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Scott County, VA: Surname Lists
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Surnames from Scott Co., VA Marriages, 1815-1853
The first number represents the number of males with that surname; the second is the number of females
Abbott... 1.. 0; Adams... 2.. 8; Addington... 6.. 7; Adington... 2.. 3; Adkins... 1.. 0; Agee... 4.. 8; Agnu... 1.. 0; Akard... 1.. 2; Akens... 0.. 1; Akerd... 1.. 0; Albert... 0.. 1; Aldridge... 1.. 1; Alldridge... 0.. 1; Allen... 4.. 6; Alley... 3.. 5; Allison... 0.. 1; Ally... 1.. 2; Anderson... 3.. 6; Armstrong... 1.. 0; Ash... 4.. 3; Aslin... 0.. 1; Astin... 0.. 1; Aston... 1.. 0;
Babb... 6.. 1; Bailey... 1.. 6; Bailie... 0.. 1; Baker... 4.. 4; Balding... 0.. 3; Baldridge... 2.. 0; Baldwin... 1.. 3; Ball... 1.. 0; Bannah... 0.. 1; Banner... 3.. 0; Barker... 5.. 3; Barnet... 0.. 1; Barnett... 2.. 1; Barnhart... 2.. 3; Barrett... 0.. 1; Bartin... 1.. 0; Bawldwin... 1.. 0; Bayly... 0.. 1; Bays... 6.. 6; Beard... 0.. 1; Belcher... 0.. 2; Bellamy... 1.. 0; Bellomy... 5.. 0; Belomy... 0.. 1; Ben... 1.. 0; Benham... 2.. 1; Benton... 1.. 1; Berry... 2.. 5; Bevans... 0.. 1; Bevely... 1.. 0; Bevens... 1.. 0; Beverly... 0.. 1; Bevins... 5.. 8; Bigly... 1.. 0; Bird... 1.. 1; Bishop... 3.. 12; Bittle... 2.. 0; Blackmon... 1.. 0; Blankenbeckler... 0.. 1; Blankenbickler... 1.. 0; Blankingbeckler... 0.. 1; Bledsoe... 5.. 2; Blessing... 0.. 1; Bletcher... 0.. 1; Blevins... 2.. 0; Bloomer... 2.. 1; Boatright... 3.. 1; Boldman... 1.. 0; Boldwen... 1.. 0; Boldwin... 1.. 0; Bollin... 1.. 0; Bolton... 1.. 1; Bond... 9.. 6; Booth... 0.. 1; Bostic... 1.. 0; Bostwick... 0.. 1; Bottom... 1.. 0; Bounds... 1.. 3; Bowen... 3.. 1; Bower... 1.. 0; Bowing... 1.. 0; Boykin... 1.. 0; Bozwell... 0.. 1; Bozzell... 0.. 1; Braden... 0.. 1; Branham... 0.. 1; Brazel... 0.. 1; Brickey... 9.. 11; Brickeye... 1.. 0; Broadwater... 1.. 4; Broadwaters... 1.. 0; Broddwater... 0.. 1; Brooner... 0.. 1; Brouse... 0.. 1; Brown... 1.. 5; Browning... 0.. 1; Bruce... 1.. 1; Budsovand?... 1.. 0; Bundy... 1.. 0; Burdine... 1.. 0; Burk... 0.. 2; Burks... 1.. 2; Burnet... 1.. 0; Burnett... 1.. 0; Burress... 0.. 1; Burter... 0.. 1; Burton... 2.. 7; Bush... 1.. 0; Buster... 3.. 5; Butcher... 0.. 1; Byington... 1.. 0; Byrnes... 0.. 1;
Calton... 1.. 0; Campbell... 0.. 1; Canaday... 0.. 1; Cann... 1.. 0; Canter... 0.. 2; Canterbury... 1.. 0; Carethers... 1.. 0; Carithers... 0.. 1; Carlton... 1.. 0; Carmony... 0.. 1; Carter... 47.. 29; Carty... 2.. 2; Case... 0.. 1; Casebolt... 1.. 0; Cassell... 1.. 0; Casteel... 0.. 2; Castell... 2.. 0; Castle... 5.. 4; Catron... 1.. 2; Cattron... 2.. 4; Cawin... 1.. 0; Cecil... 1.. 0; Celsor... 1.. 1; Chace... 0.. 2; Chapman... 2.. 0; Chase... 0.. 2; Childress... 1.. 1; Clark... 4.. 2; Claton... 0.. 1; Claymon... 2.. 0; Cleek... 1.. 2; Clendenan... 1.. 0; Click... 2.. 0; Coartney... 1.. 0; Cocke... 4.. 4; Cockes... 0.. 1; Cocks... 5.. 2; Cody... 0.. 1; Colier... 2.. 2; Collier... 1.. 1; Collins... 3.. 2; Conn... 2.. 2; Coody... 1.. 2; Coop... 1.. 1; Cooper... 0.. 1; Corder... 1.. 0; Cornett... 1.. 0; Cornitt... 0.. 1; Cothen... 0.. 1; Counts... 1.. 0; Courtney... 1.. 2; Cowden... 0.. 1; Cox... 9.. 11; Coxx... 1.. 0; Craft... 1.. 1; Crane... 3.. 0; Crawford... 1.. 1; Cross... 0.. 1; Cubertson... 0.. 1; Culberson... 1.. 0; Culbertson... 3.. 3; Cumpton... 2.. 3; Cumton... 0.. 1; Cyfers... 0.. 1;
Darnal... 2.. 3; Darnall... 1.. 0; Darnel... 2.. 2; Darter... 8.. 6; Daugherity... 0.. 1; Daugherty... 1.. 2; Davault... 1.. 2; Davis... 8.. 8; Davison... 10.. 13; Day... 1.. 0; Deal... 2.. 0; Dean... 5.. 3; Debinport... 0.. 1; Debusk... 1.. 0; Denison... 2.. 1; Dennison... 0.. 1; Derting... 1.. 0; Dickenson... 3.. 2; Dickerson... 0.. 2; Dickinson... 0.. 1; Diel... 1.. 0; Dillon... 1.. 0; Dingas... 4.. 7; Dingus... 3.. 1; Disarn... 1.. 0; Dixon... 3.. 2; Dockery... 1.. 1; Dodd... 1.. 0; Dolason... 0.. 1; Dolison... 0.. 1; Dollarhide... 1.. 1; Dolons (?)... 1.. 0; Donalson... 0.. 2; Donelson... 1.. 0; Dooly... 0.. 1; Dorton... 6.. 5; Dotson... 4.. 1; Dougherty... 7.. 6; Downs (?)... 1.. 0; Duff... 1.. 0; Dulaney... 1.. 2; Dulany... 1.. 0; Duncan... 4.. 7; Dunkin... 2.. 1; Dunn... 1.. 0; Dunnahoo... 0.. 1; Durham... 4.. 3; Dutton... 0.. 2; Dye... 0.. 1; Dyer... 0.. 2; Dykes... 2.. 0;
Eadins... 1.. 0; Eakin... 0.. 1; Easterling... 3.. 3; Edington... 1.. 2; Edins... 1.. 0; Edwards... 3.. 2; Egens... 1.. 0; Ekin... 1.. 0; Elam... 2.. 3; Eldridge... 0.. 1; Eller... 1.. 0; Elliott... 5.. 7; Ellis... 1.. 1; Ellixander... 0.. 1; Emmert... 0.. 1; England... 1.. 1; Enix... 1.. 0; Enon... 1.. 0; Epperson... 4.. 2; Ervin... 1.. 1; Estep... 4.. 4; Estepp... 2.. 1; Esterling... 0.. 1; Evans... 2.. 2; Ewing... 1.. 2;
Failin... 0.. 1; Fairchild... 0.. 1; Falen... 0.. 1; Falin... 3.. 5; Faling... 1.. 0; Fallin... 0.. 1; Fane... 1.. 0; Fannin... 0.. 1; Fannon... 1.. 1; Fansler... 1.. 0; Faser... 1.. 0; Fields... 4.. 3; Fisher... 1.. 0; Flanary... 2.. 1; Flanery... 18.. 20; Flaugher... 1.. 0; Fleenor... 1.. 4; Fletcher... 4.. 3; Foalley... 1.. 0; Foling... 1.. 1; Ford... 1.. 2; Forgey... 1.. 0; Forgy... 2.. 0; Foster... 1.. 2; Fraley... 0.. 1; France... 3.. 3; Frances... 0.. 1; Francis... 1.. 1; Francisco... 4.. 3; Franklin... 5.. 0; Fraser... 0.. 1; Frasure... 0.. 1; Frayser... 1.. 0; Frazer... 0.. 1; Frazier... 6.. 5; Frazure... 1.. 0; Freeman... 1.. 1; Freemon... 0.. 1; Frits... 0.. 1; Fugate... 13.. 8; Fuller... 1.. 1; Funkhowser... 0.. 1;
Gains... 0.. 1; Garden... 0.. 1; Gardner... 2.. 1; Garlick... 0.. 1; Garst... 0.. 1; Gasset... 1.. 0; Gearhart... 0.. 1; Gentry... 1.. 0; Gibbons... 0.. 1; Gibson... 9.. 12; Gillam... 9.. 6; Gilland... 1.. 0; Gillenwater... 2.. 0; Gillenwaters... 1.. 2; Gilliam... 4.. 1; Gillim... 0.. 1; Gillum... 1.. 0; Gilmore... 1.. 0; Gipson... 1.. 0; Goad... 0.. 1; Gobble... 1.. 1; Godsey... 3.. 9; Good... 0.. 1; Gordan... 1.. 0; Grace... 0.. 1; Graham... 1.. 0; Grant... 0.. 1; Gray... 8.. 4; Grayham... 0.. 1; Greear... 4.. 4; Green... 4.. 11; Greer... 1.. 1; Grezel... 0.. 1; Grigsby... 1.. 0; Grim... 0.. 1; Groce... 1.. 0; Gunnings... 1.. 0; Guthrey... 0.. 1; Guthry... 0.. 1; Gutrey... 0.. 1; Guy... 1.. 0;
Hagear... 1.. 0; Hale... 6.. 2; Hall... 6.. 4; Hambleton... 3.. 0; Hamilton... 2.. 0; Hammond... 0.. 1; Hammonds... 0.. 1; Hammons... 5.. 3; Hampton... 2.. 0; Haney... 3.. 1; Hangst... 0.. 1; Hanshore... 1.. 0; Harden... 1.. 0; Harman... 0.. 1; Harmon... 1.. 0; Harris... 6.. 5; Hart... 3.. 2; Hartsock... 3.. 9; Hawl... 1.. 1; Hawley... 1.. 0; Haynes... 2.. 0; Head... 5.. 5; Heart... 1.. 0; Hellman... 0.. 1; Helton... 4.. 1; Henry... 4.. 1; Hensley... 6.. 3; Herron... 1.. 0; Hess... 0.. 1; Hibbits... 1.. 0; Hick... 1.. 0; Hickam... 4.. 1; Hill... 4.. 6; Hillman... 3.. 4; Hillmon... 1.. 2; Hilman... 1.. 0; Hilmon... 0.. 1; Hilton... 10.. 6; Hobb... 1.. 0; Hobbs... 4.. 5; Hobs... 1.. 0; Holdway... 1.. 0; Honeycutt... 1.. 0; Honycutt... 1.. 0; Hooper... 1.. 0; Hopson... 0.. 1; Horn... 1.. 0; Horne... 1.. 0; Horton... 15.. 8; Houpt... 1.. 0; Howel... 1.. 0; Hubbard... 1.. 2; Huff... 0.. 1; Huntsucker... 2.. 2; Hutcherson... 0.. 3; Hutcheson... 2.. 0; Hutchinson... 1.. 3; Hutchison... 1.. 0;
Ingram... 1.. 4; Isaac... 0.. 1; Ison... 4.. 3;
Jackson... 0.. 2; James... 0.. 1; Jans... 1.. 0; Jarter (?)... 0.. 1; Jarvis... 0.. 2; Jefferson... 1.. 0; Jenkins... 1.. 4; Jennings... 1.. 0; Jesse... 0.. 1; Jett... 1.. 6; Jinkins... 1.. 0; Jinnings... 1.. 0; Johnson... 6.. 2; Johnston... 6.. 3; Joiner... 1.. 0; Jones... 6.. 11; Judd... 0.. 1;
Kagers... 0.. 1; Kane... 1.. 1; Kelley... 0.. 1; Kern... 1.. 0; Kerr... 0.. 1; Kid... 1.. 0; Kidd... 1.. 0; Kilgore... 21.. 31; Kimbler... 0.. 3; Kindrick... 1.. 0; King... 2.. 2; Kinney... 0.. 1; Kitchen... 0.. 1;
Lambert... 1.. 0; Land... 1.. 0; Landreth... 1.. 0; Landrith... 2.. 2; Lane... 11.. 18; Langford... 0.. 2; Langley... 1.. 0; Lankford... 1.. 0; Lark... 2.. 0; Larke... 0.. 1; Larkins... 1.. 0; Lawson... 10.. 19; Layne... 0.. 1; Lee... 0.. 2; Legg... 1.. 0; Lethco... 1.. 0; Lewis... 2.. 4; Lipps... 1.. 1; Little... 1.. 1; Livingston... 3.. 3; Long... 0.. 1; Lovall... 0.. 1; Loyd... 1.. 0; Lucas... 0.. 1; Lumpkins... 1.. 0; Lundy... 0.. 1; Lyon... 0.. 2; Lyons... 2.. 0;
Maddox... 2.. 0; Maden... 0.. 1; Mage... 0.. 1; Magee... 0.. 3; Maloney... 1.. 0; Mann... 1.. 1; March... 0.. 1; Marshal... 0.. 2; Marshall... 4.. 2; Martin... 4.. 1; Marvel... 1.. 0; Mason... 2.. 3; Masters... 1.. 0; Matney... 1.. 2; May... 1.. 0; McCall... 1.. 0; McCarty... 1.. 0; McCasley... 0.. 1; McCleland... 1.. 0; McClelin... 1.. 0; McClellan... 0.. 2; McClelland... 5.. 3; McCloud... 0.. 1; McClure... 1.. 0; McConnel... 12.. 5; McConnell... 3.. 1; McCubbins... 0.. 3; McCurry... 1.. 0; McDavid... 1.. 2; McGee... 0.. 1; McGloughlin... 0.. 1; McGuire... 0.. 2; McHenry... 0.. 3; McIver... 1.. 0; McKiney... 1.. 0; McKinney... 2.. 3; McKinny... 1.. 1; McKinsey... 2.. 0; McKinzey... 1.. 2; McKinzie... 1.. 2; McKnight... 1.. 0; McLaughlin... 0.. 1; McLauglin... 0.. 1; McLawline... 1.. 0; McMullin... 2.. 0; McMurry... 0.. 1; McNew... 0.. 6; McNight... 0.. 1; McNite... 0.. 2; McNue... 1.. 0; McPeeke... 1.. 0; McReynolds... 0.. 2; Mead... 3.. 3; Meade... 1.. 0; Meed... 0.. 1; Mefford... 1.. 0; Meredy... 0.. 1; Merphy... 0.. 1; Messick... 0.. 1; Miller... 6.. 2; Minick... 0.. 2; Minix... 1.. 0; Minter... 2.. 2; Mitchel... 0.. 3; Mitchell... 2.. 3; Mock... 1.. 0; Molin... 1.. 0; Moor... 1.. 2; Moore... 9.. 14; More... 1.. 1; Morel... 1.. 0; Morell... 1.. 3; Morgan... 0.. 2; Morison... 8.. 1; Morris... 1.. 2; Mosely... 1.. 0; Mullet... 0.. 1; Mullins... 0.. 1; Mumpower... 0.. 1; Munk... 0.. 1; Murfort... 0.. 1; Murphey... 1.. 1; Murphy... 3.. 3;
Nastor... 0.. 1; Neal... 1.. 2; Nealy... 1.. 0; Necessary... 1.. 0; Neel... 2.. 1; Neely... 8.. 5; Neff... 0.. 1; Neil... 0.. 1; Neill... 0.. 1; Nelson... 3.. 4; Newberry... 2.. 1; Newland... 2.. 0; Newman... 1.. 1; Newton... 1.. 0; Nicely... 1.. 0; Nichols... 2.. 2; Nickell... 1.. 0; Nickels... 2.. 0; Nickles... 2.. 2; Nolin... 1.. 1; Norvell... 0.. 1; Nottingham... 1.. 0;
Osborn... 14.. 15; Osburn... 1.. 0; Owen... 1.. 0; Oweng... 1.. 0; Owens... 7.. 3;
Pace... 1.. 1; Page... 1.. 0; Parker... 0.. 1; Parks... 0.. 1; Parsons... 1.. 0; Paterson... 1.. 0; Patton... 1.. 0; Pearson... 3.. 5; Peavler... 0.. 2; Peery... 1.. 0; Peicel... 1.. 0; Pendleton... 8.. 11; Pendley... 0.. 1; Penley... 5.. 4; Percel... 1.. 0; Percell... 0.. 2; Perry... 0.. 1; Peters... 10.. 9; Peterson... 0.. 1; Pheral... 1.. 0; Philips... 0.. 1; Phillips... 0.. 3; Phipps... 2.. 3; Poe... 2.. 1; Pope... 1.. 0; Porter... 5.. 0; Power... 1.. 1; Powers... 9.. 9; Prewet... 1.. 1; Price... 5.. 3; Pridemore... 4.. 2; Pritchet... 1.. 1; Prooner... 1.. 1; Provner... 1.. 0; Pruet... 0.. 1; Pruitt... 1.. 0; Pruner... 0.. 1; Pruter... 1.. 0; Pucket... 0.. 1; Purcel... 1.. 0; Purcell... 1.. 0;
Qualls... 6.. 0; Quillen... 3.. 1; Quillin... 9.. 8; Quilling... 1.. 1;
Raimey... 0.. 1; Rame... 1.. 1; Ramey... 16.. 12; Ramsey... 1.. 0; Ramy... 1.. 0; Ransons... 0.. 1; Ratliff... 3.. 4; Ratliffe... 4.. 2; Ray... 1.. 1; Reynolds... 2.. 0; Rhainey... 0.. 1; Rhay ... 1.. 0; Rhea... 0.. 3; Rhoten... 3.. 1; Rhoton... 5.. 6; Rice... 1.. 0; Richardson... 0.. 1; Richie... 0.. 1; Richmond... 3.. 2; Riddle... 0.. 1; Riggs... 4.. 7; Rigs... 1.. 0; Riley... 2.. 1; Rily... 0.. 1; Ritchie... 1.. 5; Roach... 1.. 0; Roaten... 1.. 0; Robbins... 1.. 0; Robenson... 0.. 1; Roberson... 1.. 0; Roberts... 6.. 3; Robertson... 2.. 0; Robinett... 6.. 10; Robinette... 1.. 0; Robinson... 2.. 2; Robnet... 0.. 1; Rogers... 7.. 3; Roler... 3.. 2; Roller... 1.. 3; Rose... 4.. 2; Roton... 1.. 0; Rouse... 0.. 3; Royal... 1.. 0; Rush... 0.. 1; Russell... 0.. 1; Ryan... 0.. 1;
Salliers... 1.. 0; Salling... 3.. 7; Sally... 0.. 1; Salyer... 5.. 1; Salyers... 5.. 6; Sam... 1.. 0; Sams... 0.. 1; Sanders... 4.. 0; Sandige... 0.. 1; Sandridge... 1.. 0; Saunders... 4.. 5; Saxton... 0.. 1; Scott... 3.. 0; Seavers... 0.. 1; Selsor... 0.. 1; Seral... 0.. 1; Sergeant... 1.. 1; Sergent... 0.. 1; Sexton... 5.. 4; Shaver... 1.. 0; Shaw... 1.. 0; Shelly... 1.. 0; Shelton... 1.. 0; Shepherd... 1.. 3; Shepperd... 1.. 0; Shoemaker... 3.. 0; Simamon... 0.. 1; Simerman... 0.. 1; Simmerman... 0.. 1; Sims... 1.. 0; Singleton... 0.. 1; Skidmore... 0.. 1; Sloan... 1.. 1; Sloas... 5.. 1; Slone... 5.. 9; Smallwood... 3.. 0; Smith... 22.. 18; Smyth... 0.. 2; Snapp... 0.. 1; Snider... 3.. 4; Snoddy... 0.. 1; Snodgrass... 2.. 0; Sollaman... 0.. 1; Spahr... 1.. 0; Spangler... 0.. 2; Sparks... 0.. 1; Spear... 2.. 1; Spears... 0.. 1; Speer... 1.. 8; Spence... 1.. 0; Spencer... 4.. 2; Spivey... 1.. 0; Spotts... 1.. 0; Spur... 1.. 0; Spurier... 0.. 1; Spurrier... 0.. 2; Stacey... 0.. 1; Stacy... 2.. 1; Staliard... 1.. 2; Stallard... 11.. 14; Stamper... 0.. 2; Standley... 0.. 2; Stanfield... 0.. 2; Stanley... 4.. 5; Stanly... 1.. 0; Stapleton... 7.. 2; Starnes... 6.. 2; Starns... 2.. 1; Stedham... 0.. 2; Steel... 1.. 1; Stewart... 6.. 11; Stidham... 1.. 0; Strong... 5.. 5; Sturgeon... 0.. 4; Sturgin... 0.. 2; Sturgion... 0.. 1; Suleer... 1.. 0; Sulser... 0.. 1; Summers... 1.. 0; Surmy... 0.. 1; Sutfin... 1.. 0; Swenney... 1.. 0; Swinney... 1.. 0;
Tate... 1.. 3; Taylor... 16.. 11; Templeton... 5.. 1; Thomas... 2.. 0; Thompson... 7.. 1; Thornberry... 5.. 0; Thornberry?... 0.. 1; Thornberry... 0.. 3; Thornesberry... 0.. 1; Thornsberry... 2.. 0; Tipton... 1.. 0; Tirey... 0.. 1; Tolbee... 1.. 0; Tradway... 0.. 1; Trantham... 1.. 0; Travis... 1.. 0; Tredaway... 1.. 1; Triplet... 0.. 1; Trout... 0.. 1; Trusley... 1.. 0; Tyler... 2.. 1; Tylor... 1.. 1; Tyre... 0.. 2; Tyree... 1.. 0;
VanSant... 0.. 1; VanZandt... 0.. 1; VanZant... 0.. 1; Vaughan... 1.. 0; Vickers... 1.. 0; Vincent... 0.. 1; Vineyard... 1.. 4; Von... 0.. 1;
Wade... 2.. 5; Wallen... 2.. 1; Wallin... 2.. 1; Walling... 4.. 4; Wallis... 0.. 2; Wampler... 3.. 5; Watkins... 1.. 0; Watson... 5.. 3; Watts... 2.. 3; Web... 1.. 0; Webb... 2.. 1; Welch... 1.. 3; Wells... 7.. 2; West... 2.. 1; Wetson... 0.. 1; Wheatley... 2.. 3; Wheatly... 1.. 2; Whetley... 0.. 1; Whetly... 0.. 1; White... 2.. 6; Whitely... 0.. 1; Whitley... 1.. 0; Whitlow... 1.. 1; Wicker... 0.. 1; Wilborn... 0.. 1; Wilbourn... 1.. 0; Wilcox... 4.. 4; Wilese... 1.. 0; Wilhelms... 1.. 0; Wilkelin... 0.. 1; Willhite... 0.. 1; Williams... 8.. 7; Wills... 1.. 2; Wilson... 2.. 0; Wineger... 0.. 1; Winiger... 1.. 1; Wininger... 1.. 1; Winniger... 0.. 1; Wolf... 1.. 0; Wolfe... 4.. 8; Wood... 9.. 8; Woods... 0.. 1; Worde... 1.. 0; Wright... 4.. 5; Wyett... 1.. 0;
Yates... 1.. 0; Young... 5.. 0;
Zion... 3.. 0
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