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Buckingham County Virginia

Map of Va: Buckingham CountyBuckingham County was established on 1 May 1761 from the southeastern portion of Albemarle County lying south of the James River. It was probably named for its namesake, Buckinghamshire, in England. According to some sources, the name came from the estate of Archibald Cary. Called Buckingham, on what was then Willis’s Creek. In 1778 a small triangular area bordering the James River was given to Cumberland County. In 1845 part was taken from Buckingham to form the northern portion of Appomattox County. A final adjustment of the Appomattox-Buckingham county line was made in 1860, and Buckingham's borders became fixed in their present form. A fire at the court house in Buckingham in 1869 destroyed most of the early records of this county.

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[SEE ALSO Bath Parish Register, 1827-1897 and St. Andrew's Parish Vestry Book 1732-1797 under Dinwiddie County

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA 1810 CENSUS transcribed, with an index by John Vogt. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, x, 38 pages, illustrations, maps, index.. This is the first surviving census for Buckingham, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost. A complete index is included for easy access. Buckingham was an important Southside county with a heavy slave population, and the census record covers 1,303 households. The manuscript itself is in poor condition, with more than one-third of the pages which are very difficult to decipher. However, by careful comparison, every name in the document has been recovered. This document should be a complement to the fine work of Roger Ward (below) on land taxes in the county.
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[BK10] $11.00     (printed version)

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[EBK10] $7.00     (electronic version)

SOME WILLS FROM THE BURNED COUNTIES OF VIRGINIA compiled by William Lindsay Hopkins. 6x9 format. Wills from circa 1670-1830 for the counties of Brunswick, Buckingham, Caroline, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Elizabeth City, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, Nansemond, New Kent, Prince George, Prince William, Stafford, and Warwick Counties, Va.

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[Swbc] $32.00     (printed version)

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[ESwbc] $20.00     (electronic version)

STUDY OF A PLANTATION FAMILY 1761-1867 (MAURY-WILCOX-EPPES-HUBBARD), by Jeanne Stinson, 2006. iv, 96 pages. Extracted from records in the Virginia State Archives &The Hubbard Papers of the University of North Carolina Wilson Library
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[Bkpl] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EBkpl] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA DEATH RECORDS, 1853-1868, including records from early newspapers and printed sources by Jeanne Stinson, 2000. vi, 207 pages, index. The author, who has numerous titles on this "burned county", fills in the period just prior to the courthouse fire by transcribing the county clerk's death records from the surviving copy held by the state auditor of public accounts in Richmond. In addition, she has searched contemporary newspapers from the area as well as secondary published sources (including the W.P.A. records) to produce the most thorough death record of this county to date.
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[Bkdr] $26.95     (printed version)

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[EBkdr] $18.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA 1902 COUNTY VOTERS REGISTRATION BOOK by Jeanne Stinson, 2003. 11 x 8 1/2, viii, 75 pages. The author has transcribed the voters registration sheets for each of the county's voting precincts at the beginning of the 1900s. Included in the data is the precinct, name of each voters, their date of birth, age, occupation, residence within the county, years lived in Buckingham Co., years lived in that particular district, and any military service they might have had. This is a valuable data base for both white and African-American genealogists searching their roots.
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[EBkvr] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND TAX SUMMARIES & IMPLIED DEEDS, Volume 1: 1782-1814 by Roger G. Ward, 1993. 343 pages, index. The author has thoroughly researched the land tax records for this important "burned" county and has constructed abstracts for each landholder, bringing disparate records together into a single abstract. Subsequent volumes will continue this series.
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[Bkx1] $29.50     (printed version)

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[EBkx1] $20.00

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND TAX SUMMARIES & IMPLIED DEEDS, Volume 2: 1815-1840 by Roger G. Ward, 1994. vi, 300 pages, index. A continuation of the volume above.
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[Bkx2] $27.00     (printed version)

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[EBkx2] $20.00

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND TAX SUMMARIES & IMPLIED DEEDS, Volume 3: 1841-1870 by Roger G. Ward, 1995. vi, 342 pages, index. A continuation of the volume above.
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[Bkx3] $29.50     (printed version)

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[EBkx3] $20.00

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1850 U.S. CENSUS by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, 1984. 151 pages, surname index. Records of this county were burned in 1869. The census lists all free persons, black and white, living in each household, giving name and age, occupation of males over 16, value of real estate and state or country (and sometimes county) of birth.
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[Bk50] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EBK50] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1860 U.S. CENSUS by Randy Kidd. 1994. vi, 169 pages, index. Records of this county were burned in 1869. The census lists all free persons, black and white, living in each household, giving name and age, occupation of males over 16, value of real estate & personal property, and state or country (and sometimes county) of birth.
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[Bk60] $19.95

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[EBK60] $12.00     (electronic version)

EARLY BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, LEGAL PAPERS. VOLUME ONE: 1765-1806 by Jeanne Stinson, 1993, vi, 8«x11, 110 pages, photos, index. Records of this county were burned in 1869. The author has recovered valuable information by transcribing the accounts and legal papers on Buckingham currently housed in the Austin-Twyman collection of the Earl Gregg Swem Library at the College of William and Mary.
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[Bclp] $24.00     (printed version)

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[EBclp] $15.00     (electronic version)

LOST BUCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA MARRIAGES by Randy Kidd & Jeanne Stinson, 1992, xii, 251 pages, photos, index. Records of this county were burned in 1869. The authors have recovered valuable marriage records for this county from a missing register of 1854-1868, as well as abstracting marriages from various earlier newspaper sources and W.P.A. inventories and private sources. Over 1,100 marriages are reproduced here.
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[Buck] $24.95     (printed version)

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[EBuck] $18.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA UNDETERMINED CHANCERY FILES INDEX by Jeanne Stinson, 1994, vi, 121 pages, index. This is volume two of Ms. Stinson's magnificent research effort into the records of Buckingham County. She utilizes the almost forgotten file boxes of undetermined chancery suits (many of which give evidence predating the 1869 fire) to elucidate the lives of many Buckingham residents who came in contact with the court system.
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[Bucf] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EBUCF] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTE BOOK, 1870-1887 by Jeanne Stinson, 1994, vi, ca. 100 pages, index. The following is an abstract of the minutes taken at the Board of Supervisor's meetings containing a chronological history of the rebuilding of the Court house and other facilities at the Court House Square. The Poorhouse accounts and the County Treasury Accounts are also included. Lists include jurors, persons dealing with the poorhouse, premiums paid for "scalps" and election officials.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Bbsm
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[Bbsm] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EBbsm] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA EXTANT POLL LISTS (1788, 1840, 1841 & 1848) by Jeanne Stinson, 1994, vi, 136 pages, index. This is volume one of Ms. Stinson's magnificent research series, "Historical Records of Buckingham County, Virginia." She utilizes the poll lists for contested federal or state elections to locate residents of this burned county in space (voting district) and time. A most valuable addition to the history of Buckingham.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Bkel
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[Bkel] $17.00     (printed version)

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[EBkel] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA CHURCH AND MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1764-1822 Compiled and abstracted by Mary Bondurant Warren, 1993, 87 pages, map full name index. This is a compilation of the surviving colonial Vestry books, indentures, and tax lists for Tillotson Parish, along with fragmentary Buckingham Baptist church minutes and marriage records kept by Rev. Rane Chastain.
To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Bkcr
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[Bkcr] $14.50     (printed version)

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[EBkcr] $8.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA NATIVES WHO DIED ELSEWHERE, 1853-1896 by Roger G. Ward, 1995. 133 pages, index. This project consisted of reviewing the Virginia State-wide Death Registers of 1853 to 1896 (Microfilm Reel 1 to Reel 38 to identify those persons listed in the various counties and independent cities who had listed as their place of birth as Buckingham County. Approximately 1,500 death entries (including about 100 slave entries) are published here.
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[Bkde] $16.95     (printed version)

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[EBkde] $10.00     (electronic version)

BUCKINGHAM CO., VA. 1870 U.S. CENSUS transcribed by Jeanne Stinson. 1998. iv, 281 pages, index. Records of this county were burned in 1869. The census lists all persons, both black and white, living in each household, giving name and age, race and sex, occupation of males over 16, value of real estate & personal property, and state or country (and sometimes county) of birth, and age of children born within the census year. Also included is personal information on the individual educational level (read/write, deaf/dumb, attending school, etc.)
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[BK70] $27.00

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[EBK70] $19.00     (electronic version)

Buckingham Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 37 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners
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[Vd13] $9.00     (printed version)

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[EVd13] $6.00     (electronic version)

Buckingham Co. Revolutionary Public Claims transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten.. 2005. 37 pages, 5 1/2X8 1/2.

For a full description of the Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims and a listing of available counties, see: Revolutionary "Publick" Claims series

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[Pc10] $6.00     (printed version)

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BURNED COUNTY DATA, 1809-1848 (AS FOUND IN THE VIRGINIA CONTESTED ELECTION FILES) by Benjamin B. Weisiger,III, 1986. 100 pages, index. The author has examined a previously unexplored source of information for valuable genealogical information regarding "burned counties." The bulk of the data consists of depositions regarding qualifications of the voter (e.g., land ownership, age, length of residence in the county, etc.) as well as data gleaned from a number of attached wills, deeds, and even a Bible register.

From the author’s introduction-

Genealogical research in the burned record counties of Virginia poses a real challenge. Any data that can add to our store of knowledge in this area is always helpful. An unexplored source of information is in the State Contested Election Files. These are found in boxes dating from 1790 to 1950. Data of a genealogical nature is found in the depositions regarding land ownership, age and length of residence in the county, as well as in a number of attached wills, deeds and even a Bible register.

The General Assembly in 1818 updated the election laws in regard to voter qualification. White male landowners had always been the only voters. The law of 1818 spelled out qualifications as follows:

"Every male citizen of the Commonwealth, aged twenty-one years (other than free negroes or mulattoes, or such as have refused to give assurance of fidelity to the Commonwealth), being possessed or, whose tenant for years at will or sufferance is possessed of twenty-five acres of land, with house, the superficial content of the foundation of which is twelve feet square, or equal to that quantity, and a plantation thereon, or fifty acres of unimproved land, or a lot or part of a lot in a city or town by act of General Assembly with a house thereon of the like superficial quantity, having in such land an estate of freehold at least, and unless the title shall have come to him by descent, devise, marriage or marriage settlement, having been so possessed for 6 months; and no other person shall be qualified to vote for delegates to serve in General Assembly for the county, city or borough respectively in which the land lieth. If the fifty acres of land, being one entire parcel, lie in several counties, the holder shall vote in the county where the greater part of the land lieth only; and if the twenty-five acres, being one entire parcel, be in several counties, the holder shall vote only in the county wherein the house standeth. In the right of land holden by parceners, joint tenants or tenants in common, but one vote shall be given by all the holders capable of voting, who may be present and agree to vote for the same candidate, or candidates, unless the quantity of land in case partition had been made thereof, be sufficient to entitle every holder to vote separately, or unless some one or more of the holders may lawfully vote in right of another estate or estates in the same county; in which case the others may vote, if holding solely they might have voted; provided nevertheless that no person inhabiting the District of Columbia or elsewhere not within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth shall be entitled to exercise the right of suffrage therein, except citizens thereof employed abroad in the service of the United States or of this Commonwealth, and whose foreign residence is occasioned by such service."

The procedure in contested elections was also specified in the law. There was no secret ballot, so that the contestants knew who voted for and against them.

The following counties and elections are included in the current volume: Hanover (1825); Buckingham (1809, 1840, 1848); Charles City (1821, 1838); Gloucester (1827); New Kent (1838); James City (1845); and Caroline (1843).
In the preparation of this book only the burned record counties were surveyed, up to 1850.

The reader is advised to go to the original if he or she finds data of interest here.

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