Guy; Gwilliford; Gwinn; Gwyn;
Hacker; Hackett; Hailes; Haine; Haines; Hakins; Hale; Hales; Haley; Halier; Hall; Halley; Halliburton; Hallihawk; Hallowes; Hallyhawk; Hallyson; Hambleton; Hamilton; Hamm; Hammon; Hammond; Hampton; Hancock; Handford; Hanford; Hanilton; Hannah; Hanning; Hardacres; Hardin; Harding; Hardisty; Hardy; Hare; Harford; Harloe; Harmon; Harpay; Harper; Harralson; Harrell; Harreson; Harris; Harrison; Harse; Hart; Harte; Hartwell; Harvey; Harwood; Hasell; Haslewood; Hastings; Hatton; Havercup; Haves; Hawford; Hawkes; Hawkins; Hawley; Hawsone; Hay; Hayes; Hayle; Haynes; Hayward; Hazleton; Hazlewood; Head; Heading; Heart; Heasel; Heates; Heath; Hedrring; Hellagon; Henbery; Henchombe; Henderson; Hendrick; Hendricks; Henley; Henrick; Henson; Herbert; Hercules; Hern; Hernden; Herndon; Herring; Hewett; Hewitt; Hews; Heyward; Hickman; Hicks; Hide; Higdon; Higgins; Higgs; Hill; Hillion; Hillman; Himon; Hind; Hinds; Hine; Hines; Hiney; Hinson; Hinton; Hiolly; Hitch; Hitts; Hix; Hobbs; Hobday; Hobden; Hobson; Hoddy; Hodges; Hodgeson; Hodgston; Hodsden; Hodskin; Hodskins; Hofer; Hogdon; Hogherd; Hogsfletch; Holcomb; Holderness; Holdfast; Holdich; Holland; Hollaway; Holliday; Hollier; Hollings; Hollis; Holliway; Holloday; Holloway; Holman; Holmes; Holt; Honey; Honywood; Hookam; Hooker; Hoomes; Hooper; Hope; Hopkins; Hords; Hore; Hornbe; Horne; Horton; Hoskins; Hosnell; Houchens; Houge; Houlderboy; House; Houston; Howard; Howell; Howlett; Howse; Howsford; Hubard; Hubbard; Huberd; Huckelscott; Huddington; Hudow; Hudry; Hudson; Hues; Hueson; Huett; Huggons; Hugh; Hughes; Hugo; Hull; Humphrey; Humphreys; Humphry; Hunlocke; Hunt; Hunter; Hurlstone; Hurst; Hurt; Hutchings; Hutchins; Hutchinson; Hutton; Huttum;
Ingles; Inglish; Ingram; Inson; Irish; Irish boy; Isaacs; Isaak; Isame; Isbell;
Jack; Jackman; Jackson; Jacobs; Jacques; Jadwin; Jadwinn; Jakes; Jamart; James; Jameson; Jarvis; Jeames; Jeeves; Jefferson; Jeffrey; Jeffries; Jeffs; Jenings; Jenison; Jenkenson; Jenkins; Jenkinson; Jennings; Jerell; Jett; Jnoson; Joanes; John; Johns; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan; Joy; Joyes; Joyeux; Joyner; Jubb;
Karran; Katherin; Kauffman; Kay; Kayen; Keble; Keeble; Keeling; Keely; Keens; Kegs; Keible; Keith; Keldlerkin; Kelham; Kellet; Kelley; Kellick; Kelly; Kelsby; Kembrow; Kemp; Kendall; Keneis; Kenner; Kenon; Kenton; Kerby; Kerkup; Kerne; Kerrick; Kessey; Key; Keyes; Kible; Kidley; Killohen; Kinder; King; Kings; Kinner; Kirby; Kirke; Kirkeley; Kirkham; Kirkwood; Kite; Kitting; Knefton; Knight; Knitter;
Lacy; Laird; Lake; Lamar; Lamb; Lambert; Lambo; Lameham; Lampert; Lancaster; Landale; Landell; Landon; Lane; Langale; Langdale; Langford; Langley; Langstaffe; Langston; Lankford; Lansey; Lant; Lapyear; Larcy; Lash; Lasley; Lastley; Lattane; Lavang; Lavender; Lawes; Lawless; Lawrence; Laws; Lawson; Laythen; Layton; Leak; Leatherland; Leay; Lee; Leech; Lefland; Legg; Leige; Leigh; Leister; Leith; Leman; Lemarchon; Lentell; Leroy; Lesher; Lester; Lethersell; Levine; Leviston; Levorack; Lewellen; Lewis; Lidden; Lidumes; Light; Lightfoot; Lightfoote; Ligton; Limouse; Linch; Lincolnshire; Lindsey; Linkehorne; Linsey; Lippencott; Lipps; Lipscomb; Lisle; Listey; Litchfield; Little; Lloyd; Lobb; Locklear; Lockman; Lodge; Loe; Logan; Loggins; Lomax; Long; Longe; Longer; Longwell; Loren; Lorton; Loth; Lotterell; Love; Lovejoy; Lovel; Lowder; Lowe; Lowery; Loyall; Loyd; Loye; Lucas; Lucie; Luckett; Ludwell; Lug; Lumbey; Lumpkin; Lundsford; Lunsford; Luntsford; Lyane; Lyars; Lyddall; Lyddington; Lyde; Lynbey; Lyner; Lysemy;
Macgehee; Mackabine; Mackannon; Mackarte; Mackbeth; Mackdaniell; Mackdougall; Mackemie; Mackey; Mackile; Mackine; Mackland; Mackley; Mackloud; Mackoulas; Macome; Macon; Macone; Maconees; Madby; Maddison; Maddocks; Madison; Madon; Madston; Mady; Magerson; Maghee; Magoon; Maguire; Mahone; Mahoney; Mahoon; Maidstone; Maine; Maires; Makenan; Malahan; Male; Malliase; Mallord; Mallory; Malone; Manahan; Mandy; Mangfield; Manister; Mann; Manning; Mansell; Manton; Manvill; Mapler; Marchant; Marcum; Marey; Margregor; Margtston; Mariner; Marke; Markham; Marlar; Marlers; Marmerin; Marrel; Marrow; Marsh; Marshall; Martin; Martyn; Martyr; Marwood; Masey; Masingam; Mask; Maskill; Masler; Mason; Mathew; Mathews; Matthews; Mattly; Mattock; Maudlin; Mauldin; Maxfield; May; Mayes; Mayhew; Mayler; Maynards; Mayson; Mcartee; McCarty; McCormock; McDaniel; McDaniell; McGraw; McHall; McKenney; McKenny; Mead; Meade; Meader; Meador; Meakings; Meaks; Mealy; Meate; Meccola; Mechan; Medar; Meddcalfe; Meder; Meders; Medford; Medley; Medway; Mee; Meeares; Meege; Meeke; Meekins; Mekin; Melony; Menloe; Mercer; Meriweather; Merreck; Merreday; Merrick; Merritt; Merriweather; Merton; Michael; Mickleton; Micou; Middleton; Might; Miles; Millard; Miller; Milles; Millner; Mills; Milner; Milton; Minor; Minos; Minshall; Minson; Minton; Mitchell; Mitchner; Mixen; Mixon; Moals; Moberton; Mocke; Mohun; Moker; Mold; Moncke; Moncreife; Monday; Moneghan; Monghan; Monjoy; Monk; Montague; Montgomery; Monthly; Moody; Moon; Moone; Moor; Moore; Moran; Morden; More; Morecroft; Morehead; Morgan; Mories; Morline; Morpus; Morrine; Morris; Morrison; Morton; Moseley; Mosely; Moss; Mosse; Mossey; Mott; Mould; Mourty; Mouse; Moxon; Mucarter; MuCulloch; Mullenax; Mumford; Munford; Munro; Munt; Muran; Murphey; Murphy; Murra; Murray; Murrel; Murrley; Musgrove; Musick; Must;
Nagle; Napp; Nason; Neal; Neale; Neave; Neck; Neidum; Nelle; Nelson; Neste; Netherby; Nettle; Neves; Nevett; Nevil; Nevill; Newchock; Newcombe; Newell; Newgent; Newman; Newsister; Newton; Newty; Niccolls; Nicholas; Nicholls; Nichols; Nicholson; Nixon; Noble; Noland; Noridge; Norman; Norment; Norris; North; Norton; Nouling; Nowell; Noy; Nugent; Numquam; Nun;
O’hare; Oakley; Oaks; Obrislow; Ogle; Oglesby; Oglevie; Ohern; Oldis; Oldwyn; Oliphant; Olivant; Oliver; Oneal; Oneale; Onely; Orby; Oriell; Orkney; Ormond; Osborne; Oughley; Overby; Overton; Owen; Owens;
Packford; Padey; Page; Pagitur; Paine; Painter; Pallaser; Pallet; Pallmor; Palmer; Pannell; Pantry; Paramore; Pargetor; Parker; Parkes; Parkeson; Parland; Parnam; Parr; Parramore; Parrott; Parry; Parson; Parsons; Partetine; Partlow; Patchell; Patcher; Pate; Patrick; Patridge; Patten; Patterson; Pattison; Payne; Peace; Peachy; Peacock; Peage; Peake; Pearl; Pearson; Peathrid; Peatross; Peck; Peckett; Peddler; Pedley; Peeters; Peilham; Pellington; Pember; Pemberton; Pendleton; Pendry; Penley; Pennell; Penney; Pennington; Penny; Penquit; Penyard; Perkins; Perry; Persefull; Persifield; Peters; Peterson; Petit; Pettigree; Pettis; Pettit; Petty; Pettys; Pew; Phatrick; Phelps; Philips; Phillips; Phipp; Phipps; Phips; Pickerell; Pickerman; Pickett; Pickle; Pierce; Pierson; Pigg; Pile; Pilkinton; Pinck; Pindar; Pinhorne; Pinnell; Piper; Pirete; Pitman; Pitt; Pittman; Pitton; Pitts; Place; Plaistor; Platt; Plower; Plowman; Plumer; Plummer; Plumpton; Plunkett; Poke; Polentine; Pollard; Pomeroy; Pontou; Ponyard; Poole; Poor; Popper; Pore; Porte; Portees; Porter; Porteus; Portew; Portman; Potter; Potts; Poule; Povie; Powell; Power; Prad; Pratt; Prenton; Prescott; Presly; Preston; Price; Prichard; Prichett; Prideaux; Prince; Pringle; Pritchett; Probert; Procter; Prosser; Proverb; Pryor; Purifoy; Pursing; Purtell; Purvey; Purvis; Putman; Putterhall; Putty; Puttyn; Pyborne; Pye; Pym;
Qually; Quanden; Quarles; Queek; Quillion; Quinch; Quinn; Quirk;
Raban; Rackley; Rade; Radford; Rafferty; Raines; Ramsey; Randall; Randell; Ranshaw; Rapier; Rascue; Rashley; Ratcliffe; Raven; Ravenhill; Rawlins; Rawlyns; Ray; Rayt; Rea; Read; Reade; Readeing; Ready; Reaves; Reddin; Redferne; Redmon; Redstone; Reed; Reekes; Reese; Reeve; Reeves; Reid; Reiley; Rennolds; Reynolds; Rice; Rich; Richards; Richardson; Richeson; Rick; Rickett; Rickutts; Riddle; Rider; Ridgeway; Ridley; Rigbey; Ring; Ripley; Rippin; Risque; Rivers; Roach; Robbinson; Robert; Roberts; Robertson; Robins; Robinson; Robison; Rochfort; Rock; Rodes; Roe; Roffe; Rogers; Rolfe; Rollins; Rolph; Rome; Rookes; Rose; Ross; Rosser; Rousby; Rouse; Rousey; Rowe; Rowland; Rowling; Rowly; Rowsey; Roy; Royley; Royston; Rucker; Ruckett; Ruckley; Rudnell; Ruducks; Ruff; Ruffield; Ruider; Rumball; Rush; Russell; Rutlage; Ryan; Ryland; Ryle; Ryley;
Sackler; Sacre; Sadler; Sadome; Saker; Salman; Salmo; Salmon; Salt; Salter; Saltit; Samine; Sammon; Samper; Sampson; Samuel; Samuell; Samuels; Sanadge; Sandall; Sanderbee; Sanders; Sanderson; Sandland; Sands; Sanford; Sansdell; Sape; Sardewell; Sargant; Saunders; Savage; Savin; Savoy; Sawer; Sayer; Sayler; Scaler; Scarburgh; Schoolcroft; Sclater; Scoole; Scott; Scrimshare; Scrimshaw; Seaborne; Seale; Sealeby; Searle; Seawell; Seawen; Seay; Sebright; Seed; Seegood; Segar; Segrave; Selby; Seldwick; Sely; Sendall; Senecay; Senior; Serjent; Serrey; Sewer; Sexton; Seymore; Seymour; Shackleford; Shadd; Shadwell; Shafton; Shannon; Sharp; Sharpe; Sharrot; Shaw; Shawcocke; Shay; Sheeres; Sheldon; Shepard; Shepherd; Sheppard; Sherman; Sherrick; Sherwood; Shippey; Shipton; Shokey; Shoreditch; Shorpe; Short; Shorten; Shurley; Sides; Sidon; Signe; Signett; Signey; Silly; Silvester; Sime; Simins; Simmons; Simpkin; Simpkins; Simpson; Sims; Sinckler; Singleton; Sinkler; Siquis; Sisson; Sistlet; Sizemore; Sizer; Skaife; Skandon; Skelton; Skew; Skinker; Skinner; Skory; Slaughter; Sloane; Slocum; Small; Smalwood; Smart; Smith; Smithey; Smithson; Sneade; Snip; Soanes; Solders; Somerfield; Sorre; South; Southern; Soward; Sowell; Spade; Sparkes; Speckott; Speed; Speede; Spence; Spencer; Spensor; Spicer; Spiers; Spike; Spilman; Spilsby; Spite; Splaughan; Spratt; Spriggs; Sprightly; Sprouse; Spruce; Spry; Spurstoe; Spurtin; Squerel; Squire; Stafford; Staige; Staller; Stanard; Standbridge; Standfast; Standred; Stanes; Stanly; Stannopp; Stanton; Staple; Staples; Starke; Starkey; Starling; Starlingburgh; Staunton; Staynesby; Stayton; Steel; Stephen; Stephens; Stevens; Stevenson; Steward; Stewarde; Stewarder; Stiles; Stockings; Stockins; Stockwell; Stokes; Stone; Stoneman; Stoner; Stones; Storey; Stradling; Strahan; Straid; Strange; Straughn; Streater; Street; Streeter; Streton; Stretton; Stringer; Strinn; Strong; Strothers; Sturgis; Suckett; Sugar; Sugbery; Sulavent; Sullivant; Summer; Summerfield; Summers; Susano; Suter; Sutton; Swan; Swann; Sweet; Sweney; Sweny; Swift; Swimer; Swinsen; Sydney; Symes; Symons; Syra;
Tabb; Taddey; Taft; Talbert; Talbot; Talbott; Taliafero; Taliaferro; Talliaferro; Tandy; Tanner; Tansor; Tarkettle; Tarkley; Tarnton; Tatlar; Tawkerd; Tawney; Tayler; Tayloe; Taylor; Teague; Teakby; Tee; Temple; Tenny; Terrell; Terrey; Terry; Tew; Thacker; Tharwell; Thatcher; Thatcker; Therkleson; Thickepenny; Thimbler; Thoman; Thomas; Thomason; Thompson; Thorne; Thorning; Thornton; Thorpe; Thrap; Threshley; Thronton; Thruston; Thurmond; Thurston; Tibbalds; Tickner; Ticknor; Tidy; Till; Tilly; Timberlake; Timple; Timpson; Tinner; Tinsley; Tirrell; Titford; Tobdell; Todd; Tolarton; Toldicdy; Tollerton; Tolt; Tomason; Tomkins; Tomlin; Tompkins; Tompson; Toms; Tooth; Towers; Town; Townley; Townsend; Townsing; Toy; Tracy; Trash; Travis; Trays; Treamer; Trean; Treason; Tredwith; Tregg; Treson; Trew; Trewolla; Trigg; Trindorothy; Trotter; Trotton; Trowell; Trowers; Trowle; Truscott; Tubb; Tucker; Tunnell; Tunstall; Turff; Turk; Turke; Turner; Turwyn; Tuty; Twisdell; Twy; Tye; Tyrell;
Umpton; Underfeild; Underhill; Underwood; Upter; Upton;
Vail; Vale; Valentine; Van de Powke; Vandulett; Vardtrue; Varnam; Vastall; Vaughan; Veale; Velley; Vener; Verdon; Vickers; Vickgins; Vincent; Vindall; Vinegar; Vinge; Vinson; Vintner; Vivion; Volens;
Wadloe; Wagnall; Waid; Waines; Waite; Wakefeild; Wakeling; Wakeman; Waley; Walk; Walker; Wallace; Waller; Wallis; Walsh; Ward; Warden; Warder; Wardiner; Ware; Warkman; Warner; Warr; Warren; Warrick; Warry; Warwick; Wash; Washington; Wasley; Wateman; Waters; Wathey; Watkins; Watson; Watteny; Watts; Waugh; Way; Weatherby; Weaver; Webb; Webber; Webly; Webster; Weeding; Weedon; Weekes; Weeks; Wees; Weir; Welbeloved; Welby; Welch; Welcham; Wellbeloved; Wellman; Wells; Wenter; Wescott; Wesson; West; Weston; Wethers; Wetherstone; Wever; Whaler; Whalin; Wharton; Wheafeby; Wheatly; Wheeler; Whidbee; Whiskin; White; Whitehead; Whitehorn; Whiters; Whiteside; Whiting; Whitley; Whitney; Whittaker; Whittnorth; Whittson; Whitworth; Whoden; Wickley; Widdows; Wiggen; Wilard; Wilcock; Wilcox; Wild; Wildham; Wilkerson; Wilkes; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willeton; Williames; Williams; Williamson; Willington; Willis; Willows; Willson; Wilmore; Wilmott; Wilsford; Wilson; Winch; Windebanck; Windul; Wingate; Wingfield; Winn; Winneger; Winston; Wise; Wiseman; Wist; Witheril; Withers; Wittingham; Wollock; Wood; Woodard; Woodbourne; Woodbridge; Woodcock; Woodcroft; Woodford; Woodland; Woodliffe; Woodroff; Woodrow; Woodruff; Woodward; Wooley; Woolfolk; Woollet; Worden; Workman; Worley; Worlock; Wormeley; Wormley; Wormston; Worrell; Worth; Worthington; Wriding; Wright; Wroth; Wry; Wyatt; Wyer; Wyndam; Wyre;
Yallop; Yallow; Yarbrough; Yaring; Yarrow; Yates; Yeats; Yeatts; Yeomans; Yewen; York; Youall; Young;
Return to Caroline Co., Virginia Colonial Census, 1650-1773
Surnames from Caroline County, Virginia Lost Wills, 1727-1852
Abbott; Abraham; Acors; Acres; Adams; Alcock; Alexander; Allen; Allerton; Allock; Allport; Allyn; Almond; Alsop; Allcock; Allison; Amery; Amiss; Anderson; Andrews; Armistead; Armor; Armpstead; Arnold; Arnolds; Ashby; Ashley; Atkins; Atkinson; Austin;
Baber; Bagbee; Bagby; Baggott; Baker; Ball; Ballard; Bane; Bankhead; Banks; Baptist; Barbee; Barber; Barbers; Barbour; Barlow; Barnardi; Barnes; Barnett; Barrett; Bassett; Bastin; Bates; Battaile; Baughan; Baughn; Bayles; Baylor; Baynham; Beatty; Beaumont; Beasley; Beazeley; Beazley; Beckham; Becton; Bell; Bendall; Benger; Benson; Bergamo; Berkeley; Bernard; Berry; Berryman; Beverley; Bibb; Billingsley; Blackburn; Blake; Bland; Blank; Blanq; Blanton; Blunt; Bondurant; Booker; Booten; Booth; Booths; Boshem; Bostick; Botts; Boughan; Boulware; Boulware; Bourn; Bourn; Boutwell; Bowcock; Bowers; Bowie; Bowler; Bowles; Bradley; Brame; Branan; Brandon; Branson; Brashear; Brassfield; Braxton; Braxtons; Bray; Brayhead; Brayne; Braynefield; Breame; Breman; Bridgar; Bridges; Broaddus; Broadhert; Broadnax; Brock; Bronaugh; Bronaugh; Brooke; Brooks; Brown; Bruce; Brumbury; Brumley; Brunskill; Bryce; Buckner; Buford; Buford; Bullard/Ballard; Bullock; Burett; Burke; Burnett; Burnley; Burroughs; Burrus; Burton; Burwell; Bush; Butler; Buttler; Button;
Camm; Cammack; Campbell; Care; Carlisle; Carnal; Carrick; Carlton; Carr; Carson; Carter; Carters; Cason; Catlett; Caton; Chadwell; Chadwell; Chamberlayne; Chambers; Champe; Champlain; Chandler; Chapman; Cheadle; Cheney; Chew; Chewning; Childress; Chiles; Clark; Clarke; Clayton; Cleere; Clifton; Cluse; Cluverius; Coates; Coats; Cobbs; Cocke; Coghill; Cole; Coleman; Collins; Colson; Colvin; Commock; Conally; Conduit; Conner; Connor; Connors; Conquest; Consalea; Conway; Conways; Cooke; Cooper; Corbin; Corbin; Corprew; Corr; Cosby; Cottrell; Coulthard; Courts; Cowne; Cox; Crampton; Creasy; Crenshaw; Crew; Crips; Crittenden; Cross; Croucher; Crutcher; Crutchfield; Cue; Cuming; Curray; Currey; Currie; Curtis;
Dabney; Dade; Daingerfield; Daniel; Davey; Davis; Davy; Dawson; Dean; Dearing; DeBaptist; Debnam; Deer; Dejarnett; Dejarnette; Dejarnnett; Dent; Devnport; Dew; Dickerson; Dickin; Dickins; Dickinson; Didlake; Digges; Diggins; Dillard; Dishman; Dishmans; Dismukes; Dissington; Dixon; Doggett; Donahoe; Doniphan; Doniphans; Doricoat; Dorrell; Doswell; Dowls; Downer; Downing; Drake; Drummond; Ducote; Dudley; Duerson; Duke; Duleny; Duling; Dunkirk; Dunlop; Dunn; Durrett; Duval;
Eaves; Edge; Edmundsbury; Edwards; Egliston; Eleam; Elgin; Ellerson; Elitt; Elliott; Ellis; Eltonhead; Elwin; Ennis; Epsom; Erwin; Estes; Estis; Eubank; Evans;
Fant; Farinholt; Farish; Farley; Farmer; Farrils; Farrills; Farrow; Faulkner; Faunt; Fauntleroy; Favor; Fawcett; Ferrell; Ficklin; Field; Fields; Fitzhugh; Fleet; Fletcher; Flintshire; Flippo; Fortson; Fortune; Foster; Foushee; Fox; Frazer; Frawner; Freeman; Friend; Frost; Furgesson; Furnell; Furrer;
Gaines; Gale; Gales; Gant; Gardner; Garlick; Garnett; Garrett; Garritt; Garth; Gatewood; Gayle; Gaymont; Geisey; Gentry; George; Gibson; Gilchrist; Gillespie; Gillett; Gilliam; Gillis; Gilmore; Glassell; Glaze; Glover; Goodloe; Goodrich; Goodwin; Gordon; Gouldin; Grafton; Graham; Gravatt; Graves; Gray; Graye; Graye; Grayson; Green; Greer; Gregory; Gresham; Grey; Grimes; Guest; Guirey; Guy; Gwathmey;
Haas; Hackett; Hackley; Hackney; Haden; Haile; Hailey; Haislip; Haley; Halford; Halford; Hall; Hamlet; Hampton; Hardie; Hargrave; Harmanson; Harris; Harriss; Harrison; Hart; Harwood; Hawes; Hawkins; Haws; Hay; Hayes; Hayfield; Haymount; Hays; Hazlewood; Head; Hearford; Heiskell; Henderson; Henley; Henry; Henshaw; Heone; Herndon; Heslop; Heslop; Hewlett; Hibler; Hickman; Hicks; Higginbottom; Hill; Hilliard; Hillman; Hilzim; Hipkins; Hockday; Hoggett; Holbert; Holcomb; Holliday; Holloway; Holly; Hoomes; Hooper; Hopkins; Hord; Hornby; Horsley; Houston; Howard; Hudgen; Hudgin; Hughes; Hundley; Hunter; Hurt; Hurtt; Hustin; Hutcherson; Hutcheson; Hutchinson;
Irby; Isbell;
Jackson; James; Jarviss; Jeffries; Jerrell; Jesse; Jessee; Jeter; Jett; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Joness; Jordan; Jourdans;
Kane; Kay; Kean; Kelley; Kelly; Kemp; Kenner; Kenyon; Key; Kidd; Kimbrough; King; Knott; Knox; Kurtz;
La Blanq; Lafong; Landrum; Lane; Laneville; Laughlin; Lear; Leavell; Lee; Lewis; Light; Lightfoot; Linch; Lindsay; Lipscomb; Lively; Lockwood; Lomax; London; Long; Loretto; Loughlin; Loury; Lovern; Lovil; Loving; Lowrey; Lowry; Lucas; Luck; Luckett; Lumpkin; Lunsford; Lynch; Lyne; Lynes; Lyons;
Madison; Magruder; Mahoney; Malone; Mallory; Mannsfield; Mansfield; Markham; Markhaney; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Masson; Massey; Mastan; Masten; Matheson; Matthews; Maury; May; Mayo; McCall; MCraw; McGeath; McGee; McGehee; McGuire; McKenny; Mclear; McMurrin; McPhersons; McTyre; McWilliams; Mealy; Meaux; Megehel; Mellett; Melrose; Mercer; Merriday; Meuillon; Micou; Middleburks; Millbrook; Miller; Mills; Minor; Mitchell; Monroe; Montague; Moon; Moore; Moorman; Moren; Morgan; Morris; Morson; Moss; Motley; Mourning; Mowry; Mucknebree; Mullin; Mullincan; Mullins; Munday; Murphy; Murray;
Napier; Neale; Needler; Needwood; Neely; Nelson; New; Newbury; Newington; Newland; Newman; Newton; Nicholas; Nickolson; Nodins; Noel; Noell; Norman; Norment; Norril; Northrop; Nossett; Null;
ONeal; Oberdorfer; Obert; Oliver; Omohundro; Oneal; Outlaw; Overton; Owens;
Page; Pare; Parish; Parke; Parker; Parks; Parrish; Partlow; Penn; Patten; Patterson; Paxton; Payne; Peake; Pearce; Pearson; Peatross; Peirce; Pemberton; Pendleton; Penn; Penny; Pentvin; Perrott; Perrotts; Perry; Pettis; Peyton; Phillips; Piccadate; Pickett; Pierce; Pittin; Pittman; Pitts; Pliant; Pocket; Poindexter; Pollard; Pope; Powell; Powers; Pratt; Preuitt; Prewet; Price; Prices; Prichett; Priddie; Priddy; Pruett; Puller; Pulliam; Purks;
Quarles; Quisenberry;
Randolph; Raone; Ratliff; Raulins; Rawlings; Rawlings; Rawlins; Reams; Redd; Rennelds; Renolds; Renolds; Renols; Reynolds; Rhodes; Richards; Richardson; Richerson; Richeson; Ricks; Riddle; Riding; Ring; Richards; Ritchie; Ritenour; Rizzo; Roach; Roane; Robb; Robbins; Roberson; Robertson; Robins; Robinson; Robinsons; Roganni; Rogers; Rolfe; Rollins; Roots; Roper; Rose; Rosser; Rothroach; Rowe; Rowlings; Rowsee; Rowzie; Roxbury; Roy; Royston; Rubish; Rubish; Ruffin; Rundell; Rush; Russel; Rust; Rutherford; Ryland;
Sacra; Sacry; Sadler; Sale; Samuel; Satterwhite; Saunders; Schermerhorn; Scott; Seal; Seay; Segar; Selden; Self; Semple; Shackelford; Shaddock; Shebbard; Shelton; Shepherd; Sheppard; Ship; Silvan; Simmons; Simpson; Sizer; Skelton; Skinker; Skyrin; Slaughter; Sleet; Slemon; Smelt; Smith; Smoot; Sneed; Sorrell; Southworth; Southworth; Southworth; Sowell; Spilman; Spindle; Spotswood; Stallard; Stanard; Stanfield; Stanhope; Steavenson; Stedd; Stephens; Stern; Stevens; Stewart; Sthreshley; Stith; Stokes; Stone; Stone; Strebeck; Streshey; Streshley; Stuart; Stubblefield; Surles; Sutton; Swan; Swann; Symmer;
Tabb; Taliaferro; Talley; Tamplin; Tandy; Tankersley; Tayloe; Taylor; Tearl; Teller; Temberlake; Temburlake; Temple; Tenison; Tennent; Terrell; Terry; Thacker; Thomas; Thompson; Thornley; Thornly; Thornton; Thorpe; Throckmorton; Thurston; Tidwell; Tiernan; Tiller; Timberlake; Tinsley; Tod; Todd; Toler; Tomas; Tomkins; Tompkins; Tompson; Toombs; Towles; Toyns; Trainham; Treble; Tribble; Trice; Trigg; Trimmer; Triplett; Troulk; Tuberville; Tuck; Tucker; Tunstall; Tureman; Turner; Twyman; Tyler;
Underwood; Upshaw;
Vaucluse; Vaughan; Vawter; Venable; Vileboro; Voss;
Waddle; Waff; Walden; Walker; Walkerton; Waller; Warburton; Ward; Ware; Waring; Wartham; Washington; Washington; Waters; Wathney; Watkins; Watts; Wattes; Waugh; Weatherford; Weathers; Webb; Weekeses; Wellford; Wells; Westerton; Wharton; Wharton; White; Whitecotton; Whiticar; Whiting; Whitlock; Whitton; Whorton; Wickham; Wiglesworth; Wilcherson; Wiles; Wiley; Wilkinson; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Willson; Wimpakin; Wingfield; Winn; Winslow; Winston; Withers; Witherspoon; Woodbury; Woodford; Woodson; Woolard; Woolfolk; Wormley; Wormeley; Wortham; Wright; Wyatt; Wythe;
Yancy; Yarbrough; Yates; Yeiser; Young
Return to Caroline Co., Va 'Lost' Wills, 1727-1852
Surnames from Caroline Co., Va 'Lost' Wills, Vol 2: 1676-1855
Acre; Alexander; Allan; Allen; Allyn; Almond; Alsop; Ament; Amos; Anderson; Andrews; Apperson; Armistead; Arthur; Askey; Atharves; Atkins; Atkinson; Ayers; Aylett;
Baird; Balfour; Ball; Ballard; Bankhead; Banks; Baptist; Barbee; Barber; Baker; Barker; Barksdale; Barlow; Barnett; Barnes; Barton; Bassett; Bastin; Bates; Battaile; Baylor; Baynham; Beadles; Beazeley; Beazely; Beazly; Bell; Bench; Bendall; Berkeley; Berress; Berrie; Berry; Bertier; Beverley; Bibb; Bickley; Billingsley; Blackburn; Blakes; Blanton; Bondurant; Boteler; Boughton; Boulware; Boutwell; Bowie; Bowler; Bradford; Bradley; Brame; Branan; Branghile; Bransom; Brashear; Bratton; Bray; Brent; Broadas; Broaddus; Brock; Brockenbrough; Bronaugh; Brooke; Brooks; Broomfield; Brown; Broyles; Bruce; Brumfield; Bryce; Buckner; Bullock; Bunle; Burch; Burford; Burke; Burks; Burnett; Burnham; Burnley; Burrus; Burruss; Butler; Byrd;
Callawn; Cambell; Campbell; Canady; Cannon; Care; Carlton; Carmichael; Carnal; Carnall; Carneal; Carr; Carrick; Carrie; Carter; Cartwright; Casey; Casy; Catlett; Cave; Cecil; Chadwell; Challice; Chandler; Chapman; Charlton; Cheadle; Chenault; Chew; Chiceley; Childres; Chiles; Chinnault; Chivis; Clark; Clarke; Clayton; Claytor; Clear; Cleare; Cleere; Clements; Clift; Clure; Coats; Cobb; Cobbs; Cocke; Cockril; Coghill; Cole; Coleman; Collawan; Collier; Collins; Colson; Combs; Compton; Conduit; Conner; Conway; Cooper; Corbett; Corbin; Corr; Coutts; Covington; Craig; Crank; Crawford; Crawley; Crew; Cridlin; Crooks; Crosbill; Cross; Crutcher; Crutchfield; Cumin; Cuninghame; Cunningham; Curtain; Curtis;
Dabney; Dangerfield; Daniel; Darnaby; Darracott; Darrett; Davenport; Davidson; Davis; Dawson; Day; Dejarnatt; Devall; Dew; Dick; Dickenson; Dickerson; Dickinson; Dickson; Digges; Dillard; Dismukes; Dixon; Doggett; Donahoe; Doswell; Douglass; Dougles; Dougless; Downer; Downing; Drummund; Dudley; Duke; Duling; Duncanson; Dunlop; Dunn; Durett; Durrett; Duval; Duvall; Dyson;
Edes; Edmundson; Edwards; Ellington; Elliott; Ellis; Ellyson; Eltonhead; Emerson; Emmerson; Emmons; England; Enlarge; Ennis; Estes; Eubank; Evens;
Falmouth; Farguson; Farich; Farish; Farley; Farmer; Faulkner; Fauntleroy; Ficklin; Field; Fitzhugh; Flagg; Fleet; Fleming; Fletcher; Flippo; Flood; Florella; Fogg; Fortune; Foster; Fox; Franklin; Frawner; Frazier; Freeman; French; Friend; Fulcher; Fulshire;
Gadberry; Gardner; Garnett; Garnette; Garrett; Garrick; Gatchell; Gatewood; Gayle; George; Geter; Gibson; Gilchrist; Gillis; Gillium; Gilmours; Glanton; Glassell; Glenn; Goldsby; Goodall; Goode; Goodloe; Goodman; Goodwin; Goodwin; Gordon; Gouch; Gouge; Gouldan; Goulden; Gouldin; Goulding; Gouldman; Gravatt; Graves; Gray; Green; Greenstreet; Greer; Gresham; Griffin; Grymes; Guillintine; Guirey; Guisey; Guy; Gwathney;
Hackett; Hackett; Hackney; Haden; Hall; Hampton; Hancock; Hargrave; Harris; Harrison; Hart; Hattons; Hawes; Hawkes; Hawkins; Hay; Heiskell; Henderson; Hening; Henry; Henshaw; Hensley; Hereford; Herndon; Heslop; Heslop; Hewlett; Hickman; Higgin; Higginbotham; Hill; Hobby; Hodges; Holladay; Holliday; Holloway; Holt; Hood; Hoomes; Hoomes; Hopkins; Houstin; Houston; Howard; Howle; Hudgin; Hudgins; Hughes; Humphress; Humphries; Hundley; Hunnicutt; Hunter; Hurt; Hutcheson; Hutchison; Hutton;
Ingram; Isbell; Isbell; Isbell; Isbell; Innis;
Jackson; Jacob; James; Jenkins; Jesse; Jeter; Jett; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan; Jouett;
Kamper; Kay; Kean; Kelly; Kemper; Kennedy; Kenner; Kensall; Kenyon; Kerr; Kidd; Kimbrough; King; Knox;
Ladysmith; Lafon; Lafong; Landrum; Larimore; Laughlin; Lawson; Leavell; Lecoste; Lee; Legan; Legg; Levin; Lewis; Lightfoot; Linch; Lindsay; Line; Lipscomb; Lloyd; Lomax; Long; Loury; Loven; Loven; Lovern; Lowe; Lowndes; Lowry; Lucas; Luck; Ludwell; Lumpkin; Lyndsay; Lyne;
Mabile; Machgehee; Mackay; Macon; Maddox; Madison; Magruder; Malone; Marable; Markham; Marshall; Martin; Martindale; Marye; Mason; Massey; Mathie; Matthews; Matthie; Maudlin; Maulden; Mauldin; Maulding; Maury; May; Mayo; McCally; McCandlish; McDaniel; McDonald; McKenlish; McKenney; McLaughlin; McMillion; McMurry; McWilliams; Meacham; Merrick; Merryman; Metcalfe; Meuillon; Michael; Mickleborough; Micou; Middlebrook; Miffleton; Miller; Mills; Minor; Minton; Mitchel; Moith; Moncure; Montague; Moody; Moon; Moore; Moorman; Moren; Morgan; Morris; Mortimer; Moss; Motley; Munday; Munday; Munday; Mundle; Murdock; Murrah; Murray; Murrow; Murur; Muse;
Napier; Nebeker; Nelson; Nesbett; Newton; Nicholas; Nicholson; Nodens; Noel; Noell; Norment; Normont; Norris; Nourse;
Oaks; Oglesby; Oliver; Owen;
Page; Pare; Parke; Parker; Parrish; Parsons; Partlow; Pass; Payne; Pearce; Peatross; Peatross; Pemberton; Pendleton; Peney; Penn; Penny; Penney; Penny; Perens; Perkins; Perks; Perry; Pettis; Pettus; Peyton; Philips; Pickett; Pitman; Pittman; Pitts; Poindexter; Pollard; Pollett; Pollock; Poole; Poore; Pope; Porteus; Powers; Pratt; Premm; Prescott; Price; Pritchard; Pritchett; Pruett; Pruitt; Pugh; Puller; Pullium; Purks; Purves;
Quarles; Quisenberry;
Radford; Ragsdale; Raines; Rains; Randolph; Redd; Reddick; Redman; Rennolds; Reynolds; Rhodes; Richards; Richardson; Richerson; Richeson; Riding; Ritchie; Rittenhouse; Rixey; Roach; Roane; Robb; Roberts; Robertson; Robey; Robinson; Rogers; Rollingz; Rollins; Rootes; Ronza; Roper; Rose; Ross; Rouse; Row; Rowe; Roy; Royston; Rozzell; Rust; Ryland;
Sacre; Sacra; Sale; Sallinger; Samuel; Sanders; Sandidge; Saund; Saunders; Schooler; Scott; Scranage; Seal; Sears; Seaton; Seay; Secretariat; Segar; Seizor; Self; Semple; Shackelford; Shaddock; Sharp; Simpson; Sisson; Sizer; Skinker; Skipwith; Slaughter; Smith; Smither; Smock; Smoot; Sneed; Somervill; Sommerville; Sorrell; Southworth; Spencer; Spendle; Spindle; Stairs; Stanard; Steptoe; Stern; Stevens; Stewart; Stillman; Stone; Stoneham; Strachan; Strode; Strother; Stubblefield; Stucker; Sullinger; Summer; Summers; Summerson; Sutton; Swan; Swann; Swinton; Sydserff; Sym; Symmer;
Taliaferro; Talley; Tankard; Tankersley; Tankersly; Tapscott; Tayloe; Tayloe; Tayloe; Taylor; Temple; Tennent; Terrason; Terrell; Terry; Theeds; Thomas; Thompson; Thomsson; Thornburn; Thornley; Thornton; Tiller; Timberlake; Tinsley; Tod; Todd; Tomas; Tompkins; Toombs; Townsend; Trevelian; Trevillian; Trible; Trice; Trigg; Tuck; Tucker; Tunstall; Tupman; Turnbull; Turner; Tutt; Twyman; Tyler;
Umbrickhouse; Underwood; Upshaw;
Vanlebter; Vaughan; Vaughn; Vawter; Venable; Von Kapff; Voss;
Walden; Waller; Warden; Ware; Waring; Warton; Washington; Waters; Watkins; Waugh; Welch; Welford; Wells; West; Westendorf; Wharton; Wheeler; White; Whiting; Whitlock; Wiatt; Wiglesworth; Wigglesworth; Wilcox; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wilson; Winder; Wingfield; Winn; Winston; Womack; Wood; Woodford; Woolfolk; Woolfolk; Wormeley; Wortham; Wortham; Wren; Wright; Wyatt;
Yancey; Yancy; Yarbrough; Yates; Yeiser; Young
Return to Caroline Co., Va 'Lost' Wills, Vol.2: 1676-1855
Surnames from Caroline Co., Va 'Lost' Wills, Vol 3: 1676-1855
Alexander; Alcock; Allen; Allcock; Alsop; Alves; Anderson; Andrews; Ashton; Atkinson; Austin; Avery; Aylett;
Baber; Ball; Bankhead; Baptist; Barlow; Barnes; Bartin; Battaile; Battaley; Baylor; Beadles; Beazley; Bell; Berkeley; Bernard; Berry; Berryman; Beverley; Bibb; Billups; Binford; Blackburn; Blake; Blank; Blanks; Blanton; Blaydes; Blunt; Bohannan; Boughan; Boulware; Boutwell; Bowers; Bowie; Bowles; Bradburn; Bradley; Brame; Brananx; Branch; Braxton; Bridges; Broaddus; Broadnax; Brockenbrough; Brooke; Brooking; Brooks; Brown; Bruce; Buckner; Bullard; Bullock; Burdeck; Burke; Burruss; Burton; Butler; Byrd;
Callawan; Callawn; Cammack; Campbell; Care; Carlton; Carmichael; Carnal; Carnall; Carr; Carter; Cash; Cason; Catlett; Catling; Catling; Cave; Champe; Chandler; Chapman; Chenault; Chewning; Childsburg; Chiles; Christian; Christian; Christopher; Clark; Claxton; Clear; Cleere; Clift; Clough; Coates; Cobbs; Cockerill; Coghill; Cole; Coleman; Collins; Conduit; Conner; Conway; Cooper; Corbin; Corts; Courts; Covington; Crane; Craughford; Crew; Cross; Crouch; Crutcher; Crutchfield;
Dabney; Dade; Daniel; Davis; Day; Dejarnett; Dejarnette; Demure; Dickinson; Digges; Dillard; Dishman; Disney; Dodson; Doggett; Doles; Donahoe; Doniphan; Dorsey; Doswell; Douglass; Douls; Dowles; Downer; Dunn; Durrett; Duval; Dyson;
Edmund; Edwards; Elkins; Elliott; Emerson; England; Ernest; Estes; Evans;
Farish; Faulcher; Fauntleroy; Ferrell; Fields; Fisher; Fitzhugh; Fletcher; Flippo; Fogg; Foote; Florida; Fortson; Foster; Fox; Frazer; Freeman; Friend; Fulcher; Furgesson;
Gadberry; Gaines; Gardiner; Gardner; Garnett; Garrett; Gatewood; Gayle; George; Gibson; Gilbert; Gillison; Glanton; Goldsby; Goodbar; Goodloe; Goodwin; Gouldin; Goulding; Gouldman; Grammer; Gravatt; Graves; Gravett; Gray; Green; Greenstreet; Greer; Gresham; Grinter; Grymes; Guisey; Gunter; Gunther; Guy;
Hackett; Hainey/Harney; Hall; Hamilton; Hampton; Hardia; Harding; Hardy; Harney/Hainey; Harris; Harrison; Hart; Harwood; Haskins; Hawes; Hawkins; Hay; Haynes; Henderson; Henshaw; Hepburn; Heslop; Hewlett; Hilldrup; Hipkins; Hodges; Holladay; Holloway; Hoodless; Hooe; Hoomes; Hord; Houston; Howle; Hubbard; Hudgin; Hughes; Hundley; Hunter; Hurt; Hutcheson; Hutchinson;
Ingram; Isbell;
Jackson; James; Jeffress; Jerrell; Jesse; Jeter; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan;
Kay; Kean; Keeble; Kehr; Kelley; Kelly; Kenner; Kidd; Kimbrough; KingKendall; Kircheval; Kyle;
Lad; Lafon; Landram; Laughlin; Lawless; Lawrence; Lefoe; Leich; Lewis; Lightfoot; Littlepage; Livingston; Loftis; Lomax; Long; Lott; Loving; Lowry; Lucas; Luck; Lumpkin; Lynch;
Maddox; Madison; Magruder; Mahon; Major; Malone; Marmaduke; Marrow?; Marshall; Martin; Marye; Mason; Massie; Massy; Mauldon; Maury; McCabe; McHary; McKinney; McLaughlin; Merrett; Merryman; Metcalfe; Micou; Mickleburrough; Middleton; Milford; Miller; Mills; Minor; Mitchell; Moncure; Moor; Moore; Moorman; Moren; Morgan; Morrison; Morriss; Motlay; Motley; Murrah; Murray;
Napier; Nelson; Newman; Newton; Nichols; Noel; Noell; Norment; Northrop; Nossitt;
Oaks; Oliver; O’Neal;
Pair; Pare; Parish; Parke; Parker; Parr; Pavey; Pavy; Payne; Payton; Peatross; Pemberton; Pendleton; Penny; Perkins; Perks; Perry; Peters; Peyton; Phelps; Philips; Phillips; Pickett; Pierce; Pittman; Pitts; Pleasants; Pollard; Pollock; Pope; Powell; Powers; Pratt; Price; Pruett; Pugh; Puller; Purks;
Quarles; Quesenberry; Quisenberry;
Ragan; Raines; Ramsay; Ramsay; Ratcliff; Rawlings; Redd; Reed; Renolds; Renols; Rennolds; Reynolds; Richardson; Richeson; Ricks; Riddle; Riding; Rippins; Ritchie; Robb; Roberts; Robinson; Roland; Rolands; Rollins; Rootes; Rose; Rouzie; Row; Rowe; Rowzee; Rowzie; Roy; Royster; Royston; Ryland;
Sacra; Sale; Samuel; Sanders; Sandford; Sanford; Satterwhite; Saunders; Scott; Seal; Seay; Seddon; Segar; Self; Seward; Shackelford; Shaddock; Shepherd; Shinault; Ship; Simpson; Sizer; Skinner; Slaughter; Smith; Snead; Sommerson; Sorrell; Southworth; Spindle; Stallard; Stanley; Starke; Sterne; Stettinius; Stevens; Stewart; Sthreshley; Stone; Streshley; Stuart; Summers; Summerson; Sutton; Swann; Syms;
Taliaferro; Talley; Tankersley; Taylor; Terrell; Thilman; Thomas; Thompkins; Thompson; Thomson; Thornton; Thurman; Tignor; Tiller; Timberlake; Tinsbloom; Tinsley; Tod; Todd; Tompkins; Toombs; Trainham; Trensly; Trevillian; Trible; Trice; Trinsley; Tunstall; Turberville; Turley; Turner; Tutt; Tyler;
Upshaw; Urquehard;
Vaughan; Vawter; Venable; Venter; Villeborough; Voss; Wade;
Walden; Waller; Ware; Waring; Warner; Washington; Watts; Waugh; Weathers; West; Wharton; White; White; Whitlock; Wigglesworth; Williamson; Willis; Willoughby; Wilson; Winfrey; Wingfield; Winston; Withers; Woodall; Woodford; Woodward; Woolfolk; Woollan; Wordrobe; Wortham; Wren; Wright; Wyatt;
Yarborough; Yates; Young; Younger.
Return to Caroline Co., Va 'Lost' Wills, Vol.3: 1676-1855
Surnames from Caroline County, Virginia Court Records: Will Book 1793-1897, Will & Plat Book 1742-1840; Will Book 19, 1814-1818
Adams; Alexander; Allen; Allpoart; Almond; Alsop; Alsup; Amiss; Anderson; Andrews; Anthony; Armisstead; Armistead; Armisteads;
Baber; Balfour; Ball; Bankhead; Barbee; Barlow; Barnett; Barsheba; Bates; Battaile; Baughan; Bayler; Bayles; Baylor; Beazley; Beckham; Bell; Bendal; Bendale; Bendall; Berry; Berryman; Bertier; Betty 6; Bibb; Bibbs; Black; Blackburn; Blanton; Boulwar; Boulware; Boutwell; Bowcock; Bowen; Bowers; Bowie; Bowler; Bradley; Bramble; Brame; Branan; Brander; Bransam; Breedlove; Broaddus; Broadus; Brooke; Brooks; Brown; Brumley; Bryce; Buckner; Bullard; Bullock; Bumpass; Burch; Burk; Burke; Burnett; Burnley; Burress; Burrus; Burruss; Burton; Burwell; Butler;
Camp; Campbell; Carlton; Carnal; Carnall; Carneal; Carr; Carter; Catlett; Chambelayne; Chandler; Chapman; Charlton; Cheadle; Chenault; Chevis; Chewning; Chiles; Christain; Clair; Clayton; Cleer; Clift; Coates; Coats; Cobbs; Cocke; Coghill; Cogwill; Cole; Coleman; Collins; Conduit; Conner; Connor; Conquest; Conway; Courts; Cox; Crittended; Cross; Crutchfield;
Dabney; Daingerfield; Daniel; Darnaby; Davenpart; Davenport; Daves; Davis; Dejarnatt; DeJarnett; Dejarnette; Demure; Dennis; Devenpart; Devenport; Dialake; Dick; Dicken; Dickens; Dickenson; Dickinson; Diggs; Dillard; Dishman; Dismukes; Dixon; Doget; Doggett; Donahoe; Doswell; Downer; Downing; Dudley; Duke; Duling; Dunlop; Dunn; Durrell; Durret; Durrett; Duval;
Edmundson; Edwards; Ellerson; Elliott; Ellis; England; Ennis; Estes; Eubank; Evans; Evens;
Fagg; Farish; Faulkner; Fauntleroy; Ferrell; Fields; Fitzhugh; Fletcher; Flippo; Flood; Fortson; Fox; Frensley; Fulcher; Fulshire; Fulton;
Gale; Gardner; Garnett; Garret; Garrett; Gatchell; Gatewood; Gayle; George; Gibson; Gilchrist; Gilmore; Glassell; Glover; Goaldin; Gooch; Goodloe; Goodman; Goodwin; Goulden; Graham; Graves; Gray; Graz; Green; Gregory; Grey; Grymes; Guiney; Guirey; Guy; Gwathmey;
Hachett; Hackett; Haden; Hall; Halley; Hampton; Hardia; Hargrave; Harris; Harrison; Hart; Hatchett; Hawes; Haynes; Henley; Heone; Herndon; Hewlet; Hichman; Hickman; Higgin; Hill; Hillyard; Hodges; Holloway; Hoomes; Hope; Hopkins; Hord; Houston; Howle; Hucheson; Huchinson; Hudgen; Hudgin; Hughes; Hughs; Hundley; Hunter; Hurt; Hutcherson; Hutcheson; Hutchinson; Hutchison;
Ingram; Ingrum; Innis;
Jackson; Jacobs; James; Jeffries; Jesse; Jeter; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordon; Jourdan; Judy;
Kay; Kean; Kelley; Kelly; Kenner; Key; Kidd;
Lacy; Lafong; Landrum; Laughlin; Lee; Lendrum; Lewis; Lightburne; Linch; Lindsay; Lomax; Long; Lovern; Lovin; Loving; Lowry; Lucia; Luck; Lunsford; Lyons;
Macon; Madison; Magruder; Malone; Man; Marable; Marmaduke; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Massie; Mayo; McDonald; McGehee; McLaughlin; Mean; Meaun; Meause; Meaux; Mercer; Merriwether; Michleborough; Miller; Mills; Minor; Mitchell; Monday; Moore; Moren; Morgan; Morgon; Morton; Motley; Mullins; Murchie; Murdock; Murphey; Murray;
Napier; Neck; New; Newton; Nicholson; Noel; Noell; Noot; Norman; Norment; Norris; Nott;
Oliphant; Oliver; Overson;
Page; Paine; Palmer; Pare; Parker; Patterson; Paul; Payne; Peatress; Peatross; Pendleton; Penn; Pentvin; Pettis; Philips; Phillips; Pickett; Pierce; Pittman; Pitts; Pleasants; Pollard; Pollett; Poltney; Powell; Price; Priddie; Pritchett; Pugh; Pullen; Puller; Pullin; Purit; Purks;
Quarels; Quarles;
Raines; Ramsey; Rawlins; Redd; Rennolds; Reynolds; Richardson; Richerson; Richeson; Richison; Roane; Robb; Robinson; Roffe; Rogers; Rollins; Roots; Roper; Rose; Rowe; Roy; Royston;
Sacrey; Sale; Samuel; Saunders; Schooler; Scooler; Scott; Seal; Seals; Seaton; Seay; Seays; Sedwick; Segar; Semmes; Serles; Shepherd; Sheppard; Ship; Sizer; Skelton; Skinker; Skinner; Slaughter; Smith; Smithers; Smoot; Sneed; Sorrel; Sorrell; Sorril; Sorrill; Southworth; Spicer; Spindle; Stern; Stevens; Stewart; Still; Stone; Stuart; Sullinger; Sullivan; Summerson; Sutton; Swann;
Tabb; Taliaferro; Tankersley; Tasscot; Tayler; Taylor; Temburlake; Temple; Tennent; Terrel; Terrell; Thomas; Thompkins; Thompson; Thomson; Thornley; Thornton; Thorpe; Tiller; Timberlake; Tinsley; Tod; Todd; Tomas; Tomkins; Tompkins; Trainham; Trible; Trigg; Troulk; Tuck; Tunstall; Turner; Tutt; Tyler;
Valentine; Vass; Vaughan; Vawter;
Waddle; Wade; Wake; Walden; Waller; Walter; Ware; Warwick; Washington; Watkins; Watts; Waugh; Wells; West; White; Whiting; Whitlock; Whittle; Wilcherson; Williamson; Willis; Willoughby; Willson; Wilson; Winn; Winston; Wood; Woodford; Woolfolk; Wray; Wright; Wyatt;
Yancey; Yancy; Yarbough; Yarbrough; Yates; Young;
Individual slaves from estates' records [Slaves are named individually]
Slaves of the Andrews Estate; Slaves of the Baber Estate; Slaves of the Baylor Estate; Slaves of the Beazley Estate; Slaves of the Blackburn Estate; Slaves of the Blanton Estate; Slaves of the Bradley Estate; Slaves of the Broaddus Estate; Slaves of the Brown Estate; Slaves of the Buckner Estate; Slaves of the Burk Estate; Slaves of the Burke Estate; Slaves of the Burruss Estate; Slaves of the Carter Estate; Slaves of the Chandler Estate; Slaves of the Chapman Estate; Slaves of the Cheadle Estate; Slaves of the Chewning Estate; Slaves of the Chiles Estate; Slaves of the Clair Estate; Slaves of the Coates Estate; Slaves of the Coghill Estate; Slaves of the Coleman Estate; Slaves of the Conduit Estate; Slaves of the Courts Estate; Slaves of the Daniel Estate; Slaves of the DeJarnatt Estate; Slaves of the Dennis Estate; Slaves of the Dickinson Estate; Slaves of the Dillard Estate; Slaves of the Dismukes Estate; Slaves of the Doggett Estate; Slaves of the Duke Estate; Slaves of the Durrett Estate; Slaves of the Ellis Estate; Slaves of the Estes Estate; Slaves of the Fitzhugh Estate; Slaves of the Gatewood Estate; Slaves of the George Estate; Slaves of the Goulden Estate; Slaves of the Gray Estate; Slaves of the Guy Estate; Slaves of the Hord Estate; Slaves of the Hundley Estate; Slaves of the Hurt Estate; Slaves of the James Estate; Slaves of the Jeter Estate; Slaves of the Jones Estate; Slaves of the Kidd Estate; Slaves of the Long Estate; Slaves of the Luck Estate; Slaves of the Martin Estate; Slaves of the Meaux Estate; Slaves of the Miller Estate; Slaves of the Mills Estate; Slaves of the Minor Estate; Slaves of the Moore Estate; Slaves of the Newton Estate; Slaves of the Peatross Estate; Slaves of the Phillips Estate; Slaves of the Pickett Estate; Slaves of the Pittman Estate; Slaves of the Pitts Estate; Slaves of the Quarles Estate; Slaves of the Rawlins Estate; Slaves of the Reynolds Estate; Slaves of the Richeson Estate; Slaves of the Robb Estate; Slaves of the Robinson Estate; Slaves of the Royston Estate; Slaves of the Sale Estate; Slaves of the Samuel Estate; Slaves of the Saunders Estate; Slaves of the Sedwick Estate; Slaves of the Ship Estate; Slaves of the Smith Estate; Slaves of the Sorrell Estate; Slaves of the Spindle Estate; Slaves of the Stewart Estate; Slaves of the Stuart Estate; Slaves of the Sutton Estate; Slaves of the Taliaferro Estate; Slaves of the Tankersley Estate; Slaves of the Tennent Estate; Slaves of the Terrell Estate; Slaves of the Thornton Estate; Slaves of the Tod Estate; Slaves of the Tunstall Estate; Slaves of the Tyler Estate; Slaves of the Vaughan Estate; Slaves of the Vawter Estate; Slaves of the Walden Estate; Slaves of the Ware Estate; Slaves of the Washington Estate; Slaves of the Watkins Estate; Slaves of the White Estate; Slaves of the Woodford Estate; Slaves of the Woolfolk Estate; Slaves of the Wright Estate; Slaves of the Yancey Estate; Slaves of the Yarbough Estate; Slaves of the Yates Estate
Return to Caroline Co., Va Court Records
Surnames from Caroline Co., VA Court Records, 1742-1833:,
Abbott; Abraham; Abrahams; Acre; Adams; Adcock; Aimes; Alcock; Alexander; Allen; Allport; Almond; Alsoop; Alsop; Ames; Amiss; Amos; Ancarrow; Anderson; Andrews; Apperson; Archer; Armatt; Armistead; Armstrong; Arnmistead; Asker; Askey; Atkins; Atkinson; Atkinston; Austin; Auston; Ayers; Ayres; Aytette;
Baber; Badgar; Bagby; Baggott; Bagot; Bailey; Baily; Baker; Baley; Baliey; Ball; Ballard; Bankhead; Banks; Barbee; Barbour; Barby; Barker; Barlow; Barnes; Barnett; Barnettt; Barret; Barrett; Bartin; Bassett; Bastian; Bates; Battaile; Battalie; Baughan; Bautes; Baxter; Bayler; Baylor; Baynham; Beacham; Beale; Beazley; Beck; Beckham; Beckwith; Bell; Bench; Bendal; Bendall; Benness; Berkley; Bernard; Berriman; Berry; Berryman; Bertier; Beverely; Beverley; Bibb; Bill; Bird; Blackburb; Blackburn; Blackey; Blackston; Blackwell; Blake; Blakey; Blanton; Blkackburn; Bloxton; Blunt; Boggs; Bogle; Bohannon; Boler; Boleware; Bolin; Bolware; Bonds; Booker; Booten; Booth; Bosher; Bosley; Bostey; Boulawre; Boulware; Bourn; Bourne; Bousher; Boutwell; Bowcock; Bowen; Bowers; Bowie; Bowlar; Bowler; Bowles; Braddus; Bradford; Bradley; Brame; Bramham; Branan; Brand; Branghile; Branham; Bransam; Branscom; Branscome; Bransom; Bransome; Bransum; Braoddus; Braxton; Bream; Breedlove; Bridgeford; Bridger; Bridges; Briggs; Broaddus; Broadie; Broadnax; Broadus; Brock; Brokenbrough; Broks; Bromfield; Bromley; Brook; Brooke; Brookes; Brooking; Brooks; Brown; Browne; Bruce; Brumley; Brumskill; Bryant; Buchannan; Buckanan; Bucker; Buckhannon; Buckner; Bullard; Bullock; Bumpass; Burch; Burchell; Burk; Burke; Burnett; Burnley; Burriss; Burroughes; Burrus; Burruss; Burton; Burwell; Bush; Butler; Buynnam;
Caffrey; Calhoun; Callis; Calliss; Cammack; Camp; Campbell; Campbell,Mrs.Jones, 103; Cannaday; Cannon; Care; Carlton; Carmichael; Carnal; Carnall; Carnel; Carnmack; Carnnock; Carpenter; Carr; Carrick; Carrington; Carter; Carton; Cary; Cash; Catlett; Catling; Chadwell; Chamberlayne; Champe; Chandlder; Chandler; Chandlerd; Chapman; Charlton; Chash; Cheadle; Cheault; Chenalt; Chenault; Cheny; Chevis; Chew; Chewning; Chick; Chiles; Chivis; Chloon; Chowning; Christian; Churchill; Ciff; Cissel; Claiborne; Clank; Clare; Clark; Clarke; Clator; Clatterbuck; Clayton; Claytor; Clear; Cleer; Cleere; Cleft; Clere; Clift; Clough; Coarts; Coats; Cobb; Cobbs; Cocke; Cockrell; Cocks; Cogbill; Coghill; Cogwill; Coke; Colburt; Cole; Coleburn; Colemam; Coleman; Colemman; Collier; Collinc; Collins; Colquhoun; Colston; Commock; Conduit; Conner; Connor; Connors; Conquest; Conway; Conyers; Cook; Cooper; Copeland; Corbin; Corr; Cosby; Coventon; Covington; Cox; Crank; Crarnall; Crawford; Crease; Credle; Creedle; Creighton; Crenshaw; Crew; Crieghton; Crittended; Crittenden; Cross; Crossley; Crouch; Croucher; Crow; Crowchin; Crutcher; Crutchfield; Cunningham; Curtis; Custis;
Dabney; Daingerfield; Dalgame; Dalgan; Dalton; Dandridge; Dangerfield; Daniel, 6; Danner; Danniel; Dannile; Daoggett; Darby; Darnabay; Darnaby; Davenport; Davey; Davis; Davy; Day; Dean; Deavenport; Defoe; Dejarnett; Dejarnette; Demure; Deshazo; Deshazor; Deval; Devenport; Dew; Dewner; Dgged; Dialake; Dicjkerson; Dick; Dicken; Dickensen; Dickenson; Dickerson; Dickeson; Dickins; Dickinson; Dickson; Digges; Dillard; Dingle; Dishman; Dismickos; Dismikes; Dismukes; Dixon; Dod; Dodd; Dogel; Dogget; Doggett; Doles; Donahoe; Donaphan; Donelly; Doniiphan; Doniphan; Donohoe; Doswell; Douglas; Douglass; Dowles; Downen; Downer; Downing; Doyle; Drake; Driver; Drummond; Drury; Dudley; Duerson; Dueson; Dugand; Duke; Duling; Duncan; Dunllop; Dunlop; Dunn; Dunston; Durett; Durrett; Duval; Duvalls; Dye; Dyer;
Earnest; Eastin; Edbank; Eddleton; Ederington; Edge; Edmunds; Edmundson; Edward; Edwards; Elgin; Elington; Elkin; Elkins; Ellerson; Elliot; Elliott; Ellis; Emmerson; Ennis; Estes; Estis; Eubank; Evans;
Faber; Fagg; Fale; Fant; Farish; Farley; Farmer; Farrell; Faulkner; Favor; Favoure; Fawcett; Fennell; Ferrell; Field; Fields; Filander; Fisher; Fitzgerald; Fitzhugh; Flagg, 83; Fleet; Fletcher; Flippo; Flood; Floretta; Floyd; Foot; Forbes; Foreacres; Forston; Fortson; Fortun; Fortune; Foster; Fourshee; Fowler; Fox; Francis; Frank; Frazer; Freeman; French; Frensley; Freshy; Frippo; Froner; Frost; Fry; Fulcher; Fuller; Fullerton; Fulshire; Fulton;
Gadberry; Gaines; Gains; Gale; Galvan; Gannt; Gardner; Garland; Garnete; Garnett; Garret; Garrett; Garrick; Gary; Gatchell; Gatewood; Gatewood,guardian; GatewoodI; Gatewwod; Gatewwood; Gaunt; Gayle; George; Gervis; Gibson; Gilchrist; Gillis; Gilmore; Gimbo; Giulmore; Glanton; Glassell; Gleason; Gleeson; Glover; Goen; Goin; Going; Goldman; Goldsby; Gooch; Goodall; Goode; Goodloe; Goodrich; Goodright; Goodwin; Gordon; Gouge; Goulden; Gouldin; Goulding; Gouldman; Govan; Grafton; Graham; Granham; Grant; Gravatt; Graves; Gray; Green; Gregor; Gregory; Griffin; Grimes; Grinnan; Grubbs; Grymes; Guillintine; Guines; Guirey; Gunnell; Gutherie; Guthrie; Guy; Gwathmey; Gymymes;
Hackett; Hackney; Haden; Haggard; Haile; Hailey; Hale; Haley; Hall; Hallam; Halley; Halsop; Hamilton; Hampton; Hansbrough; Hardin; Harding; Hargrave; Hargrove; Harnal; Harney; Harris; Harrison; Harrow; Hart; Hartgrave; Harvey; Harwood; Haskins; Haslep; Hatton; Hawes; Hawkins; Haws; Hay; Haynes; Hayns; Hazen; Healey; Helms; Henderson; Henedge; Henley; Henseley; Henshaw; Herd; Herndon; Heslop; Hewes; Hewlett; Hibbert; Hickman; Hickmond; Hicks; Higgin; Hildrup; Hill; Hilldrup; Hillyard; Hinchman; Hipkins; Hoard; Hodges; Hogan; Holdfast; Holladay; Holloway; Holly; Holmes; Holt; Hoomes; Hooper; Hope; Hopkins; Hord; Horn; Horner; Hoskins; Houston; Howard; Howel; Howle; Hubbard; Hudgen; Hudgin; Hudgins; Hudson; Hughes; Hulett; Hume; Humes; Humphrey; Hundley; Hunter; Hurd; Hurt; Husten; Hutchenson; Hutcherson; Hutcheson; Hutchinson; Hutcon; Hutson;
Ingram; Ingrinn; Innis; Ireland; Irion; Isbel; Isbell;
Jackskon; Jackson; Jacob; Jacobs; Jamerson; James; Jameson; Jarrell; Jefferies; Jennings; Jerdone; Jerrell; Jesse; Jeter; Johnes; Johnson; Johnston; Jone; Jones; Jordan; Jordon; Jourdan; Joyce; Julian;
Kannon; Kay; Kee; Keeble; Keesee; Keeton; Keeze; Kelley; Kelly; Kelso; Kemp; Kenner; Kenyon; Kidd; King; Kirtley; Knete; Knise;
Lackey; Lacy; Lafon; Lafond; Lafong; Lambeth; Lamont; Landeris; Landrum; Lang; Lark; Laughlin; Laurence; Lawless; Lawrence; Lawry; Lawson; Layne; Leckie; Ledwidge; Lee; Lefoe; Leigh; Lendrum; Letuz; Levert; Lewis; Leyas; Lightfoot; Lilley; Lilly; Linch; Lindsay; Line; Lipscomb; Littlepage; Livingston; Lloyd; Lomar; Lomax; Lomg; Long; Longest; Lorman; Louis; Loury; Lovel; Lovell; Lovern; Lovin; Loving; Lovorn; Lovoron; Lowry; Lucas; Luck; Lumpkin; Lumpkins; Lungston; Lunsford; Lurles; Lutuz; Lynch; Lyndsay; Lyon; Lyons;
Macfarlane; Machgehee; Mackee; Macon; Madison; Magrah; Magruder; Maham; Mahon; Malone; Mann; Marable; Marr; Marriner; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Massey; Massie; Masterson; Matheson; Matthews; Maudin; Maulden; Mauldin; Maulding; Maury; Mayfield; Maylane; Mayo; McArthur; McAusland; McCall; McCallister; McCandlish; McCarthy; McCarty; McClannahan; McConll; McDaniel; McDonald; McDowell; McFarland; McGehee; McGhee; McGrath; McGraw; McIntire; McKee; McKenny; McLaughlin; McPherson; McWilliams; Meacham; Meadow; Meause; Meaux; Melone; Meone; Mercer; Meriott; Merreman; Merrett; Merrill; Merrinen; Merriner; Merrit; Merriwether; Merry; Merryman; Mews; Michael; Micou; Middlebrook; Milk; Miller; Mills; Minor; Mitchel; Mitchell; Molen; Molin; Molineaux; Molth; Moncure; Monday; Monroe; Montague; Moody; Moor; Moore; Mooring; Moorman; Moren; Morey; Morgan; Morrow; Morton; Mosby; Moss; Motley; Moulding; Moulson; Mourning; Mulhollin; Mulinburg; Mullen; Mullencan; Mullin; Mullins; Mullinsax; Muncaster; Munday; Mundle; Munford; Murdock; Murphy; Murrah; Murray; Murrow; Murry; Muse; Mustin;
Napier; Nater; Neale; Nelb; Nelson; New; Newby; Newman; Newton; Nichols; Nicholson; Nobb; Noden; Noel; Noell; Nokes; Noot; Norment; Norris; Northrop; Northrup; Northup; Norton; Nott; Nutgrass;
O'Neal; Oldham; Oliphant; Oliver; Oneal; Orr; Owens;
Page; Pagett; Paine; Pair; Pare; Parish; Parke; Parker; Parkes; Parnard; Parr; Parrott; Parsons; Partelow; Partlow; Pasco; Patterson; Pattey; Pattie; Patton; Payne; Peake; Pearson; Peatross; Peirce; Pemberton; Pemebeton; Pendelton; Pendleton; Penny; Pentvin; Perkins; Perks; Perry; Petereman; Peterman; Pettis; Pettite; Pettus; Peyton; Philippo; Philips; Phillips; Picardati; Piccadat; Pickele; Pickett; Pickington; Picklel; Pickles; Pierce; Pilcher; Pilkerton; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Poe; Polk; Pollard; Pollet; Pollett; Poltney; Pope; Portch; Porter; Porterfield; Post; Powell; Powers; Prager; Pratt; Prewet; Price; Priddie; Pritchard; Proper; Prosper; Pruett; Pruit; Prunty; Pugh; Pullar; Pullen; Puller; Purkes; Purks;
Quarles; Quincey; Quisenberry; Quisenbery;
Radford; Ragan; Ragans; Ragsdale; Raines; Rains; Rallins; Ramsey; Randolph; Ranes; Rawlings; Rawlins; Ray; Readick; Red; Redd; Reddick; Reddish; Reddisk; Reddock; Redford; Redock; Reeve; Reid; Reins; Rennolds; Reynolds; Rice; Richards; Richardson; Richerson; Richeson; Rickie; Riddle; Riding; Ridle; Riggin; Ritchie; Rives; Roane; Robb; Roberson; Robert; Roberts; Robertson; Robins; Robinson; Roffe; Rogers; Roland; Rolands; Rollins; Rootes; Rose; Ross; Rotherick; Rotherinck; Rothrick; Rothrock; Rougee; Rouse; Row; Rowe; Rows; Rowyer; Rowzee; Roy; Royston; Rozel; Ruffin; Runday; Russel; Russell; Rutherford; Ryland;
Sacra; Sacrae; Sacre; Sacry; Sale; Sallinger; Salughter; Sampson; Samuel; Samuels; Sanders; Sanson; Sanuders; Satterwhite; Saunders; Saunderson; Scandland; Scantland; Schooler; Schools; Scinn; Scott; Scranage; Scrannage; Scrimshaw; Scysel; Seal; Sears; Seaton; Seay; Seddong; Sedwick; See; Segar; Seizer; Seizor; Self; Semmes; Semple; Shackleford; Shaddock; Shadock; Sharp; Shaw; Shepherd; Sheppard; Sherley; Sherrard; Shewsbury; Shields; Ship; Shirley; Shop; Simmons; Simons; Simpson; Sirls; Sissel; Sissele; Sizer; Skeetright; Skelton; Skinker; Skinner; Slaughter; Sledd; Smart; Smelter; Smith; Smithers; Smithey; Smock; Smtih; Snead; Sneed; Snyder; Sommerson; Sorill; Sorrel; Sorrell; Sorril; Sorrill; Southerland; Southword; Southworth; Spencer; Spindle; Spotswood; Spratt; St.John; Stanard; Stand; Standard; Standley; Stanley; Starke; Steagall; Steele; Stephens; Stern; Sterne; Stevens; Stevenson; Stewart; Sthreshely; Sthreshley; Sthreshly; Sthrestly; Stiff; Stiglar; Still; Stockton; Stokes; Stone; Stonefield; Street; Streshey; Streshley; Strother; Stuart; Stubblefied; Stubblefield; Stubbs; Subtle; Sullenger; Sullivan; Summerson; Sutton; Swan; Swann; Swingston; Swinton; Syms;
Tabb; Tabor; Talbert; Talbot; Taliaferro; Taliafreeo; Taliferro; Talley; Tamplin; Tankersley; Tankersly; Tarlton; Tarrant; Tarrent; Tate; Taylor; Teller; Temple; Tenant; Tennant; Tennent; Terrell; Terrill; Terry; Thacker; Thillman; Thilman; Thomas; Thomley; Thompkins; Thompson; Thomson; Thornley; Thornton; Thorpe; Throckmorton; Thurston; Thwortes; Tiffany; Tignor; Tiller; Timberlake; Tinsbloom; Tinsley; Tisdale; Tod; Todd; Toler; Tomas; Tombs; Tompkins; Toombs; Tooms; Towles; Townsend; Trainham; Trainum; Tranham; Trevelian; Trevillian; Tribble; Trible; Trigg; Triplett; Trouk; True; Trueman; Tryee; Tuck; Tucker; Tuning; Tunsley; Tunstal; Tunstall; Tupman; Turberville; Turner; Turning; Turpin; Tutt; Tyler; Tyre; Tyree;
Umbrickhouse; Underwood; Upshaw; Usher;
Valentine; Vass; Vaughan; Vawter; Venable; Vest; Vidal; Vowles;
Waddle; Wade; Wahington; Walden; Wales; Walker; Waller; Walsh; Warden; Ware, 109; Waring; Warren; Washington; Waters; Watkins; Watts; Waugh; Waytt; Weatherford; Weathers; Webb; Webster; Welch; Wellfor; Wellford; Welsh; West; Wharton; White; Whiting; Whitlock; Whittecoe; Whittico; Whitticoe; Whitton; Wiatt; Wickham; Wigglesworth; Wild; Wiley; Willard; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Willmore; Willson; Willy; Wilmore; Wilson; Win; Wingfield; Winn; Winston; Wise; Wiseger; Wiswall; Withers; Wood; Woodfolk; Woodford; Woodford's; Woodson; Woodward; Woolfolk; Woolford; Woollfolk; Wormley; Wortham; Wray; Wrenn; Wrght; Wright; Wrilcherson; Wyatt;
Yancy; Yarborough; Yarbrough; Yates; Yaxley; Yeatman; Yerby; Young;
Return to Caroline Co. Court Records, 1742-1833
Surnames from Caroline Co., VA Court Records Probate and Other Records, 1800-1804
Abott; Acre; Alcock; Allen; Almond; Alphrey; Alsop ; Amos; Anderson; Andersons; Anthony; Armis; Armistead; Ashby; Ashley; Askey; Atkinson; Austin;
Barkwell; Baber; Babers; Bagot; Bailey; Baker; Blackburn; Ball; Ballard; Balthrop; Bankhead; Banks; Barker; Barley; Barlow; Bates; Battaile; Battaille; Battatile; Baugham; Baughan; Baylop; Baylor; Baynham; Bazzel; Beasley; Beazley; Beck; Beckley; Bejarnett; Bell; Bench; Bendall; Benson; Berkeley; Berkley; Bernard; Bernerd; Berry; Beverley; Bibb; Bird; Blackburn; Blades?; Blaine; Blair; Blanton; Bogle; Bosher; Botts; Boulware; Bourn; Boutwell; Bowcock; Bowen; Bowers; Bowie; Bowler; Bowlers; Brackenridge; Brackney; Brades; Bradley; Brame; Brand; Branham; Branhamn; Brannan; Bransome; Braoddus; Braxton; Bridges; Broaddus; Broadnax; Broadus; Broddus; Brokenbrough; Brookes; Brown; Brown; Bruce; Brumley; Brumskill; Bryd; Buckner; Buckner; Buckners; Bullard; Bullock; Bumpass; Burch; Burk; Burke; Burkes; Burnley; Burress; Burrus; Burrus; Burruss; Bush; Butler; Byrd;
Callis; Callawns; Callown; Cammock; Campbell; Campbell]; Carlton; Carnal; Carnall; Carnall; Carr; Carson; Carter; Carters; Carver; Cash; Cater; Catlett; Cato; Cawsey; Cesar; Chandler; Chapman; Cha[p]man; Cheadle; Cheadles; Chenault; Chevis; Chewning; Chicken; Chiles; Chiless; Chives; Chles; Clark; Clarke; Clarks; Clatterbuck; Claytor; Cleere; Clift; Coats; Cobb; Cobbs; Cocke; Coghill; Coleman; Coleman; Colemans; Collin; Collins; Commock; Conduit; Conner; Connor; Conolly; Conway; Cooper; Corbin ; Corr; Corrs; Couch; Courts; Covengton; Covington; Crank; Crank; Cresenbury; Cross; Croucher; Croughton; Crutcher; Cummings; Custis;
Dade; Daingerfield; Daniel; Davenport; Davis; Day; Deavenport; Deen; DeJarnett; DeJarnette; Dew; Dick; Dickenson; Dickenson; Dickins; Dillard; Dillard.; Dishman; Dismukes; Dixon; Dobson; Doggett; Donahoe; Donners; Douglass; Dowels; Downer; Downers; Drummond; Dudley; Due; Duke; Duling; Dunn; Dunston; Duquesney; Durrett; Duval; Dye; Dyson;
Eddins; Edwards; Elkins; Elliott; Ellis; Ennis; Estes; Estis; Euband; Eubank; Evans;
Fagg; Farish; Farmer; Farrow; Faulkner; Favor; Fells; Feltcher; Fennell; Ferrells; Field; Fields; Fitzhugh; Fletcher; Flippo; Floyd; Fogg; Folley; Fortson; Fortune; Foster; Fox; Franklin; Frazer; Freeman; Frotson; Fulcher;
Gardner; Galvan; Galvin; Garland; Garnett; Gatewood; Gayle; George; Gibson; Gilbert; Gilchrist; Goalden; Godwin; Goodloe; Goodwin; Govan; Grafton; Graham; Grant; Gravatt; Graves; Gravis; Gray ; Green; Gregory; Griffin; Grimes; Grymes; Gunn; Guthrie; Guy;
Hall; Hacketts; Hailey; Hakett; Hall; Hallam; Ham; Hampton; Handfield; Hargrave; Harris; Harrison; Harriss; Hart; Harwood; Hawes; Hawkins; Hay; Hayden; Haynes; Hendrick; Herndon; Hicks; Higgin; Hildrop; Hill; Hipkin; Hipkins; Hodge; Hodges; Hogon; Holloway; Hoomes; Hopkins; Horace; Hord; Houston; Howard; Howle; Hudley; Hundley; Hunter; Hurt; Hutchenson; Hutcheson; Hutchison;
Inskoe; Isbell;
Jackson; Jacobs; Jacob; Jacobs; James; Jameson; Jarrell; Jeffries; Jerrell; Jesse ; Jessee; Jeter; John; Johnston ; Jones;
Kemp; Kay; Keegan; Keeling; Kelly; Kellys; Kendall; Kennedy; Kenner; Key; Kidd; King;
Lane; Lantern; Lanthorn; Laughlin; Ledwidge; Lefoe; Lendrum; Lewis; Lightfoot; Lima; Litch; Littlepage; Lomax; Long; Loury; Lovern; Lowry; Luck; Lunsford; Lyon; Lyons;
MacMaddison; Madison; Magruder; Mahon; Malone; Manns; Mansfield; Marrow; Marshall; Martin; Martins; Mason; Massey; Matheson; Maulding; McAllister; McBright; McDaniel; McGhee; McGrath; McKenny; McLaughlin; McLaughlins; McNuckels; Medawney; Merriman; Merriott; Micou; Middlebrook; Mildred; Miller; Milley; Mills; Minor; Minors; Mitchell; Molin; Monday; Monroe; Monzilla; Moon; Moore; Morton; Motley; Mourning; Munday; Murrah; Murray; Murrays;
Neal; Norton; Nuttall
Oliver; Owen; Owens; Oglesby; Olephant; Oliphant; Oliver; Oneal; Onel; Owens; Oyer;
Palmer; Parker; Parren; Page; Pages; Pane; Pare; Parish; Parker; Patrick; Patterson; Payne; Peary; Peatross; Pemberton; Pendelton; Pendleton; Penoleton; Peterman; Petis; Pettis; Phillips; Pickett; Pitt; Pittman; Pitts; Poe; Pollard; Pollet; Pollett; Powers; Pratt; probated; Puller;
Quarles; Quesenbury;
Radford; Raines; Randolph; Rawlin; Rawling; Rawlins; Rawllins; Reaves; Redd; Rennolds; Rennolds?; Reynold; Reynolds; Richardson; Richerson; Richeson; Riddle; Rieves; Robb; Robenson; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Roger; Rogers; Rollins; Rootes; Roots; Rose; Ross; Row; Rowe; Roy; Royston; Russell;
Sacra; Sale; Sales; Samual; Samuel; Samuels; Sanders; Saterwhite; Satterwhite; Saunder; Saunders; Schooler; Scott; Seal; Searls; Sears; Seay; Seazar; Seizer; Seizor; Self; Services; Shepherd; Ship; Sizer; Skaife; Skinner; Slander; Slaughter; Smith; Smittie; Smock; Sneed; Sommerson; Sorrell; Southcomb; Southworth; Spiller; Spilsbe; Spindle; St.John; Standley; Stern; Sterns; Stevens; Stevenson; Sthreshley; Stocus; Stone; Stones; Streshley; Stuart; Study; Sullinger; Sullivan; Sullivant; Summerson; Sutherland; Sutton; Swann; Swinton; Syms;
Talbot; Taliaferro; Tamplin; Tamplins; Tankersley; Tarrant; Tarrell; Tate; Tayler; Taylor; Temple; Tennent; Terminer; Terrell; Terrill; Terry; Thacker; Thilman; Thomas; Thompkins; Thompson; Thorburne; Thornton; Thorntons; Thorpe; Thorton; Threshley; Tiller; Tilman; Tilur; Tinsley; Tisdale; Tod; Todd; Toler; Tomkin; Tomkins; Tompkins; Tomplin; Toombs; Trainham; Travillwin; Treble; Treeble; Trensley; Trevillian; Tribble; Trible; Trigg; Tucker; Tunstall; Turner; Turners; Twyman; Tyler; Tylor; Tyree;
Underwood; Upshaw;
Valentine; Valintine; Vaughan; Vaughans; Vawter; Vawters; Verott;
Walden; Walker; WallerWagner; Walden; Walker; Waller; Warden; Washington; Watkins; Watts; Weathers; Webster; Welch; West; Wharton; White; Whites; Whiting; Whitlock; Whitmore; Widow; Wigglesworth; Wiggleworth; Wiley; Wilkerson; Wilkes; Willard; William; Williams; Willims; Willson; Wilson; Wilson; Wine; Wingfield; Winn; Winston; Wolfolk; Wood; Woodford; Woolfolk; Woolfolk; Woolfolks; Wortham; Wright; Wyatts;
Yancy; Yarbrough; Yate; Yates; Young; Youngs
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