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Iberian Publishing Company's On-Line Catalog:
Virginia's Civil War Casualties, A Roster
Complete set - Six Volumes

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VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 1 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 457 pp. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume one includes the following units:
1st Virginia Infantry
1st Battalion Virginia Infantry
2nd Virginia Infantry
3rd Virginia Infantry
4th Virginia Infantry
5th Virginia Infantry
6th Virginia Infantry
7th Virginia Infantry
8th Virginia Infantry
9th Virginia Infantry
10th Virginia Infantry
11th Virginia Infantry
12th Virginia Infantry
13th Virginia Infantry
14th Virginia Infantry
15th Virginia Infantry
16th Virginia Infantry
17th Virginia Infantry

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[VC01] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 2 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 458 pp. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume two includes the following units:
18th Virginia Infantry
19th Virginia Infantry
20th Virginia Infantry
21st Virginia Infantry
22nd Battalion Virginia Infantry
22nd Virginia Infantry
23rd Virginia Infantry
30th Virginia Infantry
31st Virginia Infantry

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the surname index to this book, visit Surname Index-Vc02
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[VC02] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 3 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 423 pp. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume three includes the following units:
32nd Virginia Infantry
33rd Virginia Infantry
34th Virginia Infantry
36th Virginia Infantry
37th Virginia Infantry
38th Virginia Infantry
39th Virginia Infantry
40th Virginia Infantry
41st Virginia Infantry
42nd Virginia Infantry
44th Virginia Infantry
45th Battalion Virginia Infantry and Counts Virginia Battalion
45th Virginia Infantry
46th Virginia Infantry
47th Virginia Infantry
48th Virginia Infantry
49th Virginia Infantry
50th Virginia Infantry

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the surname index to this book, visit Surname Index-Vc03
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[VC03] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 4 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 439 pp. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume four includes the following units:
51st Virginia Infantry
52nd Virginia Infantry
5th Battalion Virginia Infantry
Montagues Battalion of Virginia Infantry
53rd Virginia Infantry
54th Virginia Infantry
55th Virginia Infantry
56th Virginia Infantry
57th Virginia Infantry
58th Virginia Infantry
59th Virginia Infantry
60th Virginia Infantry
61st Virginia Infantry
Cohoons Virginia Infantry Battalion
62nd Virginia Infantry
63rd Virginia Infantry
64th Virginia Infantry
44th Virginia Infantry Battalion
30th Battalion Virginia Sharpshooters
Chews Ashby Virginia Artillery
Shooemakers Lynchburg Virginia Artillery
Newtown Virginia Artillery
Lowrys Virginia Artillery
Bryans Virginia Artillery
Chapmans Virginia Artillery
Botetourt Virginia Artillery
Ashland Virginia Artillery
Bedford Virginia Infantry
Taylors Virginia Infantry
Grahams Petersburg Virginia Artilery
Jacksons Kanawha Virginia Artillery
Lurtys Roanoke Virginia Horse Artillery

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the surname index to this book, visit Surname Index-Vc04
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[VC04] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 5 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 429 pp. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume five includes the following units:
10th Battalion Virginia Artillery
19th Battalion Virginia Artillery
Nottoway, Barrs Virginia Artillery
Richmond Fayette, Hampden, Thomas & Blounts Lynchburg Virginia Artillery
Mathews, Penicks Pittsylvania, Youngs Halifax & Johnsons Jackson VA Artillery
Branch, Harrington & Staunton Hill Virginia Artillery
Miscellaneous Disbanded Virginia Artillery
Morris, Orange & King William Virginia Artillery
Goochland Light, Goochland Turner & Mountain Virginia Artillery
Grimes, Grandys & Hugers Virginia Artillery
Nelson, Lamkin & Rives Virginia Artillery
Fredericksburg Virginia Artillery
Staunton, McClanahans Virginia Artillery
Otey, Ringgold & Davidson Virginia Artillery
Brunswick Rebel, Johnston, Southsides, United, James City, Lunenburg Rebel, Pamunkey & Youngs Harborguard Virginia Artillery
Charlottesville, Lee Lynchburg & Johnsons Bedford Virginia Artillery
Surry, Martins, Wrights & Coffins Virginia Artillery
Caroline, Parker & Stafford Virginia Artillery
Brooke, Fauquier, Loudoun & Alexandria Virginia Artillery
Amherst, Albemarle & Sturdivants Virginia Artillery
1st & 2nd Rockbridge Virginia Artillery
1st & 2nd Stuart Horse Virginia Artillery
Powhatan, Salem & Courtney Henrico Virginia Artillery
Giles, Alleghany & Jackson Virginia Artillery
Purcell, Crenshaw & Letcher Virginia Artillery
Fluvanna Virginia Artillery
Richmond Howitzers Virginia Artillery
Gauley, Mercer & Western Virginia Artillery
Danville, Eighth Star New Market & Dixie Virginia Artillery
18th & 20th Battalion Virginia Artillery
Pendletons, Ritters, Allans, Hardaways, Moodys & Colters Virginia Artillery
1st Virginia Cavalry
2nd Virginia Cavalry
3rd Virginia Cavalry
4th Virginia Cavalry
5th Virginia Cavalry
6th Virginia Cavalry
7th Virginia Cavalry
8th Virginia Cavalry

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the surname index to this book, visit Surname Index-Vc05
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[VC05] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 6 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 331 pp. This is the concluding volume of a work which seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. Volume six includes the following units:
9th Virginia Cavalry
10th Virginia Cavalry
11th Virginia Cavalry
12th Virginia Cavalry
13th Virginia Cavalry
14th Virginia Cavalry
15th Virginia Cavalry
16th Virginia Cavalry
17th Virginia Cavalry
18th Virginia Cavalry
19th Virginia Cavalry
20th Virginia Cavalry
21th Virginia Cavalry
22nd Virginia Cavalry
23rd Virginia Cavalry
24th Virginia Cavalry
25th Virginia Cavalry
26th Virginia Cavalry
32nd Battalion Virginia Cavalry
34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
35th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
36th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
37th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
39th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
40th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry
24th Battalion Virginia Partisan Rangers
45th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
47th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
Virginia Home Guards
McNeills Virginia Rangers
Virginia Richmond Ambulance, Herbigs Infantry, Public Guard Armory Band
Thurmonds Partisan Rangers, Swanns Battalion Virginia Cavalry
Virginia Reserves
Miscellaneous Units
Virginia State Rangers and State Line
CS Navy
CS Marines
CS Signal Corps

To view a digital copy (pdf) of the surname index to this book, visit Surname Index-Vc06
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[VC06] $37.00     (printed version)

VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUMES 1 - 6 compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. 8½x11 All six volumes in the above as a set, with a savings of $32 off the price of individually purchased volumes.

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[VCSET] $190.00

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