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Powhatan County, VA: Surname Lists
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Surnames from Powhatan Co., VA Wills, 1777-1795:,
Adams; Archer; Atkinson; Atkisson; Badgett; Bagby; Bailey; Ballow; Banton; Barbee; Barner; Barnes; Barret; Baskerville; Bass; Bauah; Baugh; Bayley; Beck; Bedford; Bentley; Betts; Bingley; Biscoe; Blackly; Bonderant; Branch; Bransford; Bricken; Bryan; Bryant; Brydin; Burch; Burnett; Burton; Caldwell; Cannon; Carden; Cardwell; Carrington; Carter; Chastain; Cheatwood; Chodoin; Christian; Clarke; Clay; Clement; Clough; Cosby; Coverley; Coverly; Cox; Crump; Crutchley; Currin; Daniel; Davis; Dean; Depp; Dickins; Driver; Duiguid; Duncan; Dupie; Dupuy; Edward Cox; Edwards; Eggleston; Elam; Fagan; Faris; Farley; Farlie; Farrar; Ferguson; Fitzsimmons; Fitzsimons; Fleming; Flournoy; Folkins; Forlines; Forsee; Fowler; Franklin; French; Fuquay; Gay; Gibbs; Gibson; Giles; Gillis; Goff; Good; Goode; Gordon; Gowdy; Gresham; Gwen; Hall; Hambleton; Harris; Hartin; Haskins; Hatcher; Henderson; Henley; Hill; Hix; Hobson; Honor; Hopperts; Howard; Huddleston; Hughes; James; Jean; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jordan; Jude; Kerr; Lacy; Langston; Lansdon; Leet; Lesuer; Lesueur; Lesueure; Lewis; Ligon; Lipon; Lockett; Logwood; Luce; Maccraw; Macon; Mallory; Markham; Marshall; Martin; Matthews; Maxey; Mayo; *; McCraw; McGehee; McKenzie; McLaren; McLaurine; McNeil; MCraw; Merrideth; Merritt; Michaux; Miller; Minter; Moody; Moore; Mosby; Moseley; Moss; Mumford; Murray; Netherland; Nevins; Nichols; Noel; Northcut; Nunnally; Oliver; Owen; Pankey; Perkins; Phelpes; Pittman; Pleasants; Pollock; Poor; Poore; Porter; Povall; Powell; Price; Primrose; Prosser; Radford; Railey; Raper; Read; Roberts; Robertson; Ronald; Roper; Royster; Salle; Sallee; Salmons; Sandefur; Saunders; Scott; Scruggs; Sears; Sheperson; Sled; Smith; Soblet; Spears; Spiears; Steger; Stephens; Stevenson; Stinson; Stovall; Strange; Stratton; Street; Strong; Sublett; Swann; Tabb; Tayler; Taylor; Thompson; Tiller; Tinsley; Toney; Trent; Tucker; Turpin; Vaughan; Walls; Walthall; Watkins; Watson; Webb; Wilkerson; Wilkinson; Wilks; Williams; Williamson; Wilson; Winfrey; Woodfin; Woodson; Wooldridge; Worley; Worsham; Wright.
Slaves and owners:
Slave of George Cox; Isbel;
Slaves of Alexander Trent; Biddah; Billy; Cato; Farthing; Isabel; Jack; Jenny ; Mary; Moses; Nancy; Robin; Rose; Sarah; Seyrus;
Slaves of Benjamin Netherland; Dick; Jude; Luce; Ned; Phillis); Robin'; Simon'; Wappen;
Slaves of Charles Clay; Biddy ; Grace ; Jacob ;
Slaves of Daniel Branch; Abram; Adam ; Aggy ; Biddah; Cesar; Charles; Fann ; Frank; Hannah; Jane ; Jenny; Sarah; York ;
Slaves of Ed Hix; Biddah; Devonshire;
Slaves of Edith Harris; Brister; Harry ; Jude; Nell; Pat. Luce; Rachel;
Slaves of Edward Cox; Biddah; Boo; Dick; Jude; Luce; Lundy;
Slaves of Edward Haskins; Abb ; Anthony; Austin; Bess; Biddah; Charity; Dick; Eave; Edey; Jacob; Joe ; Jone; Lewis; Little Rachel; Michael; Nan ; Pat ; Rachel; Sam ; Sipio; Wat ;
Slaves of Elizabeth Hatcher; Biddah; Charity'; Grace;
Slaves of George Cox; Dinah; Jane;
Slaves of George Cox,; Biddah ;
Slaves of George Owen; Biddah ; Charles; Chester; Dick; Jack; Jane; Jude; Robin; Sall; Will;
Slaves of Henry Cox; Agg; Biddah; Doll; Henry; Joe; Pegg; Sam; Warwick; Will ;
Slaves of Isaac Porter; Biddah; Gammer; Hampton; Peter ; Sukev ;
Slaves of Jacob Mosby; Biddah ; Hannah ; long Tom; Lydia; short Tom;
Slaves of James Harris; Charles; Doll; Hannah; James ; Jude; Mille ; old Joe; Poant ; Will;
Slaves of James Moss; Biddah; Frank; James; Peter; Sam; Simon; Sue; Yellow;
Slaves of John Barner; Bob; Dilsey ; Flora; Jerry; Julia; Phillis; Rose; Sarry; Ursula ;
Slaves of John Baskerville; Betty; Boller; Cate; Ester; Hannah; Lucy; Natt; Phillis'; Rachel; Robin; Betty; Biddah; Bob; Boller; Cate; Celivia; Ester; Fanny; George; Hannah; Jack; Jamy; Jane; Jimmy; Lucy; Milly; Moll; Moses; Natt; Phillis; Rachel; Robin;
Slaves of John Porter; Amias; Biddah ; Cate; Cesar; Chloe; Cumbs; Dilsey ; Duk; Jupiter; Nancy; Pender ; Sarah; Sue; Toby;
Slaves of Joseph Bauah; Agos; Amy; Bess; Betty ; Cesar ; Dilcy ; Jacob ; Jene; Joe; John; Kate;
Slaves of Joseph Harris; Biddah; Fany ;
Slaves of Joseph Woodson; Biddah; Phillis;
Slaves of Nathaniel Maxey; Antony; Joe; Martin; Sarah;
Slaves of Peter Sublett; Biddah; Biddey; Caesar; Dick ; Frank; Isaac; James; Jordan; Mingo; Nancy; old Jude; Peter; Rachel; Tom;
Slaves of Peterfield Turpin; Kate; Biddah; Celia; Hannibal; Jacob; Jean; Julia; Mila; Myrtilla; Nancy; Sylvia; Tibid; young Amos; young Nancy;
Slaves of Rachel Baugh; Any; Biddah; Caesar; Cate; Frank ; Jack; Julius; Nancy ; old Bess; old Jane; Phillis; Rose; young Bess;
Slaves of Richard Eggleston; Abner; Avey; Dorcas; Essex; great James; Jeffery'; Nancy; one-eyed James; Reny; Robin; Simon; Watt; Will;
Slaves of Richard Ligon; Bob; Hannah; Jacob; Kenah; Tim ; Amey ; Arthur; Ben; Bety ; Biddah; Jeffry ; Cloe ; Dinah; Doll ; Eady ; Hannah; Harry; Isaac; Jacob; Jeffrey; Jeffry;
Slaves of Richard Moseley; Jenny; Judith; Kate ; Kenah; Lucy ; Moll ; Murrier; Nan; Nancy; Ned; ol Moll; Peter; Phil ; Phillip; Phillis; Robin; Sam; Sarah; Suckey; Tim; Arthur; Abram; Adam; Agytche; Anthony; Betty; Bob; Bowser; Bridgett; Cesar; Clarry; Davie; Farthing; great Sue'; Hannah; Jack; Jim; Joe Little; Lid; Lucy; Moll; Parah; Pat; Sam; Sue; Tan; Toney; Will;
Slaves of Robert Hughes; Biddah; Chloe; Daffney; Daphney; Dinah; Effie; Fanny; Francis; Jane ; John ; Julius; Liddy; Lucy ; Nancy; Peter; Pompey; Simon; Tener; Thomas; Will ; William;
Slaves of Robert Smith; Aaron ; Aggy; Anaky ; Biddah; Boson ; Bristoe; Charles Ned; Dice; Fanny ; Hannah; Isaac ; Jacob ; James ; Jane; Judith; Lewis ; Milley; Nann; Phill ; Sall; Sarah ; Sippo ; Stephen; York;
Slaves of Samuel Flournoy; Abraham; Absalom; Agge; Amy; Annaky; Annis; Avery; Charles; Cloe; Couper; Darcus; Dilcy; Florah; Frank; George; Hampton; Jacob; James; Jane; Joe; Judith; Kate; little Hannah; Lucy; Matt; Murriah; Nan; old Dilcy; Pat; Peter; Phebe; Phil; Pompay; Pop; Raner; Rubin; Sampson; Sirus; Suckey; Syphax; Tom; Will; Yarmouth; York; Ziba;
Slaves of Thomas Ballow; Biddah; Emanuel; Jacob; little Rachel; Patt ; Rachel; York ;
Slaves of Thomas Miller; Abram; Andrew; Beck ; Betty; Biddah; Billy; Cate ; Clara; Damon; Daniel; Frank; George; Hetty; Jack ; Jubar; Judah; Little Hook; Nancy; Primus; Sarah; Sukey;
Slaves of Thomas Smith; Bette ; Biddah; Charles; Milly ;
Slaves of Thomas Turpin; Absalom; Biddah; Celia; Charles; Fanny; Hampton; Hannabal; Harry; Jacob; Jim; John ; Kate ; Mila ; Morris; Myrtilla; Nancy; old Amos; Peg; Peter; young Annas; young Nancy;
Slaves of William Banton; Archer; Doll;
Slaves of William Daniel; Bellow; Biddah; Lilly; Nan ; Ned ; Sam ; Stephen; Warwick;
Slaves of William Harris; Aaron; Addam; Anaky; Anna; Beck; Betsy; Betty; Biddah; Billy; Brister; Charity; Charles; Crease; Daniel; Edith; Frank; Hampshire; Hannah; Hanner; Harry; Jacob; Jim ; John; Judith; Matthew; Milley; Mingo; Molly; Moses; Nancy; Old Jinny; Olive ; Olive; Peter; Phil; Phill; Polly; Rose; Ruth; Sam ; Sammy; Suckey; Toby; Tom ; Ursley; Zachariah;
Slaves of William Smith; Barnet; Beck ; Biddah; Cordis; Hannah; Harry; Humphrey; Jacob; James; Jane ; Julius; Lucy ; Molly; Moses; Olive; Peter; Robbin; Rose ; Sue; Tim; Ursley; young Jane;
Places Cited:
Agee's Creek; Albemarle Co.; Amelia Co.; Amherst Co.; Appomattox River; Beaver Dam (Plantation at); Bedford Co.; Bollings Creek; Buckingham Co.; Buckingham Co. ; Camble Co.; Cellar Creek; Charlotte Co.; Chastains branch; Chesterfield Co.; Cold Comfort (Plantation); Cumberland Co.; Cumberland Co.,; Dallions branch; Dennis's (Plantation); Edward Co.; Elk Island; England; Flat Rock; Flatrock; Font Hill (Plantation); Goochland Co.; Goochland Co. ; Halifax Co.; Henrico Co.; James River; Jones Creek; Kentucky; Kentucky County; Long branch; Luckadoe's spring branch ; Manakin Creek; Manchester; Mecklenburg Co. ; Muddy Creek; Mychunck Creek; Northumberland Co.; Old School House tract; Poplar Springs; Prince Edward Co.; Roanoke River; Scotts Tract; Scottsville; Skinquarter Creek; Slates (Plantation); The Old Quarter; Tuckahoe Creek; Westham;
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