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City of Richmond, VA : Surname Lists
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Surnames from Richmond City, VA 1810 Census
Abrams; Adams; Adkinson; Albert; Allegree; Allen; Alley; Ambler; Ampey; Anderson; Anthony; Armistead; Armstrong; Asbey; Ashwell; Aswald; Austin; Auther;
Baichard; Bailey; Baily; Baine; Baker; Balaner; Ball; Banks; Baran; Barker; Barkill; Barnett; Barns; Barrett; Barrow; Bassett; Battles; Bayrd; Beal; Beamer; Beaty; Bell; Bellamy; Bendle; Bennet; Bennett; Berry; Beverage; Bigham; Bilbre; Bird; Birrus; Blackbourn; Blackburn; Blackwell; Blades; Blair; Blake; Blakey; Blakinship; Blew; Block; Bohannon; Bolls; Bolton; Bonnardell; Booker; Bootright; Bosher; Bosman; Botts; Bowan; Bowers; Bowler; Bowles; Bowsher; Boyce; Brackley; Bradley; Braelfute; Braeston; Bream; Breck; Breeden; Brenor; Brewer; Britton; Broadnex; Brokenborough; Brooke; Brooks; Brown; Brummet; Brumwell; Bruster; Bryan; Buckner; Bullock; Burch; Burchell; Burgis; Burlen; Burnley; Burns; Burr; Burroutt; Burton; Bush;
Cabell; Call; Canada; Canady; Cannon; Canter; Capharte; Carns; Carrington; Carter; Cary; Casay; Case; Casey; Cayhill; Cernon; Chambres; Charter; Chevallie; Chineau; Christian; Cibels; Claibourn; Clark; Clarke; Claugh; Claxton; Clay; Clopton; Coal; Coals; Coatney; Cobbs; Cogan; Cole; Coleman; Coller; Colley; Collins; Comb; Coney; Conley; Convert; Cook; Cooley; Cooper; Copland; Couch; Cowan; Cowles; Craddock; Craig; Crane; Crase; Cravan; Crawford; Cringan; Croker; Crow; Cruch; Crump; Crutchfield; Cunningham; Custalo;
Dabney; Daily; Daivis; Dakings; Dance; Dancy; Dandrage; Dandrige; Danebery; Danes; Danfort; Darmsdate; Darus; Daul; Davidson; Davis; Davison; Dayley; Deane; Deen; Denham; Denlevy; Dennis; Denny; Denson; Densord; Devenport; Dice; Dickey; Dickinson; Diddep; Diggs; Dill; Dixon; Doler; Donaldson; Dorington; Dowdle; Dowel; Dower; Doyle; Drew; Drinkard; Drummond; Dudley; Dugard; Duglass; Duke; Dunham; Dunkinfield; Dunlop; Dunscomb; Dunsmore; Dupriest; Dusington; Duvall;
Edgar; Edgington; Edward; Ege; Eggai; Elligott; Elliott; Ellis; Enders; Enderson; English; Ennis; Eperson; Eps; Ervin; Ervits; Eubanks; Evans; Evins;
Farr; Farrow; Ferrell; Fields; Finch; Fishbindes; Fisher; Fister; Fitzwilson; Fletcher; Flint; Ford; Foster; Fouchee; Foushe; Franklin; Frayzer; Freeman; Fremon; Frost; Fry; Fulcher;
Gaddy; Gallam; Gallavan; Gallego; Galt; Galvard; Gamble; Ganeau; Garnett; Gathright; Gauphile; Gibbon; Gibbs; Gill; Gillett; Gilliott; Gilmon; Gipson; Glynn; Godfrey; Godwin; Gohslins; Goldman; Good; Goodwin; Gordon; Graham; Grange; Grant; Graves; Gray; Grean; Green; Greenhow; Greggs; Gretter; Griggs; Grove; Grover; Gunn; Guy;
Hailey; Haine; Hall; Hallam; Haller; Ham; Hambelton; Hamblet; Hambleton; Hamm; Hamson; Hancock; Hanes; Hannah; Hare; Haris; Harison; Harkham; Harlow; Harper; Harris; Harrison; Harvie; Hawkins; Haxhall; Hay; Haylord; Hays; Heath; Heffer; Hemmings; Hemnaway; Hening; Henley; Henry; Henslow; Hetherton; Hewet; Hewlet; Hewlett; Hide; Hill; Hipkin; Holdern; Holloway; Holsey; Holton; Homes; Hood; Hooker; Hooper; Hopes; Hopkins; Howard; Howell; Howington; Hubbard; Hughes; Hughs; Humes; Hunley; Hunt; Hurt; Hustin; Hutcherson; Hutton; Hylton;
Idings; Irons;
Jackson; Jacob; Jefferies; Jefler; Jenner; Jestice; Jinks; Joff; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jorden; Joseph; Judah;
Kelley; Kelly; Kenny; Kensey; Kerby; Kidd; Kimble; King; Knight;
Lacy; Ladd; Laine; Lakenon; Laknan; Lamb; Lambert; Lancaster; Landers; Lane; Laney; Larence; Lark; Larous; Lawlor; Lawrence; Lawrey; Leach; Lebeviodus; Lechaize; Lee; Leforest; Legon; Leiper; Lemmon; Lenxas; Lesley; Letchfield; Letellier; Levey; Lewis; Lipscomb; Loana; Lockart; Logan; Loney; Long; Longston; Love; Lowrey; Lucas; Lucus; Lyinch; Lynch; Lyons;
Macbride; MacCall; Madaris; Mallery; Man; Mann; Manson; Maria; Marks; Marquis; Marshall; Martin; Matthews; Maule; Maxfield; Maxwell; May; Mayo; Mays; McBride; McCabe; McCarte; McCaso; McCay; McClure; McClurg; McComick; McCraw; McCredia; McDonald; McHenry; McKenney; McKim; McLain; McLocklin; McMurdo; McNeir; McPherson; Meacons; Mead; Meads; Meakins; Mediton; Meredith; Merit; Meritt; Method; Mettard; Michalls; Milen; Miller; Mills; Minor; Mise; Mitchell; Moncure; Monda[y]; Mongomery; Moody; Moon; Moore; Moreis; Moris; Morris; Morrow; Morton; Mosby; Mosey; Mosley; Moss; Munford; Murkia; Murphy; Murry; Myers; Myres;
Naylor; Neail; Neal; Neil; Neilson; Nelson; Nicholas; Nicolson; Nisbet; Nixon; Norbourn; Norrell; Norris; North; Nuttle;
Oliver; Osgood; Otis; Overton;
Page; Paine; Palmer; Parish; Parker; Parkison; Parks; Parsley; Parson; Parsons; Partin; Paterson; Patterson; Paul; Payne; Peck; Pendleton; Perry; Peters; Petticoats; Petty; Phillips; Philpotts; Piatte; Pickett; Pickrell; Picot; Pierce; Pleasants; Poindexter; Poittis; Pollard; Pollock; Pope; Potter; Potts; Preston; Price; Prosser; Pryor; Puckett; Pulling; Purley; Purse; Pursell; Puryear;
Raiford; Ralston; Randolph; Raphell; Ratliff; Rawley; Reddy; Reid; Remore; Renn; Rentis; Reveland; Reynolds; Richards; Richardson; Richarson; Ridges; Right; Ritche; Ritchie; Roberson; Robinson; Robritts; Rock; Rolley; Roper; Rose; Ross; Rowlett; Rowntree; Rowsey; Royster; Ruffin; Russell; Rutherford; Ryne;
Sackrider; Samser; Sanderson; Satterwhite; Saunders; Schmithers; Schooler; Sciesor; Scoot; Scott; Seabrook; Selter; Shacklett; Shaft; Sharp; Sharrow; Shaw; Shelton; Shepard; Shepherd; Shields; Shippy; Shore; Shorte; Skipwith; Slider; Smith; Smock; Snead; Solovo; Southgate; Spears; Spencer; Spurr; St.John; Stanback; Stanley; Stanton; Stapels; Staples; Stark; Staws; Stephens; Stephenson; Stetson; Stevenson; Steward; Stewart; Sticher; Stierwall; Stiles; Stoaks; Stokes; Stratton; Street; Strobia; Struggs; Suthard;
Tab; Tabern; Taley; Talmage; Tast; Tate; Taubman; Taylor; Temple; Tennain; Tepence; Thomas; Thompson; Thopson; Tiller; Timblick; Timson; Tinsley; Todd; Tomkins; Tommisson; Tompkins; Tompson; Toney; Trance; Trent; Trewin; Trower; Truslow; Tucker; Turnan; Turner; Tyler;
Valentine; Vanderall; Vandervall; Vanney; Vaughn; Veinia; Venable; Venilia; Viale; Viena;
Waiferson; Wail; Waits; Walford; Walker; Walle; Walther; Walton; Wamock; Wanton; Warden; Ware; Warner; Warrall; Warror; Warwick; Washington; Watkins; Watson; Watt; Web; Webb; Weireg; Wells; Wert; West; Weymouth; Whaly; Whealer; Wheler; Whistler; White; Whitico; Whitis; Whitlock; Whitlow; Wiatt; Wickham; Widewitt; Wilkerson; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wills; Wilson; Win; Winchester; Winston; Wirte; Wise; Wolfe; Wood; Woodard; Woodward; Wortham; Wrenn; Wright; W[illia]mson; W[illia]msson;
Yearlin; Young;
No surnames [Slaves/Free persons of color?]
Ablinia; Cupid; Diannah; George; Ismenard; Lewis; Lucindia; Lucy; Lucydia; Matildia; Nat; Phillip; Rachell; Ruth; Sharlot; Silvia; Vilete; William;
Bohn & Hubner; Bryson & Parkill; Campbell & Paul; Ch.s Beck & C.; Egbon & Son; Ellis & Allen; Foster & Satchell; Gideon & Barker; Hawkins & Alder; Hobdy & Seaton; Jarvis & Williamson; Johnson & Reat; Meeter & Stewart; Murphy & Crump; Oden & Moore; Ralston & Pleasants; Robins & Enderson; Russell & Wallace; Spinster & Crozel; Stephen & Alley; Temple & Goughuey; Webster & Poor; White & Shelton.
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