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Prince George County, VA: Surname Lists
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Surnames from Prince George Co., 1810 Census:,
Adams; Aldridge; Allen; Alley; Allison; Ambrose; Anderson; Andrews; Anthoney; Avery; Bailey; Baird; Barker; Barr; Batee; Batt; Batte; Baugh; Baxter; Beckley; Beegle (Bugle?); Benford; Best; Bingham; Birchett; Bishop; Blackwell; Bland; Blankenship; Bonner; Brewer; Brockwell; Bron; Brown; Brownley; Bryant; Burchett; Burge; Burrow; Burwell; Bushel; Butler; Butts; Byrne; Cain; Call; Callion; Cameron; Cate; Chambliss; Chappell; Charity; Chenn; Chieves; Clements; Clerk; Cocke; Coleman; Colley; Comer; Conway; Cook; Corbbin; Cotton; Crider; Crowder; Cummings; Daingerfield; Daniel; Davis; Day; Denhart; Devenport; Dickson; Donaldson; Dowden; Dunn; Edloe; Edwards; Ellis; Ely; Epes; Evans; Fanny; Fenn; Fenner; Fernando; Fewqua; Figg; Fletcher; Floid; Folks; Ford; Galt; Gary; Gee; Gilbert; Gilliam; Glover; Gordan; Grammar; Grantham; Graves; Green; Griffen; Hackney; Haddon; Hair; Hall; Hamlin; Harris; Harrison; Harvell; Hatch; Heath; Hill; Hitterow; Hobbs; Hobs; Hodges; Holinsworth; Horthorn; House; Hunnicutt; Huse; Ivey; Jackson; Jameson; Johns; Johnson; Jones; Jordan; Kees; Kirkhead; Kirkland; Kirtland; Lanthrope; Leath; Ledbetter; Lee; Leonard; Lewis; Livesay; Livesey; Mainard; Marks; Martin; Mason; Mattox; McBroom; McCan; McKennie; McQueen; Miller; Minge; Mingo; Mitchan; Mitchell; Moody; Moore; Morgan; Mustlewhite; Nelson; Newcomb; Newell; Newgant; Niblett; Nixon; Nox; Nunnery; Only; Organ; Parham; Parsons; Patterson; Patton; Peebles; Penny; Perkins; Perkinson; Perryman; Peter; Peterson; Petway; Philips; Phillips; Pill; Pinestone; Pointer; Pool; Porch; Powell; Poythress; Procter; Proctor; Qessenberry; Ragsdale; Rains; Rainy; Ranes; Reavs; Redding; Reese; Richardson; Rives; Rix; Roberts; Rollins; Rosser; Ruffin; Russell; Savage; Scarborough; Scarbrough; Scoggin; Scott; Sears; Seldon; Sergant; Seward; Sewel; Shackelford; Shands; Shearwood; Sheffield; Shuffield; Sikes; Simmons; Simons; Smith; Spires; Stackhouse; Stainback; Stephens; Strachan; Sturdivant; Tacket; Tackett; Tatum; Taylor; Temple; Tench; Tenny; Thompson; Thorborne; Thweate; Thweatt; Tickney; Tinch; Tinney; Titmash; Todd; Traylor; Troublefield; Tubbs; Tucker; Vaughan; Wallace; Wamack; Webb; Wells; White; Whitmore; Wicks; Wilkerson; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willcox; Williams; Williamson; Womack; Woodlief; Worthan; Worthen; Young
Return to Prince George 1810 Census
Surnames from Prince George Co., VA Wills and Deeds, 1710-1713:,
Ackings; Adkins; Aldrige; Anderson; Archeir; Archer; Arnold; Averry; Avery; Backnall; Baites;
Baker; Banister; Barker; Barlo; Barloe; Barlow; Bartholomew; Barton; Batt; Batte; Batts; Bell;
Benkele; Biggins; Bilbro; Bindford; Birchenhead; Birchett; Blaikley; Bland; Blande; Blanks;
Blaus; Blaws; Blayton; Blicke; Blight; Boggs; Bolling; Borne; Bornes; Bowling; Bowman;
Brewer; Browder; Browne; Burchett; Burge; Burges; Burrough; Burroughs; Burrow; Busby;
Butler; Bynetree; Byrd; Cargill; Carter; Cater; Cates; Chamberlayne; Chamherlayne; Chappel;
Chappell; Claud; Clay; Clements; Cloud; Cock; Cocke; Cogan; Coleman; Cotten; Crabb;
Crooke; Crooks; Crowder; Curtis; Daniell; Dearden; Denton; Dickson; Downing; Duell; Dun;
Dunn; Edwards; Eldridge; Elinor; Ellerson; Ellice; Ellington; Ellis; Epes; Evans; Evins; Fairfax;
Feild; Fitzgerald; Fletcher; Floraday; Floriday; Floyd; Foster; Fourd; Gardi; Garey; Garrison;
Garry; Gary; Gee; Gent; Gerratt; Ghent; Gibbs; Gillam; Gilliam; Gillim; Gillum; Golightly;
Goodgame; Goodrich; Goodwyne; Goodwynne; Green; Greene; Gretion; Griffeth; Griffith;
Grigg; Griggs; Gubson; Halet; Hall; Hamelton; Hamlin; Hancock; Hardyman; Harnison;
Harreson; Harris; Harrison; Harrowell; Harrwell; Harwell.; Harwood; Hatch; Hay; Hayles;
Heath; Heeth; Herbert; Higdon; Hilton; Hobbs; Holiecross; Hollycross; Hood; Horn; Howell;
Hudson; Huff; Hunnicutt; Hunycutt; Ingles; Irby; Jackson; Jane; Jean; Johnson; Jones; Justice;
Kavanaugh; Kellegrew; Kemp; Kennon; King; Kirkland; Kirtland; Knight; Land; Langtons;
Lanyer; Lath; Lawrence; Leadbetter; Ledbetter; Lee; Leeth; Leigh; Lessenty; Lett; Lewellin;
Lewis; Lex; Limbrey; Limbry; Limbrye; Lizour; Lodge; Loe; Low; Lowe; Loyd; Lucy;
Mackenny; Maggee; Maine; Mallone; Mallory; Markes; Marks; Marrow; Mason; Mathews;
Matthews; Mattox; Mayes; Mayne; Maynes; Mayse; Meacham; Meadows; Meredeth; Merredeth;
Michele; Michell; Miles; Milner; Minge; Minnett; Mones; Moody; Moor; Moore; More;
Munford; Nance; Newcombe; Newhouse; Niblett; Norton; Norwood; Nunnally; Oastler; Odiom;
Osborne; Overby; Owen; Pace; Parham; Parram; Pasmore; Pattison; Peoples; Peterson;
Petterson; Pettypoole; Phillips; Pigeon; Pigon; Platt; Poake; Pofford; Pook; Pool; Potts; Poythres;
Poythress; Prince; Rachel; Raines; Ramey; Ranaan; Randolph; Raney; Ray; Rayney; Rayson;
Reach; Reed; Reeks; Rees; Reese; Reess; Reives; Rey; Richardson; Rivers; Rives; Roberson;
Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Robison; Rogers; Rookings; Rosser; Roux; Sandborne;
Sandburne; Sanders; Sands; Sanns; Sardyman; Scarbro; Scarbrough; Scot; Scott; Semple;
Seymore; Shew; Short; Shurley; Simmons; Smith; Sowell; Spaine; Spell; Spotswood; Spyers;
Stainback; Stainbacke; Standback; Standbacke; Stapley; Stroud; Sturdevan; Sturdevant;
Sturdivant; Symons; Tally; Tatem; Tatum; Taylor; Thomas; Thrower; Thweatt; Thweet; Tillman;
Tilman; Titmarsh; Trower; Tucker; Turbefield; Turbyfeild; Tye; Urvin; Vandivan; Vaughn;
Vincent; Vinson; Vruen; Wall; Wallice; Wallpole; Walpool; Walpoole; Walter; Watkins;
Weaver; Weikes; Wenner; West; Westbrooke; White; Whitmore; Wicket; Wickill; Wilburn;
Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willeburn; William; Williams; Willkins; Willson; Winingham; Winkles;
Winningham; Winninham; Wise; Wms; Womack; Woodard; Woodleif; Woodleife; Woodley;
Woodlief; Woodson; Wrey; Wyatt; Wynn; Wynne;
Places; "Haycocks"; "Odiums"; "Rowan"; "Rowanty"; Charles City County; Henrico County;
Surry County;
Slaves; Agnes; Alice; Ame; Back; Beck; Benn; Bess; Betty; Billy; Catto; Cock; Coffee; Coffer;
Coger; Cogo; David; Diane; Dick; Dyanah; Fillis; Frank; Frank Cook; Hannah; Ile; Jack; Janey;
Jenny; Jude; Judith; Lucy; Mary; Mingo; Moll; Moreore; Nanny; Nany; Nick; Nuty; Old Siss;
Pegg; Petter; Phillis; Robin; Sarah; Shu; Side; Siss; Sue; Temp; Tom; Usse; Wile; Will; Willey;
Native Americans; Bess; Bettee; Dillo; George; Hannah; Robin; Rose;
Return to Prince George Wills and Deeds, 1710-1713
Surnames from Prince George Co., VA Wills and Deeds, 1713-1728:,
Abbernathy; Abbington; Abernath; Abernathy; Abington; Acock; Acrill; Adams; Adcock; Addeson; Addison; Adkins; Aldridge; Alister; Allen; Alloin; Ally; Anderson; Andrews; Ann; Archer; Argent; Armistead; Arnall; Arnold; Arthur; Atkins; Attkins; Avary; Avent; Avery; Avory; Bagley; Baily; Baird; Baites; Baker; Baly; Banks; Bannister; Bannisters; Barker; Barlow; Barns; Barres; Barrett; Bartholmew; Bartholomew; Barton; Bass; Batt; Batte; Battle; Batts; Batty; Baugh; Baxter; Beard; Beavill; Beck; Beddingfield; Bell; Bellow; Berkeley; Berry; Berryman; Bethell; Bettes; Bevil; Bevill; Bidges; Biggins; Bilberry; Bilbro; Binford; Birch; Birchett; Bird; Bishop; Blackman ; Blackman; Blaikley; Blaine; Blair; Blancherd; Bland; Blayton; Bleighton; Blick; Blicke; Blow; Bly; Bobbit; Bobbitt; Bodyman; Boisseau; Bolling; Bolton; Bond; Bonner; Boods; Booker; Booth; Bordland; Boreman; Bott; Bottom; Bouncher; Bradford; Bradshaw; Braine; Brame; Branch; Brandon; Braxton; Bray; Bressie; Brewer; Bridges; Briggs; Brister; Broadaway; Broadway; Brooks; Browder; Brown; Browne; Buckner; Bunley; Burch; Burchet; Burchett; Burchette; Burchitt; Burge; Burgess; Burroughs; Burrow; Burrows; Burton; Busbe; Busby; Butcher; Butler; Butterworth; Byrd; Cabanis; Cabinis; Cantwell; Cargill; Carlile; Carlisle; Cart; Carter; Cary; Cate; Cates; Cemp; Chamberlain; Chambers; Chamless; Chamlis; Chamnis; Chapman; Chappel; Chappell; Chease; Cheatham; Cheaves; Cheves; Chicheley; Chisman; Chissell; Chiswell; Chues; Clanton; Claris; Clarke; Claud; Clay; Clayton; Clements; Clemmonds; Clency; Clerk; Clerke; Cleton; Clifton; Clopton; Cobbs; Cock; Cocke; Cogill; Coleman; Colgill; Collier; Collup; Colson; Colup; Colvill; Colwell; Connel; Connell; Cook; Cooke; Cooper; Corbett; Cordle; Cotten; Cotting; Cotton; Cowleshaw; Cox; Crabb; Cragg; Crawley; Creacher; Crew; Crook; Crooke; Crooks; Crosland; Crossland; Crowder; Cuerton; Cureton; Cuzans; Cuzens; Daniel; Daniell; Dardin; Davenport; Davidson; Davis; Dean; Dearden; Deardn; DeGraffenriedt; Denhart; Denheart; Denkins; Dennis; Denton; Derden; Devonport; Dew; Dewell; Dinkins; Dittee; Dobbins; Dobins; Doby; Dobyns; Doley; Don; Doran; Dorcum; Dorum; Douglas; Dows; Drayton; Drummer; Duke; Dunkesin; Dunn; Dunnidge; Eaton; Eavery; Edmonds; Edmunds; Edwards; Eelbank; Eldridge; Ellington; Ellis; Embery; Embry; English; Epes; Eppes; Evan; Evans; Evins; Fairfax; Farmer; Farrar; Farrell; Farrill; Featherstone; Feild; Fennel; Ffox; Finney; Fisher; Fitzgerald; Fitzgerrald; Fitzggerald; Fletcher; Flewellin; Flewelling; Floyd; Flud; Fluelling; Fones; Ford; Fork; Foster; Fowler; Fox; Franklin; Freeman; Froughton; Fulday; Galley; Gannoway; Gant; Gary; Geddis; Gee; Gent; George; Gerrard; Ghent; Gibbs; Gibson; Gilbert; Gilham; Gill; Gillam; Gillum; Gilmore; Gisham; Glass; Glidewell; Glover; Golightly; Goodgame; Goodrich; Goodwyn; Gordon; Gower; Grace; Grammer; Granger; Grant; Graves; Gray; Grecian; Green; Greenhill; Greeshon; Gregory; Gression; Griffin; Griffis; Griffith; Griffiths; Grigg; Grigory; Gulson; Gutt; Hackett; Hackney; Haley; Hall; Haly; Hamelin; Hamelton; Hamersley; Hamersly; Hamilton; Hamlin; Hamlins; Hammersley; Hampton; Handcock; Hardaway; Hardyman; HardymanStephen; Hardyway; Harloe; Harnison; Harper; Harrell; Harrington; Harris; Harrison; Harrowell; Harvey; Harvill; Harwell; Harwood; Hatch; Hatcher; Hathews; Hatt; Haward; Hawkings; Hawkins; Hawks; Hay; Hays; Headworth; Heath; Heeth; Heines; Henshaw; Herbert; Hicks; Hide; Higdon; High; Hight; Hill; Hines; Hinton; Hix; Hobbs; Hobby; Hodson; Hokcobe; Holdcraft; Holdcroft; Holdsworth; Holland; Hollingsworth; Hollinsworths; Holloway; Hollycross; Holoway; Holt; Holycross; Honeycutt; Honycutt; Hood; Hoolly; Hooper; Hopkins; Horman; Horn; House; Howard; Howell; Howland; Hubbard; Huddell; Hudson; Hughs; Hulm; Hulme; Hunnicutt; Hunt; Hunter; Hutcheson; Hyatt; Hyde; Hynds; Hynes; Ingles; Ingram; Ingrum; Irby; Ivey; Ivie; Ivy; Jackson; Jane; Jaquelin; Jarrard; Jarrett; Jean; Jeans; Jefferson; Jeffreys; Jeffries; Jenkin; Jenkins; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan; Kavanaugh; Kavonaugh; Keith; Kemball; Kemp; Kennard; Kennon; Kerby; Kerley; Kerly; Kersey; Killibrew; Kimball; King; Kirkland; Kirkwood; Kirsey; Knibb; Knight; Lanier; Lanire; Lanthrop; Lanthrope; Lantrope; Lantthrop; Lanyres; Lawkin; Laws; Lead; Leadbetter; Leath; Ledbetter; Lee; Leeth; Leonard; Lessanley; Lessenby; Let; Lett; Lewis; Leynard; Liggon; Lightfoot; Ligon; Likele; Limbrey; Limbry; Linalas; Lindsay; Lisles; Littlepage; Livesay; Loftin; Long; Longmore; Lothropp; Loveit; Lovesay; Lovet; Low; Lowe; Loyd; Lucas; Lucy; Ludwell; Luffsy; Lundy; Lyon; Maccolo; Mackenney; Mackenny; MacKenzie; Mackinehan; Mackinenan; Mackinne; Macklin; Mackmathews; Magee; Maget; Maine; Maise; Major; Mallone; Mallory; Malone; Mampus; Man; Maning; Manson; Maria; Markam; Markes; Marks; Marky; Marsey; Martin; Martins; Mason; Massey; Mastengale; Mathew; Matthews; Mattock; Mattocks; Mattox; May; Mayberry; Mayes; Maynard; Mays; Mayse; McCormick; Meadows; Mecham; Mellis; Melone; Meloney; Melton; Mercy; Meredith; Meridith; Merredith; Mice; Middleton; Midleton; Miles; Millner; Minge; Mingo; Mitchell; Mixon; Mobberly; Moody; Moor; Moorcock; Moore; More; Moreing; Morgan; Morris; Mosby; Moseley; Mountcastle; Munford; Munny; Mustian; Nance; Naylor; Neck; Newcomb; Newcombe; Newman; Newton; Niblet; Niblett; Nibletts; Nicholls; Nicholson; Nickells; Noblen; Noblin; Noden; Norden; Norten; Northcross; Norwood; Nowlin; Numford; Nunford; Nunly; Nunnally; Nunneley; Oastler; Odium; Offley; Oliver; Onal; Osborn; Osborne; Overbey; Overby; Owen; Pace; Paggan; Param; Parham; Parker; Parr; Parram; Parrott; Parrum; Parsons; Partrick; Pasmore; Passover; Patillo; Patterson; Patteson; Pattillo; Pattison; Pattyson; Pea; Pearson; Peebles; Peirce; Perkins; Perry; Peterson; Petteway; Pettoway; Pettypool; Phillips; Pidgeon; Pigeon; Pistoll; Platt; Pleasants; Poindexter; Pook; Pooke; Posford; Potts; Powell; Poythree; Poythress; Price; Prichard; Prince; Pritchett; Pully; Puryear; Quare; Quiney; Raborn; Raborne; Rachel; Rachell; Raclif; Raggsdale; Raggsdell; Ragsdale; Ragsdell; Raines; Rains; Raisons; Randolph; Raney; Rany; Ranye; Ravenscraft; Ravenscroft; Ray; Rayborn; Rea; Read; Reames; Ree; Reed; Reekes; Reeks; Rees; Reese; Reess; Reeves; Reives; Renn; Reve; Reves; Reynie; Richardson; Richeson; Richson; Rirchett; Risby; Risley; Rivers; Rives; Rix; Road; Robards; Robbards; Roberson; Roberts; Robertson; Robinson; Robyson; Rochell; Rogers; Roland; Rooke; Roose; Rosser; Rouse; Ruck; Russell; Rvenscroft; Ryall; Salmon; Sandborne; Sands; Santom; Sattowhite; Savage; Sawkin; Scarborough; Scarbro; Scarbrough; Schoolmaster; Scoggan; Scoggin; Scogging; Scogin; Scott; Sears; Semple; Sentall; Sentell; Seucker; Seveiar; Shands; Shearing; Sheffeild; Sheffield; Shepheard; Sherly; Shirley; Short; Shower; Shrimpton; Shute; Silver; Simmonds; Simmons; Sims; Sisson; Skerrett; Skoyles; Slaughter; Smart; Smith; Snowden; Soane; Sorrall; Spain; Sparrow; Sparshott; Spell; Spencer; Spiller; Spire; Spotswood; Spreull; Stafford; Stainback; Stainbacks; Staindback; Standley; Stanfield; Stapely; Staple; Stapley; Stell; Steuart; Stevens; Stith; Stoa; Stodard; Stoker; Stokes; Straton; Stratton; Stroud; Stuart; Stunkes; Sturdivant; Summerel; Summerell; Swainson; Sykes; Symons; Tabb; Talbott; Talbutt; Talley; Tally; Tanner; Tapler; Tapley; Tatum; Taylor; Temple; Tharp; Thomas; Thompson; Thornhill; Thornton; Thrower; Thweat; Thweatt; Tidmarsh; Tillman; Tillmun; Tinker; Tirberfield; Titmarsh; Tomkins; Tomlinson; Tomlison; Tompkins; Townsend; Trebell; Tucker; Turbefield; Turbeville; Turboville; Turbyfield; Turner; Tye; Tyley; Urvin; Vadrey; Vandivan; Varnham; Vaudry; Vaughan; Vaughn; Vernon; Vinson; Wade; Walke; Walker; Wall; Wallace; Wallice; Wallis; Walls; Walpole; Walpool; Ward; Warpole; Warren; Warrick; Warthen; Warthin; Watson; Watt; Weaver; Webster; Weekes; Weeks; Weiks; Wells; West; Westbrook; Westmoreland; Wheatley; Wheatly; White; Whittington; Whittmore; Whood; Wigdon; Wiggins; Wilcox; Wilkason; Wilkes; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Willard; Willcox; Wille; William; Williams; Williamson; Willingham; Willson; Winfield; Wingfield; Winkfield; Winkles; Winneham; Winnigham; Winningham; Winninham; Wise; Withers; Womack; Wommack; Wood; Woodard; Woodland; Woodleif; Woodleife; Woodlief; Woodliefe; Woodly; Woodward; Woofe; Wooten; Worsham; Wren; Wright; Wyatt; Wych; Wyke; Wynn; Wynne; Young;
Places Cited:
Arrington's Plantation; Arthur's Swamp; Assamosock Swamp; Atchanouck Swamp; Bagley's Meadow; Bailey's Run; Baley's Run; Baly's Run; Bank's Landing; Bayley's Run; Bayley's Swamp; Bayleys Plantation; Bear Swamp; Birchen Swamp; Blackwater Swamp; Brickhouse Run; Burehen Swamp; Burleigh Plantation; Butterwood Run; Butterwood Swamp; Cattail Run; Cattail Swamp; City Point; Colespring Run; Cureton's Swamp; Dismel Swamp; Easterly Run; Eastward Run; Flower de Hundred Tract; Fox Branch Plantation; Fox Branch Plantation; Frog Hole Mill; Froghole Mill; Giles Run; Graces Plantation; Gravilly Run; Gravily Run; Great Swamp; Green's Mill; Hardwood Swamp; Hardwood Run; Harricane Swamp; Harris Run; Harris's Run; Harry's Swamp; Harry's Run; Harwood Run; Hatcher's Run; Hawksnest Plantation; Haycocks Plantation; High Peak; High Hills Plantation; Hogpen Run; Huckoby Plantation; Indian Town Run; Indian Swamp; Indian Fields; Ivey Point; Joan's Hole Swamp; Joseph's Swamp; Lieutenant's Run; Little Cattail Run; Lower Mill; Mathew's Run; Maycocks Plantation; Miery Run; Mill Run; Monscusaneck; Moody's Run; Myery Meadow; Nummisseen; Old Towne Swamp; Old Town Run; Otterdam Swamp; Otterdam Run; Paul's Run; Pigeon Swamp; Pond's Run; Poythress's Mill; Quarter Plantation; Reedy Run; Rocky Run; Rohowick Swamp; Rowanty Swamp; Savage's Run; Second Swamp; Simon's Swamp; Smith's Run; Southern Run; Spring Swamp; Spring Garden; Stony Hill Run; Stonyhill Run; Sturgeon's Run; Swift Run; Symond's Swamp; Tanner's Run; The Boiling Spring Land; The Indian Company; The Old Plantation; The Brick Chimneys; The Boyling Spring; Thomas's Run; Tomakitton Swamp; Wall's Run; Ward's Run; Warthen's Mill; Warthin's Mill; Warwick Swamp; Waughrick Swamp; Waurick Swamp; Westerly Run; Western Run; Westward Run; White Oak Swamp; Whiteoak Swamp; William's Run; Wolf Pitt Point; Wyatt's Quarter; Wynn's Plantation
Return to Prince George Wills and Deeds, 1713-1728
Surnames from Prince George Co., VA Records, 1733-1792:,
Abbett; Abbott; Abernatha; Abernathy; Abington; Abney; Accory; Acock; Acrill; Adams; Addison; Adkins; Ailey; Aitkin; Akin; Akins; Aldridge; Alexander; Aley; Alfriend; Alison; Allen & Avery; Allen; Ally; Anderson & Lothian; Anderson; Anderton; Andrews; Angus; Archer; Armistead; Arthur; Atkerson; Atkinson; Avent; Averis; Avery; Bacon; Bagley; Bailey; Baily; Bain; Baine; Baird; Baker; Baley; Ball; Ballard; Banister; Bankes; Banks; Barksdale; Barns; Barr; Barrett; Baskerville; Bass; Bassarer; Bate; Batt; Batte; Batts; Batty; Baxter; Beal; Beard; Beck; Beckley; Beckwith; Bedford; Bedle; Beesley; Belchers; Belches; Bell; Bergman; Berry; Best; Bettis; Betts; Beville; Biagrove; Biggins; Bilbro; Bilbroa; Binford; Bingham; Birch; Birchett; Bird; Bishop; Bissett; Black; Bladso; Bland; Blayton; Bleighton; Blick; Blizzard; Blodget; Blunt; Bobbitt; Boccard; Boisseau; Boland; Bolling; Bonner; Booker; Booth; Bott; Bottom; Bowles; Boyd; Boykin; Bradley; Bradshaw; Bratton; Braveberry; Bressie; Brewer; Briarly; Briggs; Brigs; Broadnax; Brockwell; Brodie; Brook; Brooks; Browdex; Brower; Brown; Browne; Bryun; Buchanan; Buck; Bugg; Burch; Burchett; Burge; Burgess; Burk; Burke; Burks; Burnet; Burrow; Burrus; Burton; Burwell; Bushaw; Butler; Butterworth; Byrd; Bywater; Cabanis; Caddock; Cain; Caleb; Call; Calliham; Camp; Campbell; Cane; Cannaday; Canoe; Cantalou; Carear; Cargill; Carlile; Carrington; Carter; Cary; Case; Cashon; Cate; Cates; Cawry; Chambless; Chapman; Chappell; Chapple; Chavis; Cheaves; Cheives; Cheivs; Cheves; Chieves; Child; Chiles; Churchman; Clack; Claiborne; Clark; Clarke; Clay; Clements; Clemmons; Clemonds; Clemons; Clifton; Cock; Cocke; Cockrans; Cole; Coleman; Colenell; Coles; Collefer; Colley; Collier; Colson; Colvin; Colwell; Comer; Connell; Connor; Conway; Cook; Cooke; Coomer; Cooper; Corran; Cotton; Cousens; Covington; Cox; Craddock; Craine; Crawford; Crawley; Crews; Crispin; Crompton; Crowder; Crumpton; Cryder; Cryer; Curd; Cureton; Currenton; Currie; Curtis; Daingerfield; Dampier; Dandridge; Dangerfield; Daniel; Darvill; Darwell; Davenport; Daves; Davice; Davidson; Davies; Davin; Davis; Dawson; Day; Dean; Deans; Degraffenried; Dejarnatt; Delahay; Delany; Delony; Dempsey; Denhart; Denton; Depuy; Deshazor; Desmont; Deusey; Devanport; Devonport; Dewey; Dickinson; Dier; Diilihay; Dixon & Hunter; Dobie; Donal; Donald Fraser & Co.; Donald; Donaldson & Stotts; Donaldson; Donen; Douglas; Douglass; Dousey; Dousing; Draper; Drewry; Drinkard; Drummond; Drummond & Co.; Drumwright; Dubee; Dudley; Duffey; Duke; Dun; Duncan; Duncan & Turnbull; Dunkley; Dunlevy; Dunn; Dupree; Dyson; Eaton; Edmonds ; Edmondson; Edmunds; Edwards; Eelbank; Ekman; Elam; Eldridge; Elligood; Ellington; Elliott; Elliott & Davis; Ellis; Ellitt; Ellyson; Empson; Epes; Eppes; Epps; Evans; Ewing; Ezell; Eziel; Falconer; Farguson; Farmer; Farnando; Farrell; Farrior; Faulcon; Faun; Fawn; Fawne; Featherston; Feild; Fenn; Fenner; Fennon; Ferguson; Fernando; Ferrell; Figg; Finch; Finn; Finney; Finnie; Fisher; Fitz; Fitzgerald; Fitzgerrald; Fitzhugh; Fitzpatrick; Fleming; Fletcher; Flewellin; Floriday; Floyd; Flueling; Flyn; Ford; Forp; Foster; Foushee; Fox; Franklin; Fraser; Frazer; Freeland & Lenox; Freeman; Frost; Fulks; Funow; Fuqua; Gaines; Galdie; Gallige & Thericks; Galt; Gammell; Garland; Garretson; Garrett; Gary; Gay; Geayres; Gee; Gent; George; Gerald; Gerrald; Gibbon; Gibbs; Gibburd; Gibling; Gibson; Gifford; Gilbert; Gilburd; Gill & Brown; Gillam & Skelton; Gillam; Gillespie; Gilliam; Gilmore; Ginnis; Glass; Glen; Glover; Going; Golder; Golightly; Gooch; Goode; Goodgame; Goodrich; Goodwin; Goodwyn; Gordon & Campbell; Gordon & Leitch; Gordon, Westmore & Maitland; Gordon; Gorgett; Gracie; Gramar; Grammer; Grantham; Graves; Gray; Greasett; Green; Greenhill & Leigh; Greenhill; Greenhow; Greenway; Greenwood; Gregorie; Gregory & Maitland; Gregory; Greig; Gressett; Grey; Griffin; Griffis; Grigg; Grigory; Gunn; Gunter; Gurr; Hackney; Haddon; Hails; Haley; Hall; Halsey; Haly; Hamblin; Hamilton; Hamlin; Hamlyn; Hampton; Handley; Handsworth; Hannah; Hansel; Hardaway; Hardie; Harding; Hardwick; Hardy; Hardyman; Hare; Harper; Harris; Harrison; Harston; Harvell; Harvey; Harvill; Harwell; Harwood; Haselwood; Haskins; Hatch; Hawkes; Hawkins; Hawks; Hawthorne; Haxall & West; Haxall; Hay; Haycock; Haynes; Hays; Headworth; Heath; Heathcote; Heeth; Heirees; Henderson; Hendrick; Herbert; Herring; Hethcote; Heyband; Hickman; Higdon; Higgins; Hight; Hill; Hines; Hinton; Hix; Hobbs; Holden; Holland; Hollensworth; Holloran; Holloway; Holloway & Smith; Holmes; Honeycutt; Hood; Horner; Horsburgh; Hott; Hott; House; Houser; Howard; Howe; Howell; Huckaby; Hudson; Huff; Hughes; Hughs; Hulm; Humphreys; Humphries; Hunnicutt; Hunstman; Hunt; Hunter; Hutcheson; Hyndman; Hynes; Imray; Irby; Irvine; Irving; Ivey; Ivy; Jackson; Jacobs; Jameson; Jane; Jarrett; Jarvis; Jean; Jeffers; Johns; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan; Judkins; Kane; Kate; Kee; Keeeling; Keeland; Keith; Kelly; Kennan; Kennon; Kerby; Kerr; Kindall; King; Kington; Kirk; Kirkland; Kitson; Knott; Lacey; Lacy; Ladd; Lamb; Lamerchant; Lang; Langley; Lanier; Lanthrop; Lanthrope; Lantrope; Lantrup; Lantrupt; Larrance; Lausette; Lawry; Laws; Lawson; Leacy; Leake; Leath; Ledbetter; Lee; Leigh; Leitch; Lenn; Lenox ; Leonard & Hall; Leonard; Lepper; Lessenbury; Lessenby; Lewis; Lidderdale; Lifsey; Ligon; Limbrick; Lindsey; Linear; Lisles; Lister; Littlepage; Littlewood; Livesay; Livingston; Livsey; Lobb; Lockley; Loffsey; Long; Lothbury; Lothian; Lovesay; Lovesey; Lovett; Lovse; Lovsee; Loyd; Lucas; Luke; Lyell; Lyon; Mabry; Macdaniel; Macfarland; Macfarlane; Machen; Mackinne; Mackling; Macrae; Madding; Madry; Mahan; Maidens; Maitland; Mallone; Mallory; Malone; Man; Manlove; Mann; Manson; Marable; Marck; Marcks; Markam; Marks; Marrible; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Massey; Matthews; Mattock; Mattox; May; Mayes; Mayo; Mayor; Mays; Mcan; Mccane; Mcclain; Mcclellan; Mcconnico; Mcdaniel; Mcdewell; Mcdonald; Mcdoniald; Mcdowell; Mcduell; Mcfarlane; Mcgehe; Mchann; Mckee; Mckenzie; Mckinzie; Mclane; Mclaren; Mcleod; Mclone; Mcmurdo; Mcneil; Mcrae & Harding; Mcwhann; Meade; Meadows; Mealy; Meanly; Menzies; Merrett; Merriott; Miles; Miller; Mills; Milne; Milner & Co.; Minge; Mingie; Minor; Mitchell; Moody; Mooney; Moony; Moor; Moore; Moreing; Moreland; Morgain; Morgan; Morison; Morris; Morrison; Moseley; Mosman; Motzer; Moyler; Muir; Mulbey; Munford; Murfee; Murphey; Murray; Mutter; Myrick; Nailer; Nance; Nanney; Napier; Nash; Naughton; Neal; Neblett; Neilson; Nelson; Newell; Newman; Niblett; Nicholas; Nicholes; Nichols; Nimmo; Nims; Nixon; Noble; Nolley; Norris; North; Norton; Nunnally; Odium; Ogbern; Ogilby; Oglesby; Oliver; Organ; Osborn; Osborne; Osmoone; Overbey; Overton; Owen; Pace; Pagan; Page; Pankey; Pannel; Pantergrass; Parham; Parrish; Parrott; Parsons; Partin; Passmore; Pate; Patrick; Pattason; Patterson; Patteson; Pattis; Payne; Peachey; Pearse; Pearsey; Pearson; Peebles; Peeples; Pegram; Pelham; Pender; Peniston; Penknard; Pennington; Pentecost; Peobles; Perkins; Perkinson; Perry; Peter; Peterson; Petree; Pettypool; Peyton; Phillips; Pigg; Pillion; Pinckard; Pinnix; Pittillo; Pointer; Pompey; Ponton; Porter; Potter; Potts; Powell; Poythress; Price; Pries; Pringle; Pritchett; Pugh; Pulliam; Pulling; Purdie; Purkiston; Putney; Quesnell; Quinichett; Ragsdale; Rain; Raine; Raines; Rainey; Rains; Ramsay; Ramsey; Randolph; Raney; Ranye; Rather; Ravenscroft; Rawlings; Read; Reading; Redding; Redwood; Reed; Reekes; Rees; Reese; Reess; Reeves; Renn; Rennard; Richard; Richards; Richardson; Riddick; Rieves; Rigg; Right; Rinny; Rivers; Rives; Roan; Roberson; Roberts; Robertson; Robins; Robinson; Rookings; Ropex; Rose; Ross; Rosser; Rowland; Rowlett; Royal; Royall; Ruffin; Russell; Sadler; Salmon; Sanders; Sargeant & Richardson; Saunders; Savage; Savedge; Scarbrough; Scoggan; Scoggin; Scoggins; Scotland; Scott; Sears; Seayres; Selden; Sempill; Semple; Sentall; Shackleford; Shackleton; Shaw; Sheffeild; Sheilds; Shelley; Shelton; Sherman; Sherrard; Sherrock; Sherwin; Sherwood; Shoemaker; Shore; Shore, Mcconnico & Robertson; Shore, Mcconnico & Kitson; Short; Sills; Simmonds; Simmons; Simpson; Sims; Singleton; Skelton; Skipwith; Slaughter; Sledge; Sloan; Smart; Smith; Snead; Snepe; Sogins; Sotherby; Southall; Spencer; Spiers; Spiller; Spooner; Stackhouse; Stainback; Stannings; Stark; Starke; Staunton; Stephens; Stevens; Stevenson; Steward; Stewart; Stith; Stoa; Stone; Stott & Donaldson; Strachan; Strange; Stratton; Streat; Stroud; Stuard; Stuart; Studdert; Sturdivant; Sutherland; Suttowhite; Swepson; Syckes; Sykes; Tabb; Tadlock; Taely; Tailey; Talbott; Tanner; Tapley; Tarley; Tarpley; Tatam; Tate; Tatum; Taylor; Tayton; Temple; Tench; Terry; Tewell; Thacker; Tharp; Tholmorton; Thomas; Thompson; Thomson; Threwitts; Thweatt; Tidmarsh; Tillman; Timberlake; Tinch; Titmarsh; Titmus; Tollman; Tomlinson; Toney; Torrance; Travis; Tree; Trent; Trowles; Tucker; Turnbull; Turner; Twitty; Tyas; Tyus; Ussey; Valentine; Vannerson; Vass; Vaughan; Vaughn; Vincent; Wade; Wadkins; Wagnon; Wainwright; Walker; Wall; Wallace; Wallis; Walpole; Walthall; Walton; Wamack; Wammack; Wammock; Wardrop; Warradine; Warren; Warthen; Watkins; Watson; Watts; Wayles; Wayne; Weathers; Weeks; Weisiger; Wells; Wesbroke; Wesbrook; Westmore & Maitland; Westwestmore; Wheeler; White; White & Whittle; Whitehall; Whitehead; Whitfield; Whitlock; Whitmore; Whittle; Whittmore; Whitworth; Wickett; Wilkerson; Wilkins; Wilkinson; Williams; Williamson; Willis; Wilson; Winn; Withers; Womack; Woobank; Wood; Woodham; Woodleif; Woodward; Wooten; Worsham; Wortham; Wright; Wyatt; Wyche; Wylie; Wynn; Wynne; Yates; Young; Yuill; Yuille;
"Bailies" Plantation; "Becors" Plantation; "Brandon" Plantation; "Bullhill" Plantation; "Butlers" Plantation; "Caits" Plantation; "Church Pasture Quarter"; "Clements"plantation; "Curetons" Plantation; "Elk Island" Plantation; "Frozen Island" Plantation; "Goodwins" Plantation; "Hawfields" Plantation; "Hopewell"; "Irbeys" Plantation; "Jordans" Plantation; "Leaths" Plantation; "Ledbetters" Plantation; "Maycox" Plantation; "Moors" Plantation; "Munfords" Plantation; "Piny Slash" Plantation; "Pools Old Field"; "Smithneck" Plantation; "The Church Land"; "The Church Tract"; "The Bowling Alley" Plantation; "Tuckers" Plantation; "Whitehall" Plantation; "Wood Yard" Plantation; Aberdeen, Scotland; Amelia County; Batte's Ferry; Baxter's Mill; Bland's Ordinary; Bland's Mill; Blandford Church; Blandford, Town Of; Blandford Warehouse; Blanton's Warehouse; Boyd's Warehouse; Broadway, Town Of; Brunswick County; Canterbury, Prerogative Court Of; Caroline County; Charles City County; Charleston, S.C.; Charlotte County; Chesterfield County; Clerk's Office; Davises Warehouse; Dinwiddie County; Dreghorn, North Britain; Edgecombe County, N.C.; Edinburgh, Scotland; Fluvanna County; Gammlesheills, Scotland; Georgia, State Of; Gilbert's Ordinary; Glasgow, Scotland; Gloucester County; Goochland County; Grammar School; Aberdeen in Scotland; Greenock, Britain; Greensville County; Halifax County, Va.; Halifax County, N.C.; Hanover County; Henrico County; Highgate, Middlesex, England; Hood's Warehouse; Indian Old Field; Inverness, Scotland; Isle of Wight County; Johnson County, N.C.; King William County; London, England; Louisa County; Marischal College, Aberdeen, Scotland; Mecklenburg County; Merchants Hope Chapel; Middlesex County, England; Morton, Scotland; Nansemond County; New Blandford, Town Of; Norfolk, Town Of; North Carolina; Orange County, N.C.; Petersburg, Town Of; Richmond, City Of; Smithfield, Town Of; Southampton County; St Thomas, Island Of; Strachan Parish of (In Scotland); Surry County; Sussex County; Warren County, N.C.; Wayne County, N.C.; Wilks County, Georgia; William & Mary College; Williamsburg, Town Of; Womacks Bridge; York County;
Commissioner's Report; Continental Army Service; Earmarks; Emancipation; General Court; Indians; Militia; Mulattoes; Negroes; Ordinaries; Overseers of the Poor; Parish Precincts; Prison, Plat Of; Quakers; Road Signs; Runaways; Tithables; Whipping Post; Wolves;
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Allen; Allin; Andrews; Armistead; Avery; Bair Gordon & Co.; Baird; Baisseau; Ball; Banner; Batee; Batte; Belsches; Biggers; Biggins; Biggis; Binford; Birchett; Bland; Bonner; Browder; Brown; Browne; Burchett; Burge; Burrow; Call; Car; Cate; Chapple; Clarke; Clerk; Cocke; Coleman; Cottan; Curetan; Davenport; Day; Draper; Edwards; Epes; Fernando; Finney; Fletcher; Gary; Gee; Gilliam; Gillium; Glover; Gooddame; Gordon 1; Grantham; Haddon; Haden; Hall; Hamlin; Harrison; Harrrison; Heath; Hinton; Hobbs; Hunnicutt; Ivey; Jones; Lasey; Leath; Lessenberry; Lewis; Linsay; Livesay; Markes; Mason; Matthews; Matton; McConnico; Meade; Morgan; Morison; Morrison; Murray; Neblett; Newell; Noble; Nugent; Parham; Parker; Parsons; Peebles; Pennestone; Peter; Peterson; Poythress; Ragsdale; Raines; Richards; Richardson; Rives; Roan; Robertson; Rosser; Ruffin; Shore; Simmons; Smith; Stackhouse; Stainback; Stephens; Stuben; Sturdivant; Tatum; Temple; Tewell; Thweatt; Travis; Warthen; Watkins; Watson; Weeks; Wilkens; Wilkerson; Wilkins; William; Williams; Willison; Womack; Wommack; Woodleif; Woodley; Wyatt;
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